public DataTable FindList(int type, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, int status, string customerName) { StringBuilder commandText = null; if (type < 3) { commandText = new StringBuilder(string.Format("select {0}.*, from {0}, Customer where Customer.ID = {0}.customerID and circulationTime between #{1}# and #{2}# ", tableName, startTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), endTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))); } else if (type >= 3) { commandText = new StringBuilder(string.Format("select {0}.* from {0} where circulationTime between #{1}# and #{2}# ", tableName, startTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), endTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))); } if (type > 0) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and type between {0} and {1}", type * 2 - 1, type * 2)); } if (status > 0) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and status = {0}", status)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerName)) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and like '%{0}%'", customerName)); } commandText.Append(string.Format(" order by {0}.circulationTime desc", tableName)); return(DbHelperAccess.executeQuery(commandText.ToString())); }
public List <Consume> FindList(int cardId, int status) { String commandText = string.Format("select * from Card, Customer, Consume where Consume.cardID = Card.ID and Card.customerID = Customer.ID"); if (cardId > 0) { commandText += string.Format(" and Consume.cardID={0}", cardId); } if (status > 0) { commandText += string.Format(" and Consume.status={0}", status); } commandText += " order by Consume.ID desc"; DataTable dt = DbHelperAccess.executeQuery(commandText); List <Consume> consumes = new List <Consume>(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { consumes.Add(this.getBeanFromDataRow(dr)); } return(consumes); }
public List <Category> FindByParentId(string tableName, int ID) { string idString = "=" + ID.ToString(); if (ID < 0) { idString = " is null"; } string commandText = string.Format("select * from {0} where parent{1} order by lft", tableName, idString); DataTable dt = DbHelperAccess.executeQuery(commandText); List <Category> categorys = new List <Category>(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { Category category = new Category(); category.Id = (int)dr["ID"]; category.Name = dr["name"] as string; string parent = dr["parent"] as string; if (parent != null && parent != "") { category.Parent = int.Parse(parent); } category.Left = (int)dr["lft"]; category.Right = (int)dr["rgt"]; categorys.Add(category); } return(categorys); }
public List <ProductCirculationRecord> FindList(int circulationID) { List <ProductCirculationRecord> records = new List <ProductCirculationRecord>(); string commandText = string.Format("select * from ProductCirculationRecord, Product where ProductCirculationRecord.productID = Product.ID and circulationID = {0} order by ProductCirculationRecord.ID", circulationID); DataTable dt = DbHelperAccess.executeQuery(commandText); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ProductCirculationRecord record = new ProductCirculationRecord(); record.CirculationID = circulationID; record.ID = (int)dr["ProductCirculationRecord.ID"]; double price; double.TryParse(dr["ProductCirculationRecord.price"].ToString(), out price); record.Price = price; record.ProductID = (int)dr["Product.ID"]; record.ProductName = dr["name"].ToString(); record.TotalNum = (int)dr["totalNum"]; records.Add(record); } return(records); }
public List <SellProfit> FindList(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, string product, string customer) { StringBuilder commandText = new StringBuilder(); //查找的字段名可以都使用<原始表名>.<字段>,至于结果,可以参考access查找出来的记 string temp = "select SellProfit.*, ProductStainlessCirculationRecord.unit, ProductStainlessCirculation.code, ProductStainlessCirculation.type, ProductStainlessCirculation.circulationTime, ProductStainless.serial,, ProductStainless.ID,, Customer.ID" + " from SellProfit, ProductStainlessCirculationRecord, (select * from ProductStainlessCirculation left join Customer on Customer.ID = ProductStainlessCirculation.customerID ) circulation, ProductStainless" + " where SellProfit.record_id = ProductStainlessCirculationRecord.ID and" + " ProductStainlessCirculationRecord.circulationID = ProductStainlessCirculation.ID" + " and ProductStainlessCirculationRecord.productID = ProductStainless.ID" + " and ProductStainlessCirculation.circulationTime between #{0}# and #{1}#"; commandText.Append(string.Format(temp, startTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), endTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(product)) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and like '%{0}%'", product)); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customer)) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and like '%{0}%'", customer)); } commandText.Append(" order by SellProfit.ID