public Client GetClient(int id) { string query = string.Format("select * from dsto_client where oid='{0}'", id); var table = DbInfo.ExecuteSelectQuery(query); if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow row = table.Rows[0]; Client client = new Client(); client.Key = row["guid"].ToString(); client.OID = int.Parse(row["OID"].ToString()); client.Name = row["name"].ToString(); client.Contact = row["contact"].ToString(); client.Deleted = bool.Parse(row["deleted"].ToString()); client.Location = row["Location"].ToString(); //Set Logo if (row["Logo"] != DBNull.Value) { client.Logo = row["Logo"].ToString(); } client.Email = row["Email"].ToString(); client.CreatedBy = row["created_by"].ToString(); client.Users = new Users(client.Parent); client.Package = new PackageProvider(DbInfo).RetrievePackage(row["yref_package"].ToString()); return(client); } return(null); }
public StudentGrades GetGrade(string studentSsn, string courseName) { StudentGrades studentGrades = new StudentGrades(); studentGrades.course = courseName; DbInfo dbInfo = new DbInfo(); SqlConnection connection = dbInfo.OpenConnection(); using (connection) { using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(String.Format("select id from Students where SSN='{0}'", studentSsn), connection)) { string studentId = command.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); command.CommandText = String.Format("select grade from CoursesStudentsRelation where id_student='{0}' and title_course='{1}'", studentId, courseName); using (SqlDataReader dataReader = command.ExecuteReader()) { dataReader.Read(); if (dataReader.HasRows) { studentGrades.grade = dataReader.GetDouble(dataReader.GetOrdinal("grade")); } else { studentGrades.grade = null; } } } } return(studentGrades); }
private bool Insert(Client client) { try { client.Logo = string.IsNullOrEmpty(client.Logo)? "" : client.Logo; var cmd = DbInfo.CreateDbCommand(); cmd.CommandText = string.Format("select oid from dsto_client where guid='{0}'", client.Key); var oid = DbInfo.ExecuteScalar(cmd); string query = string.Empty; var exists = oid != null; if (!exists) { query = $"INSERT INTO dsto_client ([guid],created_by,[Name],[Email],[Logo],[Contact],[Location],[yref_package]) values('{client.Key}','Admin','{client.Name}','{client.Email}','{client.Logo}','{client.Contact}','{client.Location}','{client.Package.Key}')"; } else { query = $"UPDATE dsto_client SET Name='{client.Name}', " + $"Email='{client.Email}', " + $"Contact='{client.Contact}', " + $"Location='{client.Location}', " + $"Logo='{client.Logo}', " + $"[Deleted]='{client.Deleted}', " + $"yref_package='{client.Package.Key}' " + $"WHERE oid='{client.OID}'"; } var added = DbInfo.ExecuteNonQuery(query) > 0; if (added) { oid = DbInfo.ExecuteScalar(cmd); client.OID = (int)oid; if (!exists) { Billing billing = new Billing(); billing.Package = client.Package; billing.PaymentStatus = PaymentStatus.Pending; billing.Client = client; billing.Bill = client.Package.Price.ToString(); billing.BillingDate = DateTime.Now; billing.InvoiceNo = "XYZ"; new BillingProvider(DbInfo).Save(billing); } foreach (var user in client.Users) { user.ClientId = client.OID.ToString(); new UserProvider(DbInfo).AddOrUpdateUser(user); } } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public List <Topic> GetTopics(string courseName) { List <Topic> result = new List <Topic>(); DbInfo dbInfo = new DbInfo(); SqlConnection connection = dbInfo.OpenConnection(); using (connection) { using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(String.Format("select name,course_title from Topics where course_title='{0}'", courseName), connection)) { using (SqlDataReader dataReader = command.ExecuteReader()) { if (dataReader.HasRows) { int name = dataReader.GetOrdinal("name"); int course = dataReader.GetOrdinal("course_title"); while (dataReader.Read()) { Topic topic = new Topic(); = dataReader.GetString(name); topic.course = dataReader.GetString(course); result.Add(topic); } } } } } return(result); }
