// Initializes everything
    void Start()
        trackerInserted = false;

        trackedObj = GetComponent <SteamVR_TrackedObject>();

        mText      = screen.GetComponent <Text>();
        modifiable = false;
        running    = false;

        // Creates a stack containing all of the WSAP states and then shuffles the stack.
        states = new Stack <WSAPEnum>();
        for (var WSAPState = WSAPEnum.Trial0; WSAPState != WSAPEnum.END; WSAPState = WSAPState.next())

        var rnd = new System.Random();

        states = new Stack <WSAPEnum>(states.OrderBy(x => rnd.Next()));

        reactionTimer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

        // This is so only one session is created upon a WSAP scene.
        if (!createdSession)
            createdSession = true;

        data = new List <WSAPAnswerData>();
    // Create a list of NPCStates, one for each audio source. Audio delays aren't implemented yet, standard of 1f for all. Every trigger plays on "Next".
    // Initialize the initial question and prompt states as well as the stateController. stateController is hardcoded.
    void Start()
        reactionTimer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

        curAnimator = markNPC.GetComponent <Animator>();

        NPCIndex  = 0;
        NPCStates = new List <NPCState>();
        foreach (var audio in audioSources)
            NPCStates.Add(new NPCState(audio, "Next", 1f));

        questionState = BasicQuestionsEnum.Question0;
        promptState   = BasicPromptEnum.Prompt0;

        // The sequence that the states will progress in. questionState and promptState will be changing too so this just controls whether a prompt or question will appear.
        stateIndex      = 0;
        stateController = new List <string> {
            "Prompt", "Question", "Prompt", "Question", "Prompt", "Question", "Prompt", "Prompt", "Question", "Prompt", "Question", "Prompt", "Question"

        Debug.Log("NPCStates size: " + NPCStates.Count);

        running        = true;
        countDownTimer = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();


        data = new List <BasicAnswerData>();
    // Initializes everything.
    void Start()
        SPINState = SPINEnum.Question0;
        DASSState = DASSEnum.Question0;


        reactionTimer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

        data = new List <SurveyAnswerData>();