public string ScriptIndexFK(string SrcDbProviderCd, string TarDbProviderCd, bool IsFrSource, bool allBut, CurrSrc CSrc, CurrTar CTar)
            // not really foreign key but ALL index definitions of a table
            StringBuilder       sbDrop = new StringBuilder("");
            StringBuilder       sbCrea = new StringBuilder("");
            string              strIx;
            string              strFK;
            DataTable           dtIx;
            DataTable           dtFK;
            DataTable           dt;
            Func <string, bool> conditional = (tblName) =>
                // always unconditional because of the way defined
                // for this is always called with allBut thus anything not in the but needs to have the index refreshed(change in def by developer)
                // for the BUT(i.e. data + table) the table would be removed and recreate thus index would needs to be recreated
                //if (allBut)
                //    return exceptTables.Contains(tblName);
                //    return !exceptTables.Contains(tblName);

            dt = GetTables(SrcDbProviderCd, IsFrSource, false, false, CSrc, CTar);
            foreach (DataRow dr2 in dt.Rows)
                int idxCount   = 0;
                int fkIdxCount = 0;
                using (DbScriptAccessBase dac = GetDbScriptAccess())
                    dtIx = dac.GetData("EXEC sp_helpindex " + dr2["tbName"].ToString(), IsFrSource, CSrc, CTar);
                bool   inConditionalBlock = false;
                bool   hasContent         = false;
                string includeColumns     = null;
                string filter             = null;
                foreach (DataRow drIx in dtIx.Rows)
                    if (drIx[0].ToString().Substring(0, 3) != "PK_"
                        !dr2["tbName"].ToString().Contains("sysdiagrams") // SQL Server generated, not always available on target
                        )                                                 // No primary key.
                        using (DbScriptAccessBase dac = GetDbScriptAccess())
                            DataTable dtInclude = dac.GetData(@"SELECT 
                                                        IndexName = i.Name,
                                                        ColName = c.Name,
	                                                    TableName =,
	                                                    FilterDef = i.filter_definition
                                                            sys.indexes i
                                                        INNER JOIN 
                                                            sys.index_columns ic ON ic.object_id = i.object_id AND ic.index_id = i.index_id
                                                        INNER JOIN 
                                                            sys.columns c ON c.object_id = ic.object_id AND c.column_id = ic.column_id
                                                        INNER JOIN 
                                                            sys.tables t on t.object_id = c.object_id
                                                            ic.is_included_column = 1
	                                                        AND = '"     + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + @"'
	                                                        AND = '"     + drIx[0].ToString() + "'", IsFrSource, CSrc, CTar);
                            includeColumns = string.Join(",", dtInclude.AsEnumerable().Select(dr => dr["ColName"]).ToArray());
                            filter         = dtInclude.AsEnumerable()
                                             .Where(dr => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["FilterDef"].ToString()))
                                             .Select(dr => dr["FilterDef"].ToString()).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (conditional(dr2["tbName"].ToString()) && !inConditionalBlock)
                            // re-create table only if it is not there
                            sbCrea.Append("IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'dbo." + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + "') and type='" + "U" + "')\r\n");
                            inConditionalBlock = true;
                        hasContent = true;
                        sbDrop.Append("IF EXISTS (SELECT FROM sysindexes i INNER JOIN sysobjects o ON = WHERE = '" + drIx[0].ToString() + "' AND = '" + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + "')\r\n");
                        if (drIx[1].ToString().LastIndexOf("unique") > 0 && 1 != 1)
                            // some unique key was created as constraint and not index which should be drop as contstrain
                            // though no way to tell from development thus disabled
                            // can only be done manually and re-run to re-create as unique index !!!
                            sbDrop.Append("    ALTER TABLE dbo." + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + " DROP CONSTRAINT " + drIx[0].ToString() + " \r\n\r\n");
                            sbDrop.Append("    DROP INDEX " + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + "." + drIx[0].ToString() + " \r\n\r\n");
                        strIx = "CREATE ";
                        if (drIx[1].ToString().LastIndexOf("unique") > 0)
                            strIx += " UNIQUE ";
                        // there are case where non-primary index is clustered !
