        public void TestDateTime_Set()
            var model     = DateTimeRecognizer.GetInstance().GetDateTimeModel(Culture.Chinese);;
            var reference = new DateObject(2017, 3, 22);

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "事件 每天都发生",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_SET, "每天", "P1D");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_SET, "每日", "P1D");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_SET, "每周", "P1W");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_SET, "每个星期", "P1W");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_SET, "每个月", "P1M");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_SET, "每年", "P1Y");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_SET, "每周一", "XXXX-WXX-1");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_SET, "每周一下午八点", "XXXX-WXX-1T20");
        public void TestDateTime_DateTime()
            var model     = DateTimeRecognizer.GetInstance().GetDateTimeModel(Culture.Chinese);
            var reference = new DateObject(2016, 11, 7, 14, 7, 0);

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIME, "2010.01.29晚上六点", "2010-01-29T18");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIME, "1987年1月11日八点", "1987-01-11T08");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIME, "2015年十月初一早上九点二十", "2015-10-01T09:20");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIME, "1月19号下午5:00", "XXXX-01-19T17:00");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIME, "明天下午5:00", "2016-11-08T17:00");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIME, "今晚6点", "2016-11-07T18");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIME, "今晨5点", "2016-11-07T05");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIME, "今早8点十五分", "2016-11-07T08:15");
        public void TestDateTime_DateTimePeriod()
            var model     = DateTimeRecognizer.GetInstance().GetDateTimeModel(Culture.Chinese);
            var reference = new DateObject(2016, 11, 7, 16, 12, 0);

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIMEPERIOD, "从昨天下午两点到明天四点", "(2016-11-06T14:00:00,2016-11-08T04:00:00,PT38H)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIMEPERIOD, "从昨天5:00-6:00", "(2016-11-06T05:00,2016-11-06T06:00,PT1H)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIMEPERIOD, "1月15号4点和2月3号9点之间", "(XXXX-01-15T04,XXXX-02-03T09,PT461H)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIMEPERIOD, "昨晚", "2016-11-06TEV");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIMEPERIOD, "明天上午", "2016-11-08TMO");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIMEPERIOD, "上个小时", "(2016-11-07T15:12:00,2016-11-07T16:12:00,PT1H)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIMEPERIOD, "之后5分钟", "(2016-11-07T16:12:00,2016-11-07T16:17:00,PT5M)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIMEPERIOD, "之前3小时", "(2016-11-07T13:12:00,2016-11-07T16:12:00,PT3H)");
        /// <summary>
        /// Get all recognizers model instances.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A list of all the existing recognizer's models</returns>
        private static IEnumerable <IModel> GetModels()
            return(new IModel[]
                // Add Number recognizer - This recognizer will find any number from the input
                // E.g "I have two apples" will return "2".

                // Add Ordinal number recognizer - This recognizer will find any ordinal number
                // E.g "eleventh" will return "11".

                // Add Percentage recognizer - This recognizer will find any number presented as percentage
                // E.g "one hundred percents" will return "100%"

                // Add Age recognizer - This recognizer will find any age number presented
                // E.g "After ninety five years of age, perspectives change" will return "95 Year"

                // Add Currency recognizer - This recognizer will find any currency presented
                // E.g "Interest expense in the 1988 third quarter was $ 75.3 million" will return "75300000 Dollar"

                // Add Dimension recognizer - This recognizer will find any dimension presented
                // E.g "The six-mile trip to my airport hotel that had taken 20 minutes earlier in the day took more than three hours." will return "6 Mile"

                // Add Temperature recognizer - This recognizer will find any temperature presented
                // E.g "Set the temperature to 30 degrees celsius" will return "30 C"

                // Add Datetime recognizer - This model will find any Date even if its write in coloquial language -
                // E.g "I'll go back 8pm today" will return "2017-10-04 20:00:00"
        public void TestDateTime_DatePeriod()
            var model     = DateTimeRecognizer.GetModel(Culture.English);
            var reference = new DateObject(2016, 11, 7);

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll be out from 4-23 in next month",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATEPERIOD, "from 4-23 in next month", "(2016-12-04,2016-12-23,P19D)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll be out between 3 and 12 of Sept hahaha",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATEPERIOD, "between 3 and 12 of sept", "(XXXX-09-03,XXXX-09-12,P9D)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll be out this September",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATEPERIOD, "this september", "2016-09");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll be out January 12, 2016 - 01/22/2016",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATEPERIOD, "january 12, 2016 - 01/22/2016", "(2016-01-12,2016-01-22,P10D)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll be out next 3 days",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATEPERIOD, "next 3 days", "(2016-11-08,2016-11-11,P3D)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll be out the last week of july",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATEPERIOD, "the last week of july", "XXXX-07-W04");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll be out 2015-3",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATEPERIOD, "2015-3", "2015-03");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll leave this SUMMER",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATEPERIOD, "this summer", "2016-SU");
        public void TestDateTime_Time()
            var model     = DateTimeRecognizer.GetModel(Culture.English);
            var reference = new DateObject(2016, 11, 7);

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll be back 7:56:30 pm",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIME, "7:56:30 pm", "T19:56:30");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "It's half past seven o'clock",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIME, "half past seven o'clock", "T07:30");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "It's 20 min past eight in the evening",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIME, "20 min past eight in the evening", "T20:20");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll be back in the morning at 7",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIME, "in the morning at 7", "T07");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll be back in the afternoon at 7",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIME, "in the afternoon at 7", "T19");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll be back noonish",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIME, "noonish", "T12");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll be back 11ish",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIME, "11ish", "T11");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll be back 1140 a.m.",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIME, "1140 a.m.", "T11:40");
        public void TestDateTime_TimePeriod()
            var model     = DateTimeRecognizer.GetModel(Culture.English);
            var reference = new DateObject(2016, 11, 7, 16, 12, 0);

