public static void ReloadConfig(string tableName) { Console.WriteLine($"ReloadConfig: {tableName}"); if (tableName != "all" && !Loads.ContainsKey(tableName)) { return; } if (tableName == UsuallyDictionaryHelper.TableName) { UsuallyDictionaryHelper.LoadConfig(); DataNameDictionaryHelper.LoadConfig(); } else if (tableName == "all") { foreach (var action in Loads.Values) { action(); } //ClientManager.LoadConfig(); } else { if (Loads.ContainsKey(tableName)) { Loads[tableName](); } } }
public object GetSet([FromQuery] bool init = false, int wId = 1, int qId = 0, int page = 0) { var workshop = WorkshopHelper.Instance.Get <Workshop>(wId); if (init) { var data = MonitoringKanBanSetHelper.GetDetail(wId).ToList(); data.Insert(0, new MonitoringKanBanSet { Id = 0, Name = "所有设备", Type = KanBanEnum.设备详情看板, Order = -1, IsShow = true }); var item = MonitoringKanBanSetHelper.Instance.Configs.ToDictionary(c => (int)c.Key, c => { foreach (var v in c.Value) { v.FieldList = v.FieldList.Select((x, i) => MonitoringKanBanSetHelper.ConvertFieldConfig(x, i, v.Display != KanBanItemDisplayEnum.Chart)).ToList(); } return(c.Value); }); foreach (var d in data) { if (d.Type != KanBanEnum.生产相关看板) { continue; } var t = new List <KanBanItemSet>(); foreach (var list in d.ItemList) { var configs = MonitoringKanBanSetHelper.Instance.Configs[d.Type]; var config = configs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Item == list.Item); if (config == null) { continue; } if ((list.FieldList == null || !list.FieldList.Any()) && MonitoringKanBanSetHelper.Instance.Configs.ContainsKey(d.Type)) { list.FieldList = (config.FieldList.Select((x, i) => MonitoringKanBanSetHelper.ConvertFieldSet(x, i, config.Display != KanBanItemDisplayEnum.Chart)).ToList()); } else if (list.FieldList.Count != config.FieldList.Count && config.FieldList.Any(x => list.FieldList.All(y => y.Field != x.Field))) { var fieldList = new List <KanBanTableFieldSet>(); for (var i = 0; i < config.FieldList.Count; i++) { var order = i + 1; var field = config.FieldList[i]; var sField = list.FieldList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Field == field.Field); if (sField != null) { //sField.Order = order; fieldList.Add(sField); } else { fieldList.Add(MonitoringKanBanSetHelper.ConvertFieldSet(field, order, config.Display != KanBanItemDisplayEnum.Chart)); } } list.FieldList = fieldList; } t.Add(list); } d.Items = t.ToJSON(); } return(new { errno = 0, errmsg = "成功", menu = EnumHelper.EnumToList <KanBanEnum>().Select(x => new { Id = x.EnumValue, Type = x.EnumName }), item, shift = EnumHelper.EnumToList <KanBanShiftsEnum>(true).Select(x => new { Id = x.EnumValue, Type = x.EnumName }), //data data = data.Select(x => { var t = ClassExtension.CopyTo <MonitoringKanBanSet, MonitoringKanBanSetWeb>(x); t.DeviceIdList = x.DeviceIdList; t.VariableList = x.VariableList; t.ItemList = x.ItemList.Select(y => { var ty = ClassExtension.CopyTo <KanBanItemSet, KanBanItemSetWeb>(y); ty.FieldList = y.FieldList; ty.ConfigList = y.ConfigList; return ty; }).ToList(); return t; }) }); } var set = qId != 0 ? MonitoringKanBanSetHelper.Instance.Get <MonitoringKanBanSet>(qId) : new MonitoringKanBanSet { Type = KanBanEnum.设备详情看板 }; if (set != null) { MonitoringKanBan kanBan; var key = new Tuple <int, int>(set.Id, set.WorkshopId); switch (set.Type) { case KanBanEnum.