    public string getCaresList(string userId)
        Dictionary <string, object> allMap = new Dictionary <string, object>();

        if (userId.Length == 0)
            allMap.Add("result", "1");
            allMap.Add("message", "用户id不能为空!");

        DataSet ds0 = dbMysql.seleDB("select * from t_people where id = " + userId + "");

        if (ds0.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
            allMap.Add("result", "1");
            allMap.Add("message", "该用户不存在!");

        string sql = "SELECT p.* FROM t_fans AS f LEFT JOIN t_people AS p ON f.careId = p.id WHERE f.selfId = " + userId;

        DataSet ds = dbMysql.seleDB(sql);

        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
            return("{\"result\":\"0\", \"caresList\":[]}");
            return("{\"result\":\"0\", \"caresList\":" + Db2JsonUtil.DataTable2JsonList(ds.Tables[0]) + "}");
    public string getWeiboCommentList(string userId, string weiboId, string count)
        Dictionary <string, object> allMap = new Dictionary <string, object>();

        if (userId.Length == 0)
            allMap.Add("result", "1");
            allMap.Add("message", "用户id不能为空!");
        if (count.Length == 0)
            count = "10";

        if (weiboId.Length == 0)
            allMap.Add("result", "1");
            allMap.Add("message", "微博id不能为空!");
        DataSet ds0 = dbMysql.seleDB("select * from t_people where id = " + userId + "");

        if (ds0.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
            allMap.Add("result", "1");
            allMap.Add("message", "该用户不存在!");

        DataSet ds1 = dbMysql.seleDB("select * from t_weibo where id = " + weiboId + "");

        if (ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
            allMap.Add("result", "1");
            allMap.Add("message", "不存在该微博!");
        string sql = "SELECT t_comment.*, t_people.headUrl, t_people.loginName, t_people.name, t_people.sex FROM t_comment LEFT JOIN t_people ON  t_comment.userId = t_people.id  WHERE t_comment.weiboId = " + weiboId + " ORDER BY t_comment.id DESC LIMIT 0, " + count;

        DataSet ds = dbMysql.seleDB(sql);

        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
            return("{\"result\":\"0\", \"commentList\":[]}");
            return("{\"result\":\"0\", \"commentList\":" + Db2JsonUtil.DataTable2JsonList(ds.Tables[0]) + "}");
     * -------------------------------------以上是suwei的微博接口-----------------------------------------------

    // [WebMethod(Description = "<span style='color:#f74'>连接MySql数据库测试; select * from zl_user </span>")]
    public string AA_DB_MySqlDB(string tabName)
        DbHelpMysql dbMysql = new DbHelpMysql();
        DataSet     ds      = dbMysql.seleDB("select * from " + tabName);

//		Dictionary<string,object> allMap = new Dictionary<string, object>();
//		Dictionary<string,object> voMap = JsonHelper.DataRowToDictionary(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
//		allMap.Add("result", "0");
//		allMap.Add("people", voMap);
//		return JsonHelper.ToJson(allMap);

//		return DataTableJson(ds.Tables[0]);
//		return DataTableJson(ds.Tables[0]);
    public string getWeiBoList(string userId, string count, string itemId, string flag)
        Dictionary <string, object> allMap = new Dictionary <string, object>();

        string  sql = "select * from t_weibo limit 0, 3";
        DataSet ds  = dbMysql.seleDB(sql);

        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
            return("{\"result\":\"0\", \"fileList\":[]}");
            return("{\"result\":\"0\", \"fileList\":" + Db2JsonUtil.DataTable2JsonList(ds.Tables[0]) + "}");
//		allMap.Add("result", "0");
//		allMap.Add("fileList", ds.Tables[0]);
//		return	JsonHelper.ToJson(allMap);
    public string getLeaveMsgList(string userId, string lastId, string count)
        Dictionary <string, object> allMap = new Dictionary <string, object>();

        if (userId.Length == 0)
            allMap.Add("result", "1");
            allMap.Add("message", "用户id不能为空!");
        if (userId.Length == 0)
            count = "10";

        string sql;

        if (lastId.Length == 0 || lastId.Equals("0"))
            sql = "SELECT t_people.loginName, t_people.name, t_people.headUrl, t_people.sex, t_people.age, t_people.phone, t_leave_msg.* FROM t_leave_msg LEFT JOIN t_people ON t_leave_msg.fromUserId = t_people.id WHERE toUserId = " + userId + "  ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0, " + count;
            sql = "SELECT t_people.loginName, t_people.name, t_people.headUrl, t_people.sex, t_people.age, t_people.phone, t_leave_msg.* FROM t_leave_msg LEFT JOIN t_people ON t_leave_msg.fromUserId = t_people.id WHERE toUserId = " + userId + "  AND t_leave_msg.id < " + lastId + " ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0, " + count;

        DataSet ds = dbMysql.seleDB(sql);