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll be out 5 to 6pm",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIMEPERIOD, "5 to 6pm", "(T17,T18,PT1H)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll be out 5 to seven in the morning",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIMEPERIOD, "5 to seven in the morning", "(T05,T07,PT2H)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll be out between 5 and 6 in the afternoon",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIMEPERIOD, "between 5 and 6 in the afternoon", "(T17,T18,PT1H)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll be out 4:00 to 7 oclock",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIMEPERIOD, "4:00 to 7 oclock", "(T04:00,T07,PT3H)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll be out from 3 in the morning until 5pm",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIMEPERIOD, "from 3 in the morning until 5pm", "(T03,T17,PT14H)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll be out between 4pm and 5pm",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIMEPERIOD, "between 4pm and 5pm", "(T16,T17,PT1H)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "let's meet in the morning",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIMEPERIOD, "morning", "TMO");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "let's meet in the evening",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIMEPERIOD, "evening", "TEV");
        public void TestDateTime_Duration()
            var model     = DateTimeRecognizer.GetModel(Culture.English);
            var reference = new DateObject(2016, 11, 7);

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll leave for 3h",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DURATION, "3h", "PT3H");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll leave for 3.5years",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DURATION, "3.5years", "P3.5Y");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll leave for 3 minutes",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DURATION, "3 minutes", "PT3M");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll leave for 123.45 sec",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DURATION, "123.45 sec", "PT123.45S");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll leave for all day",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DURATION, "all day", "P1D");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll leave for twenty and four hours",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DURATION, "twenty and four hours", "PT24H");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll leave for all month",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DURATION, "all month", "P1M");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll leave for an hour",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DURATION, "an hour", "PT1H");
        public void TestDateTime_Set()
            var model     = DateTimeRecognizer.GetModel(Culture.English);
            var reference = new DateObject(2016, 11, 7);

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll leave weekly",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_SET, "weekly", "P1W");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll leave every day",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_SET, "every day", "P1D");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll leave annually",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_SET, "annually", "P1Y");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll leave each two days",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_SET, "each two days", "P2D");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll leave every three week",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_SET, "every three week", "P3W");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll leave 3pm each day",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_SET, "3pm each day", "T15");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll leave every monday",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_SET, "every monday", "XXXX-WXX-1");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll leave each monday at 4pm",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_SET, "each monday at 4pm", "XXXX-WXX-1T16");
        public void TestDateTime_DateTime()
            var model     = DateTimeRecognizer.GetModel(Culture.English);
            var reference = new DateObject(2016, 11, 7);

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll go back now",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIME, "now", "PRESENT_REF");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll go back October 14 for 8:00:31am",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIME, "october 14 for 8:00:31am", "XXXX-10-14T08:00:31");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll go back tomorrow 8:00am",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIME, "tomorrow 8:00am", "2016-11-08T08:00");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll go back 10, tonight",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIME, "10, tonight", "2016-11-07T22");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll go back 8am this morning",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIME, "8am this morning", "2016-11-07T08");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll go back end of tomorrow",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIME, "end of tomorrow", "2016-11-08T23:59");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll go back end of the sunday",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIME, "end of the sunday", "XXXX-WXX-7T23:59");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll go back end of this sunday",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIME, "end of this sunday", "2016-11-13T23:59");
        private static IEnumerable <ModelResult> ParseAll(string query, string culture)
                       // Number recognizer will find any number from the input
                       NumberRecognizer.RecognizeNumber(query, culture),

                       // Ordinal number recognizer will find any ordinal number
                       NumberRecognizer.RecognizeOrdinal(query, culture),

                       // Percentage recognizer will find any number presented as percentage
                       NumberRecognizer.RecognizePercentage(query, culture),

                       // Number Range recognizer will find any cardinal or ordinal number range
                       NumberRecognizer.RecognizeNumberRange(query, culture),

                       // Age recognizer will find any age number presented
                       NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeAge(query, culture),

                       // Currency recognizer will find any currency presented
                       NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeCurrency(query, culture),

                       // Dimension recognizer will find any dimension presented
                       NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeDimension(query, culture),

                       // Temperature recognizer will find any temperature presented
                       NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeTemperature(query, culture),

                       // Datetime recognizer This model will find any Date even if its write in coloquial language
                       DateTimeRecognizer.RecognizeDateTime(query, culture),

                       // PhoneNumber recognizer will find any phone number presented
                       SequenceRecognizer.RecognizePhoneNumber(query, culture),

                       // Add IP recognizer - This recognizer will find any Ipv4/Ipv6 presented
                       SequenceRecognizer.RecognizeIpAddress(query, culture)
        public void TestDateTime_DateTimePeriod()
            var model     = DateTimeRecognizer.GetInstance().GetDateTimeModel(Culture.English);
            var reference = new DateObject(2016, 11, 7, 16, 12, 0);

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll be out five to seven today",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIMEPERIOD, "five to seven today", "(2016-11-07T05,2016-11-07T07,PT2H)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll be out from 5 to 6pm of April 22",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIMEPERIOD, "from 5 to 6pm of april 22", "(XXXX-04-22T17,XXXX-04-22T18,PT1H)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll be out 3:00 to 4:00 tomorrow",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIMEPERIOD, "3:00 to 4:00 tomorrow", "(2016-11-08T03:00,2016-11-08T04:00,PT1H)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll go back this evening",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIMEPERIOD, "this evening", "2016-11-07TEV");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll go back tomorrow night",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIMEPERIOD, "tomorrow night", "2016-11-08TNI");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll go back next monday afternoon",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIMEPERIOD, "next monday afternoon", "2016-11-14TAF");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll go back next hour",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIMEPERIOD, "next hour", "(2016-11-07T16:12:00,2016-11-07T17:12:00,PT1H)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll go back tuesday in the morning",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATETIMEPERIOD, "tuesday in the morning", "XXXX-WXX-2TMO");
        public void TestDateTime_Time()
            var model     = DateTimeRecognizer.GetInstance().GetDateTimeModel(Culture.Chinese);
            var reference = new DateObject(2017, 3, 22);

