        public static void InitRTC()
            if (_realTimeClock != null)

            _realTimeClock = new RTC_DS3231(() =>
                DateTime?realTime      = _realTimeClock.ReadTime();
                DateTimeOffset rtcTime = new DateTimeOffset(_realTimeClock.ReadTime().Value, TimeSpan.Zero);
                CurrentDate            = rtcTime.ToLocalTime();
                CurrentTime            = rtcTime.ToLocalTime().TimeOfDay;

                //DispatcherTimer timer = new DispatcherTimer();
                //timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
                //timer.Tick += (oo, ee) =>
                // {
                //     SetSystemTime();
                //     ReportedTime = DateTime.Now;
                //     SystemDateTime = _realTimeClock.ReadTime().Value;
                // };
                // timer.Start();
 /// <summary>
 /// 转时间为友好文字的核心代码
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="time"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string ConvertTime(DateTimeOffset time)
     //if it is today..
     if (time.Date == DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.Date)
     //Otherwise, return a full date that include year and month
     return(time.ToLocalTime().ToString("MM dd, HH:mm"));//
        protected override object ParseValue(PropertyInfo property, object target, object value)
            if (value == null)
                if (property.PropertyType.IsDateTime() && value.GetType().IsNumeric())
                    DateTimeOffset d = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeMilliseconds((long)Convert.ChangeType(value, typeof(long)));

                    if (property.PropertyType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(DateTimeOffset)))
                else if (property.PropertyType.IsTimeSpan() && value.GetType().IsNumeric())
                    return(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((long)Convert.ChangeType(value, typeof(long))));
                else if ((property.PropertyType == typeof(Guid) || property.PropertyType == typeof(Guid?)) && (value.GetType() == typeof(Guid) || value.GetType() == typeof(Guid?)))
                else if ((property.PropertyType == typeof(Guid) || property.PropertyType == typeof(Guid?)) && value.GetType() == typeof(string))
                else if (value.GetType() != property.PropertyType)
                    string convName = $"{value.GetType().FullName}{property.PropertyType.FullName}";

                    if (!_converters.ContainsKey(convName))
                        ParameterExpression   p         = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object));
                        Func <object, object> converter = Expression.Lambda <Func <object, object> >(
                            Expression.Convert(Expression.Convert(Expression.Convert(p, value.GetType()), property.PropertyType), typeof(object)),
                        _converters.Add(convName, converter);
        private void tickOnMidnight(DateTimeOffset now)
            var localNow = now.ToLocalTime();

            if (localNow.Date != previousSecondLocalDateTime.Date)

            previousSecondLocalDateTime = now.ToLocalTime();
        public static string Convert(DateTimeOffset offset, CultureInfo cultureInfo = null)
            if (offset.ToLocalTime().Date == DateTimeOffset.Now.Date)

            if (offset.ToLocalTime().Date.AddDays(1) == DateTimeOffset.Now.Date)

            return(offset.ToString("ddd, dd MMM", cultureInfo ?? CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")));
        public static string GetFriendlyDateFromFormat(this DateTimeOffset d, string returnFormat, bool isDetailed = false)
            var elapsed = DateTimeOffset.Now - d;

            if (d.Year == 1601 || d.Year == 9999)
                return(" ");
            else if (isDetailed && returnFormat != "g" && elapsed.TotalDays < 7)
                return(d.ToLocalTime().ToString(returnFormat) + " " + d.ToLocalTime().ToString("t") + " (" + GetFriendlyDateFromFormat(d, returnFormat) + ")");
            else if (isDetailed && returnFormat != "g")
                return(d.ToLocalTime().ToString(returnFormat) + " " + d.ToLocalTime().ToString("t"));
            else if (elapsed.TotalDays >= 7 || returnFormat == "g")
            else if (elapsed.TotalDays >= 2)
                return(string.Format("DaysAgo".GetLocalized(), elapsed.Days));
            else if (elapsed.TotalDays >= 1)
                return(string.Format("DayAgo".GetLocalized(), elapsed.Days));
            else if (elapsed.TotalHours >= 2)
                return(string.Format("HoursAgo".GetLocalized(), elapsed.Hours));
            else if (elapsed.TotalHours >= 1)
                return(string.Format("HourAgo".GetLocalized(), elapsed.Hours));
            else if (elapsed.TotalMinutes >= 2)
                return(string.Format("MinutesAgo".GetLocalized(), elapsed.Minutes));
            else if (elapsed.TotalMinutes >= 1)
                return(string.Format("MinuteAgo".GetLocalized(), elapsed.Minutes));
                return(string.Format("SecondsAgo".GetLocalized(), elapsed.Seconds));
        public static int GetIso8601WeekOfYear(DateTimeOffset time)
            // Seriously cheat.  If its Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, then it'll
            // be the same week# as whatever Thursday, Friday or Saturday are,
            // and we always get those right
            DayOfWeek day = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Calendar.GetDayOfWeek(time.ToLocalTime().DateTime);

            if (day >= DayOfWeek.Monday && day <= DayOfWeek.Wednesday)
                time = time.AddDays(3);