internal Sections GetSections(string reference, string response_id = null) { try { QuestionProvider provider = new QuestionProvider(DbInfo); Sections sections = new Sections(); string query = $"select * from dsto_sections where (yref_questionaire='{reference}' or yref_field_inspection='{reference}' or yref_certification='{reference}' or yref_template='{reference}') and deleted=0 order by oid asc"; var table = DbInfo.ExecuteSelectQuery(query); if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { Section section = new Section(null); section.Key = row["guid"].ToString(); section.OID = int.Parse(row["OID"].ToString()); section.Name = row["Name"].ToString(); section.Description = row["Description"].ToString(); section.Deleted = bool.Parse(row["deleted"].ToString()); section.CreatedBy = row["created_by"].ToString(); section.Questions = provider.GetQuestions(section, response_id); section.SubSections = new SubSectionProvider(DbInfo).GetSubSections(section, response_id); sections.Add(section); } return(sections); } return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public Configuration(string token, string dbName, string pathToPlugins, int remindTimeOut) { Token = new ApiToken(token); Db = new DbInfo(dbName); PathToPluginsFolder = new PluginsPath(pathToPlugins); RemindTimeOut = new ReminderTimeOut(remindTimeOut); }
public async Task <IResponseEntity> UpdateAsync(TaskQzEditRequest req) { if (req == null || req?.Id == "") { return(ResponseEntity.Error("更新的实体主键丢失")); } var entity = _mapper.Map <SysTaskQzEntity>(req); if (entity.IsDefaultDatabase) { DbInfo dbInfo = _authUser.Tenant.DbOptions.Where(x => x.Key == Constants.SystemDbKey).FirstOrDefault(); DbConnectionString connectionString = dbInfo.ConnectionStrings.Where(x => x.UseType == DbUseType.Master).FirstOrDefault(); entity.ConnectionParam = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { ConnectionString = connectionString.ConnectionString, DbType = Convert.ToInt32(dbInfo.DbType) }); } await _SysTaskQzRepository.UpdateAsync(entity); if (entity.IsStart) { var res = await _schedulerCenter.AddScheduleJobAsync(entity); } return(ResponseEntity.Ok("更新成功")); }
public override bool Save(DCAnalyticsObject obj) { try { SkipCondition condition = obj as SkipCondition; var exists = RecordExists("dsto_skipcondition", condition.Key); string query = string.Empty; string targetKey = (condition.Target.Section != null) ? condition.Target.Section.Key : (condition.Target.SubSection != null) ? condition.Target.SubSection.Key: condition.Target.Question.Key; if (!exists) { query = $"insert into dsto_skipcondition([guid],[created_by],[yref_attribute],[yref_target],[answer],[yref_question],[dataCollectionObectType]) " + $"values('{condition.Key}','Admin','{condition.AttributeKey}','{targetKey}','{condition.Answer.Key}','{condition.QuestionKey}', '{(int)condition.DataCollectionObectType}')"; } else { query = $"UPDATE dsto_skipcondition SET" + $"[yref_attribute] = '{condition.AttributeKey}', " + $"[yref_target] = '{targetKey}', " + $"[dataCollectionObectType] = '{(int)condition.DataCollectionObectType}', " + $"[answer] = '{condition.Answer.Key}', " + $"[Deleted]='{condition.Deleted}' " + $"WHERE [guid] = '{condition.Key}'"; } return(DbInfo.ExecuteNonQuery(query) > -1); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public Trainings GetMobileConfigurationTrainings(int id) { Trainings trainings = new Trainings(); try { string query = $"select * from dsto_Training where configuration_id = '{id}' and Deleted=0"; var table = DbInfo.ExecuteSelectQuery(query); if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { System.Data.DataRow row = table.Rows[0]; DCAnalytics.Training training = trainings.Add(); InitTraining(training, row); training.Trainers = new TrainerProvider(DbInfo).GetTrainers(training.Key); training.Trainees = new TraineeProvider(DbInfo).GetTrainees(training.Key); training.Topics = new TopicProvider(DbInfo).GetTopics(training.Key); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(trainings); }
