private void Update() { if (player.plantsKilled >= requiredPlants && isTimeBased) { gameOver = true; isSuccessful = true; } if (gameOver) { CheckResult(); if (isSuccessful) { if (isTimeBased) { timeTaken = countDown.maxTime - countDown.timeLeft; } GameOver(); for (int i = 0; i < acquiredStars; i++) { stars[i].SetActive(true); } data.AutoSaveGame(); player.plantsKilled = 0; if (newBest) { crown.SetActive(true); } } else { TryAgain(); } } }
//Function used to exchange points earned in game with currency usable in shops public void ExchangeValues() { if (gameMaster.totalPoints != 0) { Debug.Log("You received: " + (int)(gameMaster.totalPoints * currentExchangeRate)); gameMaster.totalMoney += (int)(gameMaster.totalPoints * currentExchangeRate); gameMaster.totalPoints = 0; } else { Debug.Log("You didn't have any points to exchange!"); } data.AutoSaveGame(); }
public void LoadAndSaveLevel(int sceneIndex) { data.AutoSaveGame(); StartCoroutine(LoadAsynchronously(sceneIndex)); }