设备详情看板: kanBan = HKanBanHelper.MonitoringKanBanDic.ContainsKey(key) ? HKanBanHelper.MonitoringKanBanDic[key] : new MonitoringKanBan(); return(new { errno = 0, errmsg = "成功", type = set.Type, time = kanBan?.Time ?? DateTime.Now, data = kanBan }); case KanBanEnum.设备状态看板: #region 设备状态看板 { var ret = new MonitoringKanBan(); page = page < 0 ? 0 : page; var idList = set.DeviceIdList; var deviceLibraryDetails = ServerConfig.ApiDb.Query <DeviceDetail>( "SELECT a.*, b.ModelName, b.CategoryId, b.CategoryName, c.FirmwareName, d.ApplicationName, e.HardwareName, f.SiteName, f.Region, " + "g.ScriptName, IFNULL(h.`Name`, '') AdministratorName, i.`Class`, j.FlowCardId, j.FlowCard, j.LastFlowCardId, j.LastFlowCard, j.StartTime FROM device_library a " + $"JOIN device_model_all b ON a.ModelId = b.Id " + "JOIN firmware c ON a.FirmwareId = c.Id " + "JOIN application d ON a.ApplicationId = d.Id " + "JOIN hardware e ON a.HardwareId = e.Id " + "JOIN site f ON a.SiteId = f.Id " + "JOIN script_version g ON a.ScriptId = g.Id " + "LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM(SELECT * FROM maintainer ORDER BY MarkedDelete)a GROUP BY a.Account) h ON a.Administrator = h.Account " + "JOIN device_class i ON a.ClassId = i.Id " + "JOIN `npc_proxy_link` j ON a.Id = j.DeviceId " + $"WHERE a.`MarkedDelete` = 0" + $"{(idList.Any() ? " AND a.Id IN @idList" : "")}" + $" ORDER BY a.Id;", new { idList }).ToDictionary(x => x.Id); var faultDevices = ServerConfig.ApiDb.Query <dynamic>( $"SELECT * FROM (SELECT a.* FROM `fault_device_repair` a " + $"JOIN `device` b ON a.DeviceId = b.Id " + $"WHERE a.`State` != @state" + $"{(idList.Any() ? " AND a.DeviceId IN @idList" : "")}" + $" AND a.MarkedDelete = 0 ORDER BY a.DeviceId, a.State DESC ) a GROUP BY DeviceCode;", new { state = RepairStateEnum.Complete, idList }); foreach (var faultDevice in faultDevices) { var device = deviceLibraryDetails.Values.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == faultDevice.DeviceId); if (device != null) { device.RepairState = faultDevice.State; } } var url = ServerConfig.GateUrl + UrlMappings.Urls[UrlMappings.deviceListGate]; //向GateProxyLink请求数据 var resp = !idList.Any() ? HttpServer.Get(url) : HttpServer.Get(url, new Dictionary <string, string> { { "ids", idList.Join() } }); DeviceResult dataResult = null; if (resp != "fail") { try { dataResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DeviceResult>(resp); if (dataResult.errno == Error.Success) { foreach (var deviceInfo in dataResult.datas) { var deviceId = deviceInfo.DeviceId; if (deviceLibraryDetails.ContainsKey(deviceId)) { deviceLibraryDetails[deviceId].State = deviceInfo.State; deviceLibraryDetails[deviceId].DeviceState = deviceInfo.DeviceState; if (deviceLibraryDetails[deviceId].DeviceState == DeviceState.Waiting && deviceLibraryDetails[deviceId].StartTime != default(DateTime) && deviceLibraryDetails[deviceId].TotalTime <= HKanBanHelper.IdleSecond) { deviceLibraryDetails[deviceId].DeviceState = DeviceState.Readying; } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error($"{UrlMappings.Urls[UrlMappings.deviceListGate]},信息:{e}"); } } //var data = deviceLibraryDetails.Values.All(x => int.TryParse(x.Code, out _)) // ? deviceLibraryDetails.Values.OrderByDescending(x => x.DeviceState).ThenByDescending(x => x.DeviceStateStr).ThenBy(x => int.Parse(x.Code)) // : deviceLibraryDetails.Values.OrderByDescending(x => x.DeviceState).ThenByDescending(x => x.DeviceStateStr).ThenBy(x => x.Code); var allDevices = deviceLibraryDetails.Values.OrderBy(x => int.TryParse(x.Code, out var a) ? a : 9999999).ThenBy(x => x.Code).ToList(); var sum = allDevices.Count; var gz = allDevices.Count(x => x.RepairState != -1); var other = allDevices.Where(x => x.RepairState == -1); var zc = other.Count(x => x.DeviceState == DeviceState.Processing) + other.Count(x => x.DeviceState == DeviceState.Restart) + other.Count(x => x.DeviceState == DeviceState.UpgradeFirmware) + other.Count(x => x.DeviceState == DeviceState.UpgradeScript) + other.Count(x => x.DeviceState == DeviceState.Readying) + other.Count(x => x.DeviceState == DeviceState.Waiting); var jg = other.Count(x => x.DeviceState == DeviceState.Processing); var zb = other.Count(x => x.DeviceState == DeviceState.Readying); var xz = other.Count(x => x.DeviceState == DeviceState.Waiting); var wlj = sum - zc; var tp = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)sum / (set.Length <= 0 ? 30 : set.Length)); if (page >= tp) { page = 0; } var devices = allDevices.Skip(set.Length * page).Take(set.Length); var scriptIds = devices.Select(y => y.ScriptId); var dataNameDictionaries = scriptIds.Any() ? DataNameDictionaryHelper.GetDataNameDictionaryDetails(scriptIds) : new List <DataNameDictionaryDetail>(); ret.Id = qId; foreach (var device in devices) { var t = ClassExtension.ParentCopyToChild <DeviceDetail, MonitoringSetData>(device); var vs = set.VariableList.OrderBy(x => x.Order); DeviceData deviceData = null; if (dataResult != null && dataResult.datas.Any(d => d.Id == device.Id) && dataResult.datas.First(d => d.Id == device.Id).DeviceData != null) { deviceData = dataResult.datas.First(d => d.Id == device.Id).DeviceData; } //if (device.RepairState != -1 && device.State != SocketState.Connected) //{ // deviceLibraryDetails[deviceId].in //} //else //{ // FlowCard fc = null; // if (int.TryParse(device.FlowCard, out var id)) // { // fc = flowCards.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id); // } // deviceLibraryDetails[deviceId].FlowCard = fc?.Card ?? ""; //} foreach (var x in vs) { var dn = dataNameDictionaries.FirstOrDefault(d => d.VariableTypeId == x.VariableTypeId && d.PointerAddress == x.PointerAddress); ////设备状态 //var stateDId = 1; ////总加工次数 //var processCountDId = 63; ////总加工时间 //var processTimeDId = 64; ////当前加工流程卡号 //var currentFlowCardDId = 6; ////累积运行总时间 //var runTimeDId = 5; if (dn == null) { continue; } var r = new MonitoringSetSingleDataDetail { Order = x.Order, SubOrder = x.SubOrder, Delimiter = x.Delimiter, Sid = x.ScriptId, Type = x.VariableTypeId, Add = x.PointerAddress, VName = x.VariableName.IsNullOrEmpty() ? dn.VariableName ?? "" : x.VariableName, }; if (dn.VariableTypeId == 1 && dn.VariableNameId == AnalysisHelper.stateDId) { r.V = device.DeviceStateStr; } else if (deviceData != null) { List <int> bl = null; switch (x.VariableTypeId) { case 1: bl = deviceData.vals; break; case 2: bl = deviceData.ins; break; case 3: bl = deviceData.outs; break; default: break; } if (bl != null) { if (bl.Count > x.PointerAddress - 1) { var chu = Math.Pow(10, dn.Precision); var v = (decimal)(bl.ElementAt(x.PointerAddress - 1) / chu); if (dn.VariableTypeId == 1 && (dn.VariableNameId == AnalysisHelper.flowCardDId || dn.VariableNameId == AnalysisHelper.nextFlowCardDId)) { //var flowCard = FlowCardHelper.Instance.Get<FlowCard>((int)v); //r.V = flowCard?.Card ?? ""; r.V = device.LastFlowCard; } else if (dn.VariableTypeId == 1 && dn.VariableNameId == AnalysisHelper.currentProductDId) { //var production = ProductionHelper.Instance.Get<Production>((int)v); //r.V = production?.ProductionName ?? ""; var production = ProductionHelper.GetProduction(device.LastFlowCardId); r.V = production?.Name ?? ""; } else { r.V = v.ToString(); } } } } t.Data.Add(r); } ret.MSetData.Add(t); } var monitoringProcesses = new List <MonitoringProcess>(); //monitoringProcesses.AddRange(AnalysisHelper.GetMonitoringProcesses(idList)); //if (!monitoringProcesses.Any()) //{ // monitoringProcesses.AddRange(ServerConfig.ApiDb.Query<MonitoringProcess>( // "SELECT b.*, c.CategoryId, c.CategoryName, a.`Code`, a.`ScriptId` FROM `device` a " + // "JOIN `npc_proxy_link` b ON a.Id = b.DeviceId " + // "JOIN (SELECT a.*, b.CategoryName FROM `device_model` a " + // "JOIN `device_category` b ON a.CategoryId = b.Id) c ON a.ModelId = c.Id WHERE a.Id in @idList AND a.MarkedDelete = 0;", new { idList })); //} monitoringProcesses.AddRange(AnalysisHelper.GetMonitoringProcesses(wId, idList)); if (!monitoringProcesses.Any()) { monitoringProcesses.AddRange(ServerConfig.ApiDb.Query <MonitoringProcess>( "SELECT b.*, c.CategoryId, c.CategoryName, a.`Code`, a.`ScriptId` FROM `device` a " + "JOIN `npc_proxy_link` b ON a.Id = b.DeviceId " + "JOIN device_model_all c ON a.ModelId = c.Id WHERE a.Id in @idList AND a.MarkedDelete = 0;")); } var timeRate = new List <decimal>(); var processTime = monitoringProcesses.Sum(x => x.ProcessTime); var runTime = monitoringProcesses.Sum(x => x.RunTime); var rate = runTime > 0 ? (processTime * 100m / (runTime)).ToRound() : 0; timeRate.Add(rate); timeRate.AddRange(workshop.StatisticTimeList.Select((_, i) => { var p = monitoringProcesses.Where(x => x.ExtraData.Parts.Count > i).Sum(y => y.ExtraData.Parts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Shift == i)?.ProcessTime ?? 0); var r = monitoringProcesses.Where(x => x.ExtraData.Parts.Count > i).Sum(y => y.ExtraData.Parts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Shift == i)?.RunTime ?? 0); return(r > 0 ? (p * 100m / (r)).ToRound() : 0); })); //var now = DateTime.Now; //var currentWorkTime = DateTimeExtend.GetDayWorkTimeRanges(workshop.Shifts, workshop.StatisticTimeList, now); //var workTime = DateTimeExtend.GetDayWorkDay(workshop.ShiftTimeList, now); //var reports = FlowCardReportGetHelper.GetReport(wId, workTime.Item1, workTime.Item2, 18).ToList(); var qualifiedRate = new List <decimal>(); //var qualified = reports.Sum(x => x.HeGe); //var total = reports.Sum(x => x.Total); var qualified = monitoringProcesses.Sum(y => y.DayQualified); var total = monitoringProcesses.Sum(x => x.DayTotal); rate = total > 0 ? (qualified * 100m / (total)).ToRound() : 0; qualifiedRate.Add(rate); qualifiedRate.AddRange(workshop.StatisticTimeList.Select((range, i) => { //var p = reports.Where(x => x.Time.InSameRange(range)).Sum(y => y.HeGe); //var r = reports.Where(x => x.Time.InSameRange(range)).Sum(y => y.Total); var p = monitoringProcesses.Where(x => x.ExtraData.Parts.Count > i).Sum(y => y.ExtraData.Parts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Shift == i)?.DayQualified ?? 