public static DbBase GetSqlRepository(DbInfo dbInfo) { DbBase db = null; switch (dbInfo.DbType) { case DbType.MySql: db = new MySql(dbInfo); break; case DbType.Oracle: db = new Oracle(dbInfo); break; case DbType.SqlServer: db = new SqlServer(dbInfo); break; case DbType.PostgreSQL: db = new PostgreSql(dbInfo); break; default: throw new Exception($"SqlRepositoryManager.GetSqlRepository未知数据库类型{dbInfo.DbType.ToString()}"); } return(db); }
private IFreeSql CreateDb(FreeSql.DataType dbType, DbInfo currentDbOption) { var master = currentDbOption.ConnectionStrings?.FirstOrDefault(e => e.UseType == DbUseType.Master); if (master == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException($"请设置租户 {Tenant.Code} 的主库连接字符串"); } var slaveConnectionStrings = currentDbOption.ConnectionStrings?.Where(e => e.UseType == DbUseType.Slave).Select(e => e.ConnectionString).ToArray(); var freeSqlBuilder = new FreeSql.FreeSqlBuilder() .UseConnectionString(dbType, master.ConnectionString); if (slaveConnectionStrings?.Length > 0) { freeSqlBuilder = freeSqlBuilder.UseSlave(slaveConnectionStrings); } if (_env.IsDevelopment()) { freeSqlBuilder = freeSqlBuilder.UseAutoSyncStructure(true); //自动同步实体结构【开发环境必备】 } var fsql = freeSqlBuilder.Build(); fsql.Aop.ConfigEntityProperty += ConfigEntityProperty; fsql.Aop.CurdBefore += CurdBefore; fsql.Aop.AuditValue += AuditValue; //fsql.Aop.SyncStructureAfter += SyncStructureAfter; DataFilterAsync(fsql); return(fsql); }
//-------------------------CRUD-------------------------------- //Add new Database public static void AddNewDatabase(DatabaseInfo Databaseinfo) { //Create Connection using (MySqlConnection connection = DbInfo.Connection()) { //Create cmd using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand()) { cmd.Connection = connection; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; //Create CommandText cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO `databases`(`ID`, `Datasource`, `Username`, `Password`, `Databasename`) " + "VALUES (@ID,@Datasource,@Username,@Password,@Databasename)"; //Set Parameters cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", ""); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Datasource", Databaseinfo.DataSource); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Username", Databaseinfo.Username); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Password", Databaseinfo.Password); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Databasename", Databaseinfo.DatabaseName); try { int recordsAffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } finally { connection.Close(); } } } }
internal SubSections GetSubSections(Section section, string response_id) { try { QuestionProvider provider = new QuestionProvider(DbInfo); string query = $"select * from dsto_subsections where yref_section='{section.Key}' and deleted=0"; var table = DbInfo.ExecuteSelectQuery(query); if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow row = table.Rows[0]; SubSection subsection = section.SubSections.Add(); subsection.Key = row["guid"].ToString(); subsection.OID = int.Parse(row["OID"].ToString()); subsection.Name = row["Name"].ToString(); subsection.Deleted = bool.Parse(row["deleted"].ToString()); subsection.CreatedBy = row["created_by"].ToString(); subsection.Questions = provider.GetQuestions(subsection, response_id); } return(section.SubSections); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
//Register a New User public static void RegisterNow(RegisterInfo registerInfo) { using (MySqlConnection connection = DbInfo.Connection()) { using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand()) { cmd.Connection = connection; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO `users`(`ID`, `Firstname`, `Middlename`, `Lastname`, `Email`, `Password`, `Pin`) " + "VALUES (@ID,@Firstname,@Middlename,@Lastname,@Email,@Password,@Pin)"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", ""); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Firstname", registerInfo.firstname); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Middlename", registerInfo.middlename); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Lastname", registerInfo.lastname); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Email",; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Password", registerInfo.Password); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Pin", int.Parse("0")); try { //connection.Open(); int recordsAffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //MessageBox.Show("person has added"); } finally { connection.Close(); } } } }