desc"); DataTable data = DbHelperAccess.executeQuery(commandText.ToString()); List <SellProfit> ls = new List <SellProfit>(); foreach (DataRow dr in data.Rows) { SellProfit sell = new SellProfit(); if (dr != null) { sell.ID = (int)dr["SellProfit.ID"]; sell.serial = dr["code"] as string; sell.type = (int)dr["type"]; sell.sell_time = (DateTime)dr["circulationTime"]; sell.customerID = (int)dr["Customer.ID"]; sell.customer = dr[""] as string; sell.productID = (int)dr["ProductStainless.ID"]; sell.product = dr[""] as string; sell.unit = dr["unit"] as string; sell.cnt = (int)dr["cnt"]; sell.price = (double)dr["price"]; sell.sum_price = (double)dr["sum_price"]; sell.cost = (double)dr["cost"]; sell.profit = (double)dr["profit"]; sell.profit_margin = (double)dr["profit_margin"]; sell.sum_cost = (double)dr["sum_cost"]; sell.record_id = (int)dr["record_id"]; ls.Add(sell); } } return(ls); }
public DataTable FindListForStatistic(Category parent) { string commandText = "select ID, name from Customer"; if (parent != null) { commandText = string.Format("select Customer.ID, from Customer, CustomerCategory where Customer.parent=CustomerCategory.ID and CustomerCategory.lft>={0} and CustomerCategory.rgt<={1}", parent.Left, parent.Right); } return(DbHelperAccess.executeQuery(commandText)); }
public DataTable FindList(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, int status) { StringBuilder commandText = new StringBuilder(string.Format("select * from ProductJob where jobTime between #{0}# and #{1}# ", startTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), endTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))); if (status > 0 && status <= 4) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and status = {0}", status)); } commandText.Append(" order by ID desc"); return(DbHelperAccess.executeQuery(commandText.ToString())); }
public List <Customer> FindByParentId(int parentId) { String commandText = string.Format("select * from Customer where parent = {0} order by ID", parentId); DataTable dt = DbHelperAccess.executeQuery(commandText); List <Customer> categorys = new List <Customer>(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { categorys.Add(this.getBeanFromDataRow(dr)); } return(categorys); }
public DataTable FindList(Category parent, string name) { StringBuilder commandText = new StringBuilder("select * from Product, ProductCategory where Product.parent=ProductCategory.ID"); if (parent != null) { commandText.AppendFormat(" and ProductCategory.lft>={0} and ProductCategory.rgt<={1}", parent.Left, parent.Right); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { commandText.AppendFormat(" and like '%{0}%'", name); } return(DbHelperAccess.executeQuery(commandText.ToString())); }
public override List <ProductCirculationRecord> FindList(int circulationID) { List <ProductCirculationRecord> records = new List <ProductCirculationRecord>(); string commandText = string.Format("select * from ProductStainlessCirculationRecord, ProductStainless where ProductStainlessCirculationRecord.productID = ProductStainless.ID and circulationID = {0} order by ProductStainlessCirculationRecord.ID", circulationID); DataTable dt = DbHelperAccess.executeQuery(commandText); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { bool tempBool = false; ProductStainlessCirculationRecord record = new ProductStainlessCirculationRecord(); record.CirculationID = circulationID; record.ID = (int)dr["ProductStainlessCirculationRecord.ID"]; int pieces; double price, totalPrice, quantityPerPiece; double.TryParse(dr["price"].ToString(), out price); record.Price = price; record.Serial = dr["serial"].ToString(); record.ProductID = (int)dr["ProductStainless.ID"]; record.ProductName = dr["name"].ToString(); ValidateUtility.getDouble(dr, "ProductStainlessCirculationRecord.quantityPerPiece", out quantityPerPiece, out tempBool); record.QuantityPerPiece = quantityPerPiece; record.QuantityNull = tempBool; ValidateUtility.getInt(dr, "pieces", out pieces, out tempBool); record.Pieces = pieces; record.PiecesNull = tempBool; record.Unit = dr["ProductStainlessCirculationRecord.unit"].ToString(); double num; ValidateUtility.getDouble(dr, "totalNum", out num, out tempBool); record.TotalNum = num; ValidateUtility.getDouble(dr, "totalPrice", out totalPrice, out tempBool); record.TotalPrice = totalPrice; record.Comment = dr["ProductStainlessCirculationRecord.comment"].ToString(); records.Add(record); } return(records); }
public DataTable FindList(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, int status, int customerID) { StringBuilder commandText = new StringBuilder(string.Format("select ProductSell.*, from ProductSell, Customer where Customer.ID = ProductSell.customerID and sellTime between #{0}# and #{1}# ", startTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), endTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))); if (status > 0 && status <= 2) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and status = {0}", status)); } if (customerID > 0) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and customerID={0}", customerID)); } commandText.Append(" order by ProductSell.ID desc"); return(DbHelperAccess.executeQuery(commandText.ToString())); }
