public IHttpActionResult PutIngredient(Ingredient ingredient, int userid) { User checkifadmin = db.User.Find(userid); if (checkifadmin.role.ToLower() != "admin") //check if the user is admin, sends userid via header of api { return(BadRequest("User is not a admin")); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) //check if model is valid { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } Ingredient temping = db.Ingredient.Where(e => ==; //searches dbo.ingredient to see if the ingredient already exist if (temping != null) { return(BadRequest("That ingredient already exists")); //error message if it exist } db.Entry(ingredient).State = EntityState.Modified; //tells db what to modify db.SaveChanges(); return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
public IHttpActionResult PutUser(int id, User user) //id is from header of api, user is sent from body { //user = db.User.Find(id); //find user from id if (!ModelState.IsValid) //check if the model is valid { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != //see if sent id is the same as user { return(BadRequest("Cant find user")); } // If password length is less than 6, dont continue if (user.password.Length < 6) { return(BadRequest("Password length is less than 6")); } db.Entry(user).State = EntityState.Modified; //tell db to modify the user try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException e) { if (!UserExists(id)) //if user doesnt exist with the id { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(Ok("user updated")); }
public string PutDishess(int id, int userid, Dishes dishes) { User checkifadmin = db.User.Find(userid); //check if the user should be able to continue if (checkifadmin.role != "admin") { return("User is not a admin"); //returns error if false. } if (id != { return("id doesnt exist"); } if (dishes.specialprice == null || dishes.specialprice == 0) //Checks if price is changed after specialprice is { Dishes dish = db.Dishes.Find(; if (dishes.price != dish.price) { return("Remove specialprice before changing normal price"); //hard to test } } List <DishesIngredient> tempdishing = db.DishesIngredient.Where(e => e.Dishes_id == id).ToList(); //add all dishesingredient from dbo.dishesingredient that has dish_id as dishid sent in header if (dishes.Ingredient == null) { return("There was no ingredient attached"); } else { db.DishesIngredient.RemoveRange(tempdishing); try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { } tempdishing = db.DishesIngredient.Where(e => e.Dishes_id == id).ToList(); //add all dishesingredient from dbo.dishesingredient that has dish_id as dishid sent in header } try { foreach (var item in dishes.Ingredient) //now we add what we deleted, just renewed to the current models ingredients. { Ingredient temping = new Ingredient(); Ingredient testing = db.Ingredient.Where(e => ==; //search ingredients of the dishes ingredient name, only thing user sends. Ingredient ing_id = new Ingredient(); if (testing == null) //if it doesnt find we have to add the ingredient. { =; db.Ingredient.Add(temping); ing_id = db.Ingredient.Where(e => ==; db.SaveChanges(); } else //else the id is the one we found. { ing_id = testing; } DishesIngredient tempdishtoaddtotable = new DishesIngredient(); //Create new dishesingredient tempdishtoaddtotable.Dishes_id =; tempdishtoaddtotable.Ingredient_id =; db.DishesIngredient.Add(tempdishtoaddtotable); // Add to dbo.dishesingredient with the new dish_id and Ingredient_id db.SaveChanges(); } } catch (Exception e) { } //Now we have to update the object. var activityinDb = db.Dishes.Find(; if (activityinDb == null) { db.Dishes.Add(dishes); db.SaveChanges(); } =; activityinDb.price = dishes.price; //activityinDb.Ingredient = temping; //NEVER UPDATE THIS DB WITH INGREDIENT [saving this for error that can be found later] activityinDb.Restaurant_id = dishes.Restaurant_id; activityinDb.Restaurant = db.Restaurant.Find(dishes.Restaurant_id); //restaurang is an object so we search for the id in dbo.restaurang activityinDb.specialprice = dishes.specialprice; activityinDb.DishesIngredient = null; db.Entry(activityinDb).State = EntityState.Modified; //Db knows what to update. db.SaveChanges(); return("updated"); }