                        if (drIx[1].ToString().LastIndexOf("nonclustered") < 0)
                            strIx += " CLUSTERED ";
                        strIx += "INDEX " + drIx[0].ToString() + " ON " + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + "(";
                        strIx += drIx[2].ToString() + ")"
                                 /* add covering columns */
                                 + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(includeColumns) ? "" : " INCLUDE (" + includeColumns + ")")
                                 /* add filter clause */
                                 + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter) ? "" : " WHERE (" + filter + ")")
                                 + "\r\n";
                        //replace (-)
                        if (idxCount > 0)
                            idxCount = 0;
                        sbCrea.Append(Regex.Replace(sbDrop.Append(strIx).ToString(), "[(]-[)]", " DESC"));
                        idxCount += 1;
                        sbDrop.Remove(0, sbDrop.Length);                        //clear the drop statement
                using (DbScriptAccessBase dac = GetDbScriptAccess())
                    dtFK = dac.GetFKInfo(dr2["tbName"].ToString(), IsFrSource, CSrc, CTar);
                foreach (DataRow drFK in dtFK.Rows)
                    if (conditional(dr2["tbName"].ToString()) && !inConditionalBlock)
                        // re-create table only if it is not there
                        sbCrea.Append("IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'dbo." + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + "') and type='" + "U" + "')\r\n");
                        inConditionalBlock = true;
                    hasContent = true;
                    sbDrop.Append("if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'dbo." + drFK["cName"].ToString() + "') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsForeignKey') = 1)\r\n");
                    sbDrop.Append("ALTER TABLE dbo." + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + " DROP CONSTRAINT " + drFK["cName"].ToString() + " \r\n\r\n");
                    strFK = "\r\nALTER TABLE " + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + " ADD\nCONSTRAINT " + drFK["cName"].ToString() + " FOREIGN KEY\r\n(";
                    for (int i = 1; i <= (int)drFK["cColCount"]; i++)
                        strFK += "\r\n" + drFK["cKeyCol" + i.ToString().Trim()].ToString() + ",";
                    strFK  = strFK.Substring(0, strFK.Length - 1);
                    strFK += ")\r\n REFERENCES " + drFK["cRefTable"].ToString() + "\r\n(";
                    for (int i = 1; i <= (int)drFK["cColCount"]; i++)
                        strFK += "\r\n" + drFK["cRefCol" + i.ToString().Trim()].ToString() + ",";
                    strFK = strFK.Substring(0, strFK.Length - 1);
                    strFK = sbDrop.Append(strFK).ToString();
                    sbDrop.Remove(0, sbDrop.Length);                     //clear the drop statement
                    strFK += ")\r\n";
                    if (idxCount > 0)
                        idxCount = 0;
                    else if (fkIdxCount > 0)
                        fkIdxCount = 0;
                    fkIdxCount += 1;
                if (conditional(dr2["tbName"].ToString()) && inConditionalBlock)
                    // re-create table only if it is not there
                if (hasContent)
        public string ScriptIndexFK(string SrcDbProviderCd, string TarDbProviderCd, bool IsFrSource, bool allBut, CurrSrc CSrc, CurrTar CTar)
            StringBuilder       sbDrop = new StringBuilder("");
            StringBuilder       sbCrea = new StringBuilder("");
            string              strIx;
            string              strFK;
            DataTable           dtIx;
            DataTable           dtFK;
            DataTable           dt;
            Func <string, bool> conditional = (tblName) =>
                // always unconditional because of the way defined
                // for this is always called with allBut thus anything not in the but needs to have the index refreshed(change in def by developer)
                // for the BUT(i.e. data + table) the table would be removed and recreate thus index would needs to be recreated
                //if (allBut)
                //    return exceptTables.Contains(tblName);
                //    return !exceptTables.Contains(tblName);

            dt = GetTables(SrcDbProviderCd, IsFrSource, false, false, CSrc, CTar);
            foreach (DataRow dr2 in dt.Rows)
                using (DbScriptAccessBase dac = GetDbScriptAccess())
                    dtIx = dac.GetData("EXEC sp_helpindex " + dr2["tbName"].ToString(), IsFrSource, CSrc, CTar);
                bool inConditionalBlock = false;
                bool hasContent         = false;
                foreach (DataRow drIx in dtIx.Rows)
                    if (drIx[0].ToString().Substring(0, 3) != "PK_"
                        !dr2["tbName"].ToString().Contains("sysdiagrams") // SQL Server generated, not always available on target
                        )                                                 // No primary key.
