        //converts a data table to a list of WaterOneFlowServiceInfo objects
        private IList <DataServiceInfo> TableToWebServiceInfo(DataTable table)
            List <DataServiceInfo> resultList = new List <DataServiceInfo>();

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                string endpointURL = row["servURL"].ToString();

                endpointURL = endpointURL.ToLower();
                if (endpointURL.EndsWith("?wsdl"))
                    endpointURL = endpointURL.Replace("?wsdl", "");

                string          title    = row["Title"].ToString();
                DataServiceInfo servInfo = new DataServiceInfo(endpointURL, title);
                servInfo.DescriptionURL = row["ServiceDescriptionURL"].ToString();
                servInfo.ContactName    = row["organization"].ToString();
                servInfo.ContactEmail   = row["orgwebsite"].ToString();
                servInfo.Citation       = row["citation"].ToString();
                servInfo.Abstract       = (string)row["aabstract"];
                servInfo.ValueCount     = Convert.ToInt32(row["valuecount"]);
                servInfo.SiteCount      = Convert.ToInt32(row["sitecount"]);
                servInfo.HISCentralID   = Convert.ToInt32(row["ServiceID"]);
                servInfo.EastLongitude  = Convert.ToDouble(row["minx"]);
                servInfo.SouthLatitude  = Convert.ToDouble(row["miny"]);
                servInfo.WestLongitude  = Convert.ToDouble(row["maxx"]);
                servInfo.NorthLatitude  = Convert.ToDouble(row["maxy"]);
                servInfo.ServiceCode    = Convert.ToString(row["NetworkName"]);
                servInfo.ServiceName    = Convert.ToString(row["organization"]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds single service from the form input
        /// </summary>
        private List <DataServiceInfo> GetSingleServiceRow()
            List <DataServiceInfo> rows = new List <DataServiceInfo>();

            string serviceUrl = txtURL.Text;

            // Trim the query off of the URL
            int index = serviceUrl.IndexOf("?");

            if (index > -1)
                serviceUrl = serviceUrl.Substring(0, index);

            DataServiceInfo dataServiceInfo = new DataServiceInfo();

            dataServiceInfo.EndpointURL    = serviceUrl;
            dataServiceInfo.ServiceTitle   = txtTitle.Text;
            dataServiceInfo.ServiceCode    = txtCode.Text;
            dataServiceInfo.Citation       = txtCitation.Text;
            dataServiceInfo.Abstract       = txtAbstract.Text;
            dataServiceInfo.DescriptionURL = txtWebsite.Text;
            dataServiceInfo.ContactName    = txtContact.Text;
            dataServiceInfo.ContactEmail   = txtEmail.Text;


        public void CanSaveMultipleSeries()
            Random random = new Random();
            //string url1 = @"http://his02.usu.edu/littlebearriver/cuahsi_1_0.asmx";
            //string url2 = @"http://icewater.boisestate.edu/dcew2dataservices/cuahsi_1_0.asmx";
            string url3 = @"http://his.crwr.utexas.edu/TXEvap/cuahsi_1_0.asmx";

            MetadataCacheManagerSQL manager = TestConfig.MetadataCacheManager;

            WaterOneFlowClient client = new WaterOneFlowClient(url3);

            IList <Site> siteList = client.GetSites();

            IList <SeriesMetadata> seriesList = new List <SeriesMetadata>();

            DataServiceInfo service = GeDatatService(random.Next());


            foreach (Site site in siteList)
                IList <SeriesMetadata> seriesList1 = client.GetSiteInfo(site.Code);
                foreach (SeriesMetadata series in seriesList1)

            foreach (SeriesMetadata series in seriesList)
                manager.SaveSeries(series, service);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of a WaterOneFlow web service client
        /// which communicates with the specified web service.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceInfo">The object with web service information</param>
        /// <remarks>Throws an exception if the web service is not a valid
        /// WaterOneFlow service</remarks>
        public WaterOneFlowClient(DataServiceInfo serviceInfo)
            //check if the web service is a valid web service.
            //this will throw an exception when the web service URL is invalid.
            _asmxURL = serviceInfo.EndpointURL;

            //TODO make this path an optional user setting
            DownloadDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "HydroDesktop");

            //find out the WaterOneFlow version of this web service
            _serviceInfo = serviceInfo;

            //assign the waterOneFlow parser
            //the parser is automatically set depending on service version information
            //in the WaterML file
            if (ServiceInfo.Version == 1.0)
                _parser = new WaterOneFlow10Parser();
                _parser = new WaterOneFlow11Parser();
        private SeriesDataCart getDataCartFromMetadata(SeriesMetadata series, DataServiceInfo waterOneFlowServiceInfo)
            var  result = new SeriesDataCart();
            Site cSite  = series.Site;

            result.SiteName  = cSite.Name;
            result.SiteCode  = cSite.Code;
            result.Latitude  = cSite.Latitude;
            result.Longitude = cSite.Longitude;

            Variable v = series.Variable;

            result.VariableName = v.Name;
            result.VariableCode = v.Code;
            result.DataType     = v.DataType;
            result.ValueType    = v.ValueType;

            result.SampleMedium    = v.SampleMedium;
            result.TimeSupport     = Convert.ToDouble(v.TimeSupport, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            result.GeneralCategory = v.GeneralCategory;
            result.TimeUnit        = v.TimeUnit.Name;

            result.BeginDate  = Convert.ToDateTime(series.BeginDateTime, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            result.EndDate    = Convert.ToDateTime(series.EndDateTime, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            result.ValueCount = series.ValueCount;

            result.ServURL  = waterOneFlowServiceInfo.EndpointURL;
            result.ServCode = titleTextbox.Text;

        /// <summary>
        ///  根据节点添加缩略图
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataServiceGroups"></param>
        /// <param name="endPoints"></param>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        protected virtual void AddDataServiceByXmlNode(IList <DataServiceGroupInfo> dataServiceGroups, IList <EndPointInfo> endPoints, XmlNode node)
            var dsp = new DataServiceGroupInfo {
                DataServices = new List <DataServiceInfo>()

            if (node != null && node.Attributes != null)
                dsp.Path      = node.Attributes["Path"] == null ? null : node.Attributes["Path"].Value;
                dsp.Name      = node.Attributes["Name"] == null ? null : node.Attributes["Name"].Value;
                dsp.IsClose   = node.Attributes["IsClose"] != null && Convert.ToBoolean(node.Attributes["IsClose"].Value);
                dsp.Addresses = node.Attributes["Addresses"] == null ? null : node.Attributes["Addresses"].Value.Split(',');
                XmlNodeList dsNodes = node.SelectNodes("DataService");
                if (dsNodes != null && dsNodes.Count > 0)
                    foreach (XmlNode dsNode in dsNodes)
                        var ds = new DataServiceInfo
                            Type = dsNode.Attributes["Type"] == null
                                           ? DataServiceType.Master
                                           : (DataServiceType)
                                   Enum.Parse(typeof(DataServiceType), dsNode.Attributes["Type"].Value),
                            EndPoint =
                                endPoints.FirstOrDefault(it => it.Name.Equals(dsNode.Attributes["EndPointName"].Value))
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes all entries in the metadata cache database that were
        /// added by the data service
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="service">The serviceInfo object to be deleted</param>
        /// <param name="deleteService">Set to true if the record in the DataServices
        /// table should also be deleted. Set to false if the record in the DataServices
        /// table should be kept</param>
        /// <returns>The total number of records deleted</returns>
        public int DeleteRecordsForService(DataServiceInfo service, bool deleteService)
            string serviceID = service.Id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            string sqlDelete = "DELETE FROM DataSeriesCache WHERE ServiceID = " + serviceID + "; " +
                "DELETE FROM SitesCache WHERE ServiceID = " + serviceID + "; " +
                "DELETE FROM VariablesCache WHERE ServiceID = " + serviceID + "; " +
                "DELETE FROM SourcesCache WHERE ServiceID = " + serviceID + "; " +
                "DELETE FROM MethodsCache WHERE ServiceID = " + serviceID + "; " +
                "DELETE FROM QualityControlLevelsCache WHERE ServiceID = " + serviceID + ";" +
                "DELETE FROM ISOMetadataCache WHERE ServiceID = " + serviceID + ";";

            if (deleteService)
                sqlDelete += "DELETE FROM DataServices WHERE ServiceID = " + serviceID + ";";

            using (var conn = _db.CreateConnection())

                using (var tran = conn.BeginTransaction())
                    using (var cmd01 = conn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd01.CommandText = sqlDelete;

            return 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches for WaterOneFlow services registered at a HydroPortal, and adds info about those services to the data grid view
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="portalUtils">Object that contains a pointer to the HydroPortal chosen by the user</param>
        /// <param name="e">Parameters from the BackgroundWorker</param>
        /// <returns>Parameters (task type, output message, rows to add to view) to be processed by a BackgroundWorker event handler</returns>
        private object[] AddServicesFromHydroPortal(HydroPortalUtils portalUtils, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            // Build parameters to pass to the background worker
            object[] parameters = new object[3];
            parameters[0] = BackgroundWorkerTasks.AddServicesFromHydroPortal;
            parameters[1] = "Operation cancelled";

            // Get all items registered with the portal
            bgwMain.ReportProgress(0, "Getting list of registered portal items...");
            List <string> itemIds = portalUtils.GetRegisteredItemIds();