public List <ProductAttribute> findAttributes(int productID, int charactorID) { string commandText = string.Format("select * from ProductAttribute where productID={0} and charactorID={1}", productID, charactorID); DataTable dt = DbHelperAccess.executeQuery(commandText); List <ProductAttribute> attrs = new List <ProductAttribute>(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ProductAttribute attr = new ProductAttribute(); attr.ID = (int)dr["ID"]; attr.CharactorId = (int)dr["charactorID"]; attr.CharactorValueId = (int)dr["charactorValueId"]; //commented by stone: here can be improved for performance attr.CharactorValue = CharactorValueDao.getInstance().findById(attr.CharactorValueId); attrs.Add(attr); } return(attrs); }
public DataTable FindList(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, int status, string customerName) { StringBuilder commandText = null; commandText = new StringBuilder(string.Format("select Card.*, from Card, Customer where Customer.ID = Card.customerID and cardTime between #{0}# and #{1}# ", startTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), endTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerName)) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and like '%{0}%'", customerName)); } if (status > 0) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and Card.status={0}", status)); } commandText.Append(" order by Card.ID desc"); return(DbHelperAccess.executeQuery(commandText.ToString())); }
public List <ProductClothesCirculationSKURecord> FindList(int recordID) { List <ProductClothesCirculationSKURecord> records = new List <ProductClothesCirculationSKURecord>(); string commandText = string.Format("select * from ProductCirculationSKURecord where recordID = {0}", recordID); DataTable dt = DbHelperAccess.executeQuery(commandText); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { ProductClothesCirculationSKURecord record = new ProductClothesCirculationSKURecord(); record.RecordID = recordID; record.ID = (int)dr["ID"]; record.Num = (int)dr["num"]; record.ProductSKUID = (int)dr["productSKUID"]; record.ProductSKU = ProductSKUDao.getInstance().FindByID(record.ProductSKUID); records.Add(record); } return(records); }
public List <CharactorValue> FindList(int charactorID) { string commandText = "select * from CharactorValue where charactorID = " + charactorID.ToString(); DataTable dt = DbHelperAccess.executeQuery(commandText); List <CharactorValue> elements = new List <CharactorValue>(); if (dt != null) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { CharactorValue element = new CharactorValue(); element.Id = (int)dr["ID"]; element.Name = dr["name"] as string; element.CharactorId = (int)dr["charactorID"]; elements.Add(element); } } return(elements); }
public List <string> FindPriceList(int type, int productID, int customerID) { //退货的价格以进货的价格为主 if (type == 2 || type == 4) { type--; } StringBuilder commandText = new StringBuilder(); string temp = "select distinct(ProductStainlessCirculationRecord.price) from ProductStainlessCirculationRecord, (select * from ProductStainlessCirculation left join Customer on Customer.ID = ProductStainlessCirculation.customerID ) circulation, ProductStainless" + " where ProductStainlessCirculationRecord.circulationID = ProductStainlessCirculation.ID and ProductStainlessCirculationRecord.productID = ProductStainless.ID and status = 4"; commandText.Append(temp); if (type > 0) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and ProductStainlessCirculation.type= {0}", type)); } if (productID > 0) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and ProductStainless.ID={0}", productID)); } if (customerID > 0) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and Customer.ID={0}", customerID)); } //commandText.Append(" order by ProductStainlessCirculationRecord.ID desc"); DataTable dt = DbHelperAccess.executeQuery(commandText.ToString()); List <string> prices = new List <string>(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { prices.Add(dr["price"].ToString()); } return(prices); }
public DataTable FindList(Category parent, string name, bool notShowDisable) { StringBuilder commandText = new StringBuilder("select * from ProductStainless, ProductStainlessCategory where ProductStainless.parent=ProductStainlessCategory.ID"); if (parent != null) { commandText.AppendFormat(" and ProductStainlessCategory.lft>={0} and ProductStainlessCategory.rgt<={1}", parent.Left, parent.Right); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { commandText.AppendFormat(" and ( like '%{0}%' or ProductStainless.serial like '%{0}%')", name); } if (notShowDisable == true) { commandText.AppendFormat(" and ProductStainless.disable = false"); } commandText.Append(" order by ProductStainless.ID"); return(DbHelperAccess.executeQuery(commandText.ToString())); }
