        private async Task OnMessageCreated(SocketMessage message)
            // Ignore messages from the bot or from non user messages (in channel or DMs).
            if (message.Author.Id == this.client.CurrentUser.Id || !(message is IUserMessage userMessage))

            int argPosition = 0;

            if (userMessage.HasCharPrefix('!', ref argPosition))
                // Make sure the user isn't banned. Don't block unban, in case of an accidental self-ban
                if (!userMessage.Content.StartsWith("!unban", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    using (DatabaseAction action = this.dbActionFactory.Create())
                        if (await action.GetCommandBannedAsync(message.Author.Id))

                ICommandContext context = new CommandContext(this.client, userMessage);
                await this.commandService.ExecuteAsync(context, argPosition, this.serviceProvider);


            // Some commands may need to be taken in DM channels. Everything for handling buzzes and scoring should be
            // on the main channel
            if (!(userMessage.Channel is ITextChannel channel &&
                  this.gameStateManager.TryGet(channel.Id, out GameState state) &&
                  userMessage.Author is IGuildUser guildUser))

            ulong botId         = this.client.CurrentUser.Id;
            bool  answersScored = await this.messageHandler.TryScore(state, guildUser, channel, botId, message.Content);

            if (answersScored)

            // Don't block on this
            _ = Task.Run(() => this.messageHandler.HandlePlayerMessage(
                             state, guildUser, channel, botId, message.Content));
        public async Task UnbanUser()
            const ulong bannedUser = 123;

            this.CreateHandler(out BotOwnerCommandHandler handler, out MessageStore messageStore);

            using (BotConfigurationContext context = this.botConfigurationfactory.Create())
                using (DatabaseAction action = new DatabaseAction(context))
                    await action.AddCommandBannedUser(bannedUser);

            await handler.UnbanUserAsync(bannedUser);

            using (BotConfigurationContext context = this.botConfigurationfactory.Create())
                using (DatabaseAction action = new DatabaseAction(context))
                    bool banned = await action.GetCommandBannedAsync(bannedUser);

                    Assert.IsFalse(banned, "User should be unbanned");