        /// <summary>
        /// 根据星历表,创建新的PathPrimitive</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ephemeris">卫星星历数据</param>
        /// <param name="frame">参考系</param>
        public static PathPrimitive CreatePathPrimitiveFromEphemeris(DateMotionCollection <Cartesian> ephemeris, ReferenceFrame frame)
                List <PathPoint> points = new List <PathPoint>();
                for (int i = 0; i < ephemeris.Count; i++)
                    points.Add(new PathPointBuilder(ephemeris.Values[i], ephemeris.Dates[i], Color.Yellow).ToPathPoint());

                PathPrimitive pathPrimitive = new PathPrimitive();
                //pathPrimitive.UpdatePolicy = new DurationPathPrimitiveUpdatePolicy(new Duration(0, 60), PathPrimitiveRemoveLocation.RemoveLocationFront);
                pathPrimitive.ReferenceFrame = frame;
                pathPrimitive.Width = 3.0F;

                SceneManager.Animation.Time = ephemeris.Dates[0];
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message + "\n" + "向3D图中画卫星轨迹出错!");
        /// <summary>
        /// 由T0时刻初始状态,积分dt后的状态,返回最后的状态
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dT">积分时长(s)</param>
        /// <returns>最后时间点位置、速度</returns>
        public Motion <Cartesian> Propagate(double dT)
            //  数据初始化
            EphemerisData = new DateMotionCollection <Cartesian>();

            UnitL = 1.0;
            UnitT = 1.0;
            UnitV = 1.0;
            Step  = InitialStepsize;    //初始步长
            if (IsNormalize)
                UnitL = Re;
                UnitT = Math.Sqrt(UnitL * UnitL * UnitL / Mu);
                UnitV = UnitL / UnitT;

                Step = InitialStepsize / UnitT;      // 初始步长

            double[] x = new double[6] {
                InitialCondition.Value.X / UnitL,
                InitialCondition.Value.Y / UnitL,
                InitialCondition.Value.Z / UnitL,
                InitialCondition.FirstDerivative.X / UnitV,
                InitialCondition.FirstDerivative.Y / UnitV,
                InitialCondition.FirstDerivative.Z / UnitV

            //  数值积分
            SolveDt(T0 / UnitT, (T0 + dT) / UnitT, x);

            //  返回最后时间点位置、速度
            return(new Motion <Cartesian>(EphemerisData.Values.Last(), EphemerisData.FirstDerivatives.Last()));
        /// <summary>
        /// Propagate a Platform using a NumericalPropagator configured with the entered KeplerianElements,
        /// ForceModels, NumericalIntegrator, and start and stop dates.
        /// </summary>
        private void PropagateSatellite()
            KeplerianElements orbitalElements = m_keplerianOrbitalElementsEntry.KeplerianElementValues;

            if (orbitalElements == null)

            Motion <Cartesian>        initialMotion = orbitalElements.ToCartesian();
            PropagationNewtonianPoint point         = new PropagationNewtonianPoint(m_elementID, m_forceModelSettings.CurrentCentralBody.InertialFrame, initialMotion.Value, initialMotion.FirstDerivative);

            point.Mass = new ScalarFixed(double.Parse(m_mass.Text));
            m_forceModelSettings.SetForceModelsOnPoint(point, new ScalarFixed(double.Parse(m_area.Text)));
            CentralBody primaryCentralBody = m_forceModelSettings.CurrentCentralBody;

            NumericalPropagatorDefinition state = new NumericalPropagatorDefinition();

            state.Integrator = m_integratorSettings.GetIntegrator();

            JulianDate start = new JulianDate(GregorianDate.ParseExact(m_start.Text, DateFormat, null));
            JulianDate end   = new JulianDate(GregorianDate.ParseExact(m_end.Text, DateFormat, null));

            state.Epoch = start;
            NumericalPropagator propagator = state.CreatePropagator();

            propagator.StepTaken += (sender, args) =>
                // Telling the propagator to stop if we get too close to the central body
                Cartesian position = propagator.Converter.ConvertState <Cartesian>(m_elementID, args.CurrentState).Value;
                if (position.Magnitude <= primaryCentralBody.Shape.SemimajorAxisLength + 10000)
                    args.Indication = PropagationEventIndication.StopPropagationAfterStep;

            DateMotionCollection <Cartesian> answer = null;

            var backgroundCalculation = new BackgroundCalculation();

            backgroundCalculation.DoWork += (sender, e) =>
                // actually propagate
                var result = propagator.Propagate(end.Subtract(start), 1, backgroundCalculation);
                answer = result.GetDateMotionCollection <Cartesian>(m_elementID);
            backgroundCalculation.ProgressChanged    += (sender, e) => m_propagationProgress.Value = e.ProgressPercentage;
            backgroundCalculation.RunWorkerCompleted += (sender, e) =>
                // when finished, draw the satellite
                DrawSatellite(answer, primaryCentralBody.InertialFrame);
                m_propagate.Enabled = true;

            m_propagate.Enabled = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the ephemeris in the Insight3D window.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ephemeris">The date, position (and velocity) information of the object being displayed.</param>
        /// <param name="inertialFrame">The inertial frame to display the graphics in.</param>
        private void DrawSatellite(DateMotionCollection <Cartesian> ephemeris, ReferenceFrame inertialFrame)
            // Clean up the previous run's graphics
            foreach (Primitive primitive in m_primitivesAddedToScene)
            if (m_platform != null)

