        /// <summary>
        ///     play sql script from file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">file path</param>
        /// <param name="connectionString"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static void SqlFromFile(string file, string connectionString, bool silentMode = true)
            var path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            path += "sources\\sql\\";
            path += (Provider == Provider.MySql ? "mySql\\" : "Postgres\\") + file;

            var sr  = new StreamReader(path);
            var sql = sr.ReadToEnd().Split(';');

            foreach (var cmd in sql)
                var cmd2 = cmd.TrimEnd(new char[] { '\r', '\n' });
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmd2))
                    string lastError;
                    DataTools.Command(cmd2, null, connectionString, out lastError);
                    if (!silentMode & !string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastError))
                        throw new Exception(lastError);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastError))

 /// <summary>
 ///     Create field in base from a list
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fl"></param>
 /// <param name="table"></param>
 /// <param name="schema"></param>
 /// <param name="connectionString"></param>
 public static void CreateField(IEnumerable <Field> fl, string table, string schema, string connectionString)
     foreach (var f in fl)
         Log.Write(string.Format("Ajout de la colone {0} à la table {1}", f.Name, table));
         string lastError;
         DataTools.Command(SqlCommands.SqlSetColumn(table, schema, f), null, connectionString, out lastError);
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastError))
             Log.Write("Erreur:" + lastError);
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify for postgres if database exist
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void dbCreate(string dbName, string cs)
            string err;

            var sql = "Create database {0};";

            sql = string.Format(sql, dbName);

            DataTools.Command(sql, null, cs, out err);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(err))
                MetroMessageBox.Show(this, string.Format(Resources.ErrorMessage, err), Resources.Erreur, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        internal static void afterViewPropertyChange(object s, PropertyValueChangedEventArgs e, IWin32Window own)
            switch (e.ChangedItem.PropertyDescriptor.Name)
            case "Corbeille":
                if (!(bool)e.ChangedItem.Value)    //disable trash requested
                    var result = MetroMessageBox.Show(own, Properties.Resources.EmptyTrash, Properties.Resources.Information, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                    if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                            $"Delete from {CurrentContext.CurrentView.Schema}.{CurrentContext.CurrentView.NomTable} where deleted_{CurrentContext.CurrentView.NomTable}=1",

        private void btnGen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool result;
            var  createdList = new List <string>();

            var startViewCount = TabloidConfig.Config.Views.Count;

            //clean response list
            foreach (DataRow dr in _tbContainer.Rows)
                if (dr.RowState != DataRowState.Deleted && dr["Réponses"].ToString() != "")
                    var r = dr["Réponses"].ToString().Trim();
                    r = r.Replace('-', ';');
                    dr["Réponses"] = r;


            //search duplicate response list for combo box
            var list = 0;

            foreach (DataRow dr in _tbContainer.Rows)
                if (dr.RowState != DataRowState.Deleted && dr["Réponses"].ToString() != "" && dr["Liste"] == DBNull.Value)
                    var currentListName = "lr" + list.ToString();

                    dr["Liste"] = currentListName;

                    var dv = new DataView(_tbContainer, string.Format("Réponses like '{0}'", DataTools.ExtendedStringToSql(dr["Réponses"].ToString())), "", DataViewRowState.Unchanged);
                    foreach (DataRowView drv in dv)
                        drv["Liste"] = currentListName;


            //add new View
            var param = new string[] { Program.AppSet.Schema, txtVue.Text, "id_" + txtVue.Text };
            var t     = new TabloidConfigView
                Schema          = param[0],
                Nom             = txtVue.Text,
                Titre           = txtVue.Text,
                NomTable        = txtVue.Text,
                DbKey           = param[2],
                Detail          = true,
                DisplayOnTowRow = true

            result = WizardSQLHelper.ExecuteFromFile("table.sql", param, Program.AppSet.ConnectionString, this);
            if (!result)

            var i = 1;

            param = new string[] { txtVue.Text, "", "", Program.AppSet.Schema };
            foreach (DataRow dr in _tbContainer.Rows)
                if (dr.RowState != DataRowState.Deleted)
                    param[1] = "R" + i;
                    var info = dr["Info"].ToString();

                    var Tc = new TabloidConfigColonne
                        Nom          = "C" + i,
                        Champ        = "r" + i,
                        Groupe       = "!!!" + dr["Groupe"],
                        Titre        = dr["Questions"].ToString(),
                        VisibleListe = false,
                        Information  = info

                    if (dr["Réponses"].ToString() == "")
                    { //TextBox
                        Tc.Editeur = Tabloid.Classes.Controls.TemplateType.Defaut;
                        Tc.Type    = DbType.String;
                        param[2]   = dataHelper.DbTypeConverter.ConvertFromGenericDbType(DbType.String, Classes.WizardTools.Tools.ConvertProviderType(Program.AppSet.ProviderType));
                        result     = WizardSQLHelper.ExecuteFromFile("addField.sql", param, Program.AppSet.ConnectionString, this);

                        var tableCreationNeeded = !createdList.Contains(dr["Liste"].ToString());