            // Return the week of our adjusted day
            return(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(time.ToLocalTime().DateTime, CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek, DayOfWeek.Monday));
        public static IQueryable <TransparentAdministrationMonitorLog> GetByDateInterval(this IRepository <TransparentAdministrationMonitorLog> repository,
                                                                                         DateTimeOffset dateFrom, DateTimeOffset dateTo, string userName, short?idContainer, int?environment)
            dateTo = new DateTimeOffset(dateTo.ToLocalTime().Date.AddDays(1));
            IQueryable <TransparentAdministrationMonitorLog> results = repository
                                                                       .Query(x => x.Date >= dateFrom && x.Date <= dateTo, optimization: true)
                                                                       .Include(f => f.DocumentUnit)
                                                                       .Include(f => f.Role)

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
                results = results.Where(f => f.RegistrationUser.Contains(userName));
            if (idContainer.HasValue)
                results = results.Where(f => f.DocumentUnit.Container.EntityShortId == idContainer.Value);
            if (environment.HasValue)
                if (environment < 100)
                    results = results.Where(f => f.DocumentUnit.Environment == environment.Value);
                if (environment >= 100)
                    results = results.Where(f => f.DocumentUnit.Environment >= environment.Value);
        internal static void ConvertToManaged(out DateTimeOffset managedLocalDTO, ref DateTimeNative nativeTicks)
            long           ticks          = 504911232000000000L + nativeTicks.UniversalTime;
            DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset = new DateTimeOffset(ticks, TimeSpan.Zero);

            managedLocalDTO = dateTimeOffset.ToLocalTime(true);
        public static Stream CreateFileGroupDescriptorW(string fileName, DateTimeOffset lastWriteTime)
            var fileGroupDescriptor = new FILEGROUPDESCRIPTORW()
                cItems = 1
            var fileDescriptor = new FILEDESCRIPTORW()
                cFileName = fileName

            fileDescriptor.dwFlags |= FD_SHOWPROGRESSUI;

            fileDescriptor.dwFlags |= FD_CREATETIME | FD_WRITESTIME;
            var changeTime         = lastWriteTime.ToLocalTime().ToFileTime();
            var changeTimeFileTime = new System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME
                dwLowDateTime  = (int)(changeTime & 0xffffffff),
                dwHighDateTime = (int)(changeTime >> 32),

            fileDescriptor.ftLastWriteTime = changeTimeFileTime;
            fileDescriptor.ftCreationTime  = changeTimeFileTime;

            var fileGroupDescriptorBytes = StructureBytes(fileGroupDescriptor);
            var fileDescriptorBytes      = StructureBytes(fileDescriptor);

            var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();

            memoryStream.Write(fileGroupDescriptorBytes, 0, fileGroupDescriptorBytes.Length);
            memoryStream.Write(fileDescriptorBytes, 0, fileDescriptorBytes.Length);

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether the specified date is the same day as the utc date.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="date">The date.</param>
        /// <param name="utcDate">The UTC date.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool IsSameDate(this DateTime date, DateTime utcDate)
            var d1 = new DateTimeOffset(date);
            var d2 = new DateTimeOffset(utcDate);

            return(DateTime.Compare(d1.ToLocalTime().Date, d2.ToLocalTime().Date) == 0);
        public string GenerateTextline()
            string msg = "[" + Date.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "]";

            msg += " " + VKTools.GetProfile("", FromID).name;
            var MsgText = Text.Replace("\n", "\t");

            msg += ": " + MsgText;
            if (Attachments.Count > 0)
                msg += " [" + Attachments.Count + " attachments: ";
                for (var a = 0; a < Attachments.Count; a++)
                    if (a > 0)
                        msg += ",";
                    msg += Attachments[a].Type;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Attachments[a].Filename))
                        msg += " '" + Attachments[a].Filename + "'";
                msg += "]";
        private void PostToastNotification(TravelCard card)
            DateTimeOffset youngestValueExpiration = card.PeriodEndDate1 > card.PeriodEndDate2 ? card.PeriodEndDate1 : card.PeriodEndDate2;
            ToastVisual    visual = new ToastVisual()
                BindingGeneric = new ToastBindingGeneric()
                    Children =
                        new AdaptiveText()
                            Text = $"Remaining value: {(card.ValueTotalCents / 100m).ToString("#.##")} €\n" +
                                   $"Season pass expires: {youngestValueExpiration.ToLocalTime().ToString(DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.ShortDatePattern)}",
                            HintMaxLines = 2
                        new AdaptiveText()
                            Text = $"Card {card.CardNumber}\n"