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIME, "下午5:00", "T17:00");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIME, "晚上9:30", "T21:30");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIME, "晚上19:30", "T19:30");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIME, "大约十点", "T10");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIME, "大约晚上十点", "T22");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIME, "凌晨2点半", "T02:30");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIME, "零点", "T00");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIME, "零点整", "T00");
        public void TestDateTime_Date()
            var model     = DateTimeRecognizer.GetModel(Culture.English);
            var reference = new DateObject(2016, 11, 7);

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll go back Oct/2",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATE, "oct/2", "XXXX-10-02", "2017-10-02", "2016-10-02");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll go back on 22/04",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATE, "22/04", "XXXX-04-22", "2017-04-22", "2016-04-22");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll go back May twenty nine",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATE, "may twenty nine", "XXXX-05-29", "2017-05-29", "2016-05-29");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll go back second of Aug.",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATE, "second of aug", "XXXX-08-02", "2017-08-02", "2016-08-02");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll go back today",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATE, "today", "2016-11-07");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll go back tomorrow",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATE, "tomorrow", "2016-11-08");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll go back yesterday",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATE, "yesterday", "2016-11-06");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      "I'll go back on Friday",
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATE, "friday", "XXXX-WXX-5", "2016-11-11", "2016-11-04");
        public static IModel GetModel(this TestContext context)
            var language  = TestUtils.GetCulture(context.FullyQualifiedTestClassName);
            var modelName = TestUtils.GetModel(context.TestName);

            switch (modelName)
            case Models.Number:

            case Models.Ordinal:

            case Models.Percent:

            case Models.Age:

            case Models.Currency:

            case Models.Dimension:

            case Models.Temperature:

            case Models.DateTime:

            case Models.CustomNumber:

            throw new Exception($"Model '{modelName}' for '{language}' not supported");
        public void TestDateTime_TimePeriod()
            var model     = DateTimeRecognizer.GetInstance().GetDateTimeModel(Culture.Chinese);
            var reference = new DateObject(2017, 3, 22);

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIMEPERIOD, "从下午五点一刻到六点", "(T17:15,T18,PT0H45M)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIMEPERIOD, "17:55:23-18:33:02", "(T17:55:23,T18:33:02,PT0H37M39S)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIMEPERIOD, "从17点55分23秒至18点33分02秒", "(T17:55:23,T18:33:02,PT0H37M39S)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIMEPERIOD, "早上五到六点", "(T05,T06,PT1H)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIMEPERIOD, "下午五点到晚上七点半", "(T17,T19:30,PT2H30M)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIMEPERIOD, "下午5:00到凌晨3:00", "(T17:00,T03:00,PT10H)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIMEPERIOD, "下午5:00到6:00", "(T17:00,T18:00,PT1H)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIMEPERIOD, "5:00到6:00", "(T05:00,T06:00,PT1H)");
        public void TestDateTime_Date()
            var model     = DateTimeRecognizer.GetInstance().GetDateTimeModel(Culture.Chinese);
            var reference = new DateObject(2017, 3, 22);

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATE, "2010/01/29", "2010-01-29");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATE, "农历2015年十月初一", "2015-10-01");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATE, "正月三十", "XXXX-01-30");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATE, "10月12号,星期一", "XXXX-10-12");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATE, "最近", "2017-03-22");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATE, "12号", "XXXX-XX-12");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATE, "二零零四年八月十五", "2004-08-15");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATE, "本月十日", "XXXX-03-10");
        public void TestDateTime_DatePeriod()
            var model     = DateTimeRecognizer.GetInstance().GetDateTimeModel(Culture.Chinese);
            var reference = new DateObject(2017, 3, 22);

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATEPERIOD, "从一月十日到十二日", "(XXXX-01-10,XXXX-01-12,P2D)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATEPERIOD, "从2016年一月十日到十二日", "(2016-01-10,2016-01-12,P2D)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATEPERIOD, "从一月十日到20日", "(XXXX-01-10,XXXX-01-20,P10D)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATEPERIOD, "明年", "2018");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATEPERIOD, "十月的第一周", "XXXX-10-W01");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATEPERIOD, "前1周", "(2017-03-15,2017-03-22,P1W)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATEPERIOD, "后1年", "(2017-03-23,2018-03-23,P1Y)");

            BasicTest(model, reference,
                      Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATEPERIOD, "今年夏天", "2017-SU");
        private static bool GetDateOrTimeFromUserInput(string userInput, UserDateTimeValueOptions requestedValue, out DateTime userRequestedDateOrTime)
            userRequestedDateOrTime = default(DateTime);
            var    managedToRecognize        = false;
            string requestedValueKey         = GetRecognitionKeyBasedOnRequestedValue(requestedValue);
            var    culture                   = Culture.English;
            var    dateTimeRecognitionResult = DateTimeRecognizer.RecognizeDateTime(userInput, culture);

            if (dateTimeRecognitionResult.Any(entity => entity.TypeName == requestedValueKey))
                var recognizedDateResolution = dateTimeRecognitionResult
                                               .First(entity => entity.TypeName == requestedValueKey)
                                               .Resolution["values"] as List <Dictionary <string, string> >;

