        /// <summary>
        ///     Generates the key with the temporal and computer specific attributes
        /// </summary>
        protected StringBuilder GenerateKey()
            //-----a----- Start building the encrypted string
            StringBuilder tokenToEncrypt = new StringBuilder();


            //-----b----- Double check that the anonID cookie has been set and set it again if not... (this should never not have happened as it is called first OnInit in the MGLBasePage)

            //-----c----- The AnonID is a GUID - always 36 characters
            string tempValue = DefaultAnonID;

            if (Request.Cookies["AnonID"] != null)
                tempValue = Request.Cookies["AnonID"].Value;

            //-----d----- Add some padding

            //-----e----- The date time will be of the form yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss - and will always be dd and mm (not d and m for e.g. 01)
            tokenToEncrypt.Append(DateTimeInformation.FormatDatabaseDate(DateTime.Now, true, true));

            //-----f----- Do the encryption itself
            StringBuilder authKey = MGLEncryption.Encrypt(tokenToEncrypt);

            //-----g----- And lastly, lets make this key HTML secure ...
            authKey = MGLEncryption.HTMLifyString(authKey);

        /// <summary>
        ///     14-Oct-13 - New method to log the page request information in the database ...
        /// </summary>
        public static void LogPageRequestInDatabase(ConfigurationInfo ci, string applicationName, string aspSessionID, string uniqueSessionID,
                                                    string pageURL, DateTime pageRequestTime, double serverProcessingMS, int currentUserID, string ipAddress)
            bool success = false;

            DatabaseWrapper dbInfo = null;

            try {
                //_____ Check for a null configurationInfo or dbConInfo object
                if (ci == null || ci.DbConInfo.NAME == null)
                    Logger.LogError(200, "Error inserting the PageRequest log into the database - null configurationInfo found, probably because of an application reset or session timeout.");
                    // 3-Mar-2016 - ignore specific IP addresses (e.g. robots like the UptimeRobot), as these are artificially bloating the logs with limited utility!
                    if (ipAddress == null || AddressesToIgnore.Contains(ipAddress) == false)
                        //_____ Check for s***e data and make it blank if so, so it doesn't kill the database ...
                        applicationName = (applicationName == null) ? "" : applicationName;
                        aspSessionID    = (aspSessionID == null) ? "" : aspSessionID;
                        uniqueSessionID = (uniqueSessionID == null) ? "" : uniqueSessionID;
                        pageURL         = (pageURL == null) ? "" : pageURL;

                        //_____ Connect to the database ...
                        dbInfo = new DatabaseWrapper(ci);

                        //_____ Create the table if it does not already exist
                        string createTableSQL = @"
                    CREATE TABLE " + logTN + @" (
                        ID int NOT NULL Auto_Increment, PRIMARY KEY(ID),
                        Application_Name VARCHAR(255), INDEX Application_Name(Application_Name),
                        Session_ID_ASP VARCHAR(50), INDEX Session_ID_ASP(Session_ID_ASP),
                        Session_ID_Unique VARCHAR(50), INDEX Session_ID_Unique(Session_ID_Unique),
                        Page_Name VARCHAR(255), INDEX Page_Name(Page_Name),
                        Page_URL LONGTEXT,
                        Page_Request_Date DATETIME, INDEX Page_Request_Date(Page_Request_Date),
                        Server_Render_Speed DOUBLE, INDEX Server_Render_Speed(Server_Render_Speed),
                        Current_User_ID INT, INDEX Current_User_ID(Current_User_ID),
                        IP_Address	VARCHAR(20),    INDEX IP_Address(IP_Address)
                    ) ENGINE=MyISAM;

                        if (dbInfo.TableExists(logTN) == false)
                            dbInfo.ExecuteSQL(createTableSQL, ref success);

                        //_____ Parse the page name
                        string pageName = "";
                            // remove the ?...... page params
                            string[] bits1 = pageURL.Split(new string[] { "?", "&" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                            string[] bits2 = bits1[0].Split(new string[] { "/", "\\" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                            pageName = bits2[bits2.Length - 1];

