        protected override void OnUpdate()
            var joinPoints   = GetComponentDataFromEntity <LineJoinPoint>(true);
            var lines        = GetComponentDataFromEntity <Line>(true);
            var knotBuffers  = GetBufferFromEntity <LineKnotData>(true);
            var linesToCheck = mergeCheckQuery.ToEntityArray(Allocator.TempJob);

            .RemoveComponent <MergeCheck>(mergeCheckQuery);

            Dependency = new LineMergeJob
                Lines          = lines,
                LineEntities   = linesToCheck,
                LineJoinPoints = joinPoints,
                LineProfiles   = GetComponentDataFromEntity <LineProfile>(),
                LineKnotData   = knotBuffers,
                Ecb            = LineEndSimBufferSystem.Instance.CreateCommandBuffer().ToConcurrent(),
                DefaultProfile = LineProfile.Default()
            }.Schedule(linesToCheck.Length, 4, Dependency);

            // TODO only trigger this when lines are merged
            Dependency = new LineTriggerMeshRebuildJob
                Ecb           = LineEndSimBufferSystem.Instance.CreateCommandBuffer().ToConcurrent(),
                Lines         = GetComponentDataFromEntity <Line>(true),
                LineProfiles  = GetComponentDataFromEntity <LineProfile>(true),
                LineEntities  = linesToCheck,
                DefaultPrefab = LineDefaultMeshBuilderSystem.Prefab
            }.Schedule(linesToCheck.Length, 4, Dependency);

            Dependency = new LineSetDirtyJob
                Ecb          = LineEndSimBufferSystem.Instance.CreateCommandBuffer().ToConcurrent(),
                LineEntities = linesToCheck
            }.Schedule(linesToCheck.Length, 4, Dependency);

            Dependency = new DeallocateJob <Entity>
                NativeArray1 = linesToCheck

            /// <inheritdoc />
            protected override JobHandle SetComponentData(EntityManager entityManager, NativeArray <Entity> entities)
                var componentType = entityManager.GetArchetypeChunkComponentType <T>(false);

                var chunks = this.query.CreateArchetypeChunkArray(Allocator.TempJob);

                int startIndex = 0;

                var handles = new NativeArray <JobHandle>(this.queues.Count, Allocator.TempJob);

                // Create a job for each queue. This is designed so that these jobs can run simultaneously.
                for (var index = 0; index < this.queues.Count; index++)
                    var queue = this.queues[index];
                    var job   = new SetComponentDataJob
                        Chunks        = chunks,
                        Queue         = queue,
                        StartIndex    = startIndex,
                        ComponentType = componentType,

                    startIndex += queue.Count;

                    handles[index] = job.Schedule();

                var handle = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(handles);


                // Deallocate the chunk array
                handle = new DeallocateJob <NativeArray <ArchetypeChunk> >(chunks).Schedule(handle);