            ToastContent content = new ToastContent
                Visual   = visual,
                Scenario = ToastScenario.Default

            var toast = new ToastNotification(content.GetXml());

        public static String ToDelphiTime(this DateTimeOffset time)
            time = time.ToLocalTime();
            var totaltime = String.Format("{0:0.00000000}", (time.Hour * 60 + time.Minute) / (24d * 60d)).Remove(0, 2);

        public static String ToDelphiDate(this DateTimeOffset date)
            date = date.ToLocalTime();
            var totaldays = ((int)(date - (DateTimeOffset.ParseExact("30.12.1899", "dd.MM.yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))).TotalDays).ToString();

        public static String ToTimeString(this DateTimeOffset datetime)
            datetime = datetime.ToLocalTime();
            var time = ToUrlString(datetime.ToString("HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

 public ChannelMessage(string id, DateTimeOffset when, string userName, string content)
     this.Id      = id;
     this.When    = when.ToLocalTime();
     this.User    = userName;
     this.Content = content;
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether the specified date is today.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="date">The date.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool IsToday(this DateTime date)
            var d1 = new DateTimeOffset(date);
            var d2 = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.UtcNow);

            return(DateTime.Compare(d1.ToLocalTime().Date, d2.ToLocalTime().Date) == 0);
        public static NowTime GetNowTime()
            NowTime timeParam = new NowTime();

            timeParam.day = DateTime.Now.ToString(@"yyyy-MM-dd");
            DateTimeOffset offset = DateTimeOffset.Now;

            // utc now in seconds
            timeParam.now    = offset.ToUnixTimeSeconds();
            timeParam.now_dt = DateTime.Now;
            // set the offset (will be negative before utc and positive after)
            timeParam.offset_minutes = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(DateTime.Now).TotalMinutes;
            timeParam.offset_seconds = timeParam.offset_minutes * 60;
            // local now in seconds
            timeParam.local_now = Convert.ToInt64(timeParam.now + timeParam.offset_seconds);
            timeParam.local_day = offset.ToLocalTime().ToString(@"yyyy-MM-dd");

            // start and end of day
            timeParam.start_of_today     = StartOfDay();
            timeParam.local_start_of_day = Convert.ToInt64(((DateTimeOffset)timeParam.start_of_today).ToUnixTimeSeconds() + timeParam.offset_seconds);
            timeParam.local_end_of_day   = Convert.ToInt64(EndOfDay() + timeParam.offset_seconds);
            timeParam.utc_end_of_day     = EndOfDay();

            // yesterday start
            timeParam.start_of_yesterday_dt    = StartOfYesterday();
            timeParam.local_start_of_yesterday = Convert.ToInt64(((DateTimeOffset)timeParam.start_of_yesterday_dt).ToUnixTimeSeconds() + timeParam.offset_seconds);

            // week start
            timeParam.start_of_week_dt    = StartOfWeek();
            timeParam.local_start_of_week = Convert.ToInt64(((DateTimeOffset)timeParam.start_of_week_dt).ToUnixTimeSeconds() + timeParam.offset_seconds);

            private DateTimeOffset nextLocalMidnight(DateTimeOffset now)
                var dayFromNow = now.ToLocalTime().AddDays(1);
                var date       = new DateTime(dayFromNow.Year, dayFromNow.Month, dayFromNow.Day);

                return(new DateTimeOffset(date, TimeZoneInfo.Local.GetUtcOffset(date)).ToUniversalTime());
        public DateTimeOffset getLocalTime(DateTime dateTime)
            var            tzi     = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(TimeZoneId);
            DateTimeOffset utcTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind(dateTime - tzi.GetUtcOffset(dateTime), DateTimeKind.Utc);

        public static String ToDateString(this DateTimeOffset datetime)
            datetime = datetime.ToLocalTime();
            var date = datetime.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        public static string ToDaysAgo(this DateTimeOffset d)
            var dt = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToLocalTime().Subtract(d.ToLocalTime());

            if (dt.TotalDays >= 365)
                var years = Convert.ToInt32(dt.TotalDays) / 365;
                return(years + (years > 1 ? " years ago" : " year ago"));
            if (dt.TotalDays >= 30)
                var months = Convert.ToInt32(dt.TotalDays) / 30;
                return(months + (months > 1 ? " months ago" : " month ago"));
            if (dt.TotalDays > 1)
                var days = Convert.ToInt32(dt.TotalDays);
                return(days + (days > 1 ? " days ago" : " day ago"));

            if (dt.TotalHours > 1)
                var hours = Convert.ToInt32(dt.TotalHours);
                return(hours + (hours > 1 ? " hours ago" : " hour ago"));

            if (dt.TotalMinutes > 1)
                var minutes = Convert.ToInt32(dt.TotalMinutes);
                return(minutes + (minutes > 1 ? " minutes ago" : " minute ago"));

            return("moments ago");
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine the next time (in milliseconds) that is 'included' by the
        /// Calendar after the given time. Return the original value if timeStamp is
        /// included. Return DateTime.MinValue if all days are excluded.
        /// <para>
        /// Note that this Calendar is only has full-day precision.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeUtc"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override DateTimeOffset GetNextIncludedTimeUtc(DateTimeOffset timeUtc)
            if (base.AreAllDaysExcluded())
                return DateTime.MinValue;

            // Call base calendar implementation first
            DateTimeOffset baseTime = base.GetNextIncludedTimeUtc(timeUtc);
            if ((baseTime != DateTimeOffset.MinValue) && (baseTime > timeUtc))
                timeUtc = baseTime;