                        //_____ Build the SQL and run the insert ...
                        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
                        sql.Append("INSERT INTO " + logTN
                                   + " (Application_Name, Session_ID_ASP, Session_ID_Unique, Page_Name, Page_URL, Page_Request_Date, Server_Render_Speed, Current_User_ID, IP_Address ) VALUES (");
                        sql.Append(DataUtilities.Quote(applicationName) + ", ");
                        sql.Append(DataUtilities.Quote(aspSessionID) + ", ");
                        sql.Append(DataUtilities.Quote(uniqueSessionID) + ", ");
                        sql.Append(DataUtilities.Quote(pageName) + ", ");
                        sql.Append(DataUtilities.Quote(pageURL) + ", ");
                        sql.Append(DataUtilities.Quote(DateTimeInformation.FormatDatabaseDate(pageRequestTime, true, true)) + ", ");
                        sql.Append(serverProcessingMS + ", ");
                        sql.Append(currentUserID + ", ");
                        sql.Append(DataUtilities.DatabaseifyString(ipAddress, false));


                        int numInserts = dbInfo.ExecuteSQL(sql.ToString(), ref success);

                        if (success == false)
                            Logger.LogError(201, "Error inserting the PageRequest log into the database - check the detailed log for details.");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Logger.LogError(202, "Error inserting the PageRequest log into the database: " + ex.ToString());
            } finally {
                if (dbInfo != null)
        public static void PerformanceTestMySQLWrite()
            Logger.LogSubHeading("Testing MySQL!");
            bool success = false;

            // Now lets connect to the MySQL db
            Logger.Log("Connecting to the database...");
            DatabaseWrapper dbInfo = new DatabaseWrapper(new DatabaseConnectionInfo("localhost", "mysql", "redis_comparison",
                                                                                    SecureStringWrapper.Encrypt("forum"), SecureStringWrapper.Encrypt(TestParameters.RedisAuth), 3306));


            if (TestParameters.DoWrite == true)
                bool tnExists = dbInfo.TableExists(TestObj.ObjectName);

                // Drop the table if it exists already ...
                bool tnDeleted = dbInfo.DeleteTable(TestObj.ObjectName);

                // And then recreate it ...
                // 22-Aug-2016 - Remove the boolean index to mirror the Redis implementation - Index TestBool(TestBool),
                bool tnCreated = dbInfo.CreateTable(TestObj.ObjectName, @"
                ID bigint unsigned,	    Primary Key(ID),
                TestInt int,                    Index TestInt(TestInt),
                TestLong bigint,        Index TestLong(TestLong),
                TestDouble double,      Index TestDouble(TestDouble),
                TestBool bool,          
                TestStr Varchar(20),    Index TestStr(TestStr),
                TestDT DateTime,        Index TestDT(TestDT)
            ", false);

            Logger.Log("Writing data");
            DateTime writeStart = DateTime.Now;

            if (TestParameters.DoWrite == true)
                int writeCount = 0;
                foreach (object o in TestParameters.RandomObjects)
                    TestObj rto = (TestObj)o;

                    StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();

                    sql.Append("INSERT INTO " + TestObj.ObjectName + " (ID, TestInt, TestLong, TestDouble, TestBool, TestStr, TestDT) VALUES (");
                    sql.Append(rto.ID + ",");
                    sql.Append(rto.TestInt + ",");
                    sql.Append(rto.TestLong + ",");
                    sql.Append(rto.TestDouble + ",");
                    sql.Append(rto.TestBool + ",");
                    sql.Append(DataUtilities.Quote(rto.TestStr) + ",");
                    sql.Append(DataUtilities.Quote(DateTimeInformation.FormatDatabaseDate(rto.TestDT, true, true)));
                    dbInfo.ExecuteSQL(sql.ToString(), ref success);

                    Logger.Log(++writeCount, 100, TestParameters.RandomObjects.Count);
            Logger.Log("Writing completed.");
            TestParameters.WriteMySQL = DateTime.Now.Subtract(writeStart);

            Logger.Log("Disconnect from the database.");
        /// <summary>
        ///     So this loads the full object for each search match found ... but does not persist those as that would likely kill the memory allocation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chunkSize"></param>
        /// <param name="startIndex"></param>
        public static void PerformanceTestMySQLThreadBlock(int chunkSize, int startIndex)
            Logger.LogSubHeading("Testing MySQL!");
            //bool success = false;

            int i = startIndex;

            if ((startIndex + chunkSize) >= TestParameters.PatternsToSearchFor.Count)
                chunkSize = TestParameters.PatternsToSearchFor.Count - startIndex;

            Logger.Log("Starting chunk with index " + startIndex + " and size " + chunkSize + " ...");

//            HashSet<ulong> ids = new HashSet<ulong>();

            // Now lets connect to the MySQL db
            Logger.Log("Connecting to the database...");
            DatabaseWrapper dbInfo = new DatabaseWrapper(new DatabaseConnectionInfo("localhost", "mysql", "redis_comparison",
                                                                                    SecureStringWrapper.Encrypt("forum"), SecureStringWrapper.Encrypt(TestParameters.RedisAuth), 3306));


            Logger.Log("Reading data");
            StringBuilder log      = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder queryTxt = new StringBuilder();

            //long searchIndex = startIndex;

            for (i = startIndex; i < (startIndex + chunkSize); i++)
                List <DatabaseSearchPattern> rsps = TestParameters.PatternsToSearchFor[i];

                //bool storeQuery = false;

                StringBuilder sql          = new StringBuilder();
                StringBuilder searchParams = new StringBuilder();

                // And build the query here ...
                sql.Append("SELECT ID, TestInt, TestLong, TestDouble, TestBool, TestStr, TestDT FROM " + TestObj.ObjectName + " WHERE ");
                foreach (DatabaseSearchPattern rsp in rsps)
                    if (searchParams.Length > 0)
                        searchParams.Append(" AND ");

                    if (rsp.SearchType == SearchType.PrimaryKey)
                        searchParams.Append(" " + rsp.Parameter + "=" + rsp.Score);
                    else if (rsp.SearchType == SearchType.Text)
                        searchParams.Append(" " + rsp.Parameter + " LIKE " + DataUtilities.Quote(rsp.PatternStartsWith(RedisWrapper.TextIndexLength) + "%"));
                        //searchParams.Append(" " + rsp.Parameter + " LIKE " + DataUtilities.Quote(rsp.Pattern.Substring(0, 1) + "%"));
                    else if (rsp.SearchType == SearchType.Bool)
                        searchParams.Append(" " + rsp.Parameter + "=" + rsp.Score);
                    else if (rsp.SearchType == SearchType.DateTime)
                        // could also add switches on ==, >= and <=
                        if (rsp.SearchComparisonExpression == SearchComparisonExpression.Equivalent)
                            //if (rsp.ScoreMin == rsp.ScoreMax) {                                    // an exact date and time
                            searchParams.Append(rsp.Parameter + " = "
                                                + DataUtilities.Quote(DateTimeInformation.FormatDatabaseDate(new DateTime(rsp.Score), true, true)));
                        else if (rsp.SearchComparisonExpression == SearchComparisonExpression.RangeLessThanOrEqualTo)
                            //} else if (rsp.ScoreMin == DateTime.MinValue.Ticks) {
                            // less than or equal to ...
                            //                            searchParams.Append(rsp.Parameter + " <= "
                            //                                + DataUtilities.Quote(DateTimeInformation.FormatDatabaseDate(new DateTime((long)Math.Round(rsp.ScoreMax)), true, true)));
                            // Note that we want to search inclusively.  Which means we need to search less than the specified max day PLUS A DAY
                            // equivalent to <= 2016-04-20 23:59:59 to ensure that the day itself is included ....

                            //DateTime dt = new DateTime((long)Math.Round(rsp.ScoreMax));
                            DateTime dt = new DateTime((long)rsp.ScoreMax);

                            searchParams.Append(rsp.Parameter + " <= "
                                                + DataUtilities.Quote(DateTimeInformation.FormatDatabaseDate(dt, true, true)));

                            //string checkTHIS = "";
                        else if (rsp.SearchComparisonExpression == SearchComparisonExpression.RangeGreaterThanOrEqualTo)
                            //} else if (rsp.ScoreMax == DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks) {           // greater than or equal to ...

                            //DateTime dt = new DateTime((long)Math.Round(rsp.ScoreMin));
                            DateTime dt = new DateTime((long)rsp.ScoreMin);

                            searchParams.Append(rsp.Parameter + " >= "
                                                + DataUtilities.Quote(DateTimeInformation.FormatDatabaseDate(dt, true, true)));

                            //string checkTHIS = rsp.AsText();
                            //checkTHIS = rsp.AsText();
                            //storeQuery = true;
                        else if (rsp.SearchComparisonExpression == SearchComparisonExpression.RangeBetween)
                            //                        } else {                                                                            // Must be a real between