                DateTime dateTimeDump = default(DateTime);
                if (recognizedDateResolution.Any(foundDate => DateTime.TryParse(foundDate["value"], out dateTimeDump)))
                    managedToRecognize      = true;
                    userRequestedDateOrTime = dateTimeDump;

        public static void TimeRange()
            // Run the recognizer.
            var results = DateTimeRecognizer.RecognizeDateTime("Some time between 6pm and 6:30pm.", Culture.English);

            // We should find a single result in this example.
            foreach (var result in results)
                // The resolution includes a single value because there is no ambiguity.
                var distinctTimexExpressions = new HashSet <string>();
                var values = (List <Dictionary <string, string> >)result.Resolution["values"];
                foreach (var value in values)
                    // We are interested in the distinct set of TIMEX expressions.
                    if (value.TryGetValue("timex", out var timex))

                // The TIMEX expression can also capture the notion of range.
                Console.WriteLine($"{result.Text} ( {string.Join(',', distinctTimexExpressions)} )");
        protected async Task DigestLuisResult(DialogContext dc, ReservationLuis luisResult)
                var state = await ConversationStateAccessor.GetAsync(dc.Context);

                // Extract entities and store in state here.
                if (luisResult != null)
                    var entities = luisResult.Entities;

                    // Extract the cuisines out (already normalized to canonical form) and put in State thus slot-filling for the dialog.
                    if (entities.cuisine != null)
                        foreach (var cuisine in entities.cuisine)
                            var type = cuisine.First <string>();
                            state.Booking.Category = type;

                    if (entities.datetime != null)
                        var results = DateTimeRecognizer.RecognizeDateTime(dc.Context.Activity.Text, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.ToString());
                        if (results.Count > 0)
                            // We only care about presence of one DateTime
                            var result = results.First();

                            // The resolution could include two example values: one for AM and one for PM.
                            var distinctTimexExpressions = new HashSet <string>();
                            var values = (List <Dictionary <string, string> >)result.Resolution["values"];
                            foreach (var value in values)
                                // Each result includes a TIMEX expression that captures the inherent date but not time ambiguity.
                                // We are interested in the distinct set of TIMEX expressions.
                                if (value.TryGetValue("timex", out var timex))

                            // Now we have the timex properties let's see if we have a definite date and time
                            // If so we slot-fill this and move on, if we don't we'll ignore for now meaning the user will be prompted
                            var timexProperty = new TimexProperty(distinctTimexExpressions.First());

                            if (timexProperty.Types.Contains(Constants.TimexTypes.Date) && timexProperty.Types.Contains(Constants.TimexTypes.Definite))
                                // We have definite date (no ambiguity)
                                state.Booking.ReservationDate = new DateTime(timexProperty.Year.Value, timexProperty.Month.Value, timexProperty.DayOfMonth.Value);

                                // Timex doesn't capture time ambiguity (e.g. 4 rather than 4pm)
                                if (timexProperty.Types.Contains(Constants.TimexTypes.Time))
                                    // If we have multiple TimeX
                                    if (distinctTimexExpressions.Count == 1)
                                        // We have definite time (no ambiguity)
                                        state.Booking.ReservationTime = DateTime.Parse($"{timexProperty.Hour.Value}:{timexProperty.Minute.Value}:{timexProperty.Second.Value}");
                                        // We don't have a distinct time so add the TimeEx expressions to enable disambiguation later and prepare the natural language versions
                                        foreach (var timex in distinctTimexExpressions)
                                            var property = new TimexProperty(timex);
                                            state.AmbiguousTimexExpressions.Add(timex, property.ToNaturalLanguage(DateTime.Now));
                            else if (timexProperty.Types.Contains(Constants.TimexTypes.Time))
                                // We might have a time but no date (e.g. book a table for 4pm)
                                // If we have multiple timex (and time) this means we have a AM and PM component (e.g. ambiguous - book a table at 9)
                                if (distinctTimexExpressions.Count == 1)
                                    state.Booking.ReservationTime = DateTime.Parse($"{timexProperty.Hour.Value}:{timexProperty.Minute.Value}:{timexProperty.Second.Value}");
                                // We don't have a distinct time so add the TimeEx expressions to enable disambiguation later and prepare the natural language versions
                                foreach (var timex in distinctTimexExpressions)
                                    var property = new TimexProperty(timex);
                                    state.AmbiguousTimexExpressions.Add(timex, property.ToNaturalLanguage(DateTime.Now));

                    if (entities.geographyV2 != null)
                        state.Booking.Location = entities.geographyV2.First().Location;

                    // Establishing attendee count can be problematic as the number entity can be picked up for poorly qualified
                    // times, e.g. book a restaurant tomorrow at 2 for 4 people so we rely on a composite entity
                    if (entities.attendees != null)
                        var attendeesComposite = entities.attendees.First();
                        if (attendeesComposite != null)
                            int.TryParse(attendeesComposite.number.First().ToString(), out var attendeeCount);
                            if (attendeeCount > 0)
                                state.Booking.AttendeeCount = attendeeCount;
                // put log here
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse query with all recognizers.
        /// </summary>
        private static IEnumerable <ModelResult> ParseAll(string query, string culture)
            return(MergeResults(new List <ModelResult>[]
                // Number recognizer will find any number from the input
                // E.g "I have two apples" will return "2".
                NumberRecognizer.RecognizeNumber(query, culture),

                // Ordinal number recognizer will find any ordinal number
                // E.g "eleventh" will return "11".
                NumberRecognizer.RecognizeOrdinal(query, culture),