            // Find items with an element providing the URL to a WaterOneFlow service
            int totalSteps  = itemIds.Count;
            int currentStep = 0;

            List <string[]> rowsToAdd = new List <string[]> ();

            foreach (string itemId in itemIds)
                if (bgwMain.CancellationPending)
                    e.Cancel = true;

                bgwMain.ReportProgress(100 * currentStep / totalSteps, "Searching registered items for WaterOneFlow services: " + currentStep + " of " + totalSteps + "...");

                DataServiceInfo serviceInfo = portalUtils.ReadWaterOneFlowServiceInfo(itemId);
                if (serviceInfo != null && serviceInfo.EndpointURL != null && serviceInfo.EndpointURL != String.Empty)
                    // Create an item to add to the data grid view

            // Prepare a message to the user
            string message       = "";
            int    servicesAdded = rowsToAdd.Count;

            if (servicesAdded == 0)
                message = "No services found in portal";
            else if (servicesAdded == 1)
                message = "1 service found in portal";
                message = servicesAdded.ToString() + " services found in portal";

            parameters[1] = message;
            parameters[2] = rowsToAdd;

        public void GetParser(double version, Type type)
            var wof = new DataServiceInfo {
                Version = version
            var parser = ParserFactory.GetParser(wof);

            Assert.AreEqual(type, parser.GetType());
        public void CanSaveDataService()
            Random          random  = new Random();
            DataServiceInfo service = GeDatatService(random.Next());

            MetadataCacheManagerSQL manager = TestConfig.MetadataCacheManager;


            //Assert.Greater(service.Id, 0, "the id of saved service should be > 0");
        public void TestAddingServiceInfo()
            var someStr     = "00000111111111111111111111100000";
            var countOfByte = someStr.Length / 8;
            var data        = new Data(" ", CorrectionLevel.L, s => s, "0100");

            data.DataBit = someStr;
            var expected = ("0100" + countOfByte.ToString().DigitToBit(8) + someStr);  // .SupplementToMultiple() (не верно рабоатет) походу это не делаю в строке  13 а делаю в returne?

            Assert.AreEqual("0100" + countOfByte.ToString().DigitToBit(8) + someStr, DataServiceInfo.AddServiceInfo(data));
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves information about CUAHSI WaterOneFlow web services available in the specified region
        /// (latitude / longitude bounding box).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmin">Minimum x (longitude)</param>
        /// <param name="xmax">Maximum x (longitude)</param>
        /// <param name="ymax">Maximum y (latitude)</param>
        /// <param name="ymin">Minimum y (latitude)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IList <DataServiceInfo> GetServicesInBox(double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax)
            List <DataServiceInfo> serviceList = new List <DataServiceInfo>();
            string soapAction = cuahsiSoapAction + "GetServicesInBox2";

            StringBuilder soap = new StringBuilder();

            soap.Append(@"<GetServicesInBox2 ");

            WebResponse   response       = SoapHelper.HttpSOAPRequest(soap.ToString(), soapAction);
            Stream        responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
            XmlTextReader reader         = new XmlTextReader(responseStream);

            while (reader.Read())
                if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    string readerName = reader.Name.ToLower();

                    if (readerName == "serviceinfo")
                        //Read the site information
                        DataServiceInfo service = ReadDataServiceInfo(reader);
                        if (service != null)

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a string array that can be used to add a row to a data grid view, based on properties of a DataServiceInfo object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceInfo">Details about the WaterOneFlow service</param>
        /// <returns>String array of properties from the DataServiceInfo object</returns>
        private string[] CreateServiceRow(DataServiceInfo serviceInfo)
            string[] row = { serviceInfo.ServiceTitle,
                             serviceInfo.ContactEmail };

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of a WaterOneFlow web service client
        /// which communicates with the specified web service.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceInfo">The object with web service information</param>
        /// <remarks>Throws an exception if the web service is not a valid
        /// WaterOneFlow service</remarks>
        public WaterOneFlowClient(DataServiceInfo serviceInfo)
            _serviceURL = serviceInfo.EndpointURL;

            //find out the WaterOneFlow version of this web service
            _serviceInfo         = serviceInfo;
            _serviceInfo.Version = WebServiceHelper.GetWaterOneFlowVersion(_serviceURL);

            //assign the waterOneFlow parser
            _parser = new ParserFactory().GetParser(ServiceInfo);

            SaveXmlFiles = false; // false on webserver
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of a WaterOneFlow web service client
        /// which communicates with the specified web service.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceInfo">The object with web service information</param>
        /// <param name="reqTimeOut">Request timeout, in seconds</param>
        /// <param name="valuesPerReq">Number of values per request</param>
        /// <param name="allInOneRequest">All values in one request</param>
        /// <remarks>Throws an exception if the web service is not a valid
        /// WaterOneFlow service</remarks>
        public WaterOneFlowClient(DataServiceInfo serviceInfo, int reqTimeOut = 100, int valuesPerReq = 10000,
                                  bool allInOneRequest = false)
            _serviceURL = serviceInfo.EndpointURL;

            _valuesPerReq        = valuesPerReq;
            _allInOneRequest     = allInOneRequest;
            _serviceInfo         = serviceInfo;
            _reqTimeOut          = reqTimeOut;
            _serviceInfo.Version = WebServiceHelper.GetWaterOneFlowVersion(_serviceURL);
            _parser = ParserFactory.GetParser(ServiceInfo);

            SaveXmlFiles = true; // for backward-compatibility
        public IWaterOneFlowParser GetParser(DataServiceInfo dataService)
            IWaterOneFlowParser parser;

            switch (dataService.Version.ToString("F1", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
            case "1.0":
                parser = new WaterOneFlow10Parser();

                parser = new WaterOneFlow11Parser();
        public DataServiceInfo ReadWaterOneFlowServiceInfo(string portalPageId)
            DataServiceInfo serviceInfo = null;

            // Create the URL to the descriptive info about the registered item on the HydroPortal
            string url = _baseUrl + "/rest/document?id={" + portalPageId + "}";

            // Determine if this is registered using the FGDC standard or Dublin Core standard, or neither
            string response = WebOperations.DownloadASCII(url);
            int    index    = response.IndexOf("<ServiceType>CUAHSIService</ServiceType>");

            if (index > -1)
                // FGDC Standard
                index = response.IndexOf("<metstdn>FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial</metstdn>");
                if (index > -1)
                    index = response.IndexOf("<WaterOneFlowURL>");
                    if (index > -1)
                        serviceInfo = ParseFgdcPage(url);
            //    index = response.IndexOf ( "<dc:contributor>The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative</dc:contributor>" );
            //    if ( index > -1 )
            //    {
            //        // Dublin Core Standard
            //        string detailsUrl = _baseUrl + "/catalog/search/viewMetadataDetails.page?uuid={" + portalPageId + "}";

            //        response = WebOperations.DownloadASCII ( detailsUrl );
            //        index = response.IndexOf ( "<td class=\"parameterLabel\">WaterOneFlow URL</td>" );

            //        if ( index > -1 )
            //        {
            //            serviceInfo = ParseDublinCorePage ( url );
            //        }
            //    }

        public void CanSaveOneSeries()
            Random random = new Random();
            string url    = @"http://his.crwr.utexas.edu/TXEvap/cuahsi_1_0.asmx";

            MetadataCacheManagerSQL manager = TestConfig.MetadataCacheManager;

            WaterOneFlowClient client = new WaterOneFlowClient(url);

            IList <Site> sites = client.GetSites();

            IList <SeriesMetadata> seriesList = client.GetSiteInfo(sites[0].Code);

            SeriesMetadata firstSeries = seriesList[0];

            DataServiceInfo service = GeDatatService(random.Next());


            firstSeries.DataService = service;

            manager.SaveSeries(firstSeries, service);
        private DataServiceInfo GeDatatService(int identifier)
            string url = @"http://water.sdsc.edu/wateroneflow/NWIS/DailyValues.asmx";

            DataServiceInfo service = new DataServiceInfo(url, "nwis daily values");

            service.Id             = identifier;
            service.DescriptionURL = url;
            service.ServiceTitle   = "NWIS Daily values";
            service.ServiceCode    = "NWISDV";
            service.ServiceType    = "WaterOneFlow service";
            service.ServiceName    = "WaterOneFlow";
            service.Protocol       = "SOAP";
            service.Version        = 1.1;
            service.NorthLatitude  = 90.0;
            service.SouthLatitude  = -90.0;
            service.EastLongitude  = 180.0;
            service.WestLongitude  = -180.0;
            service.ContactName    = "unknown";
            service.ContactEmail   = "unknown";
            service.Abstract       = "unknown";
            service.Citation       = "unknown";
 /// <summary>
 /// This method finds the WaterOneFlow version of the web service and assigns
 /// this information to the ServiceInfo object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="serviceInfo">the web service to be checked</param>
 private void AssignWaterOneFlowVersion(DataServiceInfo serviceInfo)
     _serviceInfo.Version = WebServiceHelper.GetWaterOneFlowVersion(_asmxURL);
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves a new data service object to the database. If an entry with the same
        /// web service URL already exists in the database, update it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="service">the ServiceInfo object to be saved to the DB</param>
        public void SaveDataService(DataServiceInfo service)
            if (!columnExists("SiteCount"))
            if (!columnExists("VariableCount"))
            const string sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO DataServices(" +
                                     "ServiceCode, ServiceName, ServiceType, ServiceVersion, ServiceProtocol, " +
                                     "ServiceEndpointURL, ServiceDescriptionURL, NorthLatitude, SouthLatitude, EastLongitude, WestLongitude, " +
                                     "Abstract, ContactName, ContactEmail, Citation, IsHarvested, HarveDateTime, ServiceTitle, SiteCount, VariableCount) " +

