        public List <UserRankDTO> GetTradeFollowingUsers()
            var result =
                .Where(o => o.UserId == UserId)
                .OrderByDescending(o => o.CreateAt)
                .Join(db.Users, f => f.FollowingId, u => u.Id, (f, u) => new UserRankDTO()
                id       = u.Id,
                nickname = u.Nickname,
                picUrl   = u.PicUrl,
                //showData = o.Following.ShowData ?? CFDUsers.DEFAULT_SHOW_DATA,
                //rank = o.Following.LiveRank ?? 0,

                followTrade = new FollowTradeDTO()
                    createAt       = f.CreateAt,
                    investFixed    = f.InvestFixed.Value,
                    stopAfterCount = f.StopAfterCount.Value,

            if (result.Count > 0)
                var userIds = result.Select(o => o.id).ToList();

                var twoWeeksAgo    = DateTimes.GetChinaToday().AddDays(-13);
                var twoWeeksAgoUtc = twoWeeksAgo.AddHours(-8);

                var user    = GetUser();
                var balance = db.Balances.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == user.ActiveBalanceId);

                var datas =
                        o => userIds.Contains(o.UserId.Value) && o.ClosedAt != null && o.ClosedAt >= twoWeeksAgoUtc && o.BalanceTypeId == balance.TypeId)
                    .GroupBy(o => o.UserId).Join(db.Users, g => g.Key, u => u.Id, (g, u) => new UserRankDTO()
                    id = g.Key.Value,

                    //nickname = u.Nickname,
                    //picUrl = u.PicUrl,

                    //posCount = g.Count(),
                    winRate = (decimal)g.Count(p => p.PL > 0) / g.Count(),
                    roi     = g.Sum(p => p.PL.Value) / g.Sum(p => p.Invest.Value),
                }).OrderByDescending(o => o.roi).Take(YJYGlobal.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE).ToList();

                foreach (var userDto in result)
                    var data = datas.FirstOrDefault(o => o.id == userDto.id);

                    if (data == null) //this guy has no data
                        userDto.roi = 0;
                        //userDto.posCount = 0;
                        userDto.winRate = 0;
                        userDto.roi = data.roi;
                        //userDto.posCount = data.posCount;
                        userDto.winRate = data.winRate;

                //result = result.OrderByDescending(o => o.roi).ToList();

        public List <PosChartDTO> PLChartClosed(int userId)
            var tryGetAuthUser = TryGetAuthUser();

            int balanceTypeId = 1;

            if (tryGetAuthUser != null)
                balanceTypeId = db.Balances.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == tryGetAuthUser.ActiveBalanceId).TypeId;

            //var user = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == userId);
            //if (!(user.ShowData ?? true) && userId != UserId)//not showing data && not myself
            //    return new List<PosChartDTO>();

            var dbList = db.Positions.Where(o => o.UserId == userId && o.ClosedAt != null && o.BalanceTypeId == balanceTypeId)
                         .OrderBy(o => o.ClosedAt)

            if (dbList.Count == 0)
                return(new List <PosChartDTO>());

            var result = dbList.GroupBy(o => o.ClosedAt.Value.AddHours(8).Date).Select(o => new PosChartDTO
                date = o.Key,
                //Count = o.Count(),
                pl = o.Sum(p => p.PL.Value)

            #region fill-in all data points for client...

            var     beginDate    = DateTime.SpecifyKind(result.First().date, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            var     endDate      = DateTimes.GetChinaToday();
            var     newResult    = new List <PosChartDTO>();
            decimal cumulativePL = 0;
            for (DateTime d = beginDate; d <= endDate; d = d.AddDays(1))
                if (d.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)

                var data = result.FirstOrDefault(o => o.date == d);

                if (data == null)
                    newResult.Add(new PosChartDTO()
                        date = d, pl = cumulativePL
                    cumulativePL += data.pl;
                    newResult.Add(new PosChartDTO()
                        date = d, pl = cumulativePL

            //if the first data is not zero, add a zero before it as a reference point
            if (newResult.First().pl != 0)
                newResult.Insert(0, new PosChartDTO()
                    date = newResult.First().date.AddDays(-1), pl = 0


            //var user = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == userId);
            //if (!(user.ShowData ?? CFDUsers.DEFAULT_SHOW_DATA) && userId != UserId) //not showing data && not myself
            //    //data obfuscation
            //    var max = newResult.Max(o => o.pl);
            //    var min = newResult.Min(o => o.pl);
            //    var ratio = max - min == 0 ? 0 : 100 / (max - min);
            //    foreach (var dto in newResult)
            //    {
            //        dto.pl = (dto.pl - min) * ratio;
            //    }

        public List <UserRankDTO> GetUserRankPL2w()
            var tryGetAuthUser = TryGetAuthUser();

            int balanceTypeId = 1;

            if (tryGetAuthUser != null)
                balanceTypeId = db.Balances.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == tryGetAuthUser.ActiveBalanceId).TypeId;

            var twoWeeksAgo    = DateTimes.GetChinaToday().AddDays(-13);
            var twoWeeksAgoUtc = twoWeeksAgo.AddHours(-8);

            var userDTOs = db.Positions.Where(o => o.ClosedAt != null && o.ClosedAt >= twoWeeksAgoUtc && o.BalanceTypeId == balanceTypeId)
                           .GroupBy(o => o.UserId)
                           .Join(db.Users, g => g.Key, u => u.Id, (g, u) => new UserRankDTO()
                id = g.Key.Value,

                nickname = u.Nickname,
                picUrl   = u.PicUrl,

                //posCount = g.Count(),
                winRate = (decimal)g.Count(p => p.PL > 0) / g.Count(),
                roi     = g.Sum(p => p.PL.Value) / g.Sum(p => p.Invest.Value),
            }).OrderByDescending(o => o.roi).Take(YJYGlobal.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE).ToList();

            //var tryGetAuthUser = TryGetAuthUser();
            if (tryGetAuthUser != null)
                ////move myself to the top
                //var findIndex = userDTOs.FindIndex(o => o.id == tryGetAuthUser.Id);
                //if (findIndex > 0)
                //    var me = userDTOs.First(o => o.id == tryGetAuthUser.Id);
                //    userDTOs.RemoveAt(findIndex);
                //    userDTOs.Insert(0, me);
                //else if (findIndex == 0)
                //    //do nothing
                //    userDTOs.Insert(0, new UserRankDTO()
                //    {
                //        id = tryGetAuthUser.Id,
                //        nickname = tryGetAuthUser.Nickname,
                //        picUrl = tryGetAuthUser.PicUrl,

                //        //posCount = 0,
                //        roi = 0,
                //        winRate = 0,
                //    });

                //add myself to the top
                var me = userDTOs.FirstOrDefault(o => o.id == tryGetAuthUser.Id);
                if (me != null)
                                    new UserRankDTO()
                        id       = me.id,
                        nickname = me.nickname,
                        picUrl   = me.picUrl,
                        roi      = me.roi,
                        winRate  = me.winRate
                                    new UserRankDTO()
                        id       = tryGetAuthUser.Id,
                        nickname = tryGetAuthUser.Nickname,
                        picUrl   = tryGetAuthUser.PicUrl,

                        roi     = 0,
                        winRate = 0,
