        public ActionResult Search(int feedId, string query, int? tiled, int? faces)
            bool tiledValue = tiled.HasValue && tiled.Value == 1;
              bool facesValue = faces.HasValue && faces.Value == 1;
              using (var db = new DatabaseService())
            ViewBag.Feeds = db.GetAllFeeds().ToList();
            ViewBag.tiled = tiledValue;
            ViewBag.faces = facesValue;

            var entries = db.GetAllEntries();
            if (feedId > 0)
              entries = entries.Where(e => e.feed_id == feedId);
            if (tiledValue)
              entries = entries.Where(e => e.imagewidth != null && e.imageheight != null);
            if (facesValue)
              entries = entries.Where(e => e.facial_amount > 0).OrderByDescending(e => e.facial_amount);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query))
              int idQuery = 0;
              Int32.TryParse(query, out idQuery);
              entries = entries.Where(e => e.id == idQuery || e.object_name.Contains(query));
            ViewBag.Amount = entries.Count();

            if (tiledValue)
              return View("tiled", entries.Take(500).ToList());
            return View(entries.Take(100).ToList());
        public ActionResult Overlay(string url, int entry)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
            url = "https://twimg0-a.akamaihd.net/profile_images/769005756/paulstork_foto.png";
            //url = "http://museummobile.info/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/NancyPic.png";

              using (var db = new DatabaseService())
            string cachefile = @"c:\MWHackathon\Assets\uploaded\" + url.Substring(url.LastIndexOf('/') + 1) + ".json";
            string json = "";
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(cachefile))
              json = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(cachefile);
              json = db.FacialData(url);
              System.IO.File.WriteAllText(cachefile, json);
            var upFaces = new Faces(json, url, null, null);

            int amount = upFaces.Amount;
            if (amount < 1)
              Response.Write("Darn, I can't find a face in there! Please go back and try a different one.");
              return new EmptyResult();
            if (amount > 1)
              Response.Write("Sorry, this one seems to have multiple faces. I haven't built that yet. Please go back and try a different one.");
              return new EmptyResult();

            var dbEntry = db.GetAllEntries().First(e => e.id == entry);
            var dbFace = GetFace(dbEntry);
            var rnd = new Random();
            var allentries = GetEntries(db, amount);
            var dbNextEntry = allentries.ElementAt(rnd.Next(0,allentries.Count));
            var dbNextFace = GetFace(dbNextEntry);

            ViewBag.Entry = dbEntry;
            ViewBag.Faces = upFaces;
            ViewBag.NextFace = dbNextEntry;
            return View(dbFace);
        private List<Entry> GetEntries(DatabaseService db, int amountOfFaces)
            List<int> preferredids = new List<int>() {
              2468, 48083, 47949, 23679, 41523, 15819, 48189, 38872, 23689, 23685, 38462,
              3088, 23683, 40049, 4799, 39316, 40495, 20599, 18432, 40497

              List<int> excludeids = new List<int>() {
              21080, 13728, 16923, 24345, 38270, 14921, 24373

              var rnd = new Random();
              var dbEntries = db.GetAllEntries().Where(e => e.facial_amount == amountOfFaces && (e.imageheight >= 350 || e.imagewidth >= 350));
              dbEntries = dbEntries.Where(e => e.feed_id != 1); // not rijksmuseum, size klopt niet!
              dbEntries = dbEntries.Where(e => preferredids.Contains(e.id));
              dbEntries = dbEntries.Where(e => !excludeids.Contains(e.id));
              return dbEntries.OrderBy(e => rnd.Next()).Take(100).ToList();