public static double PerformAutomatedTestingWithData(MySqlDataManipulator manipulator, int companyId, DatabaseQueryProcessor processor, List <RepairJobEntry> entries) { double currentDifference = 0; foreach (RepairJobEntry entry in entries) { RepairJobEntry testEntryCopy = new RepairJobEntry() { Make = entry.Make, Model = entry.Model, Year = entry.Year, Complaint = entry.Complaint }; List <string> entryProblemKeywords = processor.PredictKeywordsInJobData(entry, false); int startingNumKeywords = entryProblemKeywords.Count; string complaintGroupsJson = processor.ProcessQueryForComplaintGroups(testEntryCopy, manipulator, companyId); List <ComplaintGroupJson> complaintGroups = JsonDataObjectUtil <List <ComplaintGroupJson> > .ParseObject(complaintGroupsJson); List <int> complaintGroupIds = complaintGroups.Select(group => { return(group.Id); }).ToList(); foreach (int complaintGroupId in complaintGroupIds) { string dataEntryJson = processor.ProcessQueryForSimilarQueries(testEntryCopy, manipulator, companyId, complaintGroupId, 5); List <SimilarQueryJson> jobDataEntries = JsonDataObjectUtil <List <SimilarQueryJson> > .ParseObject(dataEntryJson); List <RepairJobEntry> dataEntries = jobDataEntries.Select(query => new RepairJobEntry() { Make = query.Make, Model = query.Model, Problem = query.Problem, Complaint = query.Complaint }).ToList(); foreach (RepairJobEntry currEntry in dataEntries) { List <string> currEntryKeywords = processor.PredictKeywordsInJobData(currEntry, false); List <string> toRemove = entryProblemKeywords.Where(keyword => currEntryKeywords.Contains(keyword)).ToList(); foreach (string keyword in toRemove) { entryProblemKeywords.Remove(keyword); } } } currentDifference += (double)entryProblemKeywords.Count / startingNumKeywords; } return((currentDifference / entries.Count) * 100); }
private void HandlePutRequest(HttpListenerContext ctx) { try { #region Input Validation if (!ctx.Request.HasEntityBody) { WriteBodyResponse(ctx, 400, "Bad Request", "No Body"); return; } PredictApiPutRequest req = JsonDataObjectUtil <PredictApiPutRequest> .ParseObject(ctx); if (!ValidatePutRequest(req)) { WriteBodyResponse(ctx, 400, "Bad Request", "Incorrect Format"); return; } #endregion MySqlDataManipulator connection = new MySqlDataManipulator(); using (connection) { bool res = connection.Connect(MySqlDataManipulator.GlobalConfiguration.GetConnectionString()); if (!res) { WriteBodyResponse(ctx, 500, "Unexpected Server Error", "Connection to database failed"); return; } #region User Validation OverallUser mappedUser = connection.GetUserById(req.UserId); if (mappedUser == null) { WriteBodyResponse(ctx, 404, "Not Found", "User was not found on on the server"); return; } if (!UserVerificationUtil.LoginTokenValid(mappedUser, req.LoginToken)) { WriteBodyResponse(ctx, 401, "Not Authorized", "Login token was incorrect."); return; } #endregion #region Action Handling CompanySettingsEntry isPublicSetting = connection.GetCompanySettingsWhere(req.CompanyId, "SettingKey=\"" + CompanySettingsKey.Public + "\"")[0]; bool isPublic = bool.Parse(isPublicSetting.SettingValue); if (!isPublic && mappedUser.Company != req.CompanyId) { WriteBodyResponse(ctx, 401, "Not Authorized", "Cannot predict using other company's private data"); return; } UserSettingsEntry numPredictionsRequested = JsonDataObjectUtil <List <UserSettingsEntry> > .ParseObject(mappedUser.Settings).FirstOrDefault(entry => entry.Key.Equals(UserSettingsEntryKeys.ComplaintGroupResults)); if (numPredictionsRequested == null) { WriteBodyResponse(ctx, 500, "Internal Server Error", "User did not contain a setting with a key " + UserSettingsEntryKeys.ComplaintGroupResults); return; } int numRequested = int.Parse(numPredictionsRequested.Value); DatabaseQueryProcessor processor = new DatabaseQueryProcessor(); string ret = processor.ProcessQueryForComplaintGroups(req.Entry, connection, req.CompanyId, numRequested); WriteBodyResponse(ctx, 200, "OK", ret, "application/json"); #endregion } } catch (HttpListenerException) { //HttpListeners dispose themselves when an exception occurs, so we can do no more. } catch (Exception e) { WriteBodyResponse(ctx, 500, "Internal Server Error", "Error occurred during processing of request: " + e.Message); } }