                        result = WizardSQLHelper.SetDataBaseForList(this, false, Program.AppSet.Schema, dr["Liste"].ToString(), dr["Liste"].ToString(), "id_" + dr["Liste"].ToString(), false, t, Tc.Champ, Program.AppSet.ConnectionString, Program.AppSet.ProviderType, true, false, tableCreationNeeded ? "" : "alr" + i, !tableCreationNeeded);

                        var c = t.Colonnes[t.Colonnes.Count - 1];                        //last added column
                        c.Groupe       = "!!!" + dr["Groupe"];
                        c.Editeur      = Tabloid.Classes.Controls.TemplateType.ComboBox; //replace comboboxplus by combobox
                        c.Titre        = dr["Questions"].ToString();
                        c.VisibleListe = false;
                        c.Obligatoire  = true;
                        c.Information  = info;


            t.Index = TabloidConfig.Config.Views.Count - startViewCount;

            // fill possible response table (lrx)
            DataView  view           = new DataView(_tbContainer);
            DataTable distinctValues = view.ToTable(true, "Liste", "Réponses");

            foreach (DataRow dr in distinctValues.Rows)
                if (dr.RowState != DataRowState.Deleted)
                    var sols   = dr["Réponses"].ToString().Split(';');
                    var values = "";

                    foreach (string sol in sols)
                        values += $"('{DataTools.StringToSql(sol.Trim())}'),";

                    values = values.TrimEnd(',');

                    var sql = $"INSERT INTO {Program.AppSet.Schema}.{ dr["Liste"]} (nom_{ dr["Liste"]}) VALUES {values}";

                    string error;
                    DataTools.Command(sql, null, Program.AppSet.ConnectionString, out error);

            //add default url field in user table
            var sqlType      = dataHelper.DbTypeConverter.ConvertFromGenericDbType(DbType.String, Classes.WizardTools.Tools.ConvertProviderType(Program.AppSet.ProviderType));
            var requestParam = new string[] { "roles", "default_url", sqlType + $"(300)", Program.AppSet.Schema };

            WizardSQLHelper.ExecuteFromFile("addField.sql", requestParam, Program.AppSet.ConnectionString, this);

            //add role "sonde"
            var detailURL    = AppSetting.GetDefaultPageURL(t.Nom, TabloidPages.Type.Detail) + "&mode=questionnaire";
            var profileRight = (ulong)Math.Pow(2, t.Index);
            //var profileRight2 = ~profileRight;

            var sql2 = $"insert into roles (titre_role,datemaj_roles,droits_lecture,droits_ecriture,droits_limite,droits_limiteecr,droits_suppression,default_url) values ('Sondé',now(),{profileRight},{profileRight},{profileRight},{profileRight},0,'{detailURL}')";

            sql2 += string.Format(

            string error2;

            var roleId = DataTools.ScalarCommand(sql2, null, Program.AppSet.ConnectionString, out error2);

            //set config
            Program.AppSet.TabloidType = TabloidTypes.Questionnaire;
            Program.AppSet.champPageDefaut    = "default_url";
            Program.AppSet.AutoenrollmentRole = roleId.ToString();

            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
        void Button_end(object sender, PageEventArgs e)
            var schema = txtSchema.Text == "" ? "public" : txtSchema.Text;
            var importdestinationPath = "";
            var isMySql = cmbType.SelectedIndex == 0;

            string[] param = { txtHote.Text, txtUtil.Text, txtMdp.Text, txtBase.Text, schema };

            var mainConn = new ConnectionProperties
                Host       = txtHote.Text,
                User       = txtUtil.Text,
                Password   = txtMdp.Text,
                Database   = txtBase.Text,
                SearchPath = new string[] { schema, "public" }

            //var connectionString = cmbType.SelectedIndex == 0
            //    ? string.Format("Datasource={0};uid={1};pwd={2};", param)
            //    : string.Format("User ID={1};Password={2};Host={0};Port=5432;Database={3};SearchPath={4},public;", param);

            var tempPath = Path.GetTempPath() + Guid.NewGuid();// used for import only

            if (Program.AppSet == null)
                Program.AppSet = new AppSetting(); //if no default properties
            if (_fromImport)                       //unzip file to temp file and load exported config
                // select file to import
                var fd = new OpenFileDialog
                    Title = Resources.SelectImportFile,

                    CheckFileExists = true,
                    CheckPathExists = true,

                    DefaultExt       = "twz",
                    Filter           = "twz files (*.twz)|*.twz",
                    FilterIndex      = 2,
                    RestoreDirectory = true,

                    ReadOnlyChecked = true,
                    ShowReadOnly    = true

                var result = fd.ShowDialog();
                if (result != DialogResult.OK)

                // select destination folder

                var folderDlg = new FolderBrowserDialog
                    Description         = "Selectionnez le répertoire de destination du sit web",
                    ShowNewFolderButton = true

                result = folderDlg.ShowDialog();
                if (result != DialogResult.OK)

                importdestinationPath = folderDlg.SelectedPath;

                _waitingForm = new WaitingForm(PrepareImportWorker)
                    Text        = Resources.ImportPrepare,
                    progressBar = { Style = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee }

                _waitingForm.Wr.RunWorkerAsync(new object[] { fd.FileName, tempPath });


                mainConn.SearchPath = new string[] { Program.AppSet.Schema, "public" };

            //set app setting parameter

            if (!_fromImport)
                Program.AppSet.Titre = cmbType.SelectedIndex == 0 ? txtBase.Text : schema;

            Program.AppSet.ConnectionString = mainConn.GetConnectionString(isMySql);//connectionString;
            Program.AppSet.ProviderType     = cmbType.SelectedIndex == 0 ? Provider.MySql : Provider.Postgres;

            Program.AppSet.identParam = cmbType.SelectedIndex == 0 ? "?" : "@";
            Program.AppSet.sqlDebug   = "oui";


            SqlCommands.Provider = cmbType.SelectedIndex == 0 ? Provider.MySql : Provider.Postgres;

            //for postgres verify database exist if not create
            if (Program.AppSet.ProviderType == Provider.Postgres)
                var cs = string.Format("User ID={1};Password={2};Host={0};Port=5432;", param);
                if (!dbExist(txtBase.Text, cs))
                    if (MetroMessageBox.Show(this, Resources.DataBaseNotExist, Resources.Erreur, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
                        != DialogResult.Yes)
                    dbCreate(txtBase.Text, cs);

            //Add schema to database

            if (!_fromImport && (Program.AppSet.ProviderType == Provider.Postgres && schemaExist(schema)))
                string err;

                if (MetroMessageBox.Show(this, Resources.SchemaAlreadyExist, Resources.Erreur, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
                    != DialogResult.Yes)

                if (MetroMessageBox.Show(this, Resources.ConfirmDelete, Resources.Confirmation, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)
                    != DialogResult.Yes)

                DataTools.Command($"DROP SCHEMA {schema} CASCADE;", null, Program.AppSet.ConnectionString, out err);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(err))
                    MetroMessageBox.Show(this, string.Format(Resources.ErrorMessage, err), Resources.Erreur, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            var connectionString = mainConn.GetConnectionString(isMySql);

            if (!_fromImport)
                Program.AppSet.Schema = schema;

            if (Program.AppSet.ProviderType == Provider.Postgres)
                param    = new string[] { txtSchema.Text };
                e.Cancel = !WizardSQLHelper.ExecuteFromFile("schema.sql", param, connectionString, this);
                if (e.Cancel)
                    return;          // stop on sql error
                param    = new string[] { txtBase.Text };
                e.Cancel = !WizardSQLHelper.ExecuteFromFile("schema.sql", param, mainConn.GetConnectionString(isMySql), this);
                if (e.Cancel)
                    return;          // stop on sql error
                Program.AppSet.ConnectionString = connectionString + "Database=" + txtBase.Text + ";";;

            // add tabloid table to database
                if (_fromImport)//unzip file to temp file and load exported config
                    _waitingForm = new WaitingForm(ImportWorker)
                        Text        = Resources.dbImport,
                        progressBar = { Style = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee }

                    var conn = new ConnectionProperties
                        Host     = txtHote.Text,
                        Port     = "5432",
                        User     = txtUtil.Text,
                        Password = txtMdp.Text,
                        Database = txtBase.Text

                    _waitingForm.Wr.RunWorkerAsync(new object[] { tempPath, conn, importdestinationPath });

                if (!TabloidTables.CreateTable(TabloidTables.TabloidTablesArray, connectionString, this))//create tabloid table in base
            catch (Exception ex)
                MetroMessageBox.Show(this, ex.ToString(), Resources.Error, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            //add user
            if (_fromImport)
                var utilFrm = new UtilEditor();

                utilFrm.btnCancel.Enabled     = false;
                utilFrm.cmbAuth.SelectedIndex = 1;
                utilFrm.cmbAuth.Enabled       = false;

                if (utilFrm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)//for user table need to ask for user 0
                    var keyParam = GenericParameter.Get("id_utilisateur", DbType.Int32, null);
                    var sql      = $"INSERT INTO utilisateurs(logon, nom, prenom, mail, password, auteur_utilisateurs, datemaj_utilisateurs, deleted_utilisateurs, debutsession, finsession) VALUES('{utilFrm.txtLogin.Text}', '{utilFrm.txtNom.Text}', '{utilFrm.txtPrenom.Text}', '{utilFrm.txtMail.Text}', '{Tabloid.Classes.Tools.SecurityHelper.EncryptPassword(utilFrm.txtMdp1.Text)}', NULL, NULL, 0, now(), NULL)";
                    sql = sql + string.Format(SqlConverter.GetSql(SqlConverter.SqlType.InsertCommandKeyOut), "id_utilisateur");

                    var id = DataTools.ScalarCommand(sql, new[] { keyParam }, mainConn.GetConnectionString(isMySql));

                    sql = $"INSERT INTO lst_roles(utilisateurs_id, roles_id) VALUES({id}, 1);";

                    DataTools.Command(sql, null, mainConn.GetConnectionString(isMySql));
                //open project properties form