 public ActionResult Create(PatientLogCreateViewModel viewM)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         viewM.Patient.Physician = HubSecurity.getLoggedInUserID();
         DataSubmissions.CreatePatient(db, viewM.Patient);
        public JsonResult jsonSubmitCommunicationMethod(ReferringPractice prac)
            string            result  = "";
            ReferringPractice newPrac = DataCollections.getPractice(db, prac.PracID);

            newPrac.EmailNotification = prac.EmailNotification;
            newPrac.FaxNotification   = prac.FaxNotification;

            DataSubmissions.SavePractice(db, newPrac);

            result = "Communication Methods Saved";
        public JsonResult jsonDeletePatients(string ids)
            string[] split = ids.Split(new char[] { ',' });

            DataSubmissions.DeletePatients(db, split);
            //for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++)
            //    int id = Convert.ToInt32(split[i]);
            //    PatientLog patient = db.PatientLogs.Find(id);
            //    //PatientLogTmp pt = DataSubmissions.CreateTmpPatient(patient);
            //    //db.PatientLogTmps.Add(pt);
            //    //db.PatientLogs.Remove(patient);
            //    DataSubmissions.DeletePatients()
            return(Json("Success", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public ActionResult jsonCopyPatients(string ids)
            string[] split = ids.Split(new char[] { ',' });

            DataSubmissions.CopyPatients(db, split);
            //for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++)
            //    int id = Convert.ToInt32(split[i]);
            //    PatientLog patientLog = db.PatientLogs.Find(id);

            //    //Reset values for copied record
            //    patientLog.ServiceDate = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
            //    patientLog.DateCreated = DateTime.Now;
            //    patientLog.LastUpdated = null;
            //    patientLog.Notes = null;

            //    db.PatientLogs.Add(patientLog);
        public JsonResult jsonSubmitPracticeInformation(ReferringPractice prac)
            string            result  = "";
            ReferringPractice newPrac = DataCollections.getPractice(db, prac.PracID);

            newPrac.Address1      = prac.Address1;
            newPrac.Address2      = prac.Address2;
            newPrac.Address3      = prac.Address3;
            newPrac.City          = prac.City;
            newPrac.State         = prac.State;
            newPrac.Zip           = prac.Zip;
            newPrac.Phone         = prac.Phone;
            newPrac.Fax           = prac.Fax;
            newPrac.Email         = prac.Email;
            newPrac.OfficeManager = prac.OfficeManager;
            newPrac.Other         = prac.Other;
            newPrac.PDFPassword   = prac.PDFPassword;

            DataSubmissions.SavePractice(db, newPrac);

            result = "Practice Information Saved";
        //This function returns results from PatientLog table for all PatientLog Views aside from PatientSort
        private IQueryable <BillingIndexPatient> billingIndexQueryGenerator(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, List <string> selectedPhy, List <string> selectedHosp, List <string> selectedServ, List <string> selectedLastNameFilters,
                                                                            bool?notesCompleted, bool?notesCopied, bool?faceSheetEntered, bool?chargePosted, bool?codingCompleted,
                                                                            GridFilter.SortDirections direction, string sortColumn, bool purge)
            //Query billing records
            IQueryable <BillingIndexPatient> query = from d in db.PatientLogs
                                                     join b in db.Billings on d.ID equals b.PLRecord into ds
                                                     from b in ds.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                                     where d.ServiceDate >= fromDate &&
                                                     d.ServiceDate <= toDate && d.ServiceType != "Assigned"
                                                     select new BillingIndexPatient()
                ID             = b.ID, PLRecord = d.ID, PatientName = d.PatientName, DOB = d.DOB, MRN_FIN = d.MRN_FIN, Hospital = d.Hospital, ServiceDate = d.ServiceDate, ServiceType = d.ServiceType, Physician = d.Physician,
                NotesCompleted = b.NotesCompleted, NotesCopied = b.NotesCopied, FaceSheetEntered = b.FaceSheetEntered, ChargePosted = b.ChargePosted, CodingCompleted = b.CodingCompleted, Purge = b.Purge

            if (selectedPhy.Any())
                query = query.Where(h => selectedPhy.Contains(h.Physician));
            //Apply hospital filters if any are provided
            if (selectedHosp.Any())
                query = query.Where(h => selectedHosp.Contains(h.Hospital));

            if (selectedServ.Any())
                query = query.Where(s => selectedServ.Contains(s.ServiceType));

            if (selectedLastNameFilters.Any())
                for (int i = 0; i < selectedLastNameFilters.Count() - 1; i++)
                    query = query.Where(f => f.PatientName.StartsWith(selectedLastNameFilters[i]));