            using (DbConnection conn = _db.CreateConnection())

                using (DbTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction())
                    using (DbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.CommandText = sqlInsert;
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, service.ServiceCode));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, service.ServiceName));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, service.ServiceType));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Double, service.Version));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, service.Protocol));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, service.EndpointURL));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, service.DescriptionURL));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Double, service.NorthLatitude));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Double, service.SouthLatitude));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Double, service.EastLongitude));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Double, service.WestLongitude));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, service.Abstract));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, service.ContactName));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, service.ContactEmail));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, service.Citation));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Boolean, service.IsHarvested));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.DateTime, service.HarveDateTime));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, service.ServiceTitle));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, service.SiteCount));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, service.VariableCount));
 private DataServiceInfo ServiceFromDataRow(System.Data.DataRow row)
     DataServiceInfo dsi = new DataServiceInfo();
     dsi.Id = DataReader.ReadInteger(row["ServiceID"]);
     dsi.ServiceCode = DataReader.ReadString(row["ServiceCode"]);
     dsi.ServiceName = DataReader.ReadString(row["ServiceName"]);
     dsi.ServiceType = DataReader.ReadString(row["ServiceType"]);
     dsi.Version = DataReader.ReadDouble(row["ServiceVersion"]);
     dsi.Protocol = DataReader.ReadString(row["ServiceProtocol"]);
     dsi.EndpointURL = DataReader.ReadString(row["ServiceEndpointURL"]);
     dsi.DescriptionURL = DataReader.ReadString(row["ServiceDescriptionURL"]);
     dsi.NorthLatitude = DataReader.ReadDouble(row["NorthLatitude"]);
     dsi.SouthLatitude = DataReader.ReadDouble(row["SouthLatitude"]);
     dsi.EastLongitude = DataReader.ReadDouble(row["EastLongitude"]);
     dsi.WestLongitude = DataReader.ReadDouble(row["WestLongitude"]);
     dsi.Abstract = DataReader.ReadString(row["Abstract"]);
     dsi.ContactEmail = DataReader.ReadString(row["ContactEmail"]);
     dsi.ContactName = DataReader.ReadString(row["ContactName"]);
     dsi.Citation = DataReader.ReadString(row["Citation"]);
     dsi.IsHarvested = DataReader.ReadBoolean(row["IsHarvested"]);
     dsi.HarveDateTime = DataReader.ReadDateTime(row["HarveDateTime"]);
     dsi.ServiceTitle = DataReader.ReadString(row["ServiceTitle"]);
     dsi.ValueCount = DataReader.ReadInteger(row["ValueCount"]);
     dsi.SiteCount = DataReader.ReadInteger(row["SiteCount"]);
     dsi.VariableCount = DataReader.ReadInteger(row["VariableCount"]);
     return dsi;
        private SeriesMetadata SeriesFromDataRow(DataRow row)
            Site site = new Site();
            site.Name = Convert.ToString(row["SiteName"]);
            site.Code = Convert.ToString(row["SiteCode"]);
            site.Latitude = Convert.ToDouble(row["Latitude"]);
            site.Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(row["Longitude"]);

            Variable v = new Variable();
            v.Name = Convert.ToString(row["VariableName"]);
            v.Code = Convert.ToString(row["VariableCode"]);
            v.DataType = Convert.ToString(row["DataType"]);
            v.ValueType = Convert.ToString(row["ValueType"]);
            v.Speciation = Convert.ToString(row["Speciation"]);
            v.SampleMedium = Convert.ToString(row["SampleMedium"]);
            v.TimeSupport = Convert.ToDouble(row["TimeSupport"]);
            v.GeneralCategory = Convert.ToString(row["GeneralCategory"]);
            v.VariableUnit = Unit.Unknown;
            v.VariableUnit.Name = Convert.ToString(row["VariableUnitsName"]);
            v.TimeUnit = Unit.UnknownTimeUnit;
            v.TimeUnit.Name = Convert.ToString(row["TimeUnitsName"]);

            Method m = Method.Unknown;
            //m.Description = Convert.ToString(row["MethodDescription"]);

            Source src = Source.Unknown;
            //src.Description = Convert.ToString(row["SourceDescription"]);
            src.Organization = Convert.ToString(row["Organization"]);
            src.Citation = Convert.ToString(row["Citation"]);

            QualityControlLevel qc = QualityControlLevel.Unknown;
            //qc.Code = Convert.ToString(row["QualityControlLevelCode"]);
            //qc.Definition = Convert.ToString(row["QualityControlLevelDefinition"]);

            SeriesMetadata newSeries = new SeriesMetadata(site, v, m, qc, src);
            newSeries.BeginDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(row["BeginDateTime"]);
            newSeries.EndDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(row["EndDateTime"]);
            newSeries.BeginDateTimeUTC = Convert.ToDateTime(row["BeginDateTimeUTC"]);
            newSeries.EndDateTimeUTC = Convert.ToDateTime(row["EndDateTimeUTC"]);
            newSeries.ValueCount = Convert.ToInt32(row["ValueCount"]);

            DataServiceInfo servInfo = new DataServiceInfo();
            servInfo.EndpointURL = Convert.ToString(row["ServiceEndpointURL"]);
            //servInfo.ServiceCode = Convert.ToString(row["ServiceCode"]);
            newSeries.DataService = servInfo;

            return newSeries;
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            variablesListBox.Enabled = false;
            urlTextbox.Enabled       = false;
            titleTextbox.Enabled     = false;
            button1.Enabled          = false;
            button2.Enabled          = false;
            button3.Enabled          = false;
            button4.Enabled          = false;

            waterOneFlowClient = new WaterOneFlowClient(urlTextbox.Text);
            var waterOneFlowServiceInfo = waterOneFlowClient.ServiceInfo;

            // Trim the query off of the URL if it still exists
            int index = waterOneFlowServiceInfo.EndpointURL.IndexOf("?");

            if (index > -1)
                waterOneFlowServiceInfo.EndpointURL = waterOneFlowServiceInfo.EndpointURL.Substring(0, index);

            var serviceInfo = new DataServiceInfo();

            serviceInfo.IsHarvested   = false;
            serviceInfo.ServiceName   = waterOneFlowServiceInfo.ServiceName;
            serviceInfo.Version       = waterOneFlowServiceInfo.Version;
            serviceInfo.ServiceType   = waterOneFlowServiceInfo.ServiceType;
            serviceInfo.Protocol      = waterOneFlowServiceInfo.Protocol;
            serviceInfo.VariableCount = waterOneFlowServiceInfo.VariableCount;

            IList <Site> siteList;

            siteList = waterOneFlowClient.GetSites();

            // Default extent for the service.  These values are designed to be overwritten as we query sites in the service
            double east       = -180;
            double west       = 360;
            double north      = -90;
            double south      = 90;
            int    valueCount = 0;
            var    totalDataCartSeriesList = new List <SeriesDataCart>();

            foreach (var site in siteList)
                // Get series for this site
                IList <SeriesMetadata> currentSeriesList;
                var dataCartSeriesList = new List <SeriesDataCart>();
                    currentSeriesList = waterOneFlowClient.GetSiteInfo(site.Code);
                catch (WebException ex)
                catch (Exception ex)

                // Update service extent
                if (site.Latitude > north)
                    north = site.Latitude;
                if (site.Latitude < south)
                    south = site.Latitude;
                if (site.Longitude > east)
                    east = site.Longitude;
                if (site.Longitude < west)
                    west = site.Longitude;

                // Save series info to metadata cache database
                foreach (var series in currentSeriesList)
                    valueCount += series.ValueCount;
                        if (checkedVariables.Count != 0)
                            if (checkedVariables.Contains(series.Variable.Name))
                                var seriesDataCart = getDataCartFromMetadata(series, waterOneFlowServiceInfo);
                            var seriesDataCart = getDataCartFromMetadata(series, waterOneFlowServiceInfo);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                variablesListBox.Enabled = true;
                urlTextbox.Enabled       = true;
                titleTextbox.Enabled     = true;
                button1.Enabled          = true;
                button2.Enabled          = true;
                button3.Enabled          = true;
                button4.Enabled          = true;

            // Update service info
            serviceInfo.IsHarvested   = true;
            serviceInfo.HarveDateTime = DateTime.Now;
            serviceInfo.EastLongitude = east;
            serviceInfo.WestLongitude = west;
            serviceInfo.NorthLatitude = north;
            serviceInfo.SouthLatitude = south;

            serviceInfo.SiteCount     = siteList.Count;
            serviceInfo.ValueCount    = valueCount;
            serviceInfo.VariableCount = waterOneFlowServiceInfo.VariableCount;