                // Percentage recognizer will find any number presented as percentage
                // E.g "one hundred percents" will return "100%"
                NumberRecognizer.RecognizePercentage(query, culture),

                // Number Range recognizer will find any cardinal or ordinal number range
                // E.g. "between 2 and 5" will return "(2,5)"
                NumberRecognizer.RecognizeNumberRange(query, culture),

                // Age recognizer will find any age number presented
                // E.g "After ninety five years of age, perspectives change" will return "95 Year"
                NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeAge(query, culture),

                // Currency recognizer will find any currency presented
                // E.g "Interest expense in the 1988 third quarter was $ 75.3 million" will return "75300000 Dollar"
                NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeCurrency(query, culture),

                // Dimension recognizer will find any dimension presented
                // E.g "The six-mile trip to my airport hotel that had taken 20 minutes earlier in the day took more than three hours." will return "6 Mile"
                NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeDimension(query, culture),

                // Temperature recognizer will find any temperature presented
                // E.g "Set the temperature to 30 degrees celsius" will return "30 C"
                NumberWithUnitRecognizer.RecognizeTemperature(query, culture),

                // Datetime recognizer This model will find any Date even if its write in colloquial language
                // E.g "I'll go back 8pm today" will return "2017-10-04 20:00:00"
                DateTimeRecognizer.RecognizeDateTime(query, culture),

                // PhoneNumber recognizer will find any phone number presented
                // E.g "My phone number is ( 19 ) 38294427."
                SequenceRecognizer.RecognizePhoneNumber(query, culture),

                // Add IP recognizer - This recognizer will find any Ipv4/Ipv6 presented
                // E.g "My Ip is"
                SequenceRecognizer.RecognizeIpAddress(query, culture),

                // Mention recognizer will find all the mention usages
                // E.g "@Cicero"
                SequenceRecognizer.RecognizeMention(query, culture),

                // Hashtag recognizer will find all the hash tag usages
                // E.g "task #123"
                SequenceRecognizer.RecognizeHashtag(query, culture),

                // Email recognizer will find all the emails
                // E.g "*****@*****.**"
                SequenceRecognizer.RecognizeEmail(query, culture),

                // URL recognizer will find all the urls
                // E.g "bing.com"
                SequenceRecognizer.RecognizeURL(query, culture),

                // GUID recognizer will find all the GUID usages
                // E.g "{123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000}"
                SequenceRecognizer.RecognizeGUID(query, culture),

                // Quoted text recognizer
                // E.g "I meant "no""
                SequenceRecognizer.RecognizeQuotedText(query, culture),

                // Add Boolean recognizer - This model will find yes/no like responses, including emoji -
                // E.g "yup, I need that" will return "True"
                ChoiceRecognizer.RecognizeBoolean(query, culture),
        public void WithInvalidCultureAsTargetAndWithoutFallback_ThrowError()
            var recognizer = new DateTimeRecognizer(InvalidCulture);

            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentException>(() => recognizer.GetDateTimeModel(fallbackToDefaultCulture: false));
        private static void ParseEventInputFlags(string[] args, ref Event evt, string timezone)
            uint i          = 0;
            int  argsLength = args.Length;

            while (i < argsLength)
                if (args[i].StartsWith("--"))
                    var key = args[i].Substring(2);
                    var values = new List <string>();
                    while (i < argsLength && !args[i].StartsWith("--"))

                    switch (key)
                    case "repeat":
                        if (values.Count == 0)
                            evt.Repeat = RepeatType.None;
                            switch (values[0])
                            case "d":
                                evt.Repeat = RepeatType.Daily;

                            case "w":
                                evt.Repeat = RepeatType.Weekly;

                            case "m":
                                evt.Repeat = RepeatType.Monthly;

                            case "mw":
                                evt.Repeat = RepeatType.MonthlyWeekday;

                            case "n":
                                evt.Repeat = RepeatType.None;

                                if (evt.Repeat != RepeatType.Daily && evt.Repeat != RepeatType.Weekly && evt.Repeat != RepeatType.Monthly && evt.Repeat != RepeatType.MonthlyWeekday)
                                    evt.Repeat = RepeatType.None;

                    case "desc":
                        evt.Description = string.Join(' ', values.ToArray());

                    case "mention":
                        evt.Mentions = new List <EventMention>();
                        foreach (var value in values)
                            if (value == "@everyone")
                                evt.Mentions.Add(new EventMention
                                    Type = MentionType.Everyone

                            else if (value.ToLower() == "rsvp")
                                evt.Mentions.Add(new EventMention
                                    Type = MentionType.RSVP
                            else if (value.StartsWith("<@") && value.EndsWith(">"))
                                var    mention = new EventMention();
                                string mentionIdString;
                                if (value.StartsWith("<@&"))
                                    mention.Type    = MentionType.Role;
                                    mentionIdString = value.Substring(3);
                                    mention.Type = MentionType.User;
                                    if (value.StartsWith("<@!"))
                                        mentionIdString = value.Substring(3);
                                        mentionIdString = value.Substring(2);
                                mentionIdString  = mentionIdString.TrimEnd('>');
                                mention.TargetId = ulong.Parse(mentionIdString);

                    case "remind":
                        var reminderString = string.Join(' ', values);
                        var tz             = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb.GetZoneOrNull(timezone);
                        if (tz == null)
                            throw new InvalidTimeZoneException();

                        var results = DateTimeRecognizer.RecognizeDateTime(reminderString, Culture.English);
                        if (results.Count > 0 && results.First().TypeName.StartsWith("datetimeV2"))
                            var first            = results.First();
                            var resolutionValues = (IList <Dictionary <string, string> >)first.Resolution["values"];