            //Filter by notes completed if necessary
            if (notesCompleted == true)
                query = query.Where(n => n.NotesCompleted == true);
            else if (notesCompleted == false)
                query = query.Where(n => n.NotesCompleted == false);
            //Filter by notes copied if necessary
            if (notesCopied == true)
                query = query.Where(n => n.NotesCopied == true);
            else if (notesCopied == false)
                query = query.Where(n => n.NotesCopied == false);
            //Filter by facesheet entere3d if necessary
            if (faceSheetEntered == true)
                query = query.Where(n => n.FaceSheetEntered == true);
            else if (faceSheetEntered == false)
                query = query.Where(n => n.FaceSheetEntered == false);
            //Filter by coding completed if necessary
            if (codingCompleted == true)
                query = query.Where(n => n.CodingCompleted == true);
            else if (codingCompleted == false)
                query = query.Where(n => n.CodingCompleted == false);
            //Filter by charge posted if necessary
            if (chargePosted == true)
                query = query.Where(n => n.ChargePosted == true);
            else if (chargePosted == false)
                query = query.Where(n => n.ChargePosted == false);

            //Apply sorting (default = PatientName ASC)
            if (direction == GridFilter.SortDirections.Ascending)
                if (sortColumn == "PatientName")
                    query = query.OrderBy(sortColumn + ", ServiceDate");
                    query = query.OrderBy(sortColumn);
                query = query.OrderBy(sortColumn + " " + "DESC");
            if (purge)
                query = query.Where(n => n.Purge == true);

            List <int> plRecordList = query.Select(p => p.PLRecord).ToList();

            foreach (int id in plRecordList)
                bool exists = (from b in db.Billings
                               where b.PLRecord == id
                               select b.ID).Any();
                if (!exists)
                    DataSubmissions.CreateBillingEntry(db, id);

            //Save preferences
            Dictionary <string, string> filters = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            string pref = null;

            foreach (string phy in selectedPhy)
                pref += phy + ",";
            if (pref != null)
                pref = pref.Substring(0, pref.Length - 1);
            filters.Add("Physician", pref);

            pref = null;
            foreach (string hosp in selectedHosp)
                pref += hosp + ",";
            if (pref != null)
                pref = pref.Substring(0, pref.Length - 1);
            filters.Add("Hospital", pref);

            pref = null;
            foreach (string serv in selectedServ)
                pref += serv + ",";
            if (pref != null)
                pref = pref.Substring(0, pref.Length - 1);
            filters.Add("ServiceType", pref);

            pref = null;
            foreach (string lnf in selectedLastNameFilters)
                pref += lnf + ",";
            if (pref != null)
                pref = pref.Substring(0, pref.Length - 1);
            filters.Add("LastNameFilter", pref);

            if (direction == GridFilter.SortDirections.Ascending)
                filters.Add("SortDirection", "Ascending");
                filters.Add("SortDirection", "Descending");
            filters.Add("SortColumn", sortColumn);

            pref = null;
            if (notesCompleted != null)
                pref = notesCompleted.ToString();
            filters.Add("NotesCompleted", pref);

            pref = null;
            if (notesCopied != null)
                pref = notesCopied.ToString();
            filters.Add("NotesCopied", pref);

            pref = null;
            if (faceSheetEntered != null)
                pref = faceSheetEntered.ToString();
            filters.Add("FaceSheetEntered", pref);

            pref = null;
            if (chargePosted != null)
                pref = chargePosted.ToString();
            filters.Add("ChargePosted", pref);

            pref = null;
            if (codingCompleted != null)
                pref = codingCompleted.ToString();
            filters.Add("CodingCompleted", pref);

            if (!purge)
                DataSubmissions.SavePreferences(db, "Billing", "BillingIndex", filters);
                DataSubmissions.SavePreferences(db, "Billing", "BillingPurge", filters);

            List <int> idList = query.Select(p => p.ID).ToList();