        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
            return("{\"result\":\"0\", \"leaveMsgList\":[]}");
            return("{\"result\":\"0\", \"leaveMsgList\":" + Db2JsonUtil.DataTable2JsonList(ds.Tables[0]) + "}");
    public string getWeiBoList(string userId, string count, string itemId, string flag)
        Dictionary <string, object> allMap = new Dictionary <string, object>();

        if (userId.Length == 0)
            allMap.Add("result", "1");
            allMap.Add("message", "用户id不能为空!");

        DataSet ds0 = dbMysql.seleDB("select * from t_people where id = '" + userId + "'");

        if (ds0.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
            allMap.Add("result", "1");
            allMap.Add("message", "该用户不存在!");

        if (count.Length == 0)
            count = "10";

        string sql;

        // 向下刷新
        if (flag.Equals("1"))
            if (itemId.Length == 0 || itemId.Equals("0"))
                sql = "SELECT IFNULL(t_praise_nums.praiseCount, 0) AS praiseNum, IFNULL(t_comment_nums.commentCount, 0) AS commentNum, CASE WHEN t_praise.id IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS hasPraise, t_weibo.*, t_people.headUrl, t_people.loginName, t_people.name, t_people.sex FROM t_weibo  LEFT JOIN t_people ON t_weibo.userId = t_people.id  LEFT JOIN t_praise ON t_weibo.id = t_praise.weiboId  AND t_praise.userId = " + userId + " LEFT JOIN t_praise_nums ON t_weibo.id = t_praise_nums.weiboId LEFT JOIN t_comment_nums ON t_weibo.id = t_comment_nums.weiboId  ORDER BY t_weibo.id DESC LIMIT 0, " + count;
                sql = "SELECT IFNULL(t_praise_nums.praiseCount, 0) AS praiseNum, IFNULL(t_comment_nums.commentCount, 0) AS commentNum, CASE WHEN t_praise.id IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS hasPraise, t_weibo.*, t_people.headUrl, t_people.loginName, t_people.name, t_people.sex FROM t_weibo  LEFT JOIN t_people ON t_weibo.userId = t_people.id  LEFT JOIN t_praise ON t_weibo.id = t_praise.weiboId  AND t_praise.userId = " + userId + " LEFT JOIN t_praise_nums ON t_weibo.id = t_praise_nums.weiboId LEFT JOIN t_comment_nums ON t_weibo.id = t_comment_nums.weiboId  WHERE t_weibo.id < " + itemId + " ORDER BY t_weibo.id DESC LIMIT 0, " + count;
        // 向上刷新
            if (itemId.Length == 0 || itemId.Equals("0"))
                sql = "SELECT IFNULL(t_praise_nums.praiseCount, 0) AS praiseNum, IFNULL(t_comment_nums.commentCount, 0) AS commentNum, CASE WHEN t_praise.id IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS hasPraise, t_weibo.*, t_people.headUrl, t_people.loginName, t_people.name, t_people.sex FROM t_weibo  LEFT JOIN t_people ON t_weibo.userId = t_people.id  LEFT JOIN t_praise ON t_weibo.id = t_praise.weiboId  AND t_praise.userId = " + userId + " LEFT JOIN t_praise_nums ON t_weibo.id = t_praise_nums.weiboId LEFT JOIN t_comment_nums ON t_weibo.id = t_comment_nums.weiboId ORDER BY t_weibo.id DESC LIMIT 0, " + count;
                // SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM t_weibo  WHERE id > 0 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0, 5) AS t_temp ORDER BY id DESC
                sql = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT IFNULL(t_praise_nums.praiseCount, 0) AS praiseNum, IFNULL(t_comment_nums.commentCount, 0) AS commentNum, CASE WHEN t_praise.id IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS hasPraise, t_weibo.*, t_people.headUrl, t_people.loginName, t_people.name, t_people.sex FROM t_weibo  LEFT JOIN t_people ON t_weibo.userId = t_people.id  LEFT JOIN t_praise ON t_weibo.id = t_praise.weiboId  AND t_praise.userId = " + userId + " LEFT JOIN t_praise_nums ON t_weibo.id = t_praise_nums.weiboId LEFT JOIN t_comment_nums ON t_weibo.id = t_comment_nums.weiboId WHERE t_weibo.id > " + itemId + " ORDER BY t_weibo.id ASC LIMIT 0, " + count + " ) AS t_temp ORDER BY t_temp.id DESC ";
        DataSet ds = dbMysql.seleDB(sql);

        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
            return("{\"result\":\"0\", \"fileList\":[]}");
            return("{\"result\":\"0\", \"fileList\":" + Db2JsonUtil.DataTable2JsonList(ds.Tables[0]) + "}");
//		allMap.Add("result", "0");
//		allMap.Add("fileList", ds.Tables[0]);
//		return	JsonHelper.ToJson(allMap);