        public virtual DbTypeDef AddDbTypeDef(string name, Type columnOutType, DbTypeFlags flags = DbTypeFlags.None,
                                              string specTemplate       = null, string aliases    = null,
                                              byte?defaultPrecision     = null, byte?defaultScale = null,
                                              ToLiteralFunc toLiteral   = null, string columnInit = null,
                                              bool mapColumnType        = true, //map to column out type if typeDef has no args and not unlimited
                                              object providerDbType     = null, //used by Postgres only
                                              DbSpecialType specialType = DbSpecialType.None)
            var arrAliases = string.IsNullOrEmpty(aliases) ? _emptyStrings : aliases.Split(',');

            toLiteral  = toLiteral ?? DbValueToLiteralConverters.GetDefaultToLiteralConverter(columnOutType);
            columnInit = columnInit ?? GetDefaultColumnInitExpression(columnOutType);
            var typeDef = new DbTypeDef()
                Name      = name, ColumnOutType = columnOutType, Flags = flags, Aliases = arrAliases,
                ToLiteral = toLiteral, ColumnInit = columnInit, DefaultPrecision = defaultPrecision, DefaultScale = defaultScale

            TypeDefsByName.Add(name, typeDef);
            // register under aliases
            foreach (var alias in typeDef.Aliases)
                TypeDefsByName.Add(alias, typeDef);
            if (specialType != DbSpecialType.None)
                Util.Check(!SpecialTypeDefs.ContainsKey(specialType), "TypeDef for special type {0} already registered.", specialType);
                SpecialTypeDefs[specialType] = typeDef;
            // Register by columnOutType
            if (!TypeDefsByColumnOutType.ContainsKey(columnOutType))
                TypeDefsByColumnOutType[columnOutType] = typeDef;
            // If has a form without args, register it as default type def
            if (!flags.IsSet(DbTypeFlags.HasArgs))
                typeDef.DefaultTypeInfo = CreateDbTypeInfo(columnOutType, typeDef);
                if (mapColumnType && !flags.IsSet(DbTypeFlags.Unlimited) && !DbTypesByClrType.ContainsKey(columnOutType))
                    DbTypesByClrType[columnOutType] = typeDef.DefaultTypeInfo;
            if (providerDbType != null)
                typeDef.ProviderDbType = (int)providerDbType;