            SearchResult resultFeatureSet = null;

            if (totalDataCartSeriesList.Count > 0)
                resultFeatureSet = SearchHelper.ToFeatureSetsByDataSource(totalDataCartSeriesList);

            if (resultFeatureSet != null)
                //We need to reproject the Search results from WGS84 to the projection of the map.
                var wgs84 = KnownCoordinateSystems.Geographic.World.WGS1984;
                foreach (var item in resultFeatureSet.ResultItems)
                    item.FeatureSet.Projection = wgs84;
                var layers = ShowSearchResults(resultFeatureSet);
                Debug.WriteLine("ShowSearchResults done.");

                // Unselect all layers in legend (http://hydrodesktop.codeplex.com/workitem/8559)
                App.Map.MapFrame.GetAllLayers().ForEach(r => r.IsSelected = false);

                // Select first search result layer

                var first = layers.FirstOrDefault().GetParentItem();
                if (first != null)
                    first.IsSelected = true;

                // Unselect "Map Layers" legend item (http://hydrodesktop.codeplex.com/workitem/8458)
                .ForEach(delegate(ILegendItem item)
                    if (item.LegendText == "Map Layers")
                        item.IsSelected = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a HydroPortal page for a WaterOneFlow service registered using the Dublin Core metadata standard.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageUrl">The URL to the HydroPortal page describing the service</param>
        /// <returns>If the page describes a WaterOneFlow service, a DataServiceInfo object describing the service is returned</returns>
        private DataServiceInfo ParseDublinCorePage(string pageUrl)
            DataServiceInfo serviceInfo = new DataServiceInfo();

                using (XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(pageUrl))
                    while (reader.Read())
                        if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                            // Abstract
                            if (reader.Name.ToLower() == "dc:description")
                                serviceInfo.Abstract = reader.Value;

                            // Bounding Box
                            else if (reader.Name == "ows:WGS84BoundingBox")
                                double west  = 0;
                                double east  = 0;
                                double north = 0;
                                double south = 0;

                                while (reader.Read())
                                    if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                        if (reader.Name == "ows:LowerCorner")
                                            string[] lowerCorner = reader.Value.Split(' ');
                                            if (lowerCorner.Length == 2)
                                                double.TryParse(lowerCorner[0], out west);
                                                double.TryParse(lowerCorner[1], out south);
                                        else if (reader.Name == "ows:UpperCorner")
                                            string[] upperCorner = reader.Value.Split(' ');
                                            if (upperCorner.Length == 2)
                                                double.TryParse(upperCorner[0], out east);
                                                double.TryParse(upperCorner[1], out north);
                                    else if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && reader.Name == "ows:WGS84BoundingBox")

                                serviceInfo.EastLongitude = east;
                                serviceInfo.WestLongitude = west;
                                serviceInfo.NorthLatitude = north;
                                serviceInfo.SouthLatitude = south;

                            // Service Code
                            else if (reader.Name.ToLower() == "dc:title")
                                serviceInfo.ServiceCode = reader.Value;

                            // Service Endpoint URL
                            else if (reader.Name.ToLower() == "dc:creator")
                                serviceInfo.EndpointURL = WebOperations.GetCanonicalUri(reader.Value, true);

                            // Service Description URL
                            else if (reader.Name == "dct:references")
                                serviceInfo.DescriptionURL = reader.Value;

                            // Service Title
                            else if (reader.Name.ToLower() == "dct:alternative")
                                serviceInfo.ServiceTitle = reader.Value;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new WebException("Could not read XML response from " + pageUrl + ".\n" + ex.Message);

        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a HydroPortal page for a WaterOneFlow service registered using the FGDC metadata standard.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageUrl">The URL to the HydroPortal page describing the service</param>
        /// <returns>If the page describes a WaterOneFlow service, a DataServiceInfo object describing the service is returned</returns>
        private DataServiceInfo ParseFgdcPage(string pageUrl)
            DataServiceInfo serviceInfo = new DataServiceInfo();

                using (XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(pageUrl))
                    while (reader.Read())
                        if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                            // Abstract
                            if (reader.Name.ToLower() == "abstract")
                                serviceInfo.Abstract = reader.Value;

                            // Citation
                            else if (reader.Name.ToLower() == "citation")
                                string origin   = "(unknown author)";
                                string title    = "(unknown title)";
                                string pubplace = "(unknown organization)";
                                string pubdate  = "unknown date";
                                string link     = "(unknown link)";

                                while (reader.Read())
                                    if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                        if (reader.Name.ToLower() == "origin")
                                            if (reader.Value.Trim() != String.Empty)
                                                origin = reader.Value;
                                        else if (reader.Name.ToLower() == "title")
                                            if (reader.Value.Trim() != String.Empty)
                                                title = reader.Value;
                                        else if (reader.Name.ToLower() == "pubplace")
                                            if (reader.Value.Trim() != String.Empty)
                                                pubplace = reader.Value;
                                        else if (reader.Name.ToLower() == "pubdate")
                                            if (reader.Value.Trim() != String.Empty)
                                                pubdate = reader.Value;
                                        else if (reader.Name.ToLower() == "onlink")
                                            if (reader.Value.Trim() != String.Empty)
                                                link = reader.Value;
                                    else if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && reader.Name == "citation")
                                serviceInfo.Citation = origin + ". " + title + ". " + pubdate + ". " + pubplace + ". <" + link + ">.";

                            // Contact Name and Email
                            else if (reader.Name.ToLower() == "ptcontac")
                                string contactName  = "";
                                string contactEmail = "";

                                while (reader.Read())
                                    if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                        if (reader.Name.ToLower() == "cntper")
                                            contactName = reader.Value;
                                        else if (reader.Name.ToLower() == "cntemail")
                                            contactEmail = reader.Value;
                                    else if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && reader.Name == "ptcontac")

                                serviceInfo.ContactEmail = contactEmail;
                                serviceInfo.ContactName  = contactName;

                            // Bounding Box
                            else if (reader.Name == "bounding")
                                double west  = 0;
                                double east  = 0;
                                double north = 0;
                                double south = 0;

                                while (reader.Read())
                                    if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                        if (reader.Name.ToLower() == "westbc")
                                            double.TryParse(reader.Value, out west);
                                        else if (reader.Name.ToLower() == "eastbc")
                                            double.TryParse(reader.Value, out east);
                                        else if (reader.Name.ToLower() == "northbc")
                                            double.TryParse(reader.Value, out north);
                                        else if (reader.Name.ToLower() == "southbc")
                                            double.TryParse(reader.Value, out south);
                                    else if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && reader.Name == "bounding")

                                serviceInfo.EastLongitude = east;
                                serviceInfo.WestLongitude = west;
                                serviceInfo.NorthLatitude = north;
                                serviceInfo.SouthLatitude = south;

                            // Service Code
                            else if (reader.Name == "ServiceCode")
                                serviceInfo.ServiceCode = reader.Value;

                            // Service Endpoint URL
                            else if (reader.Name == "WaterOneFlowURL")
                                serviceInfo.EndpointURL = WebOperations.GetCanonicalUri(reader.Value, true);

                            // Service Description URL
                            else if (reader.Name == "MapServiceURL")
                                serviceInfo.DescriptionURL = reader.Value;

                            // Service Title
                            else if (reader.Name == "ServiceName")
                                serviceInfo.ServiceTitle = reader.Value;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new WebException("Could not read XML response from " + pageUrl + ".\n" + ex.Message);

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds Multiple Services from the DataGrid input of this form
        /// </summary>
        private List <DataServiceInfo> GetMultipleServiceRows()
            // Build a list of URLs to check
            List <DataServiceInfo> rows = new List <DataServiceInfo>();

            foreach (DataGridViewRow serviceRow in dgvAddServices.Rows)
                if (serviceRow.IsNewRow == false)
                    object cellValue = serviceRow.Cells[1].Value;
                    if (cellValue != null)
                        string serviceUrl = cellValue.ToString().Trim();

                        // Trim the query off of the URL
                        int index = serviceUrl.IndexOf("?");
                        if (index > -1)
                            serviceUrl = serviceUrl.Substring(0, index);

                        DataServiceInfo dataServiceInfo = new DataServiceInfo();
                        dataServiceInfo.EndpointURL  = serviceUrl;
                        dataServiceInfo.ServiceTitle = serviceRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString().Trim();

                        if (serviceRow.Cells[2].Value != null)
                            dataServiceInfo.ServiceCode = serviceRow.Cells[2].Value.ToString().Trim();

                        if (serviceRow.Cells[3].Value != null)
                            dataServiceInfo.Citation = serviceRow.Cells[3].Value.ToString().Trim();

                        if (serviceRow.Cells[4].Value != null)
                            dataServiceInfo.Abstract = serviceRow.Cells[4].Value.ToString().Trim();

                        if (serviceRow.Cells[5].Value != null)
                            dataServiceInfo.DescriptionURL = serviceRow.Cells[5].Value.ToString().Trim();

                        if (serviceRow.Cells[6].Value != null)
                            dataServiceInfo.ContactName = serviceRow.Cells[6].Value.ToString().Trim();

                        if (serviceRow.Cells[7].Value != null)
                            dataServiceInfo.ContactEmail = serviceRow.Cells[7].Value.ToString().Trim();


        /// <summary>
        /// For each service described in the data grid view, adds records to the metadata cache database to describe the service
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="servicesToAdd">List of services to add to the metadata cache database</param>
        /// <param name="e">Parameters from the BackgroundWorker</param>
        /// <returns>Parameters (task type, output message, rows that were successfully added) to be processed by a BackgroundWorker event handler</returns>
        private object[] AddServicesToDatabase(List <DataServiceInfo> servicesToAdd, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            // Build parameters to pass to the background worker
            object[] parameters = new object[3];
            parameters[0] = BackgroundWorkerTasks.UpdateDatabase;
            parameters[1] = "Operation cancelled";