public Reports GetReports(string response_id) { try { Reports reports = new Reports(); string query = $"select dsto_questionaire.guid as questionaire_guid, dsto_questionaire.oid as questionaire_oid, dsto_purchase.* from dsto_questionaire inner join dsto_purchase on dsto_questionaire.guid = dsto_purchase.farmerid where dsto_questionaire.yref_template='{response_id}'"; var table = DbInfo.ExecuteSelectQuery(query); if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { Report report = reports.Add(); report.Questionaire = new Questionaire(null); report.Questionaire.Key = row["questionaire_guid"].ToString(); report.Questionaire.OID = int.Parse(row["questionaire_oid"].ToString()); report.Questionaire.Name = new SectionProvider(DbInfo).QuestionaireIdentification(response_id, report.Questionaire.Key); report.Purchase = new Purchase(); InitPurchases(report.Purchase, row); } } return(reports); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
//public bool Delete(string reference) //{ // string query = $"delete from dsto_sections where yref_questionaire = '{reference}' or yref_field_inspection = '{reference}' or yref_certification = '{reference}'"; // var rows = DbInfo.ExecuteNonQuery(query); // return rows > 0; //} public Certifications GetCertifications(int configuration_Id) { Certifications certifications = new Certifications(null); try { string query = $"select * from dsto_Certification where status=0 and configuration_id = '{configuration_Id}' and Deleted=0"; var table = DbInfo.ExecuteSelectQuery(query); if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { var certificationType = (CertificationTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(CertificationTypes), row["CertificationType"].ToString()); DCAnalytics.Certification certification = certifications.Add(certificationType); InitCertification(certification, row); certification.Sections = new SectionProvider(DbInfo).GetSections(certification.Key); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(certifications); }
public override bool Save(DCAnalyticsObject obj) { Purchase purchase = obj as Purchase; string query = string.Empty; var exists = RecordExists("dsto_Purchase", purchase.Key); if (!exists) { query = $"insert into dsto_Purchase([guid],[created_by],[price],[dateofpurchase],[quantity],[farmerid],[lotid],[configuration_id],[product],[station]) values('{purchase.Key}','{purchase.CreatedBy}','{purchase.Price}','{purchase.DateOfPurchase.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff")}','{purchase.Quantity}','{purchase.Farmer}','{purchase.Lotid}','{purchase.ConfigurationId}','{purchase.Product}','{purchase.Station}')"; } else { //update query = $"UPDATE dsto_Purchase SET [price]={purchase.Price}, " + $"[dateofpurchase] = '{purchase.DateOfPurchase.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff")}', " + $"[quantity] = '{purchase.Quantity}', " + $"[created_by] = '{purchase.CreatedBy}', " + $"[lotid] = '{purchase.Lotid}', " + $"[farmerid] = '{purchase.Farmer}', " + $"[product]='{purchase.Product}', " + $"[station]='{purchase.Station}', " + $"[Deleted]='{purchase.Deleted}' " + $"WHERE [guid] = '{purchase.Key}'"; } if (DbInfo.ExecuteNonQuery(query) > -1) { return(true); } return(false); }
public bool DeletePurchase(int id) { string query = $"delete from dsto_Purchase where [oid]={id}"; var rows = DbInfo.ExecuteNonQuery(query); return(rows > -1); }