public DataTable FindList(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, int type, string product, int productID, string customer, int customerID) { StringBuilder commandText = new StringBuilder(); string temp = "select ProductCirculationSKURecord.*, ProductCirculationRecord.*, ProductCirculation.code, ProductCirculation.circulationTime, ProductCirculation.status, ProductCirculation.type, ProductCirculation.flowType, ProductSKU.colorName, ProductSKU.sizeName,," + " from ProductCirculationSKURecord, ProductCirculationRecord, (select * from ProductCirculation left join Customer on Customer.ID = ProductCirculation.customerID ) circulation, ProductSKU, Product" + " where ProductCirculationSKURecord.recordID = ProductCirculationRecord.ID" + " and ProductCirculationRecord.circulationID = ProductCirculation.ID" + " and ProductCirculationSKURecord.productSKUID = ProductSKU.ID" + " and ProductSKU.productID = Product.ID" + " and ProductCirculation.circulationTime between #{0}# and #{1}# and status = 4"; commandText.Append(string.Format(temp, startTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), endTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))); if (type > 0) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and ProductCirculation.type between {0} and {1}", type, type + 1)); } if (productID > 0) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and Product.ID={0}", productID)); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(product)) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and like '%{0}%'", product)); } if (customerID > 0) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and Customer.ID={0}", customerID)); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customer)) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and like '%{0}%'", customer)); } commandText.Append(" order by ProductCirculationSKURecord.ID desc"); return(DbHelperAccess.executeQuery(commandText.ToString())); }
//DateTime? 相当于Nullable<DateTime>,调用时必须增加.value public List <PayReceipt> FindPayReceiptList(DateTime?startTime, DateTime?endTime, int status, string name, int parent, int hide) { //要注意,这个语句会筛选掉没有Customer信息的 StringBuilder commandText = new StringBuilder("select PayReceipt.*, from PayReceipt left join Customer on PayReceipt.customer_id = Customer.ID where 1=1 "); if (startTime != null && endTime != null) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and PayReceipt.bill_time between #{0}# and #{1}# ", startTime.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), endTime.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))); } if (status > 0) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and status = {0}", status)); } if (parent > 0) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and Customer.ID={0}", parent)); } //hide = 0,只显示不隐藏的,hide=1,显示所有 commandText.Append(string.Format(" and hide <= {0}", hide)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { commandText.AppendFormat(" and like '%{0}%'", name); } commandText.Append(" order by PayReceipt.bill_time desc"); DataTable dt = DbHelperAccess.executeQuery(commandText.ToString()); List <PayReceipt> list = new List <PayReceipt>(); foreach (DataRow pr in dt.Rows) { list.Add(this.formatPayReceipt(pr)); } return(list); }
public virtual List <ProductCirculation> FindProductCirculationList(int typeStart, int typeEnd, DateTime?startTime, DateTime?endTime, int status, string name, int parent) { //要注意,这个语句会筛选掉没有Customer信息的 StringBuilder commandText = new StringBuilder(string.Format("select {0}.*, from {0} left join Customer on {0}.customerID = Customer.ID where 1=1 ", tableName)); if (typeStart > 0 && typeEnd > 0 && typeStart <= typeEnd) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and type between {0} and {1}", typeStart, typeEnd)); } if (startTime != null && endTime != null) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and circulationTime between #{0}# and #{1}# ", startTime.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), endTime.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))); } if (status > 0) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and status = {0}", status)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { commandText.AppendFormat(" and like '%{0}%'", name); } if (parent > 0) { commandText.Append(string.Format(" and Customer.ID={0}", parent)); } DataTable dt = DbHelperAccess.executeQuery(commandText.ToString()); List <ProductCirculation> list = new List <ProductCirculation>(); foreach (DataRow pr in dt.Rows) { list.Add(this.formatProductCirculation(pr)); } return(list); }
public DataTable GetAll() { string commandText = string.Format("select * from Conf order by ID"); return(DbHelperAccess.executeQuery(commandText)); }
public DataTable FindList(int productJobID) { string commandText = string.Format("select * from ProductJobRecord where jobID = {0}", productJobID); return(DbHelperAccess.executeQuery(commandText)); }