            // Draw the orbit
            List <PathPoint> points = new List <PathPoint>();

            for (int i = 0; i < ephemeris.Count; i++)
                points.Add(new PathPointBuilder(ephemeris.Values[i], ephemeris.Dates[i]).ToPathPoint());
            PathPrimitive path = new PathPrimitive {
                ReferenceFrame = inertialFrame


            // Put a marker where the satellite is at a given time
            LagrangePolynomialApproximation interpolationAlgorithm = new LagrangePolynomialApproximation();
            TranslationalMotionInterpolator interpolator           = new TranslationalMotionInterpolator(interpolationAlgorithm, 2, ephemeris);

            m_platform = new Platform
                LocationPoint = new PointInterpolator(inertialFrame, interpolator)

            Texture2D texture = SceneManager.Textures.FromUri(@"Data\Markers\Satellite.png");

            m_platform.Extensions.Add(new MarkerGraphicsExtension(new MarkerGraphics
                Texture = new ConstantGraphicsParameter <Texture2D>(texture)

            // Set the date to the start of the ephemeris
            SceneManager.Animation.Time = ephemeris.Dates[0];
        /// <summary>
        /// 从Table表中,创建新的PathPrimitive
        /// <para>表中提供的位置、速度要与参考系一致</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt">表名</param>
        /// <param name="colNames">表列名称(t,x,y,z,Vx,Vy,Vz)</param>
        /// <param name="frame">坐标系</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static PathPrimitive CreatePathPrimitiveFromTable(DataTable dt, JulianDate jd0, string[] colNames, ReferenceFrame frame)
                DateMotionCollection <Cartesian> ephemeris = new DateMotionCollection <Cartesian> ();

                JulianDate jd;
                Cartesian  R, V;
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    jd = jd0.AddSeconds((double)dr[colNames[0]]);
                    R  = new Cartesian((double)dr[colNames[1]], (double)dr[colNames[2]], (double)dr[colNames[3]]);
                    V  = new Cartesian((double)dr[colNames[4]], (double)dr[colNames[5]], (double)dr[colNames[6]]);
                    ephemeris.Add(jd, R, V);

                return(CreatePathPrimitiveFromEphemeris(ephemeris, frame));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message + "\n" + "从Table中创建PathPrimitive出错!");
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to export ephemeris to STK .e file
        /// </summary>
        #region ExportEphemeris
        private void OnExportEphemerisClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Open the almanac file
            SemAlmanac almanac;

            using (Stream stream = openAlmanacDialog.OpenFile())
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                    almanac = SemAlmanac.ReadFrom(reader, 1);

            // setup the progressbar
            // GPSElement contains a list of PRNs (PRNList) available in the almanac.
            progressBar1.Maximum = almanac.Count;
            progressBar1.Step    = 1;

            // get just the almanac path here. This will allow us to place the new .e files in the same place the almanac was opened from.
            string outputPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(openAlmanacDialog.FileName);

            // Create a .e file for every PRN in the element set...
            foreach (SemAlmanacRecord record in almanac)
                // provide a name and path for the new .e file.
                string filename = String.Format("PRN_{0:00}.e", record.PseudoRandomNumber);
                string path     = outputPath + "\\" + filename;

                // check that the path exists
                if (File.Exists(path))
                    // ask if it's OK to overwrite existing files. If it's not, advance the progress bar (passed this SV) and continue to the next SV
                    if (MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} " + Localization.existsOverwrite, filename), Localization.FileExists, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No)
                // ok to overwrite existing files (or no file existed already)
                // the using block here will use the sw variable to write the .e file stream to.
                using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(path))
                    JulianDate startjd;
                    JulianDate stopjd;
                    // We need to know which time standard to use here. if the user has specified that GPS time is to be used
                    // we need to create the JulianDates with the GlobalPositioningSystemTime standard.
                    if (GPSTimeRadio.Checked)
                        startjd = new JulianDate(StartTime.Value, TimeStandard.GlobalPositioningSystemTime);
                        stopjd  = new JulianDate(StopTime.Value, TimeStandard.GlobalPositioningSystemTime);
                        // otherwise, the default time standard is UTC
                        startjd = new JulianDate(StartTime.Value);
                        stopjd  = new JulianDate(StopTime.Value);

                    // Now that we know the start and stop times for the .e file, we need to propagate the orbits
                    // the NavstarISGps200DPropagator take a Duration type for the timestep - let's create it
                    // using the user-specified timestep value
                    double   timestep         = double.Parse(TimeStep.Text);
                    Duration timestepDuration = Duration.FromSeconds(timestep);

                    // declare a NavstarISGps200DPropagator - this is used to propagate the satellite positions
                    // assign an instance of the propagator. The propagator constructor takes an almanac element set (for a single satellite)
                    NavstarISGps200DPropagator propagator = new NavstarISGps200DPropagator(record);

                    // now create an StkEphemerisFile object and assign its Ephemeris property the output of the propagator
                    StkEphemerisFile file = new StkEphemerisFile();

                    DateMotionCollection <Cartesian>  ephemeris       = propagator.Propagate(startjd, stopjd, timestepDuration, 0, propagator.ReferenceFrame);
                    StkEphemerisFile.EphemerisTimePos ephemerisFormat = new StkEphemerisFile.EphemerisTimePos
                        CoordinateSystem = propagator.ReferenceFrame,
                        EphemerisData    = ephemeris

                    file.Data = ephemerisFormat;

                    // write the .e ephemeris to the stream opened in this using block
                } // end of using block

                // update the progress bar
            } // end of PRN List

            // we're done!  Reset the progress bar
            progressBar1.Value = 0;