//Create Database Connection | Using DB name public static MySqlConnection CreateDBConnection(string DBName) { string constring = ""; //create connection and open it MySqlConnection connection = DbInfo.Connection(); MySqlCommand id_cmd = connection.CreateCommand(); id_cmd.CommandText = "SELECT `ID`, `Datasource`, `Username`, `Password`, `Databasename` FROM `databases` WHERE Databasename = @Databasename"; id_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Databasename", DBName); MySqlDataReader reader = id_cmd.ExecuteReader(); //if match is found if (reader.Read()) { constring = "datasource = " + reader["Datasource"] + "; username = "******"Username"] + "; password="******"Password"] + "; database = " + reader["Databasename"].ToString(); //Create mysqlconnection MySqlConnection newcon = new MySqlConnection(constring); newcon.Open(); return(newcon); } else { //Return connection MySqlConnection nl = null; return(nl); } }
//Get all Databases | Using DB name public static List <string> GetAllDatabases() { //Temp list List <string> temp = new List <string>(); //create connection and open it MySqlConnection connection = DbInfo.Connection(); //Create command MySqlCommand id_cmd = connection.CreateCommand(); id_cmd.CommandText = "SELECT `ID`, `Datasource`, `Username`, `Password`, `Databasename` FROM `databases`"; //Create reader MySqlDataReader reader = id_cmd.ExecuteReader(); //While reading while (reader.Read()) { temp.Add(reader["Databasename"].ToString()); } return(temp); }
//Delete new Database public static void DeleteDatabase(int ID) { //Create Connection using (MySqlConnection connection = DbInfo.Connection()) { //Create Cmd using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand()) { cmd.Connection = connection; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; //Set CommandText cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM `databases` WHERE `ID` = @ID"; //Add Parameters cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", ID); try { int recordsAffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } finally { connection.Close(); } } } }
public void GetDbInfoTest() { var expected = new DbInfo(); expected.Name = db1; expected.Version = "1.0.0"; expected.CRS = CRS.WGS84; var url = String.Join("/", new string[] { urlPrefix, db1 }); var handler = new MockHttpHandler(url, "GET", (req, res, param) => { var result = new RestResult(); result.Success = true; result.Data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expected); return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result)); }); mockServer.AddRequestHandler(handler); try { var db = new MapDB(db1); var actual = db.GetDbInfo(); Assert.AreEqual <DbInfo>(expected, actual); } catch { Assert.Fail(); } }
public List <Student> GetStudents() { List <Student> result = new List <Student>(); DbInfo dbInfo = new DbInfo(); SqlConnection connection = dbInfo.OpenConnection(); using (connection) { using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("select name,surname,SSN from Students", connection)) { using (SqlDataReader dataReader = command.ExecuteReader()) { if (dataReader.HasRows) { int name = dataReader.GetOrdinal("name"); int surname = dataReader.GetOrdinal("surname"); int SSN = dataReader.GetOrdinal("SSN"); while (dataReader.Read()) { Student student = new Student(); = dataReader.GetString(name); student.surname = dataReader.GetString(surname); student.SSN = dataReader.GetString(SSN); result.Add(student); } } } } } return(result); }
public bool DeleteDependency(string key) { string query = $"delete from dsto_dependency where [guid]='{key}'"; var rows = DbInfo.ExecuteNonQuery(query); return(rows > -1); }
internal static void SetUserInfo(int ID) { //create connection and open it MySqlConnection connection = DbInfo.Connection(); //try to connect to database try { //Build Mysql command MySqlCommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT `ID`, `Firstname`, `Middlename`, `Lastname`, `Email`, `Password`, `Pin` FROM `users` WHERE `ID`=" + ID; MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //if match is found if (reader.Read()) { //MessageBox.Show(reader["Firstname"] + " "+ reader["Middlename"].ToString()); Userinformation = new userinf(ID, reader["Firstname"].ToString(), reader["Middlename"].ToString(), reader["Lastname"].ToString(), reader["Email"].ToString()); } } //finally finally { //check state and clone if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Open) { connection.Clone(); } } }