            // Get timestamp for 00:00:00
            //DateTime d = timeUtc.Date;   --commented out for local time impl
            DateTime d = timeUtc.ToLocalTime().Date;

            if (!IsDayExcluded(d.DayOfWeek))
                return timeUtc;
            } // return the original value

            while (IsDayExcluded(d.DayOfWeek))
                d = d.AddDays(1);

            return d;
        public void GetJobDetails_ForExistingJob_ReturnsCorrectInfo()
            IJobDetail job = GetMockJob("job1", "SOD");

            var            trigger     = MockRepository.GenerateMock <ITrigger>();
            DateTimeOffset triggerTime = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(5));

            trigger.Expect(t => t.GetNextFireTimeUtc()).Return(triggerTime).Repeat.Twice();
            var triggers = new List <ITrigger>()

            _mockScheduler.Expect(s => s.GetJobDetail(Arg <JobKey> .Is.TypeOf)).Return(job);
            _mockScheduler.Expect(s => s.GetTriggersOfJob(Arg <JobKey> .Is.TypeOf)).Return(triggers);

            var result = _interactor.GetJobDetails("SOD.job1");

            Assert.AreEqual("SOD.job1", result.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("this does something", result.Description);

            bool isLocalInDaylightSavingTime = TimeZoneInfo.Local.IsDaylightSavingTime(triggerTime.LocalDateTime);
            var  localTimeZoneName           = isLocalInDaylightSavingTime ? TimeZoneInfo.Local.DaylightName : TimeZoneInfo.Local.StandardName;

            Assert.IsTrue(result.NextRunAt.StartsWith(triggerTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("F") + " " + localTimeZoneName));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Properties.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("something", result.Properties.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == "prop1").Value);
            Assert.AreEqual("something else", result.Properties.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == "prop2").Value);

        /// <summary>
        /// This method converts the property by negating its boolean value it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">the property value</param>
        /// <param name="targetType">The object type</param>
        /// <param name="parameter">The command parameter</param>
        /// <param name="culture">The culture info</param>
        /// <returns>The converted property</returns>
        public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            DateTimeOffset input = (DateTimeOffset)value;
            DateTimeOffset empty;
            string         output = string.Empty;

            if (input != null && input.Year != empty.Year)
                output = input.ToLocalTime().Day.ToString("00") + "/" + input.ToLocalTime().Month.ToString("00") + " - " + input.ToLocalTime().Hour.ToString("00") + ":" + input.ToLocalTime().Minute.ToString("00");
                output = "--/-- - --:--";
        public UserDonationModel ToGenericDonation()
            double amount = 0.0;

            if (this.amount.HasValue)
                amount = this.amount.GetValueOrDefault();

            DateTimeOffset datetime = DateTimeOffset.Now;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.createdDateUTC) && DateTimeOffset.TryParse(this.createdDateUTC, out datetime))
                datetime = datetime.ToLocalTime();

            return(new UserDonationModel()
                Source = UserDonationSourceEnum.ExtraLife,

                ID = this.donorID,
                UserName = this.displayName,
                Message = this.message,
                ImageLink = this.avatarImageURL,

                Amount = Math.Round(amount, 2),

                DateTime = datetime,
 public ChannelMessage(string id, DateTimeOffset when, string userName, string content)
     this.Id = id;
     this.When = when.ToLocalTime();
     this.User = userName;
     this.Content = content;
 public PlayedOnText(DateTimeOffset time)
     Anchor = Anchor.BottomCentre;
     Origin = Anchor.BottomCentre;
     Font   = OsuFont.GetFont(size: 10, weight: FontWeight.SemiBold);
     Text   = $"Played on {time.ToLocalTime():d MMMM yyyy HH:mm}";
 public MeMessage(DateTimeOffset when, string userName, string content)
     this.Content = content;
     this.When    = when.ToLocalTime();
     this.Time    = this.When.ToString("h:mm:ss tt");
     this.User    = userName;
        public static string GetUploadTimeString(DateTimeOffset uploadTimeOffset)
            DateTime uploadTime = uploadTimeOffset.ToLocalTime().DateTime;

            DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now;

            TimeSpan timeDelta = currentTime - uploadTime;

            string result = uploadTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

            if (timeDelta.TotalMinutes < 2)
                result += " (just now)";
            else if (timeDelta.TotalHours < 2)
                result += $" ({(int)timeDelta.TotalMinutes} minutes ago)";
            else if (timeDelta.TotalDays < 2)
                result += $" ({(int)timeDelta.TotalHours} hours ago)";

        public DrawableDate(DateTimeOffset date)
            AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Both;
            Font         = "Exo2.0-RegularItalic";

            this.date = date.ToLocalTime();
 public MeMessage(DateTimeOffset when, string userName, string content)
     this.Content = content;
     this.When = when.ToLocalTime();
     this.Time = this.When.ToString("h:mm:ss tt");
     this.User = userName;
 public static XElement TIME(string name, DateTimeOffset time)
     var t1 = time.ToUniversalTime();
     var t2 = time.ToLocalTime().ToString("G");
     return new XElement(
         new XAttribute(XN.datetime, t1),
        public DateTimeOffset ScheduleNextTime(DateTimeOffset currentTime, JobExecutionRecord lastExecution)
            var localTime = currentTime.ToLocalTime();
            var oneAmToday = new DateTime(localTime.Year, localTime.Month, localTime.Day, _hour, _minute, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Local);
            var nextScheduledTime = oneAmToday;