0); var r = monitoringProcesses.Where(x => x.ExtraData.Parts.Count > i).Sum(y => y.ExtraData.Parts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Shift == i)?.DayTotal ?? 0); return(r > 0 ? (p * 100m / (r)).ToRound() : 0); })); return(new { errno = 0, errmsg = "成功", type = set.Type, time = DateTime.Now, jg, zc, zb, xz, gz, wlj, sum, timeRate, qualifiedRate, row = set.Row, col = set.Col, cCol = set.ContentCol, cName = set.ColNameList, len = set.Length, cp = page, tp, data = ret.MSetData }); } #endregion case KanBanEnum.生产相关看板: #region 生产相关看板 kanBan = HKanBanHelper.MonitoringKanBanDic.ContainsKey(key) ? HKanBanHelper.MonitoringKanBanDic[key] : new MonitoringKanBan(); return(new { errno = 0, errmsg = "成功", type = set.Type, time = kanBan?.Time ?? DateTime.Now, items = set.ItemList.Select(y => { var ty = ClassExtension.CopyTo <KanBanItemSet, KanBanItemSetWeb>(y); ty.FieldList = y.FieldList; return ty; }).ToList(), colSet = set.ColSet, data = kanBan?.ItemData ?? new Dictionary <string, List <dynamic> >() }); #endregion } } return(new { errno = 0, type = 0, errmsg = "成功", time = DateTime.Now, }); }
/// <summary> /// 删除3个月前的监控日志 /// </summary> private static void OperateSchedule() { if (RedisHelper.SetIfNotExist(lockKey, ServerConfig.GetLockValue)) { try { RedisHelper.SetExpireAt(lockKey, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(30)); var now = DateTime.Now; //当前排班 var schedules = DeviceOperateScheduleHelper.Instance.GetAllData <DeviceOperateScheduleOp>().OrderBy(x => x.Order); var maxOrder = schedules.Any() ? schedules.Max(x => x.Order) : 0; var ops = DeviceOperateHelper.Instance.GetAll <DeviceOperate>(); //var devices = DeviceLibraryHelper.Instance.GetAll<DeviceLibrary>(); //排班设备 var opDevices = DeviceOperateDeviceHelper.GetScheduleDevices(); //var op = DeviceOperateOperatorHelper.Instance.GetAll<DeviceOperateOperator>(); //排班操作工 var operators = DeviceOperateOperatorHelper.GetScheduleOperates(); var newScs = new List <DeviceOperateSchedule>(); var upScs = new List <DeviceOperateSchedule>(); var delScs = new List <DeviceOperateSchedule>(); foreach (var op in ops) { if (op.IsEnable && op.IsSchedule) { var opId = op.Id; //排班设备 var opDs = opDevices.Where(x => x.OpId == opId); //排班操作工 var opOs = operators.Where(x => x.OpId == opId); var opScs = new List <DeviceOperateScheduleOp>(); var scs = schedules.Where(x => x.OpId == opId); foreach (var sc in scs) { if (sc.State != DeviceOperateScheduleState.未开始) { opScs.Add(sc); continue; } //排班设备 var device = opDs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == sc.DeviceId); if (sc.OperatorId != 0) { //排班操作工 var optor = opOs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == sc.OperatorId); if (optor == null || !optor.CanAssign(now)) { sc.MarkedDateTime = now; sc.Update = true; sc.OperatorId = 0; sc.AssignTime = default(DateTime); } } if (device != null) { opScs.Add(sc); continue; } sc.MarkedDateTime = now; sc.Add = false; sc.Update = false; delScs.Add(sc); } foreach (var device in opDs) { var deviceId = device.Id; var sc = opScs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.DeviceId == deviceId); if (sc == null) { opScs.Add(new DeviceOperateScheduleOp(now, ++maxOrder, opId, deviceId)); } else { if (sc.MarkedDelete) { sc.MarkedDateTime = now; sc.MarkedDelete = false; sc.Order = ++maxOrder; sc.Update = true; } if (sc.Remark != device.Remark) { sc.MarkedDateTime = now; sc.Remark = device.Remark; sc.Update = true; } } } var canOps = opOs.Where(x => x.CanAssign(now)); var assignScs = opScs.Where(x => x.OperatorId != 0); var assignOps = assignScs.GroupBy(x => x.OperatorId).Select(x => x.Key).ToList(); var cnt = canOps.Count() * 3; var waitScs = opScs.Where(x => x.OperatorId == 0).Take(cnt).ToArray(); var scsOrder = waitScs.Select(x => x.Order).OrderBy(x => x).ToArray(); var deviceIds = waitScs.Select(x => x.DeviceId); var deviceLeftTimes = deviceIds.ToDictionary(x => x, x => 0m); if (deviceIds.Any()) { var deviceLibraryDetails = DeviceHelper.Instance.GetAllByIds <DeviceDetail>(deviceIds).ToDictionary(x => x.Id); try { #if DEBUG var url = "" + UrlMappings.Urls[UrlMappings.deviceListGate]; #else var url = ServerConfig.GateUrl + UrlMappings.Urls[UrlMappings.deviceListGate]; #endif //向GateProxyLink请求数据 var resp = HttpServer.Get(url, new Dictionary <string, string> { { "ids", deviceIds.Join() } }); if (resp != "fail") { var scriptIds = deviceLibraryDetails.Values.Select(x => x.ScriptId); var dataNameDictionaries = scriptIds.Any() ? DataNameDictionaryHelper.GetDataNameDictionaryDetails(scriptIds) : new List <DataNameDictionaryDetail>(); var dataResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DeviceResult>(resp); if (dataResult.errno == Error.Success) { foreach (DeviceInfo deviceInfo in dataResult.datas) { var deviceId = deviceInfo.DeviceId; if (deviceLibraryDetails.ContainsKey(deviceId)) { deviceInfo.ScriptId = deviceLibraryDetails[deviceId].ScriptId; var deviceData = deviceInfo.DeviceData; if (AnalysisHelper.GetValue(deviceData, dataNameDictionaries, deviceInfo.ScriptId, AnalysisHelper.leftProcessTimeDId, out var v)) { if (deviceLeftTimes.ContainsKey(deviceId)) { deviceLeftTimes[deviceId] = v; } } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error($"OperateSchedule {UrlMappings.Urls[UrlMappings.deviceListGate]},信息:{e}"); } } waitScs = waitScs.OrderBy(x => deviceLeftTimes[x.DeviceId]).ThenBy(x => x.Order).ToArray(); for (var i = 0; i < waitScs.Length; i++) { var waitSc = waitScs[i]; var sc = opScs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == waitSc.Id); if (sc != null && sc.Order != scsOrder[i]) { sc.MarkedDateTime = now; sc.Update = true; sc.Order = scsOrder[i]; } } if (assignOps.Count() != canOps.Count()) { var nowAssignOps = canOps.Where(x => assignOps.All(y => y != x.Id)); foreach (var opr in nowAssignOps) { var operatorId = opr.Id; var sc = opScs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.OperatorId == 0); if (sc != null) { sc.MarkedDateTime = now; sc.Update = true; sc.AssignTime = now; sc.OperatorId = operatorId; } } } newScs.AddRange(opScs.Where(x => x.Add)); upScs.AddRange(opScs.Where(x => x.Id != 0 && x.Update)); } } if (newScs.Any()) { DeviceOperateScheduleHelper.Instance.Add(newScs); } if (upScs.Any()) { DeviceOperateScheduleHelper.Instance.Update <DeviceOperateSchedule>(upScs); } if (delScs.Any()) { DeviceOperateScheduleHelper.Instance.Delete(delScs.Select(x => x.Id)); } RedisHelper.SetForever(upKey, 0); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(e); } RedisHelper.Remove(lockKey); } }