                            var subType = first.TypeName.Split('.').Last();
                            if (subType == "duration")
                                string value             = resolutionValues.Select(v => v["value"]).FirstOrDefault();
                                double seconds           = double.Parse(value);
                                var    reminderTimestamp = evt.StartTimestamp.AddSeconds(-seconds);
                                if (IsFuture(reminderTimestamp))
                                    evt.ReminderTimestamp = reminderTimestamp;
                                    throw new DateTimeInPastException();

        /// <summary>
        /// Extract date and time from a sentence using Microsoft Recognizer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">input user message</param>
        /// <param name="fromLocale">Source Locale</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <TextAndDateTime> ExtractDate(string message, string fromLocale)
            List <TextAndDateTime> fndDates = new List <TextAndDateTime>();
            //extract culture name.
            var cultureName = FindCulture(fromLocale);
            var results     = DateTimeRecognizer.RecognizeDateTime(message, cultureName);

            //looping on each result and extracting found date objects from input utterance
            foreach (ModelResult result in results)
                var             resolutionValues = (IList <Dictionary <string, string> >)result.Resolution["values"];
                string          type             = result.TypeName.Replace("datetimeV2.", "");
                DateTime        moment;;
                string          momentType;
                DateTime        momentEnd;
                TextAndDateTime curDateTimeText;
                if (type.Contains("range"))
                    if (type.Contains("date") && type.Contains("time"))
                        momentType = "datetime";
                    else if (type.Contains("date"))
                        momentType = "date";
                        momentType = "time";
                    moment          = DateTime.Parse(resolutionValues.First()["start"]);
                    momentEnd       = DateTime.Parse(resolutionValues.First()["end"]);
                    curDateTimeText = new TextAndDateTime
                        dateTime    = moment,
                        Text        = result.Text,
                        type        = momentType,
                        range       = true,
                        endDateTime = momentEnd
                    if (type.Contains("date") && type.Contains("time"))
                        momentType = "datetime";
                    else if (type.Contains("date"))
                        momentType = "date";
                        momentType = "time";
                    moment          = resolutionValues.Select(v => DateTime.Parse(v["value"])).FirstOrDefault();
                    curDateTimeText = new TextAndDateTime
                        dateTime = moment,
                        Text     = result.Text,
                        type     = momentType,
                        range    = false,

        private static void ParseEventTimestamps(string bodyString, string timezone, ref Event evt)
            var tz = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb.GetZoneOrNull(timezone);

            if (tz == null)
                throw new InvalidTimeZoneException();

            var results = DateTimeRecognizer.RecognizeDateTime(bodyString, Culture.English);

            if (results.Count > 0 && results.Any(r => r.TypeName.StartsWith("datetimeV2")))
                var first = results
                            .Where(r => r.Resolution != null)
                            .SkipWhile(r =>
                    var v           = (IList <Dictionary <string, string> >)r.Resolution["values"];
                    var returnValue = v.Any(x =>
                            return(x["value"] == "not resolved");
                        catch (KeyNotFoundException)
                if (first == null)
                    throw new EventParseException();

                var resolutionValues = (IList <Dictionary <string, string> >)first.Resolution["values"];

                var subType = first.TypeName.Split('.').Last();
                if (subType == "date")
                    string timex = resolutionValues.Select(v => v["timex"]).FirstOrDefault();
                    string value = resolutionValues.Select(v => v["value"]).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (timex.StartsWith("XXXX-"))
                        value = value.Substring(4);
                        value = string.Format("{0}{1}", DateTime.Now.Year, value);
                    LocalDateTime startDateTime      = _dateOnlyPattern.Parse(value).Value;
                    ZonedDateTime zonedStartDateTime = tz.AtLeniently(startDateTime);

                    if (IsFuture(zonedStartDateTime.ToDateTimeOffset()))
                        evt.StartTimestamp = zonedStartDateTime.ToDateTimeOffset();
                        evt.EndTimestamp   = zonedStartDateTime.ToDateTimeOffset().AddHours(1);
                        throw new DateTimeInPastException();
                else if (subType.Contains("date") && !subType.Contains("range"))
                    string timex = resolutionValues.Select(v => v["timex"]).FirstOrDefault();
                    string value = resolutionValues.Select(v => v["value"]).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (timex.StartsWith("XXXX-"))
                        value = value.Substring(4);
                        value = string.Format("{0}{1}", DateTime.Now.Year, value);
                    LocalDateTime startDateTime      = _dateTimePattern.Parse(value).Value;
                    ZonedDateTime zonedStartDateTime = tz.AtLeniently(startDateTime);

                    if (IsFuture(zonedStartDateTime.ToDateTimeOffset()))
                        evt.StartTimestamp = zonedStartDateTime.ToDateTimeOffset();
                        evt.EndTimestamp   = zonedStartDateTime.ToDateTimeOffset().AddHours(1);
                        throw new DateTimeInPastException();
                else if (subType.Contains("date") && subType.Contains("range"))
                    string   timex      = resolutionValues.First()["timex"].TrimStart('(').TrimEnd(')');
                    string[] timexSplit = timex.Split(',');
                    string   fromString = resolutionValues.First()["start"];
                    string   toString   = resolutionValues.First()["end"];
                    if (timexSplit[0].StartsWith("XXXX-"))
                        fromString = fromString.Substring(4);
                        fromString = string.Format("{0}{1}", DateTime.Now.Year, fromString);
                    if (timexSplit.Length > 1 && timexSplit[1].StartsWith("XXXX-"))
                        toString = toString.Substring(4);
                        toString = string.Format("{0}{1}", DateTime.Now.Year, toString);

                    LocalDateTime from, to;
                    if (fromString.Length == 10)
                        from = _dateOnlyPattern.Parse(fromString).Value;
                        from = _dateTimePattern.Parse(fromString).Value;
                    if (toString.Length == 10)
                        to = _dateOnlyPattern.Parse(toString).Value;
                        to = _dateTimePattern.Parse(toString).Value;