            List <int> rowsToSelect = new List <int> ();

            bgwMain.ReportProgress(0, "Getting list of existing WaterOneFlow services from database...");

            // Get a list of existing URLs from the metadata cache databsae
            List <string> existingUrls = DatabaseOperations.GetCacheServiceUrls(true);

            // Add service records to the database
            int totalSteps          = servicesToAdd.Count;
            int currentStep         = 0;
            int countAlreadyExists  = 0;
            int countInvalidService = 0;

            IEqualityComparer <string> comparer = new CaseInsensitiveEqualityComparer();

            MetadataCacheManagerSQL cacheManager = DatabaseOperations.GetCacheManager();

            for (int i = 0; i < servicesToAdd.Count; i++)
                if (bgwMain.CancellationPending)
                    e.Cancel = true;

                bgwMain.ReportProgress(100 * currentStep / totalSteps, "Checking service " + currentStep + " of " + totalSteps + "...");

                DataServiceInfo serviceInfo = servicesToAdd[i];

                // Check if the service already exists in the database
                if (existingUrls.Contains(serviceInfo.EndpointURL, comparer) == true)
                    countAlreadyExists += 1;

                // Check that the URL is for a live service
                if (this.mnuCheckForValidService.Checked == true)
                    // Attempt to create a WaterOneFlowServiceClient from the URL.  If the URL is not for a WaterOneFlow service, an error is thrown in the constructor.
                        WaterOneFlowClient waterOneFlowClient = new WaterOneFlowClient(serviceInfo.EndpointURL);
                        DataServiceInfo    clientServiceInfo  = waterOneFlowClient.ServiceInfo;

                        serviceInfo.ServiceName = clientServiceInfo.ServiceName;
                        serviceInfo.Protocol    = clientServiceInfo.Protocol;
                        serviceInfo.ServiceType = clientServiceInfo.ServiceType;
                        serviceInfo.Version     = clientServiceInfo.Version;
                        countInvalidService += 1;

                // Save the service



            // Prepare a message to the user
            string message = "";

            int serviceCount = rowsToSelect.Count;

            if (serviceCount == 0)
                message += "No new services added to metadata cache database.\n\n ";
            else if (serviceCount == 1)
                message += "1 new service added to metadata cache database.\n\n";
                message += serviceCount.ToString() + " new services added to metadata cache database.\n\n";

            if (countAlreadyExists == 1)
                message += "1 service was not added because it already exists in the database.\n\n";
            else if (countAlreadyExists > 1)
                message += countAlreadyExists.ToString() + " services were not added because they already exist in the database.\n\n";

            if (countInvalidService == 1)
                message += "1 service was not added because it does not point to a valid WaterOneFlow service.\n\n";
            else if (countInvalidService > 1)
                message += countInvalidService.ToString() + " services were not added because they do not point to a valid WaterOneFlow service.\n\n";

            if (serviceCount == 1)
                message += "Remember to download metadata for this service in the Metadata Fetcher window.";
            else if (serviceCount > 1)
                message += "Remember to download metadata for these services in the Metadata Fetcher window.";

            parameters[1] = message;
            parameters[2] = rowsToSelect;
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds rows for services in the view for which a record already exists in the metadata cache database with the same URL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rows">List of DataServiceInfo objects whose URLs we want to check (the service URL is assumed to have come from a row in an object such as a data grid view)</param>
        /// <param name="e">Parameters from the BackgroundWorker</param>
        /// <returns>Parameters (task type, output message, rows for which a record already exists in the metadata cache database with the same URL) to be processed by a BackgroundWorker event handler</returns>
        private object[] CheckForServicesInCache(List <DataServiceInfo> rows, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            // Build parameters to pass to the background worker
            object[] parameters = new object[3];
            parameters[0] = BackgroundWorkerTasks.CheckForExisingServices;
            parameters[1] = "Operation cancelled";

            List <int> rowsToSelect = new List <int> ();

            // Get a list of existing URLs from the metadata cache databsae
            if (e != null)
                bgwMain.ReportProgress(0, "Getting list of existing WaterOneFlow services from database...");

            List <string> existingUrls = DatabaseOperations.GetCacheServiceUrls(true);

            // Check all items in the view
            int totalSteps  = rows.Count;
            int currentStep = 0;

            IEqualityComparer <string> comparer = new CaseInsensitiveEqualityComparer();

            for (int i = 0, len = rows.Count; i < len; i++)
                DataServiceInfo row = rows[i];

                if (e != null)
                    if (bgwMain.CancellationPending)
                        e.Cancel = true;

                    bgwMain.ReportProgress(100 * currentStep / totalSteps, "Checking service " + currentStep + " of " + totalSteps + "...");

                string serviceUrl = row.EndpointURL;

                if (existingUrls.Contains(serviceUrl, comparer) == true)

            // Prepare a message to the user
            // TODO: This message should be created outside of this service, and instead should be done in the display logic
            string message       = "";
            int    existingCount = rowsToSelect.Count;

            if (existingCount == 0)
                message = "No services with the same URL were found in the metadata cache database";
            else if (existingCount == 1)
                message = "1 service has a URL that already exists in the metadata cache database. This service has been selected.";
                message = existingCount.ToString() + " services have URLs that already exist in the metadata cache database. These services have been selected.";

            parameters[1] = message;
            parameters[2] = rowsToSelect;
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the response from a GetWaterOneFlowServices request to HIS Server.  The response should be a string formatted as XML
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlResponse">Response from the web service</param>
        /// <returns>List of DataServiceInfo objects for each WaterOneFlow web service found</returns>
        private IList <DataServiceInfo> ParseGetWaterOneFlowServicesResponse(string xmlResponse)
            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();


            XmlNodeList records = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//Record");

            List <DataServiceInfo> resultList = new List <DataServiceInfo> ();

            foreach (XmlNode record in records)
                // WaterOneFlow Service URL
                XmlNode node    = record.SelectSingleNode("WaterOneFlowWSDL");
                string  asmxUrl = String.Empty;
                if (node != null)
                    asmxUrl = node.InnerText;
                int index = asmxUrl.IndexOf("?");
                if (index > -1)
                    asmxUrl = asmxUrl.Substring(0, index);
                if (asmxUrl == String.Empty)

                // Title
                node = record.SelectSingleNode("Title");
                string title = "(title)";
                if (node != null && node.InnerText != String.Empty)
                    title = node.InnerText;

                // Abstract
                node = record.SelectSingleNode("Abstract");
                string serviceAbstract = String.Empty;
                if (node != null)
                    serviceAbstract = node.InnerText;

                // Citation
                node = record.SelectSingleNode("Citation");
                string citation = String.Empty;
                if (node != null)
                    citation = node.InnerText;

                // Contact Email
                node = record.SelectSingleNode("DatasetContact/EmailAddress");
                string contactEmail = String.Empty;
                if (node != null)
                    contactEmail = node.InnerText;

                // Contact Name
                node = record.SelectSingleNode("DatasetContact/FirstName");
                string contactName = String.Empty;
                if (node != null)
                    contactName = node.InnerText;
                node = record.SelectSingleNode("DatasetContact/LastName");
                if (node != null)
                    if (contactName != String.Empty)
                        contactName += " " + node.InnerText;
                        contactName = node.InnerText;

                // North
                node = record.SelectSingleNode("NorthExtent");
                double north = 90;
                if (node != null)
                    if (Double.TryParse(node.InnerText, out north) == false)
                        north = 90;

                // South
                node = record.SelectSingleNode("SouthExtent");
                double south = -90;
                if (node != null)
                    if (Double.TryParse(node.InnerText, out south) == false)
                        south = -90;

                // East
                node = record.SelectSingleNode("EastExtent");
                double east = 180;
                if (node != null)
                    if (Double.TryParse(node.InnerText, out east) == false)
                        east = 180;

                // West
                node = record.SelectSingleNode("WestExtent");
                double west = -180;
                if (node != null)
                    if (Double.TryParse(node.InnerText, out west) == false)
                        west = -180;

                // Add the service info to the list
                DataServiceInfo serviceInfo = new DataServiceInfo(asmxUrl, title);
                serviceInfo.Abstract      = serviceAbstract;
                serviceInfo.Citation      = citation;
                serviceInfo.ContactEmail  = contactEmail;
                serviceInfo.ContactName   = contactName;
                serviceInfo.EastLongitude = east;
                serviceInfo.WestLongitude = west;
                serviceInfo.NorthLatitude = north;
                serviceInfo.SouthLatitude = south;


        /// <summary>
        /// build HD data model to store time-series data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="link">the link that was added to the composition</param>
        public void CreateSeries(ILink link)
            #region Create DataModel Objects [HACK]

            //---- create variable unit
            HydroDesktop.Interfaces.ObjectModel.Unit VarUnit = new HydroDesktop.Interfaces.ObjectModel.Unit();
            VarUnit.Name         = link.SourceQuantity.Unit.Description; //defined by link
            VarUnit.Abbreviation = link.SourceQuantity.Unit.ID;          //defined by link
            VarUnit.UnitsType    = link.SourceQuantity.ID;               //defined by link