            if (localTime.Hour > _hour || (localTime.Hour == _hour && localTime.Minute >= _minute))
                // Switch to tomorrow
                nextScheduledTime = oneAmToday.AddDays(1);

            return nextScheduledTime.ToUniversalTime();
        public static string OffsetUtc(DateTimeOffset time)
            if (time == default(DateTimeOffset))
                return "";

            var now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
            var offset = now - time;

            if (Math.Abs(offset.TotalDays) > 7)
                return time.ToLocalTime().ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if (offset > TimeSpan.Zero)
                return PositiveTimeSpan(offset) + " ago";
            return PositiveTimeSpan(-offset) + " from now";
 public static void ToLocalTime()
     DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset = new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(1000, DateTimeKind.Utc));
     Assert.Equal(new DateTimeOffset(dateTimeOffset.UtcDateTime.ToLocalTime()), dateTimeOffset.ToLocalTime());
        private static string ConvertTime(DateTimeOffset time)
            if (time == DateTimeOffset.MinValue) return "n/a";

            return time.ToLocalTime().ToString("s").Replace("T", " ");
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the statistical information
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="totalCasesNum">The number of total cases</param>
 /// <param name="passedNum">The number of passed cases</param>
 /// <param name="failedNum">The number of failed cases</param>
 /// <param name="testRunStartTime">The start time of the run</param>
 /// <param name="testRunEndTime">The end time of the run</param>
 /// <returns>Return statistical information about this test</returns>
 public string SummaryTable(long totalCasesNum,
                        long passedNum,
                        long failedNum,
                        DateTimeOffset testRunStartTime,
                        DateTimeOffset testRunEndTime)
     DataType.RunSummary sry = new DataType.RunSummary()
         TotalCount = totalCasesNum,
         FailedCount = failedNum,
         PassedCount = passedNum,
         InconclusiveCount = totalCasesNum - passedNum - failedNum,
         PassRate = totalCasesNum == 0 ? 0 : (float)passedNum * 100 / totalCasesNum,
         StartTime = testRunStartTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"),
         EndTime = testRunEndTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"),
         Duration = testRunEndTime.Subtract(testRunStartTime).ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss")
     return (serializer.Serialize(sry));
        public static string GenerateHeader(string authorName, string authorFullEmail,string authoredAge, DateTimeOffset authorTime, string committerName, string committerFullEmail,string commitedAge, DateTimeOffset commitTime, Guid commitGuid)
            var authorField =GenerateHeaderField( Strings.GetAuthorText());
            var authorDateField=GenerateHeaderField(Strings.GetAuthorDateText());
            var committerField = GenerateHeaderField(Strings.GetCommitterText());
            var commitDate = GenerateHeaderField(Strings.GetCommitDateText());
            var commitHashField = GenerateHeaderField(Strings.GetCommitHashText());
            var authorEmail = GetEmail(authorFullEmail);
            var committerEmail = GetEmail(committerFullEmail);

            var expectedHeader = authorField + "<a href='mailto:" + HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode(authorEmail) + "'>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(authorFullEmail) + "</a>" + Environment.NewLine +
                                 authorDateField + authoredAge + " (" + authorTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("ddd MMM dd HH':'mm':'ss yyyy") + ")" + Environment.NewLine +
                                  committerField + "<a href='mailto:" + HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode(committerEmail) + "'>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(committerFullEmail) + "</a>" + Environment.NewLine +
                                  commitDate+commitedAge+" (" + commitTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("ddd MMM dd HH':'mm':'ss yyyy") + ")" + Environment.NewLine +
                                  commitHashField + commitGuid;

            return expectedHeader;
        public void RunAsync(bool isRerun, DateTimeOffset firstRunTimestamp, Action<string> callback)
            new Thread(() =>
                    string outputMessage = _outputMessage;

                    #region temporal analysis for rerun
                    if (isRerun && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_outputMessageRerun))
                        TimeSpan promptAge = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - firstRunTimestamp;

                        int daysAgo = (int)promptAge.TotalDays;
                        string daysAgoStr;
                        if (daysAgo == 0)
                            daysAgoStr = "today";
                        else if (daysAgo == 1)
                            daysAgoStr = "yesterday";
                            daysAgoStr = promptAge.TotalDays + " days ago";

                        outputMessage = string.Format(_outputMessageRerun, daysAgoStr + " at " + firstRunTimestamp.ToLocalTime().DateTime.ToString("h:mm tt"));

                    SensusServiceHelper.Get().TextToSpeechAsync(outputMessage, () =>
                            SensusServiceHelper.Get().RunVoicePromptAsync(outputMessage, response =>
                                    Viewed = true;

                                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(response))
                                        response = null;

                                    _response = response;

                                    Complete = _response != null;


        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the next time at which the <see cref="IDailyTimeIntervalTrigger" /> will
        /// fire, after the given time. If the trigger will not fire after the given
        /// time, <see langword="null" /> will be returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="afterTime"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override DateTimeOffset? GetFireTimeAfter(DateTimeOffset? afterTime)
            // Check if trigger has completed or not.
            if (complete)
                return null;

