private void AddCustomer(object sender, EventArgs e) { int result; bool check = true; int optional = 0; foreach (Control a in tcp_AddCustomer.Controls) { if (a is TextBox) { if (a.AccessibleName != "OptionalLocation" && a.AccessibleName != "VeryOptional") { if (a.Text == "") { check = false; } } else if (a.AccessibleName == "OptionalLocation") { if (a.Text != "") { ++optional; } } } } string nextContact = DateHandler.GetDate(dtp_customer_nextcontact); string lastContact = DateHandler.GetDate(dtp_customer_lastcontact); if (!check) { MessageBox.Show("Please make sure all the neccesary fields are filled in."); } else if (optional != 0 && optional != 4) { MessageBox.Show("All address details have to be filled in!"); } else if (!int.TryParse(txtb_customer_fax.Text, out result) && !int.TryParse(txtb_customer_phonenumber_1.Text, out result) && !int.TryParse(txtb_customer_phonenumber_2.Text, out result)) { MessageBox.Show("fax or phonenumber are not numbers"); } else if (dtp_customer_nextcontact.Value.Date < DateTime.Now.Date) { MessageBox.Show("Date of next contact cannot be in the past."); } else if (txtb_customer_email.Text.Contains("@") == false) { MessageBox.Show("Your email is invalid"); } else if (txtb_customer_phonenumber_1.Text.Length < 10) { MessageBox.Show("Your phone number is invalid"); } else if (txtb_customer_phonenumber_2.Text != "" && txtb_customer_phonenumber_2.Text.Length < 10) { MessageBox.Show("Your 2nd phone number is invalid"); } else if (!Regex.IsMatch(txtb_customer_zipcode_1.Text, @"^[1-9][0-9]{3}\s?[a-zA-Z]{2}$")) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid zipcode"); } else if (txtb_customer_zipcode_2.Text != "" && !Regex.IsMatch(txtb_customer_zipcode_1.Text, @"^[1-9][0-9]{3}\s?[a-zA-Z]{2}$")) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid 2nd zipcode"); } else { dbh.OpenConnection(); if (dbh.AddCustomer(txtb_customer_firstname.Text, txtb_customer_lastname.Text, txtb_customer_company_name.Text, txtb_customer_email.Text, txtb_customer_fax.Text, txtb_customer_streetname_1.Text, txtb_customer_housenumber_1.Text, txtb_customer_residence_1.Text, txtb_customer_zipcode_1.Text, txtb_customer_phonenumber_1.Text, txtb_customer_streetname_2.Text, txtb_customer_housenumber_2.Text, txtb_customer_residence_2.Text, txtb_customer_zipcode_2.Text, txtb_customer_phonenumber_2.Text, lastContact, txtb_customer_last_action.Text, nextContact, txtb_customer_next_action.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Succesfully added a customer!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("An error occcured while adding a customer."); } dbh.AddNotification(txtb_customer_firstname.Text, "Creditworthy check", "Finance", " needs to be checked on creditworthyness."); dbh.AddNotification(txtb_customer_firstname.Text, "Add financial details", "Finance", " needs his financial details to be added"); dbh.CloseConnection(); } }