        public void ShouldFormat()
            DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact("20200101", "yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            string   expectedDateStr = "2020-01-01";
            string   actualDateStr   = DateTimeFormatter.FormatDate(dt);

            Assert.True(actualDateStr == expectedDateStr);
        public void Relative_date_should_return_today_for_same_date()
            var now           = new DateTime(2020, 5, 1);
            var dateToFormat  = now;
            var dateFormatter = new DateTimeFormatter();

            var result = dateFormatter.FormatDate(dateToFormat, now, false, true, false);

            Assert.Equal("today", result);
        public void Relative_date_should_remove_same_year()
            var now           = new DateTime(2020, 5, 1);
            var dateToFormat  = now.AddMonths(1);
            var dateFormatter = new DateTimeFormatter();

            var result = dateFormatter.FormatDate(dateToFormat, now, false, true, false);

            Assert.Equal("1 June", result);
        public void Relative_date_should_return_tomorrow_for_tomorrow()
            var now           = new DateTime(2020, 5, 1);
            var dateToFormat  = now.AddDays(1);
            var dateFormatter = new DateTimeFormatter();

            var result = dateFormatter.FormatDate(dateToFormat, now, false, true, false);

            Assert.Equal("tomorrow", result);
        private static FileStreamResult SendContentResponse(string name, Stream csvStream)
            csvStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            MediaTypeHeaderValue mimeType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("text/csv");
            string           filename     = $"{name}_export_{DateTimeFormatter.FormatDate(DateTime.Now)}.csv";
            FileStreamResult result       = new FileStreamResult(csvStream, mimeType)
                FileDownloadName = filename,

        public void ShouldNullReturnEmpty()
            string result = DateTimeFormatter.FormatDate(null);

            Assert.True(result == string.Empty);
        public override void PopulateEntry(PwEntry pwEntry, PwDatabase pwDatabase, UserPrefs userPrefs, RecordType recordType)
            base.PopulateEntry(pwEntry, pwDatabase, userPrefs, recordType);

            List <SecureContentsSection> sections;

            if (this.sections != null)
                sections = this.sections;
                sections = this.createSectionsFromPlainFields(recordType);

            if (sections != null)
                int unnamedSectionNumber = 1;
                SectionFieldLocator usernameFieldLocator = this.GetUsernameFieldLocator();
                SectionFieldLocator passwordFieldLocator = this.GetPasswordFieldLocator();
                SectionFieldLocator urlFieldLocator      = this.GetURLFieldLocator();

                foreach (SecureContentsSection section in sections)
                    // Linked items are not supported
                    if (section.name.Equals(LINKED_ITEMS_SECTION_NAME))

                    // Section without fields, nothing to import
                    if (section.fields == null)

                    string sectionTitle = section.title;

                    // If it's an unnamed user-defined section, set a generic unique name (prevents field name collisions)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(section.title) && this.IsUserSection(section))
                        sectionTitle = string.Format("{0} {1}", Properties.Strings.Section_Title, unnamedSectionNumber++);

                    foreach (SectionField field in section.fields)
                        // Special treatment fields
                        if (field.k == SectionFieldType.concealed && OTP_FIELD_NAME.IsMatch(field.n ?? string.Empty))
                            // OTP fields must be formatted to comply with one of the OTP plugins
                            this.setOTPField(pwEntry, pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectPassword, field as GeneralSectionField, userPrefs.OTPFormat);
                        else if (field.k == SectionFieldType.address && (field as AddressSectionField).v != null)
                            // Addresses can be imported as a single composite field or splitting each component in a separate field
                            if (userPrefs.AddressFormat == AddressFormat.Compact)
                                this.setCompactAddressField(pwEntry, sectionTitle, field as AddressSectionField);
                            else if (userPrefs.AddressFormat == AddressFormat.Multiline)
                                this.setMultilineAddressField(pwEntry, sectionTitle, field as AddressSectionField);
                                this.setExpandedAddressField(pwEntry, sectionTitle, field as AddressSectionField);


                        string fieldLabel = field.t;
                        string fieldValue = null;

                        // If the field is in a named section, prefix its name to avoid collisions
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sectionTitle))
                            fieldLabel = string.Concat(sectionTitle, " - ", field.t);

                        // Format the field value according to its type
                        if (field.k == SectionFieldType.date)
                            DateSectionField dateSectionField = field as DateSectionField;

                            if (!DateTime.MinValue.Equals(dateSectionField.v))
                                fieldValue = DateTimeFormatter.FormatDate(dateSectionField.v, userPrefs.DateFormat);
                        else if (field.k == SectionFieldType.monthYear)
                            MonthYearSectionField monthYearSectionField = field as MonthYearSectionField;

                            if (!DateTime.MinValue.Equals(monthYearSectionField.v))
                                fieldValue = DateTimeFormatter.FormatMonthYear(monthYearSectionField.v, userPrefs.DateFormat);
                        else if (field.k == SectionFieldType.menu || field.k == SectionFieldType.cctype || field.k == SectionFieldType.gender)
                            GeneralSectionField generalSectionField = field as GeneralSectionField;

                            // Combo-box values can't be empty
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(generalSectionField.v))
                                fieldValue = Properties.Strings.ResourceManager.GetString(string.Join("_", new string[] { "Menu", generalSectionField.n, generalSectionField.v }));
                            fieldValue = (field as GeneralSectionField).v;

                        // Use the proper line terminator in multiline values
                        if (field.a != null && field.a.multiline)
                            fieldValue = StringExt.FixNewLines(fieldValue);

                        // No point in importing an empty template field. If it's user-defined it might be there for a reason.
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldValue) && !this.IsUserSection(section))

                        bool protect;

                        if (usernameFieldLocator != null && usernameFieldLocator.Equals(section.name, field.n))
                            protect = pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectUserName;
                            pwEntry.Strings.Set(PwDefs.UserNameField, new ProtectedString(protect, fieldValue ?? string.Empty));
                            fieldValue = "{USERNAME}";
                        else if (passwordFieldLocator != null && passwordFieldLocator.Equals(section.name, field.n))
                            protect = pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectPassword;
                            pwEntry.Strings.Set(PwDefs.PasswordField, new ProtectedString(protect, fieldValue ?? string.Empty));
                            fieldValue = "{PASSWORD}";
                        else if (urlFieldLocator != null && urlFieldLocator.Equals(section.name, field.n))
                            protect = pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectUrl;
                            pwEntry.Strings.Set(PwDefs.UrlField, new ProtectedString(protect, fieldValue ?? string.Empty));
                            fieldValue = "{URL}";
                            protect = (field.k == SectionFieldType.concealed && pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectPassword) || (field.k == SectionFieldType.URL && pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectUrl);

                        // If it's one of the three special fields (username, password, url) and the 1Password field
                        // has the same name as the KeePass entry field, don't overwrite its value with the placeholder.
                        if (!pwEntry.Strings.Exists(fieldLabel))
                            pwEntry.Strings.Set(fieldLabel, new ProtectedString(protect, fieldValue ?? string.Empty));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.notesPlain))
                pwEntry.Strings.Set(PwDefs.NotesField, new ProtectedString(pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectNotes, StringExt.FixNewLines(this.notesPlain)));

            if (this.customIcon != null)
                byte[] customIconData = null;

                    using (MemoryStream originalIconStream = new MemoryStream(this.customIcon))
                        using (Bitmap originalIcon = new Bitmap(originalIconStream))
                            using (MemoryStream convertedIconStream = new MemoryStream())
                                originalIcon.Save(convertedIconStream, ImageFormat.Png);
                                customIconData = convertedIconStream.ToArray();

                                using (MD5 md5 = MD5.Create())
                                    PwUuid customIconUuid = new PwUuid(md5.ComputeHash(customIconData));
                                    this.PwCustomIcon      = new PwCustomIcon(customIconUuid, customIconData);
                                    pwEntry.CustomIconUuid = customIconUuid;
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    // Image format is not supported or one of its dimensions is bigger than 65,535
        public virtual void PopulateEntry(PwEntry pwEntry, PwDatabase pwDatabase, UserPrefs userPrefs)
            if (this.sections != null)
                int unnamedSectionNumber = 1;
                SectionFieldLocator usernameFieldLocator = this.GetUsernameFieldLocator();
                SectionFieldLocator passwordFieldLocator = this.GetPasswordFieldLocator();
                SectionFieldLocator urlFieldLocator      = this.GetURLFieldLocator();

                foreach (DetailsSection section in sections)
                    // Linked items are not supported
                    if (section.name.Equals(LINKED_ITEMS_SECTION_NAME))

                    // Section without fields, nothing to import
                    if (section.fields == null)

                    string sectionTitle = section.title;

                    // If it's an unnamed user-defined section, set a generic unique name (prevents field name collisions)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(section.title) && this.IsUserSection(section))
                        sectionTitle = string.Format("{0} {1}", Properties.Strings.Section_Title, unnamedSectionNumber++);

                    foreach (SectionField field in section.fields)
                        // Special treatment fields
                        if (field.k == SectionFieldType.concealed && OTP_FIELD_NAME.IsMatch(field.n ?? string.Empty))
                            // OTP fields must be formatted to comply with one of the OTP plugins
                            this.setOTPField(pwEntry, pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectPassword, field as GeneralSectionField, userPrefs.OTPFormat);
                        else if (field.k == SectionFieldType.address)
                            if ((field as AddressSectionField).v == null)
                                // Only import an empty address field if it's user-defined
                                if (this.IsUserSection(section))
                                    string addressFieldLabel = (field as AddressSectionField).t;

                                    // If the field is in a named section, prefix its name to avoid collisions
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sectionTitle))
                                        addressFieldLabel = string.Concat(sectionTitle, " - ", (field as AddressSectionField).t);

                                    pwEntry.Strings.Set(addressFieldLabel, new ProtectedString(false, string.Empty));
                                // Addresses can be imported as a single composite field or splitting each component in a separate field
                                if (userPrefs.AddressFormat == AddressFormat.Compact)
                                    this.setCompactAddressField(pwEntry, sectionTitle, field as AddressSectionField);
                                else if (userPrefs.AddressFormat == AddressFormat.Multiline)
                                    this.setMultilineAddressField(pwEntry, sectionTitle, field as AddressSectionField);
                                    this.setExpandedAddressField(pwEntry, sectionTitle, field as AddressSectionField);


                        string fieldLabel = field.t;
                        string fieldValue = null;

                        // If the field is in a named section, prefix its name to avoid collisions
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sectionTitle))
                            fieldLabel = string.Concat(sectionTitle, " - ", field.t);

                        // Format the field value according to its type
                        if (field.k == SectionFieldType.date)
                            DateSectionField dateSectionField = field as DateSectionField;

                            if (!DateTime.MinValue.Equals(dateSectionField.v))
                                fieldValue = DateTimeFormatter.FormatDate(dateSectionField.v, userPrefs.DateFormat);
                        else if (field.k == SectionFieldType.monthYear)
                            MonthYearSectionField monthYearSectionField = field as MonthYearSectionField;

                            if (!DateTime.MinValue.Equals(monthYearSectionField.v))
                                fieldValue = DateTimeFormatter.FormatMonthYear(monthYearSectionField.v, userPrefs.DateFormat);
                        else if (field.k == SectionFieldType.menu || field.k == SectionFieldType.cctype || field.k == SectionFieldType.gender)
                            GeneralSectionField generalSectionField = field as GeneralSectionField;

                            // Combo-box values can't be empty
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(generalSectionField.v))
                                fieldValue = Properties.Strings.ResourceManager.GetString(string.Join("_", new string[] { "Menu", generalSectionField.n, generalSectionField.v }));
                            fieldValue = (field as GeneralSectionField).v;

                        // Use the proper line terminator in multiline values
                        if (field.a != null && field.a.multiline)
                            fieldValue = StringExt.FixNewLines(fieldValue);

                        // No point in importing an empty template field. If it's user-defined it might be there for a reason.
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldValue) && !this.IsUserSection(section))

                        bool protect;

                        if (usernameFieldLocator != null && usernameFieldLocator.Equals(section.name, field.n))
                            protect = pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectUserName;
                            pwEntry.Strings.Set(PwDefs.UserNameField, new ProtectedString(protect, fieldValue ?? string.Empty));
                            fieldValue = "{USERNAME}";
                        else if (passwordFieldLocator != null && passwordFieldLocator.Equals(section.name, field.n))
                            protect = pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectPassword;
                            pwEntry.Strings.Set(PwDefs.PasswordField, new ProtectedString(protect, fieldValue ?? string.Empty));
                            fieldValue = "{PASSWORD}";
                        else if (urlFieldLocator != null && urlFieldLocator.Equals(section.name, field.n))
                            protect = pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectUrl;
                            pwEntry.Strings.Set(PwDefs.UrlField, new ProtectedString(protect, fieldValue ?? string.Empty));
                            fieldValue = "{URL}";
                            protect = (field.k == SectionFieldType.concealed && pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectPassword) || (field.k == SectionFieldType.URL && pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectUrl);

                        // If it's one of the three special fields (username, password, url) and the 1Password field
                        // has the same name as the KeePass entry field, don't overwrite its value with the placeholder.
                        if (!pwEntry.Strings.Exists(fieldLabel))
                            pwEntry.Strings.Set(fieldLabel, new ProtectedString(protect, fieldValue ?? string.Empty));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.notesPlain))
                pwEntry.Strings.Set(PwDefs.NotesField, new ProtectedString(pwDatabase.MemoryProtection.ProtectNotes, StringExt.FixNewLines(this.notesPlain)));