        private async Task <MemoryStream> ClosedComplaintActionsCsvStreamAsync()
            string query  = "SELECT * FROM gora.ClosedComplaintActions ORDER BY ComplaintId, ActionDate";
            var    result = await DataSQLHelper.ExecSQL <ClosedComplaintActions>(query, _context, ExportTimeout);

            return(await result.GetCsvMemoryStreamAsync());
        private async Task <MemoryStream> OpenComplaintsCsvStreamAsync()
            string query  = "SELECT * FROM gora.OpenComplaints ORDER BY ComplaintId";
            var    result = await DataSQLHelper.ExecSQL <OpenComplaints>(query, _context, ExportTimeout);

            return(await result.GetCsvMemoryStreamAsync());
        public async Task <IActionResult> DaysToFollowUpByStaff(DateTime?beginDate, DateTime?endDate, string office)
            var currentUser = await GetCurrentUserAsync();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(office) ||
                !Guid.TryParse(office, out Guid officeId) ||
                officeId == null ||
                officeId == default ||
                !(await _dal.OfficeExists(officeId)))
                officeId = currentUser.OfficeId.Value;

            var today = DateTime.Today;

            if (!beginDate.HasValue)
                beginDate = new DateTime(today.Year, today.Month, 1).AddMonths(-1);

            if (!endDate.HasValue)
                endDate = new DateTime(today.Year, today.Month, 1).AddDays(-1);

            IEnumerable <ReportDaysToFollowUpByStaffViewModel.StaffList> staffList = null;

            if (endDate < beginDate)
                var msg = "The beginning date must precede the end date.";
                ViewData["AlertMessage"] = new AlertViewModel(msg, AlertStatus.Error, "Error");
                var officeStaff = _context.Users.AsNoTracking()
                                  .Where(e => e.OfficeId == officeId);

                staffList = await officeStaff
                            .OrderBy(e => e.LastName)
                            .ThenBy(e => e.FirstName)
                            .Select(e => new ReportDaysToFollowUpByStaffViewModel.StaffList(e))

                foreach (var user in staffList)
                    string query = $@"SELECT c.Id, l.Name AS ComplaintCounty, c.SourceFacilityName, 
                        convert(DATE, c.DateReceived) AS DateReceived, a.MinActionDate
                        FROM Complaints c
                        INNER JOIN LookupCounties l ON c.ComplaintCountyId = l.Id
                        INNER JOIN
                        (SELECT c.Id, convert(DATE, min(a.ActionDate)) AS MinActionDate
                        FROM Complaints c
                        INNER JOIN ComplaintActions a ON c.Id = a.ComplaintId
                        GROUP BY c.Id) a ON c.Id = a.Id
                        WHERE c.Deleted = 0
                        AND c.CurrentOwnerId = '{user.Id}'
                        AND a.MinActionDate BETWEEN '{beginDate:d}' AND '{endDate:d}'
                        ORDER BY c.Id";

                    user.Complaints = await DataSQLHelper
                                      .ExecSQL <ReportDaysToFollowUpByStaffViewModel.ComplaintList>(query, _context);

            return(View("DaysToFollowUpByStaff", new ReportDaysToFollowUpByStaffViewModel
                Title = "Days To Follow Up By Staff",
                Staff = staffList,
                BeginDate = beginDate,
                EndDate = endDate,
                OfficeSelectList = await _dal.GetOfficesSelectListAsync(),
                Office = officeId.ToString(),
                CurrentAction = nameof(DaysToFollowUpByStaff)