void repPerson_ItemValueNeeded(object sender, DataRepeaterItemValueEventArgs e) { try { if (e.ItemIndex < this.dataSource.Length) { switch (e.Control.Name) { case "picPerson": if (File.Exists(PathUtils.GetApplicationPersonPath() + this.dataSource[e.ItemIndex].PhotoLink) == true) { try { e.Value = Image.FromFile(PathUtils.GetApplicationPersonPath() + this.dataSource[e.ItemIndex].PhotoLink); } catch { // Do nothing for image that is corrupted } } break; case "lblPersonName": e.Value = this.dataSource[e.ItemIndex].FullName; break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, Messages.MessageBoxTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } }
private void repMovie_ItemValueNeeded(object sender, DataRepeaterItemValueEventArgs e) { try { if (e.ItemIndex < this.DataSource.Length) { switch (e.Control.Name) { case "picImage": if (File.Exists(PathUtils.GetApplicationMoviePosterPath() + this.DataSource[e.ItemIndex].PosterLink) == true) { try { e.Value = Image.FromFile(PathUtils.GetApplicationMoviePosterPath() + this.DataSource[e.ItemIndex].PosterLink); } catch { // Do nothing for image that is corrupted } } break; case "picIsSeen": if (this.DataSource[e.ItemIndex].IsSeen == true) { e.Value = global::iMovie.Properties.Resources.seen_61; } else { e.Value = global::iMovie.Properties.Resources.not_seen_61; } break; case "lblIMDBRate": e.Value = this.DataSource[e.ItemIndex].IMDBRate.ToString(); break; case "lblTitle": e.Value = this.DataSource[e.ItemIndex].FullTitle; break; case "lblFavoriteRate": if (this.DataSource[e.ItemIndex].FavoriteRate == 0) { e.Value = "-"; } else { e.Value = this.DataSource[e.ItemIndex].FavoriteRate.ToString(); } break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, Messages.MessageBoxTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } }