        // How to create the CVS containing NAV data + deposit?
        // IB: PortfolioAnalyst/Reports/CreateCustomReport (SinceInception, Daily, Detailed + AccountOverview/Allocation by Financial Instrument/Deposits). Create in PDF + CSV.
        // If it timeouts, run a Custom date for the last 2-5 years. It can be merged together manually as a last resort.
        // >DC-IB-MAIN, it seems: 2011-02-02 is the inception date. 2011-02-02, 2011-03-01: didn't work. Timeout. But 2014-12-31 worked. Try at another time.
        public void InsertNavAssetFromCsvFile(string p_redisKeyPrefix, string p_csvFullpath)
            List <DailyNavData> dailyNavData     = new List <DailyNavData>();
            List <DailyNavData> dailyDepositData = new List <DailyNavData>();

            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(p_csvFullpath))
                int    iNavColumn = -1;
                int    iRow       = 0;
                while ((currentLine = sr.ReadLine()) != null)  // currentLine will be null when the StreamReader reaches the end of file
                    if (iRow == 1 && currentLine != @"Introduction,Header,Name,Account,Alias,BaseCurrency,AccountType,AnalysisPeriod,PerformanceMeasure")
                        throw new Exception();

                    // "Allocation by Financial Instrument,Header,Date,ETFs,Options,Stocks,Cash,NAV" or "Allocation by Financial Instrument,Header,Date,ETFs,Options,Stocks,Warrants,Cash,NAV"
                    if (iRow == 5)
                        if (!currentLine.StartsWith(@"Allocation by Financial Instrument,Header,Date,ETFs,Options,Stocks"))
                            throw new Exception();

                        var navHeaderParts = currentLine.Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        iNavColumn = Array.FindIndex(navHeaderParts, r => r == "NAV");

                    if (currentLine.StartsWith(@"Allocation by Financial Instrument,Data,"))
                        var currentLineParts = currentLine.Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);   // date is in this format: "20090102"  YYYYMMDD
                        dailyNavData.Add(new DailyNavData()
                            DateStr = currentLineParts[2], ValueStr = currentLineParts[iNavColumn]
                    if (currentLine.StartsWith(@"Deposits And Withdrawals,Data,"))
                        var currentLineParts = currentLine.Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);   // date is in this format: "03/10/09" MM/DD/YY
                        if (currentLineParts[3] == "Deposit" || currentLineParts[3] == "Incoming Account Transfer" || currentLineParts[3] == "Withdrawal" || currentLineParts[3] == "Outgoing Account Transfer")
                            var monthStr = currentLineParts[2].Substring(0, 2);
                            var dayStr   = currentLineParts[2].Substring(3, 2);
                            var yearStr  = currentLineParts[2].Substring(6, 2); // 09 means 2009, 99 means 1999
                            var year     = Int32.Parse(yearStr);
                            if (year > 50)
                                yearStr = (year + 1900).ToString();
                                yearStr = (year + 2000).ToString();
                            dailyDepositData.Add(new DailyNavData()
                                DateStr = yearStr + monthStr + dayStr, ValueStr = currentLineParts[5]
                            });                                                                                                                 // Withdrawals are negative in CSV. Good.

            // for 3069 days.
            // 1. Text data: with fractional NAV values: 70K, with integer NAV values: 47.5K (brotlied: 9.578K), with integer NAV + DateStr-1900years: 44.4K  (brotlied: 9.557K, difference is 0.2%, not even 1%. Just forget the -1900). (Wow. 4x compression)
            string outputCsv = "D/C," + String.Join(",", dailyNavData.Select(r => {
                int year = Int32.Parse(r.DateStr.Substring(0, 4));                                              // - 1900; // subtracting -1900years only helps about 1/1000. It is not worth it.
                // casting Double to Int will just remove the fractionals, but not round it to the nearest integer.
                int nearestIntValue = (int)Math.Round(Double.Parse(r.ValueStr), MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); // 0.5 is rounded to 1, -0.5 is rounded to -1. Good.
                return(year.ToString("D3") + r.DateStr.Substring(4) + "/" + nearestIntValue.ToString());
            var outputCsvBrotli = Utils.Str2BrotliBin(outputCsv);