                        if (conditional(dr2["tbName"].ToString()) && !inConditionalBlock)
                            // re-create table only if it is not there
                            sbCrea.Append("IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'dbo." + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + "') and type='" + "U" + "')\r\n");
                            inConditionalBlock = true;
                        hasContent = true;
                        sbDrop.Append("IF EXISTS (SELECT FROM sysindexes i INNER JOIN sysobjects o ON = WHERE = '" + drIx[0].ToString() + "' AND = '" + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + "')\r\n");
                        sbDrop.Append("    DROP INDEX " + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + "." + drIx[0].ToString() + " \r\n\r\n");
                        strIx = "CREATE ";
                        if (drIx[1].ToString().LastIndexOf("unique") > 0)
                            strIx += " UNIQUE ";
                        strIx += "INDEX " + drIx[0].ToString() + " ON " + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + "(";
                        strIx += drIx[2].ToString() + ")\r\n";
                        //replace (-)
                        sbCrea.Append(Regex.Replace(sbDrop.Append(strIx).ToString(), "[(]-[)]", " DESC"));
                        sbDrop.Remove(0, sbDrop.Length);                        //clear the drop statement
                using (DbScriptAccessBase dac = GetDbScriptAccess())
                    dtFK = dac.GetFKInfo(dr2["tbName"].ToString(), IsFrSource, CSrc, CTar);
                foreach (DataRow drFK in dtFK.Rows)
                    if (conditional(dr2["tbName"].ToString()) && !inConditionalBlock)
                        // re-create table only if it is not there
                        sbCrea.Append("IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'dbo." + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + "') and type='" + "U" + "')\r\n");
                        inConditionalBlock = true;
                    hasContent = true;
                    sbDrop.Append("if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'dbo." + drFK["cName"].ToString() + "') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsForeignKey') = 1)\r\n");
                    sbDrop.Append("ALTER TABLE dbo." + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + " DROP CONSTRAINT " + drFK["cName"].ToString() + " \r\n\r\n");
                    strFK = "\r\nALTER TABLE " + dr2["tbName"].ToString() + " ADD\nCONSTRAINT " + drFK["cName"].ToString() + " FOREIGN KEY\r\n(";
                    for (int i = 1; i <= (int)drFK["cColCount"]; i++)
                        strFK += "\r\n" + drFK["cKeyCol" + i.ToString().Trim()].ToString() + ",";
                    strFK  = strFK.Substring(0, strFK.Length - 1);
                    strFK += ")\r\n REFERENCES " + drFK["cRefTable"].ToString() + "\r\n(";
                    for (int i = 1; i <= (int)drFK["cColCount"]; i++)
                        strFK += "\r\n" + drFK["cRefCol" + i.ToString().Trim()].ToString() + ",";
                    strFK = strFK.Substring(0, strFK.Length - 1);
                    strFK = sbDrop.Append(strFK).ToString();
                    sbDrop.Remove(0, sbDrop.Length);                     //clear the drop statement
                    strFK += ")\r\n";
                if (conditional(dr2["tbName"].ToString()) && inConditionalBlock)
                    // re-create table only if it is not there
                if (hasContent)