    public static Swing FromTo(CartesianAxis twistAxis, Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
         * This function is not optimized.
         * I should write an optimized version if I need to use FromTo in production.


        float fromX = from[((int)twistAxis + 0) % 3];
        float fromY = from[((int)twistAxis + 1) % 3];
        float fromZ = from[((int)twistAxis + 2) % 3];

        float toX = to[((int)twistAxis + 0) % 3];
        float toY = to[((int)twistAxis + 1) % 3];
        float toZ = to[((int)twistAxis + 2) % 3];

        Vector2 axis = Vector2.Normalize(new Vector2(fromZ - toZ, toY - fromY));

        float   projectionLength = axis.X * fromY + axis.Y * fromZ;
        Vector2 projection       = axis * projectionLength;   //by construction, projection onto axis is same for from and to
        Vector3 fromRejection    = new Vector3(fromY - projection.X, fromZ - projection.Y, fromX);
        Vector3 toRejection      = new Vector3(toY - projection.X, toZ - projection.Y, toX);
        Vector3 rejectionCross   = Vector3.Cross(fromRejection, toRejection);
        float   rejectionDot     = Vector3.Dot(fromRejection, toRejection);

        float angle = (float)Atan2(axis.X * rejectionCross.X + axis.Y * rejectionCross.Y, rejectionDot);

        return(Swing.AxisAngle(axis.X, axis.Y, angle));
    public static TwistSwing Decompose(CartesianAxis twistAxis, Quaternion q)

        float w = q.W;
        float x = q[(int)twistAxis];
        float y = q[((int)twistAxis + 1) % 3];
        float z = q[((int)twistAxis + 2) % 3];

        float swingW = (float)Sqrt(Sqr(w) + Sqr(x));

        float twistW, twistZ;

        if (swingW != 0)
            twistW = w / swingW;
            twistZ = x / swingW;
            //if swingW is 0, then there isn't a unique decomposition, so I'll arbitrarily assume no twist
            twistW = 1;
            twistZ = 0;

        float swingY = twistW * y - twistZ * z;
        float swingZ = twistW * z + twistZ * y;

        var twist = new Twist(Sign(twistW) * twistZ);
        var swing = new Swing(swingY, swingZ);

        return(new TwistSwing(twist, swing));
    public static void DecomposeIntoTwistThenSwing(this Quaternion q, Vector3 axis, out Quaternion twist, out Quaternion swing)

        float dot = axis.X * q.X + axis.Y * q.Y + axis.Z * q.Z;

        twist = new Quaternion(dot * axis, q.W);
        swing = q * Quaternion.Invert(twist);
    public static Swing To(CartesianAxis twistAxis, Vector3 to)

        float toX = to[((int)twistAxis + 0) % 3];
        float toY = to[((int)twistAxis + 1) % 3];
        float toZ = to[((int)twistAxis + 2) % 3];

         * To reconstruct the swing quaternion, we need to calculate:
         *     <y, z> = Sin[angle / 2] * rotation-axis
         *     w = Cos[angle / 2]
         * We know:
         *     Cos[angle]
         *       = Dot[twist-axis, to]
         *       = toX
         *     rotation-axis
         *       = Normalize[Cross[twist-axis, to]]
         *       = Normalize[<-toZ, toX>]
         *       = <-toZ, toX> / Sqrt[toX^2 + toZ^2]
         *       = <-toZ, toX> / Sqrt[1 - toX^2]
         * So:
         *     w = Cos[angle / 2]
         *       = Sqrt[(1 + Cos[angle]) / 2]    (half-angle trig identity)
         *       = Sqrt[(1 + toX) / 2]
         *    <y,z>
         *      = Sin[angle / 2] * rotation-axis
         *      = Sqrt[(1 - Cos[angle]) / 2] * rotation-axis    (half-angle trig identity)
         *      = Sqrt[(1 - toX) / 2] * rotation-axis
         *      = Sqrt[(1 - toX) / 2] / Sqrt[1 - toX^2] * <-toZ, toY>
         *      = Sqrt[(1 - toX) / (2 * (1 - toX^2))] * <-toZ, toY>
         *      = Sqrt[(1 - toX) / (2 * (1 - toX) * (1 + toX))] * <-toZ, toY>
         *      = Sqrt[1 / (2 * (1 + toX))] * <-toZ, toY>
         *      = 1 / (2 * w) * <-toZ, toY>
        float ww = (1 + toX);
        float wy = -toZ;
        float wz = +toY;

        if (ww < MathUtil.ZeroTolerance)
            // This is a 180 degree swing (W = 0) so X and Y don't have a unique value
            // I'll arbitrarily use:
            return(new Swing(1, 0));

        return(Swing.MakeUnitized(ww, wy, wz));
    public static Swing AxisAngle(float axisY, float axisZ, float angle)
        angle = (float)IEEERemainder(angle, 2 * PI);
        if (angle == 0)
            return(new Swing(0, 0));

        DebugUtilities.AssertIsUnit(axisY, axisZ);

        float halfSin = (float)Sin(angle / 2);

        return(new Swing(halfSin * axisY, halfSin * axisZ));