public override bool Save(DCAnalyticsObject obj) { QuestionProvider provider = new QuestionProvider(DbInfo); SubSection subsection = obj as SubSection; var exists = RecordExists("dsto_subsections", subsection.Key); string query = string.Empty; if (!exists) { query = $"insert into dsto_subsections([guid],Name,[created_by],[yref_section]) values('{subsection.Key}','{subsection.Name}','Admin','{subsection.SectionKey}')"; } else { //update query = $"UPDATE dsto_subsections SET [Name]='{subsection.Name}', " + $"[Deleted]='{subsection.Deleted}' " + $"WHERE [guid] = '{subsection.Key}'"; } if (DbInfo.ExecuteNonQuery(query) > -1) { //save questions foreach (var qn in subsection.Questions) { qn.SubSectionKey = subsection.Key; provider.Save(qn); } return(true); } return(false); }
public CosmosDbService(DbInfo dbInfo) { _databaseId = dbInfo.DatabaseId; _disableConcurrencyCheck = dbInfo.DisableConcurrencyCheck; _client = new DocumentClient(new Uri(dbInfo.ServiceEndpoint), dbInfo.SasKey); }
public EnumList GetEnumList(int id, EnumListTypes enumListType) { try { EnumList enumList = new EnumList(null); string query = string.Empty; if (enumListType == EnumListTypes.Question) { query = $"select * from dsto_EnumLists where questionId='{id}' and type='{(int)enumListType}'"; } else { query = $"select * from dsto_EnumLists where ConfigurationId='{id}' and type='{(int)enumListType}'"; } var table = DbInfo.ExecuteSelectQuery(query); if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { InitEnumList(enumList, table.Rows[0]); } return(enumList); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public bool DeleteByReference(string reference) { string query = $"delete from dsto_question where yref_questionaire = '{reference}' or yref_section = '{reference}' or yref_subsection = '{reference}'"; var rows = DbInfo.ExecuteNonQuery(query); return(rows > 0); }
public Reports GetReports(string configuration_id) { try { Reports reports = new Reports(); string query = $"select * from dsto_training where configuration_id='{configuration_id}'"; var table = DbInfo.ExecuteSelectQuery(query); if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { Report report = reports.Add(); report.Training = new Trainings().Add(); InitTraining(report.Training, row); report.Training.Trainers = new TrainerProvider(DbInfo).GetTrainers(report.Training.Key); report.Training.Trainees = new TraineeProvider(DbInfo).GetRegisteredTrainees(report.Training.Key); report.Training.Topics = new TopicProvider(DbInfo).GetTopics(report.Training.Key); } } return(reports); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var excludesObjTyps = new string[] { "INTERNAL_TABLE", "SYSTEM_TABLE" }; var excludeDBs = new string[] { "master", "tempdb", "model", "msdb" }; DbInfo dc; IEnumerable<string> dbs; string server = "."; string connStr = String.Format("Data Source={0};Integrated Security=True", server); using (dc = new DbInfo(connStr)) { dbs = dc.databases.Where(db => !excludeDBs.Contains( =>; } var allDbObjTypes = dbs.SelectMany(dataBase => { using (dc = new DbInfo(string.Format("Data Source=.;Initial Catalog={0};Integrated Security=True", dataBase))) { var objsForDB = from dbobjs in dc.all_objects join schma in dc.schemas on dbobjs.schema_id equals schma.schema_id where !excludesObjTyps.Contains(dbobjs.type_desc) && !dbobjs.type_desc.Contains("CONSTRAINT") && !dbobjs.is_ms_shipped select new { Name = String.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}", dataBase,,, Type = dbobjs.type_desc }; return objsForDB.ToArray(); } }).ToDictionary(item => item.Name, item => item.Type); var allDependencies = dbs.SelectMany(dataBase => { string connStr2 = String.Format("Data Source={0};Initial Catalog={1};Integrated Security=True", server, dataBase); using (dc = new DbInfo(connStr2)) { var objsForDB = from dbobjs in dc.all_objects join schma in dc.schemas on dbobjs.schema_id equals schma.schema_id where !excludesObjTyps.Contains(dbobjs.type_desc) && !dbobjs.type_desc.Contains("CONSTRAINT") && !dbobjs.is_ms_shipped select new { NameForLookup = String.Format("{1}.