            // Check repeatCount limit
            if (repeatCount != RepeatIndefinitely && timesTriggered > repeatCount)
                return null;

            // a. Increment afterTime by a second, so that we are comparing against a time after it!
            if (afterTime == null)
                afterTime = SystemTime.UtcNow().AddSeconds(1);
                afterTime = afterTime.Value.AddSeconds(1);

            // now change to local time zone
            afterTime = afterTime.Value.ToLocalTime();

            // b.Check to see if afterTime is after endTimeOfDay or not.
            // If yes, then we need to advance to next day as well.
            bool afterTimePassEndTimeOfDay = false;
            if (endTimeOfDay != null)
                afterTimePassEndTimeOfDay = afterTime.Value > endTimeOfDay.GetTimeOfDayForDate(afterTime).Value;
            DateTimeOffset? fireTime = AdvanceToNextDayOfWeek(afterTime.Value, afterTimePassEndTimeOfDay);
            if (fireTime == null)
                return null;

            // c. Calculate and save fireTimeEndDate variable for later use
            DateTimeOffset fireTimeEndDate;
            if (endTimeOfDay == null)
                fireTimeEndDate = new TimeOfDay(23, 59, 59).GetTimeOfDayForDate(fireTime).Value;
                fireTimeEndDate = endTimeOfDay.GetTimeOfDayForDate(fireTime).Value;

            // e. Check fireTime against startTime or startTimeOfDay to see which go first.
            DateTimeOffset fireTimeStartDate = startTimeOfDay.GetTimeOfDayForDate(fireTime).Value;
            if (fireTime < startTimeUtc && startTimeUtc < fireTimeStartDate)
                return fireTimeStartDate;
            else if (fireTime < startTimeUtc && startTimeUtc > fireTimeStartDate)
                return startTimeUtc;
            else if (fireTime > startTimeUtc && fireTime < fireTimeStartDate)
                return fireTimeStartDate;

            // Always adjust the startTime to be startTimeOfDay
            startTimeUtc = fireTimeStartDate.ToUniversalTime();

            // f. Continue to calculate the fireTime by incremental unit of intervals.
            long secondsAfterStart = (long) (fireTime.Value - startTimeUtc.ToLocalTime()).TotalSeconds;
            long repeatLong = RepeatInterval;

            DateTimeOffset sTime = startTimeUtc.ToLocalTime();
            IntervalUnit repeatUnit = RepeatIntervalUnit;
            if (repeatUnit == IntervalUnit.Second)
                long jumpCount = secondsAfterStart/repeatLong;
                if (secondsAfterStart%repeatLong != 0)

                sTime = sTime.AddSeconds(RepeatInterval*(int) jumpCount);
                fireTime = sTime;
            else if (repeatUnit == IntervalUnit.Minute)
                long jumpCount = secondsAfterStart/(repeatLong*60L);
                if (secondsAfterStart%(repeatLong*60L) != 0)
                sTime = sTime.AddMinutes(RepeatInterval*(int) jumpCount);
                fireTime = sTime;
            else if (repeatUnit == IntervalUnit.Hour)
                long jumpCount = secondsAfterStart/(repeatLong*60L*60L);
                if (secondsAfterStart%(repeatLong*60L*60L) != 0)
                sTime = sTime.AddHours(RepeatInterval*(int) jumpCount);
                fireTime = sTime;

            // g. Ensure this new fireTime is within one day, or else we need to advance to next day.
            if (fireTime > fireTimeEndDate)
                // Check to see if fireTime has pass fireTime's end of day. If not, we need to advance by one day.
                DateTimeOffset fireTimeEndOfDay = new TimeOfDay(23, 59, 59).GetTimeOfDayForDate(fireTimeEndDate).Value;
                if (fireTime > fireTimeEndOfDay)
                    fireTime = AdvanceToNextDayOfWeek(fireTime.Value, false);
                    fireTime = AdvanceToNextDayOfWeek(fireTime.Value, true);
                if (fireTime == null)
                    return null;

                // Check to see if next day fireTime is before startTimeOfDay, if not, we need to set to startTimeOfDay.
                DateTimeOffset nextDayfireTimeStartDate = StartTimeOfDay.GetTimeOfDayForDate(fireTime).Value;
                if (fireTime < nextDayfireTimeStartDate)
                    fireTime = nextDayfireTimeStartDate;