                            // Note that we want to search inclusively.  Which means we need to search less than the specified max day PLUS A DAY
                            // equivalent to <= 2016-04-20 23:59:59 to ensure that the day itself is included ....
                            searchParams.Append(rsp.Parameter + " BETWEEN "
                                                //+ DataUtilities.Quote(DateTimeInformation.FormatDatabaseDate(new DateTime((long)Math.Round(rsp.ScoreMin)), true, true))
                                                + DataUtilities.Quote(DateTimeInformation.FormatDatabaseDate(new DateTime((long)rsp.ScoreMin), true, true))
                                                + " AND "
                                                //+ DataUtilities.Quote(DateTimeInformation.FormatDatabaseDate(new DateTime((long)Math.Round(rsp.ScoreMax)), true, true)));
                                                + DataUtilities.Quote(DateTimeInformation.FormatDatabaseDate(new DateTime((long)rsp.ScoreMax), true, true)));
                            string ohFuck = "";
                    else if (rsp.SearchType == SearchType.Score)
                        if (rsp.SearchComparisonExpression == SearchComparisonExpression.Equivalent)
                            //if (rsp.ScoreMin == rsp.ScoreMax) {                                    // an exact value
                            searchParams.Append(rsp.Parameter + " = " + rsp.ScoreMin.ToString("0." + new string('#', 339)));
                        else if (rsp.SearchComparisonExpression == SearchComparisonExpression.RangeLessThanOrEqualTo)
                            //} else if (rsp.ScoreMin == Double.MinValue) {           // less than or equal to ...
                            searchParams.Append(rsp.Parameter + " <= " + rsp.ScoreMax.ToString("0." + new string('#', 339)));
                        else if (rsp.SearchComparisonExpression == SearchComparisonExpression.RangeGreaterThanOrEqualTo)
                            //} else if (rsp.ScoreMax == Double.MaxValue) {           // greater than or equal to ...
                            searchParams.Append(rsp.Parameter + " >= " + rsp.ScoreMin.ToString("0." + new string('#', 339)));
                        else if (rsp.SearchComparisonExpression == SearchComparisonExpression.RangeBetween)
                            //} else {                                                                            // Must be a real between
                            searchParams.Append(rsp.Parameter + " BETWEEN "
                                                + rsp.ScoreMin.ToString("0." + new string('#', 339)) + " AND "
                                                + rsp.ScoreMax.ToString("0." + new string('#', 339)));
                            string ohFuck = "";

                List <string[]> sqlData = dbInfo.GetDataList(sql.ToString());

                int objCount = 0;
                if (sqlData != null)
                    objCount = sqlData.Count;

                    foreach (string[] row in sqlData)
                        ulong id = 0;
                        ulong.TryParse(row[0], out id);

                        int testInt = 0;
                        int.TryParse(row[1], out testInt);

                        long testLong = 0;
                        long.TryParse(row[2], out testLong);

                        double testDouble = 0;
                        double.TryParse(row[3], out testDouble);

                        bool testBool = (row[4] != null && row[4].Equals("1") == true) ? true : false;

                        // string is obvs good to go!!

                        DateTime testDT = DateTimeInformation.FormatDateTime(row[6]);

                        TestObj rto = new TestObj(id, testInt, testLong, testDouble, testBool, row[5], testDT);

                        // Keep adding the objects, as long as they have not already been added and the MaxNumObjects is not exceeded - probably 1m
                        // Now append the ids to the global list ...
                        lock (IDs) {
                            if (IDs.Contains((uint)rto.ID) == false)

                // Do the printing of all the specific queries only if DoDebug is set to true ....
                if (RedisWrapper.DoDebug == true)
                    // 19-Aug-2016 - F**k a duck - DO NOT SORT THE QUERIES HERE
                    // We need to make sure not to sort the master list as it potentially confuses the calculations in the search objects method ...

                    foreach (DatabaseSearchPattern rsp in rsps)
                        queryTxt.Append(" " + rsp.AsText());

                    log.Append("\n" + "Search " + i + " found " + objCount + " objects. Query Text: " + queryTxt);

                //foreach (RedisSearchPattern rsp in rsps) {
                //    queryTxt.Append(" " + rsp.AsText());

                ////log.Append("\n" + "Search " + (++searchIndex) + " found " + objCount + " objects. Query Text: " + queryTxt);
                //log.Append("\n" + "Search " + (++searchIndex) + " found " + objCount + " objects. Query Text: " + queryTxt + "\t" + sql);

                //if (storeQuery == true && (sqlData == null || sqlData.Count == 0)) {
                //    log.Append("\t" + sql);

                if (TestParameters.UseThreading == true)
                    Logger.Log(i, 10, TestParameters.PatternsToSearchFor.Count);


            // And lastly, lets disconnect from the database!