            Session["billingListOfID"] = idList;
        public JsonResult jsonSubmitSpecialtiesAll(List <RefPracSpecialty> specialties)
            DataSubmissions.SaveSpecialties(db, specialties, HubSecurity.getLoggedInUserID());

            return(Json("Specialties Saved"));
        public JsonResult jsonSubmitSpecialties(List <RefPracSpecialty> specialties)
            DataSubmissions.SaveSpecialties(db, specialties);

            return(Json("Specialties Saved"));
        public ActionResult EditPreferences(PracticeAdminEditPreferencesViewModel viewM)
            PracticeAdminEditPreferencesViewModel returnM = new PracticeAdminEditPreferencesViewModel();
            ReferringPractice oldPrac;

            returnM.practices = DataCollections.getPractices(db, HubSecurity.getLoggedInUserID());
            int id;

            if (viewM.UpdatePracticeInformation != null)
                if (viewM.hidAll == "true")
                    foreach (SelectListItem prac in returnM.practices)
                        if (prac.Value == "ALL")
                        id                    = Convert.ToInt32(prac.Value);
                        oldPrac               = (from r in db.ReferringPractices where r.PracID == id select r).Single();
                        oldPrac.Address1      = viewM.selectedPrac.Address1;
                        oldPrac.Address2      = viewM.selectedPrac.Address2;
                        oldPrac.Address3      = viewM.selectedPrac.Address3;
                        oldPrac.City          = viewM.selectedPrac.City;
                        oldPrac.State         = viewM.selectedPrac.State;
                        oldPrac.Zip           = viewM.selectedPrac.Zip;
                        oldPrac.Phone         = viewM.selectedPrac.Phone;
                        oldPrac.Fax           = viewM.selectedPrac.Fax;
                        oldPrac.OfficeManager = viewM.selectedPrac.OfficeManager;
                        oldPrac.Other         = viewM.selectedPrac.Other;
                        oldPrac.PDFPassword   = viewM.selectedPrac.PDFPassword;
                        DataSubmissions.SavePractice(db, oldPrac);
                    oldPrac               = (from r in db.ReferringPractices where r.PracID == viewM.selectedPrac.PracID select r).Single();
                    oldPrac.Address1      = viewM.selectedPrac.Address1;
                    oldPrac.Address2      = viewM.selectedPrac.Address2;
                    oldPrac.Address3      = viewM.selectedPrac.Address3;
                    oldPrac.City          = viewM.selectedPrac.City;
                    oldPrac.State         = viewM.selectedPrac.State;
                    oldPrac.Zip           = viewM.selectedPrac.Zip;
                    oldPrac.Phone         = viewM.selectedPrac.Phone;
                    oldPrac.Fax           = viewM.selectedPrac.Fax;
                    oldPrac.OfficeManager = viewM.selectedPrac.OfficeManager;
                    oldPrac.Other         = viewM.selectedPrac.Other;
                    oldPrac.PDFPassword   = viewM.selectedPrac.PDFPassword;
                    DataSubmissions.SavePractice(db, oldPrac);
            if (viewM.UpdateCommunicationMethod != null)
                if (viewM.hidAll == "true")
                    foreach (SelectListItem prac in returnM.practices)
                        if (prac.Value == "ALL")
                        id      = Convert.ToInt32(prac.Value);
                        oldPrac = (from r in db.ReferringPractices where r.PracID == id select r).Single();
                        oldPrac.EmailNotification = viewM.selectedPrac.EmailNotification;
                        oldPrac.FaxNotification   = viewM.selectedPrac.FaxNotification;
                        DataSubmissions.SavePractice(db, oldPrac);
                    oldPrac = (from r in db.ReferringPractices where r.PracID == viewM.selectedPrac.PracID select r).Single();
                    oldPrac.EmailNotification = viewM.selectedPrac.EmailNotification;
                    oldPrac.FaxNotification   = viewM.selectedPrac.FaxNotification;
                    DataSubmissions.SavePractice(db, oldPrac);

            returnM.practices    = DataCollections.getPractices(db, HubSecurity.getLoggedInUserID());
            returnM.selectedPrac = DataCollections.getPractice(db, viewM.hidPrac);
            returnM.specialties  = DataCollections.getSpecialties(db, viewM.selectedPrac.PracID);
            returnM.hidPrac      = viewM.hidPrac;
            returnM.tabReturn    = viewM.tabReturn;
            returnM.hidAll       = viewM.hidAll;