            // i. Return calculated fireTime.
            return fireTime.Value.ToUniversalTime();
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine whether the given time (in milliseconds) is 'included' by the
 /// Calendar.
 /// <para>
 /// Note that this Calendar is only has full-day precision.
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="timeUtc"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override bool IsTimeIncluded(DateTimeOffset timeUtc)
     DateTimeOffset localTime = timeUtc.ToLocalTime();
     return base.IsTimeIncluded(localTime);
 internal static DateTimeOffset GetLastAccessTime(string path)
     string str = LongPath.NormalizePath(path);
     new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.Read, new string[] { str }, false, false).Demand();
     string str2 = Path.AddLongPathPrefix(str);
     Win32Native.WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA data = new Win32Native.WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA();
     int errorCode = File.FillAttributeInfo(str2, ref data, false, false);
     if (errorCode != 0)
         __Error.WinIOError(errorCode, str);
     long fileTime = (data.ftLastAccessTimeHigh << 0x20) | data.ftLastAccessTimeLow;
     DateTimeOffset offset = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(fileTime).ToLocalTime());
     return offset.ToLocalTime();
 public NotificationMessage(DateTimeOffset when, string content)
     this.When = when.ToLocalTime();
     this.Time = this.When.ToString("h:mm:ss tt");
     this.Content = content;
 private DateTimeOffset CreateCalendarTime(DateTimeOffset dateTime)
     return dateTime.ToLocalTime();
        private string GetTimeString(DateTimeOffset date)
            date = date.ToLocalTime();
            DateTimeOffset today = DateTimeOffset.Now;

            if (today.Date == date.Date)
                return "at " + date.ToString("HH:mm");
            else if (today.Date.Subtract(new TimeSpan(6, 0, 0, 0)) <= date)
                return "on " + date.ToString("ddd, HH:mm");
                return "on " + date.ToString("dd MMM, HH:mm");
		private static int Main(string[] args)
			CommandLineParser clp = new CommandLineParser();
			clp.AddKnownOption("a", "assembly-info");
			clp.AddKnownOption("", "test-b36min");
			clp.AddKnownOption("b", "test-bmin");
			clp.AddKnownOption("f", "format", true);
			clp.AddKnownOption("h", "help");
			clp.AddKnownOption("i", "ignore-missing");
			clp.AddKnownOption("m", "multi-project");
			clp.AddKnownOption("r", "revision");
			clp.AddKnownOption("s", "restore");
			clp.AddKnownOption("v", "version");
			clp.AddKnownOption("x", "test-xmin");
			clp.AddKnownOption("B", "de-bmin");
			clp.AddKnownOption("", "de-b36min");
			clp.AddKnownOption("D", "de-dmin");
			clp.AddKnownOption("I", "only-infver");
			clp.AddKnownOption("M", "stop-if-modified");
			clp.AddKnownOption("X", "de-xmin");
			clp.AddKnownOption("", "debug");

			debugOutput = clp.IsOptionSet("debug");

			if (clp.IsOptionSet("h") || clp.IsOptionSet("v"))
				return 0;
			if (clp.IsOptionSet("X"))
				int baseYear;
				if (!int.TryParse(clp.GetArgument(0), out baseYear))
					Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid argument: Base year expected");
					return 1;
				string xmin = clp.GetArgument(1).Trim().ToLowerInvariant();
				DateTime time = DehexMinutes(baseYear, xmin);
				if (time == DateTime.MinValue)
					Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid xmin value.");
					return 0;
				Console.WriteLine(time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") + " UTC");
				Console.WriteLine(time.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm K"));
				return 0;
			if (clp.IsOptionSet("B"))
				int baseYear;
				if (!int.TryParse(clp.GetArgument(0), out baseYear))
					Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid argument: Base year expected");
					return 1;
				string bmin = clp.GetArgument(1).Trim().ToLowerInvariant();
				DateTime time = Debase28Minutes(baseYear, bmin);
				if (time == DateTime.MinValue)
					Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid bmin value.");
					return 0;
				Console.WriteLine(time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") + " UTC");
				Console.WriteLine(time.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm K"));
				return 0;
			if (clp.IsOptionSet("de-b36min"))
				int baseYear;
				if (!int.TryParse(clp.GetArgument(0), out baseYear))
					Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid argument: Base year expected");
					return 1;
				string bmin = clp.GetArgument(1).Trim().ToLowerInvariant();
				DateTime time = Debase36Minutes(baseYear, bmin);
				if (time == DateTime.MinValue)
					Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid b36min value.");
					return 0;
				Console.WriteLine(time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") + " UTC");
				Console.WriteLine(time.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm K"));
				return 0;
			if (clp.IsOptionSet("D"))
				int baseYear;
				if (!int.TryParse(clp.GetArgument(0), out baseYear))
					Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid argument: Base year expected");
					return 1;
				string dmin = clp.GetArgument(1).Trim();
				DateTime time = DedecMinutes(baseYear, dmin);
				if (time == DateTime.MinValue)
					Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid dmin value.");
					return 0;
				Console.WriteLine(time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") + " UTC");
				Console.WriteLine(time.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm K"));
				return 0;
			if (clp.IsOptionSet("x"))
				int baseYear;
				if (!int.TryParse(clp.GetArgument(0), out baseYear))
					Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid argument: Base year expected");
					return 1;
				revTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
				long ticks1min = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1).Ticks;
				revTime = new DateTime(revTime.Ticks / ticks1min * ticks1min, DateTimeKind.Utc);
				for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
					Console.WriteLine(revTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm K") + " = " + HexMinutes(baseYear, 1));
					revTime = revTime.AddMinutes(1);
				return 0;
			if (clp.IsOptionSet("b"))
				int baseYear;
				if (!int.TryParse(clp.GetArgument(0), out baseYear))
					Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid argument: Base year expected");
					return 1;
				revTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
				long ticks20min = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20).Ticks;
				revTime = new DateTime(revTime.Ticks / ticks20min * ticks20min, DateTimeKind.Utc);
				for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
					Console.WriteLine(revTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm K") + " = " + Base28Minutes(baseYear, 1));
					revTime = revTime.AddMinutes(20);
				return 0;
			if (clp.IsOptionSet("test-b36min"))
				int baseYear;
				if (!int.TryParse(clp.GetArgument(0), out baseYear))
					Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid argument: Base year expected");
					return 1;
				revTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
				long ticks10min = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10).Ticks;
				revTime = new DateTime(revTime.Ticks / ticks10min * ticks10min, DateTimeKind.Utc);
				for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
					Console.WriteLine(revTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm K") + " = " + Base36Minutes(baseYear, 1));
					revTime = revTime.AddMinutes(10);
				return 0;

			buildTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;

			bool patchAssemblyInfoFile = clp.IsOptionSet("a");
			bool restoreAssemblyInfoFile = clp.IsOptionSet("s");
			multiProjectMode = clp.IsOptionSet("m");
			bool showRevision = clp.IsOptionSet("r");
			bool stopIfModified = clp.IsOptionSet("M");
			bool ignoreMissing = clp.IsOptionSet("i");
			onlyInformationalVersion = clp.IsOptionSet("I");
			string path = clp.GetArgument(0);
			string customFormat = "{!}{commit}";
			if (clp.IsOptionSet("f"))
				customFormat = clp.GetOptionValue("f");

			if (!patchAssemblyInfoFile && !restoreAssemblyInfoFile && !showRevision)
				showRevision = true;   // Default action
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
				path = ".";
			if (debugOutput)
				Console.Error.WriteLine("Working on path " + path);

			bool hasProcessed = false;

			List<string> projectDirs = new List<string>();
			if (multiProjectMode)
				// Treat the single directory argument as the solution file name
				if (!path.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(".sln"))
					Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Specified file name is invalid. Only *.sln files accepted in\nmulti-project mode.");
					return 1;
				if (!File.Exists(path))
					Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Specified solution file does not exist.");
					return 1;

				// Scan the solution file for projects and add them to the list
				string solutionDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
				using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path))
					while (!sr.EndOfStream)
						string line = sr.ReadLine();
						Match m = Regex.Match(line, @"^Project\(.+\) = "".+"", ""(.+\.(?:csproj|vbproj))""");
						if (m.Success)
							string projectPath = Path.Combine(solutionDir, m.Groups[1].Value);
							string projectDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectPath);
							if (debugOutput)
								Console.Error.WriteLine("Add project in " + projectDir);

				if (projectDirs.Count == 0)
					Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Specified solution file contains no projects.");
					return 1;

				// From now on, work with the solution directory as default path to get the revision of
				path = solutionDir;

			if (patchAssemblyInfoFile)
				if (!hasProcessed)
					ProcessDirectory(path, ignoreMissing, true);
					if (revision == 0)
						if (ignoreMissing)
							revTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
							Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Not a Subversion working directory.");
							return 1;
					hasProcessed = true;

				if (stopIfModified && isModified)
					Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Subversion working directory contains uncommited changes, stop requested by option.");
					return 1;

				if (multiProjectMode)
					bool success = true;
					foreach (string projectDir in projectDirs)
						success &= PatchAssemblyInfoFile(projectDir);
					if (!success)
						return 1;
					if (!PatchAssemblyInfoFile(path))
						return 1;
			if (restoreAssemblyInfoFile)
				if (multiProjectMode)
					bool success = true;
					foreach (string projectDir in projectDirs)
						success &= RestoreAssemblyInfoFile(projectDir);
					if (!success)
						return 1;
					if (!RestoreAssemblyInfoFile(path))
						return 1;
			if (showRevision)
				if (!hasProcessed)
					ProcessDirectory(path, ignoreMissing, true);
					if (revision == 0)
						if (ignoreMissing)
							revTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
							Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Not a Subversion working directory.");
							return 1;
					hasProcessed = true;


			return 0;
		public void OldEraToLocalTime ()
			TimeSpan offset = TimeSpan.Zero;
			var dto = new DateTimeOffset (new DateTime (1900, 1, 1).Ticks, offset);

			// Should never throw
			dto.ToLocalTime ();
 public DateTimeOffset GetLastWriteTime(string path)
     if (path == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("path");
     if (path.Trim().Length == 0)
         throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_EmptyPath"), "path");
     if (this.m_bDisposed)
         throw new ObjectDisposedException(null, Environment.GetResourceString("IsolatedStorage_StoreNotOpen"));
     if (this.m_closed)
         throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("IsolatedStorage_StoreNotOpen"));
     string str2 = LongPath.NormalizePath(this.GetFullPath(path));
         Demand(new FileIOPermission(FileIOPermissionAccess.Read, new string[] { str2 }, false, false));
         DateTimeOffset offset3 = new DateTimeOffset(0x641, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero);
         return offset3.ToLocalTime();
     DateTimeOffset lastWriteTime = LongPathFile.GetLastWriteTime(str2);
     return lastWriteTime;