            //---- create time unit
            HydroDesktop.Interfaces.ObjectModel.Unit TimeUnit = new HydroDesktop.Interfaces.ObjectModel.Unit();
            TimeUnit.Name         = "second";   //default value (cannot be changed)
            TimeUnit.Abbreviation = "s";        //default value (cannot be changed)
            TimeUnit.UnitsType    = "Time";     //default value (cannot be changed)

            //create unit
            //HydroDesktop.Interfaces.ObjectModel.Unit unit = new HydroDesktop.Interfaces.ObjectModel.Unit();
            //unit.Abbreviation = link.SourceQuantity.Unit.ID;

            //---- create method
            HydroDesktop.Interfaces.ObjectModel.Method method = new Method();
            method.Link        = link.SourceComponent.ModelID;
            method.Link        = "none";                                    //*default value
            method.Description = link.SourceComponent.ModelDescription;     //*default value
            if (link.SourceComponent.ComponentDescription == null)
                method.Description = "none";

            //---- define data service info
            DataServiceInfo dataservice = new DataServiceInfo();
            dataservice.Abstract       = "none";                             //*default value
            dataservice.Citation       = "none";                             //*default value
            dataservice.ContactEmail   = "none";                             //*default value
            dataservice.ContactName    = "none";                             //*default value
            dataservice.EastLongitude  = -999;                               //*default value
            dataservice.HarveDateTime  = DateTime.Now;                       //*default value
            dataservice.Id             = -999;                               //*default value
            dataservice.NorthLatitude  = -999;                               //*default value
            dataservice.HISCentralID   = -999;                               //*default value
            dataservice.ServiceCode    = "none";                             //*default value
            dataservice.DescriptionURL = "none";                             //*default value
            dataservice.EndpointURL    = "none";                             //*default value
            dataservice.ServiceName    = "none";                             //*default value
            dataservice.Protocol       = "none";                             //*default value
            dataservice.ServiceTitle   = "none";                             //*default value
            dataservice.ServiceType    = "none";                             //*default value
            dataservice.Version        = -999;                               //*default value
            dataservice.SiteCount      = link.SourceElementSet.ElementCount; //defined by link

            //---- create metadata
            ISOMetadata meta = new ISOMetadata();
            meta.Abstract       = "none";                                   //*default value
            meta.Id             = -999;                                     //*default value
            meta.ProfileVersion = "none";                                   //*default value
            meta.Title          = "none";                                   //*default value
            meta.TopicCategory  = "none";                                   //*default value
            meta.MetadataLink   = "none";                                   //*default value

            //---- create source
            Source source = new Source();
            source.Organization = "University of South Carolina";           //*default value
            source.Address      = "300 Main St.";                           //*default value
            source.Citation     = "none";                                   //*default value
            source.City         = "Columbia";                               //*default value
            source.ContactName  = "none";                                   //*default value
            source.Description  = "none";                                   //*default value
            source.Email        = "none";                                   //*default value
            source.Id           = -999;                                     //*default value
            source.Link         = "none";                                   //*default value
            source.OriginId     = -999;                                     //*default value
            source.Phone        = "none";                                   //*default value
            source.State        = "SC";                                     //*default value
            source.ZipCode      = 29206;                                    //*default value
            source.ISOMetadata  = meta;

            //---- create variable
            Variable variable = new Variable();
            variable.Code             = link.SourceQuantity.Description;    //defined by link
            variable.Name             = link.SourceQuantity.ID;             //defined by link
            variable.VariableUnit     = VarUnit;                            //defined by link
            variable.TimeUnit         = TimeUnit;                           //defined by link
            variable.Speciation       = "H20";                              //*default value
            variable.GeneralCategory  = "Hydrology";                        //*default value
            variable.NoDataValue      = -999;                               //*default value
            variable.SampleMedium     = "Surface Water";                    //*default value
            variable.TimeSupport      = 1;                                  //TODO: determine in finish
            variable.VocabularyPrefix = "none";                             //*default value
            variable.ValueType        = "Model Simulation Result";          //*default value
            variable.DataType         = "Incremental";                      //*default value

            //---- create qualControl
            QualityControlLevel qualControl = new QualityControlLevel();
            qualControl.Code        = "qual1";                              //*default value
            qualControl.Definition  = "Quality control level 1";            //*default value
            qualControl.Id          = 1;                                    //*default value
            qualControl.Explanation = "unknown";                            //*default value
            qualControl.OriginId    = -999;                                 //*default value


            #region Build Sites

            //RepositoryManagerSQL db = null;

            //check to see if the database path is overridden
            if (conn != null)
                //  db = new RepositoryManagerSQL(DatabaseTypes.SQLite, conn);
                //db = new RepositoryManagerSQL(DatabaseTypes.SQLite, Settings.Instance.DataRepositoryConnectionString);
                //conn = Settings.Instance.DataRepositoryConnectionString;

            //---- override default db info with those provided by omi
            //-- standard omi args
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Method.Description"))
                method.Description = dbargs["Method.Description"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Source.Organization"))
                source.Organization = dbargs["Source.Organization"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Source.Address"))
                source.Address = dbargs["Source.Address"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Source.City"))
                source.City = dbargs["Source.City"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Source.State"))
                source.State = dbargs["Source.State"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Source.Zip"))
                source.ZipCode = Convert.ToInt32(dbargs["Source.Zip"]);
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Source.Contact"))
                source.ContactName = dbargs["Source.Contact"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Variable.Category"))
                variable.GeneralCategory = dbargs["Variable.Category"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Variable.SampleMedium"))
                variable.SampleMedium = dbargs["Variable.SampleMedium"];

            //-extra omi args
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Method.Link"))
                method.Link = dbargs["Method.Link"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("DataService.Abstract"))
                dataservice.Abstract = dbargs["DataService.Abstract"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("DataService.Citation"))
                dataservice.Citation = dbargs["DataService.Citation"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("DataService.ContactEmail"))
                dataservice.ContactEmail = dbargs["DataService.ContactEmail"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("DataService.ContactName"))
                dataservice.ContactName = dbargs["DataService.ContactName"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("DataService.EastLongitude"))
                dataservice.EastLongitude = Convert.ToDouble(dbargs["DataService.EastLongitude"]);
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("DataService.HarveDateTime"))
                dataservice.HarveDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dbargs["DataService.HarveDateTime"]);
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("DataService.ID"))
                dataservice.Id = Convert.ToInt64(dbargs["DataService.ID"]);
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("DataService.NorthLatitude"))
                dataservice.NorthLatitude = Convert.ToDouble(dbargs["DataService.NorthLatitude"]);
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("DataService.HISCentralID"))
                dataservice.HISCentralID = Convert.ToInt32(dbargs["DataService.HISCentralID"]);
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("DataService.ServiceCode"))
                dataservice.ServiceCode = dbargs["DataService.ServiceCode"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("DataService.DescriptionURL"))
                dataservice.DescriptionURL = dbargs["DataService.DescriptionURL"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("DataService.EndpointURL"))
                dataservice.EndpointURL = dbargs["DataService.EndpointURL"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("DataService.ServiceName"))
                dataservice.ServiceName = dbargs["DataService.ServiceName"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("DataService.Protocol"))
                dataservice.Protocol = dbargs["DataService.Protocol"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("DataService.ServiceTitle"))
                dataservice.ServiceTitle = dbargs["DataService.ServiceTitle"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("DataService.ServiceType"))
                dataservice.ServiceType = dbargs["DataService.ServiceType"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("DataService.Version"))
                dataservice.Version = Convert.ToDouble(dbargs["DataService.Version"]);

            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("ISOMetadata.Abstract"))
                meta.Abstract = dbargs["ISOMetadata.Abstract"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("ISOMetadata.ID"))
                meta.Id = Convert.ToInt64(dbargs["ISOMetadata.ID"]);
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("ISOMetadata.ProfileVersion"))
                meta.ProfileVersion = dbargs["ISOMetadata.ProfileVersion"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("ISOMetadata.Title"))
                meta.Title = dbargs["ISOMetadata.Title"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("ISOMetadata.TopicCategory"))
                meta.TopicCategory = dbargs["ISOMetadata.TopicCategory"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("ISOMetadata.MetadataLink"))
                meta.MetadataLink = dbargs["ISOMetadata.MetadataLink"];

            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Source.Citation"))
                source.Citation = dbargs["Source.Citation"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Source.Description"))
                source.Description = dbargs["Source.Description"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Source.Email"))
                source.Email = dbargs["Source.Email"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Source.ID"))
                source.Id = Convert.ToInt64(dbargs["Source.ID"]);
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Source.Link"))
                source.Link = dbargs["Source.Link"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Source.OrginID"))
                source.OriginId = Convert.ToInt32(dbargs["Source.OrginID"]);
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Source.Phone"))
                source.Phone = dbargs["Source.Phone"];

            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Variable.Code"))
                variable.Code = dbargs["Variable.Code"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Variable.Name"))
                variable.Name = dbargs["Variable.Name"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Variable.Speciation"))
                variable.Speciation = dbargs["Variable.Speciation"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Variable.NoDataValue"))
                variable.NoDataValue = Convert.ToDouble(dbargs["Variable.NoDataValue"]);
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Variable.VocabPrefix"))
                variable.VocabularyPrefix = dbargs["Variable.VocabPrefix"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Variable.ValueType"))
                variable.ValueType = dbargs["Variable.ValueType"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("Variable.DataValue"))
                variable.DataType = dbargs["Variable.DataValue"];