{2}", dataBase,,, NameForGraph = String.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}", dataBase,, }; var deps = objsForDB.ToArray().Select(item => StatementExpressions.TryCatch(() => dc.dm_sql_referenced_entities(item.NameForLookup, "OBJECT") .Where(dep => dep.referenced_class == 1 && dep.referenced_minor_id == 0) .Select(dep => new Tuple<string, string, string>(item.NameForGraph, string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}", dep.referenced_database_name ?? dataBase, dep.referenced_schema_name ?? "dbo", dep.referenced_entity_name), dep.referenced_class_desc)).ToArray(), (SqlException x) => Debug.Write(x), () => null)); var hot = deps.ToArray(); return hot.Where(item => item != null).SelectMany(l => l); } }).ToArray(); DirectedGraph graphToDirectedGraphML = BuildGraph(allDbObjTypes, allDependencies); graphToDirectedGraphML.WriteXml("SqlDeps.dgml"); Console.WriteLine("Open file 'SqlDeps.dgml'"); }
/* ** Name: loadDbCaps ** ** Description: ** Requests DBMS capabilities from the server and ** initialize dbmsinfo() access. ** ** Input: ** None. ** ** Output: ** None. ** ** Returns: ** void ** ** History: ** 12-Nov-99 (gordy) ** If OPEN_SQL_DATES, use local time rather than gmt. ** 3-Nov-00 (gordy) ** Timezone stuff removed from DbConn. Replaced with a public ** boolean indicating which timezone to use for the connection. ** 7-Mar-01 (gordy) ** Use new class to read DBMS capabilities. ** 10-May-01 (gordy) ** Check DBMS capabilities relevant to driver configuration. ** 20-Feb-02 (gordy) ** Added dbmsInfo checks for DBMS type and protocol level. ** 31-Oct-02 (gordy) ** Adapted for generic GCF driver. ** 23-Dec-02 (gordy) ** Connection level ID changed at protocol level 3. */ public void loadDbCaps() { String value; int ivalue; /* ** Initialize helper classes and load DB capabilities. */ dbInfo = new DbInfo( this ); dbCaps = new DbCaps( this ); dbCaps.loadDbCaps(); /* ** Check DB capabilties. */ ; if ( (value = dbCaps.getDbCap( (msg_protocol_level < MSG_PROTO_3) ? DrvConst.DRV_DBCAP_CONNECT_LVL0 : DrvConst.DRV_DBCAP_CONNECT_LVL1 )) != null ) try { db_protocol_level = Byte.Parse( value ); } catch( Exception ) {} if ( (value = dbCaps.getDbCap( DBMS_DBCAP_DBMS_TYPE )) != null ) is_ingres = ToInvariantUpper(value).Equals( DBMS_TYPE_INGRES ); if ((value = dbCaps.getDbCap(DBMS_DBCAP_ING_SQL_LVL)) != null) try { sqlLevel = Int32.Parse(value); } catch (Exception) { } // How the native timestamp type reacts to timezones, // lack of it indicates an Ingres DBMS if ((value = dbCaps.getDbCap(DBMS_DBCAP_OSQL_DATES)) != null) osql_dates = true; // TODO: check for 'LEVEL 1' if ( (value = dbCaps.getDbCap( DBMS_DBCAP_UCS2_TYPES )) != null && value.Length >= 1 ) ucs2_supported = (value[0] == 'Y' || value[0] == 'y'); if ((value = dbCaps.getDbCap(DBMS_DBCAP_MAX_CHR_COL)) != null) try { max_char_len = Int32.Parse(value); } catch (Exception) { } if ((value = dbCaps.getDbCap(DBMS_DBCAP_MAX_VCH_COL)) != null) try { max_vchr_len = Int32.Parse(value); } catch (Exception) { } if ((value = dbCaps.getDbCap(DBMS_DBCAP_MAX_BYT_COL)) != null) try { max_byte_len = Int32.Parse(value); } catch (Exception) { } if ((value = dbCaps.getDbCap(DBMS_DBCAP_MAX_VBY_COL)) != null) try { max_vbyt_len = Int32.Parse(value); } catch (Exception) { } /* ** The NCS max column lengths default to half (two bytes per char) ** the max for regular columns to match prior behaviour. */ if ((value = dbCaps.getDbCap(DBMS_DBCAP_MAX_NCHR_COL)) == null) max_nchr_len = max_char_len / 2; else try { max_nchr_len = Int32.Parse(value); } catch (Exception) { } if ((value = dbCaps.getDbCap(DBMS_DBCAP_MAX_NVCH_COL)) == null) max_nvch_len = max_vchr_len / 2; else try { max_nvch_len = Int32.Parse(value); } catch (Exception) { } if ((value = dbCaps.getDbCap(DBMS_DBCAP_MAX_DEC_PREC)) != null) if (Int32.TryParse(value, out ivalue)) // convert value to int ivalue max_dec_prec = ivalue; return; }
public Copier(DbInfo source, DbInfo dest, bool overwriteExistingDatabase) { _source = source; _dest = dest; _overwriteExistingDatabase = overwriteExistingDatabase; }