 public ActionResult CopyConfirmed(int id)
     DataSubmissions.CopyPatient(db, id);
        //This function returns results from PatientLog table for all PatientLog Views aside from PatientSort
        private IQueryable <PatientLog> patientLogQueryGenerator(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, List <string> selectedHosp, List <string> selectedServ,
                                                                 GridFilter.SortDirections direction, string sortColumn, bool assigned)
            //Query PatientLog by physicians and date/time range
            string user = HubSecurity.getLoggedInUserID();
            IQueryable <PatientLog> query;

            //Alter query to show all Assigned entries if selected to do so
            if (!assigned)
                if (sortColumn == null)
                    query = from d in db.PatientLogs
                            where d.ServiceDate >= fromDate &&
                            d.ServiceDate <= toDate &&
                            d.Physician == user
                            orderby d.PatientName, d.ServiceDate
                    select d;
                    query = from d in db.PatientLogs
                            where d.ServiceDate >= fromDate &&
                            d.ServiceDate <= toDate &&
                            d.Physician == user
                            select d;
                if (sortColumn == null)
                    query = from d in db.PatientLogs
                            where d.Physician == user && d.ServiceType == "Assigned"
                            orderby d.PatientName, d.ServiceDate
                    select d;
                    query = from d in db.PatientLogs
                            where d.Physician == user && d.ServiceType == "Assigned"
                            select d;

            //Apply hospital filters if any are provided
            if (selectedHosp.Any())
                query = query.Where(h => selectedHosp.Contains(h.Hospital));

            //Apply service type filters only if not showing assigned view
            if (!assigned)
                if (selectedServ.Any())
                    query = query.Where(s => selectedServ.Contains(s.ServiceType));

            //Apply sorting
            if (direction == GridFilter.SortDirections.Ascending)
                if (sortColumn == "PatientName")
                    query = query.OrderBy(sortColumn + ", ServiceDate");
                    query = query.OrderBy(sortColumn);
                query = query.OrderBy(sortColumn + " DESC");

            List <int> idList = query.Select(p => p.ID).ToList();

            Session["patientLogListOfID"] = idList;

            //Update user preferences if Assigned is not selected
            if (!assigned)
                Dictionary <string, string> filters = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                string hospPref = null;
                foreach (string hosp in selectedHosp)
                    hospPref += hosp + ",";
                if (hospPref != null)
                    hospPref = hospPref.Substring(0, hospPref.Length - 1);
                filters.Add("Hospital", hospPref);

                string servPref = null;
                foreach (string serv in selectedServ)
                    servPref += serv + ",";
                if (servPref != null)
                    servPref = servPref.Substring(0, servPref.Length - 1);
                filters.Add("ServiceType", servPref);

                if (direction == GridFilter.SortDirections.Ascending)
                    filters.Add("SortDirection", "Ascending");
                    filters.Add("SortDirection", "Descending");
                filters.Add("SortColumn", sortColumn);

                DataSubmissions.SavePreferences(db, "PatientLog", "PatientLogIndex", filters);

        private IQueryable <PatientLog> patientAssignmentQueryGenerator(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, List <string> selectedPhy, string selectedHosp, List <string> selectedServ,
                                                                        GridFilter.SortDirections direction, string sortColumn)
            IQueryable <PatientLog> query;

            if (sortColumn == null)
                //Query PatientLog by physicians and date/time range
                query = from d in db.PatientLogs
                        where d.ServiceDate >= fromDate &&
                        d.ServiceDate <= toDate &&
                        selectedHosp == d.Hospital
                        orderby d.PatientName, d.ServiceDate
                select d;
                query = from d in db.PatientLogs
                        where d.ServiceDate >= fromDate &&
                        d.ServiceDate <= toDate &&
                        selectedHosp == d.Hospital
                        select d;

                //Apply sorting
                if (direction == GridFilter.SortDirections.Ascending)
                    if (sortColumn == "PatientName")
                        query = query.OrderBy(sortColumn + ", ServiceDate");
                        query = query.OrderBy(sortColumn);
                    query = query.OrderBy(sortColumn + " DESC");