            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("QualityControl.Code"))
                qualControl.Code = dbargs["QualityControl.Code"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("QualityControl.Definition"))
                qualControl.Definition = dbargs["QualityControl.Definition"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("QualityControl.ID"))
                qualControl.Id = Convert.ToInt64(dbargs["QualityControl.ID"]);
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("QualityControl.Explanation"))
                qualControl.Explanation = dbargs["QualityControl.Explanation"];
            if (dbargs.ContainsKey("QualityControl.OriginId"))
                qualControl.OriginId = Convert.ToInt32(dbargs["QualityControl.OriginId"]);

            #region create sites
            Dictionary <long, Site> sites = new Dictionary <long, Site>();

            //loop through all elements in the source components element set
            for (int i = 0; i < link.SourceElementSet.ElementCount; ++i)
                //TODO: Get spatial reference from elementset
                //---- define spatial reference
                HydroDesktop.Interfaces.ObjectModel.SpatialReference spatial = new HydroDesktop.Interfaces.ObjectModel.SpatialReference();
                spatial.Id      = 18;                                               //*
                spatial.Notes   = "NAD27-UTM zone 17N projected coordinate";        //*
                spatial.SRSID   = 26717;                                            //*
                spatial.SRSName = "NAD27 / UTM zone 17N";                           //*

                //--- create site ---
                Site site = new Site();

                //create a unique site name [variable_model_location]
                site.Name = (link.SourceElementSet.ID + "_" + link.SourceComponent.ModelID + "_loc" + i.ToString()).Replace(' ', '_');

                //check if a sitename already exists in the repository
                string sql = "SELECT s.SiteCode, s.SiteID " +
                             "FROM Sites s " +
                             "WHERE s.SiteName= '" + site.Name + "' ";

                DbOperations          _db = new DbOperations(conn, DatabaseTypes.SQLite);
                System.Data.DataTable tbl = _db.LoadTable("values", sql);

                if (tbl.Rows.Count > 0)
                    site.Code = tbl.Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString();
                    site.Id   = Convert.ToInt32(tbl.Rows[0].ItemArray[1]);
                    //create a new site
                    sql = "SELECT s.SiteCode, s.SiteID FROM Sites s ";

                    _db = new DbOperations(conn, DatabaseTypes.SQLite);
                    tbl = _db.LoadTable("values", sql);
                    int last_row = tbl.Rows.Count - 1;

                    site.Code = site.Name;
                    //-- if the database is not blank
                    if (last_row >= 0)
                        site.Id = Convert.ToInt32(tbl.Rows[last_row].ItemArray[1]) + 2 + new_series_count;
                        site.Id = new_series_count++;

                    //add 1 to new series count so that the same site code isn't selected twice

                site.SpatialReference = spatial;
                site.Comments         = "none";
                site.County           = "none";
                site.Elevation_m      = -999;
                site.Latitude         = -999;
                site.LocalProjection  = spatial;
                site.LocalX           = -999;
                site.LocalY           = -999;
                site.Longitude        = -999;

                //--- Attempt to spatially define elements 7-15-2010 ---
                    //save site latitude and longitude
                    if (link.SourceElementSet.ElementType == ElementType.XYPoint)
                        site.Latitude  = link.SourceElementSet.GetYCoordinate(i, 0);
                        site.Longitude = link.SourceElementSet.GetXCoordinate(i, 0);
                        site.LocalX    = 0;
                        site.LocalY    = 0;
                        ////List<Point> points = new List<Point>();
                        ////for(int p=0; p<= link.SourceElementSet.GetVertexCount(i)-1; p++)
                        ////        Point point = new Point(link.SourceElementSet.GetXCoordinate(i, p),
                        ////            link.SourceElementSet.GetYCoordinate(i, p));

                        ////        points.Add(point);
                        //////create polyline
                        ////LineString ls = new LineString(points);

                        ////new SharpMap.CoordinateSystems.ProjectedCoordinateSystem()
                        ////ls.SpatialReference =

                        site.Latitude  = link.SourceElementSet.GetYCoordinate(i, 0);
                        site.Longitude = link.SourceElementSet.GetXCoordinate(i, 0);

                        site.LocalX = 0;
                        site.LocalY = 0;
                catch (Exception) { }

                site.NetworkPrefix = "none";
                site.PosAccuracy_m = -999;
                site.State         = "SC";          //*

                //site.TimeZone = new TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime();

                site.VerticalDatum = "unknown";     //*

                if (!sites.ContainsKey(site.Id))
                    //add site and series to dictionary if they don't already exist
                    sites.Add(site.Id, site);
                    Series series = new Series(site, variable, method, qualControl, source);
                    series.Id = i;
                    if (!serieses.ContainsKey(site.Name))
                        serieses.Add(site.Name, series);
                    //else{serieses.Add(site.Name, series);}

        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the series metadata to the metadata cache database.
        /// This method also automatically saves the site, variable,
        /// method, source and quality control level of the series.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="series">The series to be saved</param>
        /// <param name="dataService">The web service containing the series</param>
        public void SaveSeries(SeriesMetadata series, DataServiceInfo dataService)
            string sqlSite = "SELECT SiteID FROM SitesCache WHERE SiteCode = ?";
            string sqlVariable = "SELECT VariableID FROM VariablesCache WHERE VariableCode = ?";
            string sqlMethod = "SELECT MethodID FROM MethodsCache WHERE MethodDescription = ?";
            string sqlSource = "SELECT SourceID FROM SourcesCache WHERE Organization = ?";
            string sqlQuality = "SELECT QualityControlLevelID FROM QualityControlLevelsCache WHERE Definition = ?";
            string sqlRowID = "; SELECT LAST_INSERT_ROWID();";

            string sqlSaveSite = "INSERT INTO SitesCache(SiteCode, SiteName, Latitude, Longitude, LatLongDatumSRSID, LatLongDatumName, " +
                "Elevation_m, VerticalDatum, LocalX, LocalY, LocalProjectionSRSID, LocalProjectionName, " +
                "PosAccuracy_m, State, County, Comments, ServiceID) " +
                "VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" + sqlRowID;

            string sqlSaveVariable = "INSERT INTO variablesCache(VariableCode, VariableName, Speciation, " +
                "SampleMedium, ValueType, DataType, GeneralCategory, NoDataValue, VariableUnitsName, VariableUnitsType, VariableUnitsAbbreviation, " +
                "IsRegular, TimeSupport, TimeUnitsName, TimeUnitsType, TimeUnitsAbbreviation, ServiceID) " +
                "VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" + sqlRowID;

            string sqlSaveMethod = "INSERT INTO MethodsCache(OriginMethodID, MethodDescription, MethodLink, ServiceID) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)" + sqlRowID;

            string sqlSaveQualityControl = "INSERT INTO QualityControlLevelsCache(OriginQualityControlLevelID, QualityControlLevelCode, Definition, Explanation) " +
                "VALUES(?,?,?,?)" + sqlRowID;

            string sqlSaveSource = "INSERT INTO SourcesCache(OriginSourceID, Organization, SourceDescription, SourceLink, ContactName, Phone, " +
                                   "Email, Address, City, State, ZipCode, Citation, MetadataID) " +
                                   "VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" + sqlRowID;

            string sqlSaveISOMetadata = "INSERT INTO ISOMetadataCache(TopicCategory, Title, Abstract, ProfileVersion, MetadataLink) " +
                                    "VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" + sqlRowID;

            string sqlSaveSeries = "INSERT INTO DataSeriesCache(SiteID, VariableID, MethodID, SourceID, QualityControlLevelID, " +
                "BeginDateTime, EndDateTime, BeginDateTimeUTC, EndDateTimeUTC, ValueCount, ServiceID) " +
                "VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" + sqlRowID;

            int siteID = 0;
            int variableID = 0;

            int methodID = 0;
            int qualityControlLevelID = 0;
            int sourceID = 0;
            int isoMetadataID = 0;
            int seriesID = 0;

            //check the ServiceID (must be already set)
            if (dataService.Id <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("The DataServiceID must be set.");

            //Step 1 Begin Transaction
            using (DbConnection conn = _db.CreateConnection())

                using (DbTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction())
                    //*** Step 2 Site
                    object siteIDResult = null;
                    using (DbCommand cmd01 = conn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd01.CommandText = sqlSite;
                        cmd01.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, series.Site.Code));
                        siteIDResult = cmd01.ExecuteScalar();
                        if (siteIDResult != null)
                            siteID = Convert.ToInt32(siteIDResult);

                    if (siteID == 0) //New Site needs to be created
                        //Insert the site to the database
                        using (DbCommand cmd04 = conn.CreateCommand())
                            Site site = series.Site;

                            cmd04.CommandText = sqlSaveSite;
                            cmd04.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, site.Code));
                            cmd04.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, site.Name));
                            cmd04.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Double, site.Latitude));
                            cmd04.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Double, site.Longitude));
                            cmd04.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, site.SpatialReference.SRSID));
                            cmd04.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, site.SpatialReference.SRSName));
                            cmd04.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Double, site.Elevation_m));
                            cmd04.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, site.VerticalDatum));
                            cmd04.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Double, site.LocalX));
                            cmd04.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Double, site.LocalY));
                            if (site.LocalProjection != null)
                                cmd04.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, site.LocalProjection.SRSID));
                                cmd04.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, site.LocalProjection.SRSName));
                                cmd04.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, 0));
                                cmd04.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, "unknown"));
                            cmd04.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Double, site.PosAccuracy_m));
                            cmd04.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, site.State));
                            cmd04.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, site.County));
                            cmd04.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, site.Comments));
                            cmd04.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, dataService.Id));