                    ZonedDateTime zonedFrom = tz.AtLeniently(from);
                    ZonedDateTime zonedTo   = tz.AtLeniently(to);
                    if (IsFuture(zonedFrom.ToDateTimeOffset()) && IsFuture(zonedTo.ToDateTimeOffset()))
                        evt.StartTimestamp = zonedFrom.ToDateTimeOffset();
                        evt.EndTimestamp   = zonedTo.ToDateTimeOffset();
                        if (IsEventEndBeforeStart(evt))
                            throw new EventEndBeforeStartException();
                        throw new DateTimeInPastException();
                else if (subType.Contains("time") && !subType.Contains("range"))
                    var       clock          = SystemClock.Instance;
                    LocalDate today          = clock.InZone(tz).GetCurrentDate();
                    string    timeString     = resolutionValues.Select(v => v["value"]).FirstOrDefault();
                    string    dateTimeString = string.Format("{0} {1}", today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), timeString);

                    LocalDateTime startDateTime      = _dateTimePattern.Parse(dateTimeString).Value;
                    ZonedDateTime zonedStartDateTime = tz.AtLeniently(startDateTime);

                    if (IsFuture(zonedStartDateTime.ToDateTimeOffset()))
                        evt.StartTimestamp = zonedStartDateTime.ToDateTimeOffset();
                        evt.EndTimestamp   = zonedStartDateTime.ToDateTimeOffset().AddHours(1);
                        throw new DateTimeInPastException();
                else if (subType.Contains("time") && subType.Contains("range"))
                    var       clock              = SystemClock.Instance;
                    LocalDate today              = clock.InZone(tz).GetCurrentDate();
                    string    fromString         = resolutionValues.First()["start"];
                    string    toString           = resolutionValues.First()["end"];
                    string    fromDateTimeString = string.Format("{0} {1}", today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), fromString);
                    string    toDateTimeString   = string.Format("{0} {1}", today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), toString);

                    LocalDateTime startDateTime      = _dateTimePattern.Parse(fromDateTimeString).Value;
                    ZonedDateTime zonedStartDateTime = tz.AtLeniently(startDateTime);
                    LocalDateTime endDateTime        = _dateTimePattern.Parse(toDateTimeString).Value;
                    ZonedDateTime zonedEndDateTime   = tz.AtLeniently(endDateTime);

                    if (IsFuture(zonedStartDateTime.ToDateTimeOffset()) && IsFuture(zonedEndDateTime.ToDateTimeOffset()))
                        evt.StartTimestamp = zonedStartDateTime.ToDateTimeOffset();
                        evt.EndTimestamp   = zonedEndDateTime.ToDateTimeOffset();
                        if (IsEventEndBeforeStart(evt))
                            throw new EventEndBeforeStartException();
                        throw new DateTimeInPastException();
                    throw new EventParseException();

                evt.Name = bodyString.RemoveCaseInsensitive(first.Text);
                throw new EventParseException();
        /// <summary>
        /// Check the Forms Recognizer response - once complete map it to a POCO
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="receipt"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task <Receipt> ReceiptAnalysisResult(Receipt receipt)
            _logger.LogInformation($"Getting receipt analysis result: {receipt.Id}");
            using HttpResponseMessage response = await _httpClient.GetAsync(receipt.OCRRequestUrl);

            var ocrResponse = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                var serviceError = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <OCRError>(ocrResponse);
                _logger.LogError($"OCR Response status code: {response.IsSuccessStatusCode} : Error Code: {serviceError.error.code}, Error Message: {serviceError.error.message}");
                receipt.Status = serviceError.error.message;

                var ocrResult = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <OCRResult>(ocrResponse);
                receipt.Status = ocrResult.status;
                _logger.LogInformation($"OCR response status: {receipt.Status}");

                if (receipt.Status.Equals(Constants.OCRServiceOperationStatus.Succeeded.ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ||
                    receipt.Status.Equals(Constants.OCRServiceOperationStatus.Failed.ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    receipt.OCRComplete = true;

                if (ocrResult.analyzeResult?.documentResults?.Length > 0)
                    // Assuming only 1 receipt per scan
                    var ocrReceipt = ocrResult.analyzeResult?.documentResults.FirstOrDefault();

                    receipt.RequestComplete = DateTime.Now;
                    receipt.Merchant        = ocrReceipt.fields.MerchantName?.text;
                    receipt.Total           = Convert.ToDouble(ocrReceipt.fields.Total?.valueNumber);
                    receipt.SubTotal        = Convert.ToDouble(ocrReceipt.fields.Subtotal?.valueNumber);
                    receipt.Tax             = Convert.ToDouble(ocrReceipt.fields.Tax?.valueNumber);
                    receipt.Tip             = Convert.ToDouble(ocrReceipt.fields.Tip?.valueNumber);
                    //receipt.Address = ocrReceipt.fields.MerchantAddress?.text;

                    if (ocrReceipt.fields.TransactionTime != null &&
                        DateTime.TryParse(ocrReceipt.fields.TransactionTime.text, out DateTime time))
                        receipt.Time = time;

                    if (ocrReceipt.fields.TransactionDate != null)
                        // Dates could come in a variety of different formats and styles
                        var recognizerDate = DateTimeRecognizer.RecognizeDateTime(ocrReceipt.fields.TransactionDate.text, Culture.English);
                        if (recognizerDate.Any())
                            var recognizerValues = (List <Dictionary <string, string> >)recognizerDate.First().Resolution["values"];
                            if (recognizerValues.Any())
                                if (recognizerValues[0].TryGetValue("value", out string v))
                                    DateTime.TryParse(v, out DateTime outputDate);
                                    receipt.Date = outputDate;