            //Apply hospital filters if any are provided
            if (selectedPhy.Any())
                query = query.Where(h => selectedPhy.Contains(h.Physician));

            if (selectedServ.Any())
                query = query.Where(s => selectedServ.Contains(s.ServiceType));

            //Save preferences
            Dictionary <string, string> filters = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            string pref = null;

            foreach (string phy in selectedPhy)
                pref += phy + ",";
            if (pref != null)
                pref = pref.Substring(0, pref.Length - 1);
            filters.Add("Physician", pref);

            filters.Add("Hospital", selectedHosp);

            pref = null;
            foreach (string serv in selectedServ)
                pref += serv + ",";
            if (pref != null)
                pref = pref.Substring(0, pref.Length - 1);
            filters.Add("ServiceType", pref);

            //if (direction == GridFilter.SortDirections.Ascending)
            //    filters.Add("SortDirection", "Ascending");
            //    filters.Add("SortDirection", "Descending");

            DataSubmissions.SavePreferences(db, "PatientAssignment", "PatientAssignmentIndex", filters);

            List <int> idList = query.Select(p => p.ID).ToList();

            Session["patientAssignmentListOfID"] = idList;
        public ActionResult Index(PatientAssignmentIndexViewModel viewM)
            //Value will always be null unless CopyButton caused post
            if (viewM.CopyButton != null)
                DataSubmissions.CopyPatients(db, viewM.hidSelectedIDs);
            //Value will always be null unless DeleteButton caused post
            if (viewM.DeleteButton != null)
                DataSubmissions.DeletePatients(db, viewM.hidSelectedIDs);

            var           fromD      = new DateTime();
            var           toD        = new DateTime();
            List <string> physicians = new List <string>();
            //List<string> hospitals = new List<string>();
            string        hospitals = viewM.SelectedHospitals;
            List <string> services  = new List <string>();

            string[] splitList;

            //Manages physician input and builds a List<string> to be used in the query
            if (viewM.hidPhysicians != null && viewM.hidPhysicians != "")
                splitList  = viewM.hidPhysicians.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                physicians = splitList.ToList <string>();

            //Manages physician input and builds a List<string> to be used in the query
            //if (viewM.hidHospitals != null && viewM.hidHospitals != "")
            //    //splitList = viewM.hidHospitals.Split(new char[] { ',' });
            //    //hospitals = splitList.ToList<string>();
            //    hospitals = viewM.hidHospitals;
            if (viewM.hidServices != null && viewM.hidServices != "")
                splitList = viewM.hidServices.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                services  = splitList.ToList <string>();

            fromD = getValidDate(viewM.FromDate, true);
            toD   = getValidDate(viewM.ToDate, false);

            PatientAssignmentIndexViewModel returnM = new PatientAssignmentIndexViewModel();

            returnM.FromDate           = fromD.ToShortDateString();
            returnM.ToDate             = toD.ToShortDateString();
            returnM.PhysicianList      = DataCollections.getAIMSPhy(db);
            returnM.HospitalList       = DataCollections.getHospital(db);
            returnM.ServiceList        = DataCollections.getServiceType(db);
            returnM.ImportColumns      = DataCollections.getImportColumns(db);
            returnM.SelectedPhysicians = physicians;
            returnM.SelectedHospitals  = hospitals;
            returnM.SelectedServices   = services;
            returnM.SortColumn         = viewM.SortColumn;
            returnM.SortDirection      = viewM.SortDirection;

            Session["patientAssignmentFromDate"]      = fromD;
            Session["patientAssignmentToDate"]        = toD;
            Session["patientAssignmentSortColumn"]    = returnM.SortColumn;
            Session["patientAssignmentSortDirection"] = returnM.SortDirection;
            //Session["patientAssignmentPhysicians"] = physicians;
            //Session["patientAssignmentHospitals"] = hospitals;
            //Session["patientAssignmentServices"] = services;

            IQueryable <PatientLog> query = patientAssignmentQueryGenerator(fromD, toD, physicians, hospitals, services, returnM.SortDirection, returnM.SortColumn);

            returnM.Patients      = query.AsEnumerable <PatientLog>();
            returnM.ToLookupTally = query.ToLookup(p => p.Physician, p => p.ServiceType).ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.ToArray());
            if (returnM.ToLookupTally.Count == 0)
                returnM.ToLookupTally.Add("No data", new string[] { "" });