                            siteIDResult = cmd04.ExecuteScalar();
                            siteID = Convert.ToInt32(siteIDResult);

                    //*** Step 3 Variable
                    Variable variable = series.Variable;

                    object variableIDResult = null;
                    using (DbCommand cmd05 = conn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd05.CommandText = sqlVariable;
                        cmd05.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, variable.Code));
                        cmd05.Parameters[0].Value = variable.Code;
                        variableIDResult = cmd05.ExecuteScalar();
                        if (variableIDResult != null)
                            variableID = Convert.ToInt32(variableIDResult);

                    if (variableID == 0) //New variable needs to be created
                        //Insert the variable to the database
                        using (DbCommand cmd09 = conn.CreateCommand())
                            cmd09.CommandText = sqlSaveVariable;
                            cmd09.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, variable.Code));
                            cmd09.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, variable.Name));
                            cmd09.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, variable.Speciation));
                            cmd09.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, variable.SampleMedium));
                            cmd09.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, variable.ValueType));
                            cmd09.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, variable.DataType));
                            cmd09.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, variable.GeneralCategory));
                            cmd09.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Double, variable.NoDataValue));
                            cmd09.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, variable.VariableUnit.Name));
                            cmd09.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, variable.VariableUnit.UnitsType));
                            cmd09.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, variable.VariableUnit.Abbreviation));
                            cmd09.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Boolean, variable.IsRegular));
                            cmd09.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Double, variable.TimeSupport));
                            cmd09.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, variable.TimeUnit.Name));
                            cmd09.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, variable.TimeUnit.UnitsType));
                            cmd09.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, variable.TimeUnit.Abbreviation));

                            cmd09.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, dataService.Id));

                            variableIDResult = cmd09.ExecuteScalar();
                            variableID = Convert.ToInt32(variableIDResult);

                    //*** Step 4 Method
                    Method method = series.Method;

                    object methodIDResult = null;
                    using (DbCommand cmd10 = conn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd10.CommandText = sqlMethod;
                        cmd10.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, method.Description));
                        methodIDResult = cmd10.ExecuteScalar();
                        if (methodIDResult != null)
                            methodID = Convert.ToInt32(methodIDResult);

                    if (methodID == 0)
                        using (DbCommand cmd11 = conn.CreateCommand())
                            cmd11.CommandText = sqlSaveMethod;
                            cmd11.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, method.Code));
                            cmd11.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, method.Description));
                            cmd11.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, method.Link));
                            cmd11.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, dataService.Id));
                            methodIDResult = cmd11.ExecuteScalar();
                            methodID = Convert.ToInt32(methodIDResult);

                    //*** Step 5 Quality Control Level
                    QualityControlLevel qc = series.QualityControlLevel;

                    object qualityControlLevelIDResult = null;
                    using (DbCommand cmd12 = conn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd12.CommandText = sqlQuality;
                        cmd12.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, qc.Definition));
                        qualityControlLevelIDResult = cmd12.ExecuteScalar();
                        if (qualityControlLevelIDResult != null)
                            qualityControlLevelID = Convert.ToInt32(qualityControlLevelIDResult);

                    if (qualityControlLevelID == 0)
                        //to set the code
                        int qcCode = 0;
                        int.TryParse(qc.Code, out qcCode);

                        using (DbCommand cmd13 = conn.CreateCommand())
                            cmd13.CommandText = sqlSaveQualityControl;
                            cmd13.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, qcCode));
                            cmd13.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, qc.Code));
                            cmd13.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, qc.Definition));
                            cmd13.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, qc.Explanation));
                            cmd13.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, dataService.Id));
                            qualityControlLevelIDResult = cmd13.ExecuteScalar();
                            qualityControlLevelID = Convert.ToInt32(qualityControlLevelIDResult);

                    //*** Step 6 Source
                    Source source = series.Source;

                    object sourceIDResult = null;
                    using (DbCommand cmd14 = conn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd14.CommandText = sqlSource;
                        cmd14.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, source.Organization));
                        sourceIDResult = cmd14.ExecuteScalar();
                        if (sourceIDResult != null)
                            sourceID = Convert.ToInt32(sourceIDResult);

                    if (sourceID == 0)
                        using (DbCommand cmd17 = conn.CreateCommand())
                            cmd17.CommandText = sqlSaveSource;
                            cmd17.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, source.OriginId));
                            cmd17.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, source.Organization));
                            cmd17.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, source.Description));
                            cmd17.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, source.Link));
                            cmd17.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, source.ContactName));
                            cmd17.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, source.Phone));
                            cmd17.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, source.Email));
                            cmd17.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, source.Address));
                            cmd17.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, source.City));
                            cmd17.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, source.State));
                            cmd17.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, source.ZipCode));
                            cmd17.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, source.Citation));
                            cmd17.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, isoMetadataID));
                            cmd17.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, dataService.Id));
                            sourceIDResult = cmd17.ExecuteScalar();
                            sourceID = Convert.ToInt32(sourceIDResult);

                    //*** Step 7 Series
                    using (DbCommand cmd18 = conn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd18.CommandText = sqlSaveSeries;
                        cmd18.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, siteID));
                        cmd18.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, variableID));
                        cmd18.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, methodID));
                        cmd18.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, sourceID));
                        cmd18.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, qualityControlLevelID));
                        cmd18.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.DateTime, series.BeginDateTime));
                        cmd18.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.DateTime, series.EndDateTime));
                        cmd18.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.DateTime, series.BeginDateTimeUTC));
                        cmd18.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.DateTime, series.EndDateTimeUTC));
                        cmd18.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, series.ValueCount));
                        cmd18.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, dataService.Id));

                        object seriesIDResult = cmd18.ExecuteScalar();
                        seriesID = Convert.ToInt32(seriesIDResult);

                    //Commit Transaction
        /// <summary>
        /// updates the data row corresponding to the serviceInfo object
        /// The following parameters are updated:
        /// IsHarvested
        /// HarveDateTime
        /// ServiceName
        /// ServiceVersion
        /// ServiceType
        /// ServiceProtocol
        /// EastLongitude
        /// WestLongitude
        /// EastLatitude
        /// WestLatitude
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceInfo">the corresponding ServiceInfo</param>
        public void UpdateDataRow(DataServiceInfo serviceInfo)
            if (!columnExists("SiteCount"))
            if (!columnExists("VariableCount"))

            string sql = "UPDATE DataServices SET " +
                "IsHarvested=?,HarveDateTime=?,ServiceName=?,ServiceVersion=?,ServiceType=?,ServiceProtocol=?," +
                "EastLongitude=?,WestLongitude=?,NorthLatitude=?,SouthLatitude=?,SiteCount=?, VariableCount=?, ValueCount=? WHERE ServiceID = ?";

            using (DbConnection conn = _db.CreateConnection())

                using (DbTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction())
                    using (DbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.CommandText = sql;
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Boolean, serviceInfo.IsHarvested));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.DateTime, serviceInfo.HarveDateTime));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, serviceInfo.ServiceName));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, serviceInfo.Version));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, serviceInfo.ServiceType));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.String, serviceInfo.Protocol));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Double, serviceInfo.EastLongitude));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Double, serviceInfo.WestLongitude));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Double, serviceInfo.NorthLatitude));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Double, serviceInfo.SouthLatitude));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, serviceInfo.SiteCount));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, serviceInfo.VariableCount));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, serviceInfo.ValueCount));
                        cmd.Parameters.Add(_db.CreateParameter(DbType.Int32, serviceInfo.Id));


        private DataServiceInfo ReadDataServiceInfo(XmlTextReader r)
            DataServiceInfo serviceInfo = new DataServiceInfo();

            while (r.Read())
                string nodeName = r.Name.ToLower();

                if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    if (nodeName == "servurl")
                        serviceInfo.EndpointURL = r.Value;
                    else if (nodeName == "title")
                        serviceInfo.ServiceTitle = r.Value;
                    else if (nodeName == "servicedescriptionurl")
                        serviceInfo.DescriptionURL = r.Value;
                    else if (nodeName == "email")
                        serviceInfo.ContactEmail = r.Value;
                    else if (nodeName == "organization")
                        serviceInfo.Citation = r.Value;
                    else if (nodeName == "citation")
                        serviceInfo.Citation = r.Value;
                    else if (nodeName == "aabstract")
                        serviceInfo.Abstract = r.Value;
                    else if (nodeName == "valuecount")
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(r.Value))
                            serviceInfo.ValueCount = Convert.ToInt32(r.Value);
                    else if (nodeName == "sitecount")
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(r.Value))
                            serviceInfo.SiteCount = Convert.ToInt32(r.Value);
                    else if (nodeName == "serviceid")
                        serviceInfo.HISCentralID = Convert.ToInt32(r.Value);
                    else if (nodeName == "minx")
                    else if (nodeName == "miny")
                    else if (nodeName == "maxx")
                    else if (nodeName == "maxy")
                else if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && nodeName == "serviceinfo")