                    // Extract line items
                    if (ocrReceipt.fields.Items?.valueArray?.Length > 0)
                        receipt.Items = new LineItem[ocrReceipt.fields.Items.valueArray.Length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < ocrReceipt.fields.Items.valueArray.Length; i++)
                            LineItem lineItem = new LineItem
                                Item = ocrReceipt.fields.Items?.valueArray[i].valueObject?.Name?.text,

                            if (ocrReceipt.fields.Items?.valueArray[i].valueObject?.Quantity?.text != null)
                                var quantityRecognizer = NumberRecognizer.RecognizeNumber(ocrReceipt.fields.Items.valueArray[i].valueObject.Quantity.text, Culture.English);
                                if (quantityRecognizer.Any())
                                    var recognizerValue = quantityRecognizer.FirstOrDefault().Resolution["value"];
                                    if (recognizerValue != null)
                                        double.TryParse(recognizerValue.ToString(), out double outputQuantity);
                                        lineItem.Quantity = outputQuantity;

                            // Total price could include currency symbol
                            if (ocrReceipt.fields.Items?.valueArray[i].valueObject?.TotalPrice?.text != null)
                                var numberRecognizer = NumberRecognizer.RecognizeNumber(ocrReceipt.fields.Items.valueArray[i].valueObject.TotalPrice.text, Culture.English);
                                if (numberRecognizer.Any())
                                    var recognizerValue = numberRecognizer.FirstOrDefault().Resolution["value"];
                                    if (recognizerValue != null)
                                        double.TryParse(recognizerValue.ToString(), out double outputTotal);
                                        lineItem.TotalPrice = outputTotal;
                            receipt.Items[i] = lineItem;
                    _logger.LogInformation($"Successful OCR receipt extraction Id: {receipt.Id} Total: {receipt.Total}");
            catch (Exception exp)
                _logger.LogError($"Error deserialising the OCR response: {exp.Message}");
                receipt.Status = exp.Message;
        public ActionResult Recognize(int id, string checkedModelString = "[]")
            var text = db.Texts.Find(id);

            if (text == null)

            var checkedModels =
                JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <int[]>(checkedModelString);

            string culture;

            switch (text.Language)
            case Lang.Chinese:
                culture = Culture.Chinese;

            case Lang.English:
                culture = Culture.English;

            case Lang.French:
                culture = Culture.French;

            case Lang.Spanish:
                culture = Culture.Spanish;

            case Lang.Portuguese:
                culture = Culture.Portuguese;

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            var results = new List <ModelResult>();

            if (checkedModels.Contains(1))
                var model = NumberRecognizer.Instance.GetNumberModel(culture);

            if (checkedModels.Contains(2))
                var model = NumberRecognizer.Instance.GetOrdinalModel(culture);

            if (checkedModels.Contains(3))
                var model =

            if (checkedModels.Contains(4))
                var model =

            if (checkedModels.Contains(5))
                var model =

            if (checkedModels.Contains(6))
                var model =

            if (checkedModels.Contains(7))
                var model =

            if (checkedModels.Contains(8))
                var model = DateTimeRecognizer.GetInstance()

 /// <summary>
 /// DateTime recognizing implementation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text">Text to recognize.</param>
 /// <param name="culture"><see cref="Culture"/> to use.</param>
 /// <returns>The recognized <see cref="ModelResult"/> list.</returns>
 protected override List <ModelResult> Recognize(string text, string culture)
     return(DateTimeRecognizer.RecognizeDateTime(text, culture));
        public static Extraction ValidateAndExtract(string input, string culture)
            // Get DateTime model for the specified culture
            var model   = DateTimeRecognizer.GetSingleCultureInstance(culture).GetDateTimeModel();
            var results = model.Parse(input);

            // Check there are valid results
            if (results.Count > 0 && results.First().TypeName.StartsWith("datetimeV2"))
                // The DateTime model can return several resolution types (https://github.com/Microsoft/Recognizers-Text/blob/master/.NET/Microsoft.Recognizers.Text.DateTime/Constants.cs#L7-L14)
                // We only care for those with a date, date and time, or date time period:
                // date, daterange, datetime, datetimerange

                var first            = results.First();
                var resolutionValues = (IList <Dictionary <string, string> >)first.Resolution["values"];

                var subType = first.TypeName.Split('.').Last();
                if (subType.Contains("date") && !subType.Contains("range"))
                    // a date (or date & time) or multiple
                    var moment = resolutionValues.Select(v => DateTime.Parse(v["value"])).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (IsFuture(moment))
                        // a future moment, valid!
                        return(new Extraction
                            IsValid = true,
                            Values = new[] { moment }

                    // a past moment
                    return(new Extraction
                        IsValid = false,
                        Values = new[] { moment },
                        ErrorMessage = PastValueErrorMessage.Replace("$moment$", MomentOrRangeToString(moment))
                else if (subType.Contains("date") && subType.Contains("range"))
                    // range
                    var from = DateTime.Parse(resolutionValues.First()["start"]);
                    var to   = DateTime.Parse(resolutionValues.First()["end"]);
                    if (IsFuture(from) && IsFuture(to))
                        // future
                        return(new Extraction
                            IsValid = true,
                            Values = new[] { from, to }

                    var values = new[] { from, to };
                    return(new Extraction
                        IsValid = false,
                        Values = values,
                        ErrorMessage = PastValueErrorMessage.Replace("$moment$", MomentOrRangeToString(values))

            return(new Extraction
                IsValid = false,
                Values = Enumerable.Empty <DateTime>(),
                ErrorMessage = "I'm sorry, that doesn't seem to be a valid delivery date and time"