            // 2.1 Bin data: 3069*6=18.4K. Brotlied: 15.268K (less compression if date + float are mixed)
            var dailyStructsBin = dailyNavData.Select(r => {
                DateOnly dateOnly = new DateOnly(Int32.Parse(r.DateStr.Substring(0, 4)), Int32.Parse(r.DateStr.Substring(4, 2)), Int32.Parse(r.DateStr.Substring(6, 2)));
                float navValue    = (float)Double.Parse(r.ValueStr);
                return(new DailyNavDataBin()
                    dateOnly = dateOnly, floatValue = navValue
            var outputBin1 = dailyStructsBin.SelectMany(r => {
                byte[] dateBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(r.dateOnly.ToBinary());
                byte[] navBytes  = BitConverter.GetBytes(r.floatValue);
                IEnumerable <byte> dailyBytes = dateBytes.Concat(navBytes);
            var outputBin1Brotli = Utils.Bin2BrotliBin(outputBin1);

            // 2.2 Bin data: 3069*6=18.4K. Brotlied: 13.359K (more compression if date array is separate and float array is separate)
            var outputBin2  = new byte[dailyNavData.Count * 6];
            var dateOnlyArr = dailyNavData.Select(r =>
                DateOnly dateOnly = new DateOnly(Int32.Parse(r.DateStr.Substring(0, 4)), Int32.Parse(r.DateStr.Substring(4, 2)), Int32.Parse(r.DateStr.Substring(6, 2)));

            Buffer.BlockCopy(dateOnlyArr, 0, outputBin2, 0, dateOnlyArr.Length * 2);     // 'Object must be an array of primitives.'
            var navOnlyArr = dailyNavData.Select(r =>
                float navValue = (float)Double.Parse(r.ValueStr);

            Buffer.BlockCopy(navOnlyArr, 0, outputBin2, dailyNavData.Count * 2, navOnlyArr.Length * 4);      // 'Object must be an array of primitives.'
            var outputBin2Brotli = Utils.Bin2BrotliBin(outputBin2);

            string depositCsv = String.Join(",", dailyDepositData.Select(r =>
                int nearestIntValue = (int)Math.Round(Double.Parse(r.ValueStr), MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); // 0.5 is rounded to 1, -0.5 is rounded to -1. Good.
                return(r.DateStr + "/" + nearestIntValue.ToString());
            var depositCsvBrotli = Utils.Str2BrotliBin(depositCsv); // 479 bytes compressed to 179 bytes. For very long term, we can save 1KB per user if compressing. Do it.

            var       redisConnString = Program.gConfiguration.GetConnectionString("RedisDefault");
            IDatabase db       = DbCommon.RedisManager.GetDb(redisConnString, 0);
            string    redisKey = p_redisKeyPrefix + ".brotli";

            db.HashSet("assetQuoteRaw", redisKey, RedisValue.CreateFrom(new System.IO.MemoryStream(outputCsvBrotli)));
            db.HashSet("assetBrokerNavDeposit", redisKey, RedisValue.CreateFrom(new System.IO.MemoryStream(depositCsvBrotli)));

            Console.WriteLine("InsertNavAssetFromCsvFile() Ended. Conclusion: For 11 years of daily Date/float data. Without compression binary (18.4K) is smaller then CSV text (47.5K). But with Brotli binary (13.4K) is 41% bigger then brotli CSV text (9.5K). Because there is not much repeatable pattern in Float data, while a lot of repeatable comma and digits in text data. And Brotli is attacking the limits of theoretical compression possibilites. Conclusion: USE CSV text data with Brotli. Tested: Brotlied CSV is 30% smaller than brotlied binary.");