public void ActivatePotion(InventoryMaster.InventoryItem theItem) { DataLogger.LogMessage("Potion Activated! " +; if (isHijacked) { return; } Potion myPot = (Potion)theItem.item; PowerUpManager.s.EnablePowerUp(PowerUpManager.PUpTypes.potion, (int)myPot.myType, -1, myPot.amount, myPot.effectColor); if (!GS.a.customCharacterLevel) { InventoryMaster.s.Remove(theItem); } else { List <Potion> myPotions = new List <Potion> (GS.a.potions); int myIndex = myPotions.IndexOf(myPot); GS.a.potionsAmounts[myIndex]--; } DrawPotionScreen(); }
public void EnableEquipment() { if (isHijacked) { DataLogger.LogMessage("Enable Equipment got hijacked"); return; } if (equipmentButton.canActivate) { isLastActivePower = false; lastActivatedButton = true; Equipment myEq = (Equipment)(GS.a.customCharacterLevel ? new InventoryMaster.InventoryEquipment(, 1) : InventoryMaster.s.activeEquipment).item; //Old charge system /*if (!DataLogger.isDebugMode) * (myEq).chargeReq.CopyTo (curEquipmentChargeReq, 0);*/ PowerUpManager.s.EnablePowerUp(, (int)myEq.myType, myEq.power, myEq.amount, myEq.effectColor); } }
public void OnRoomSetupProgress(float progress) { // show the default waiting room. if (progress == 20) { if (!showingWaitingRoom) { DataLogger.LogMessage("Starting game"); showingWaitingRoom = true; PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.RealTime.ShowWaitingRoomUI(); } } else { DataLogger.LogMessage("Connecting " + ((int)progress).ToString() + "%"); } /*if (progress == 20) { * DataLogger.LogMessage("Starting game"); * PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.RealTime.ShowWaitingRoomUI(); * } else { * DataLogger.LogMessage("Connecting " + ((int)progress).ToString() + "%"); * }*/ }
public void ReceiveInvitaion(Invitation invitation, bool shouldAutoAccept) { DataLogger.LogMessage("Received Invitation"); shouldAutoAccept = true; if (shouldAutoAccept) { isOnline = true; canPlay = false; searchingForGame = true; VC_MultiplayerMenuController.SetSearchingPanelState(true); gameInProgress = false; gameMode = invitation.Variant; if (gameMode == -1) { gameMode = 0; } PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.RealTime.AcceptInvitation(invitation.InvitationId, this); if (!showingWaitingRoom) { PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.RealTime.ShowWaitingRoomUI(); showingWaitingRoom = true; } } else { // The user has not yet indicated that they want to accept this invitation. // We should *not* automatically accept it. Rather we store it and // display an in-game popup: mIncomingInvitation = invitation; } }
public void GetInvitationMatch(int GameVariant) { if (canPlay) { isOnline = true; canPlay = false; searchingForGame = true; VC_MultiplayerMenuController.SetSearchingPanelState(true); gameInProgress = false; DataLogger.LogMessage("Initiating Invitation"); PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.RealTime.ShowWaitingRoomUI(); //sInstance = new MultiPlayerConnect(); //const int MinOpponents = 1, MaxOpponents = 1; try { gameMode = GameVariant; PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.RealTime.CreateWithInvitationScreen((uint)(playerCount - 1), (uint)(playerCount - 1), (uint)GameVariant, this); if (!showingWaitingRoom) { PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.RealTime.ShowWaitingRoomUI(); showingWaitingRoom = true; } } catch { DataLogger.LogMessage("Invitation Failed"); canPlay = true; } //DataLogger.LogMessage("Searching for Room"; } VC_MultiplayerMenuController.s.UpdateMenu(); }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { if (s != null && s != this) { Destroy(this.gameObject); return; } else { s = this; } if (!Load()) { mySave = new SaveData(); if (GS.s == null) { GS.s = GetComponent <GS> (); } mySave.levelsCompleted = new bool[GS.s.allModes.Length]; DataLogger.LogError("Loading failed. creating new save"); } else { DataLogger.LogMessage("Loading successful"); } }
public void Export() { System.DateTime dt = System.DateTime.Now; string datetime = dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd\\THH-mm-ss\\Z"); string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "\\" + datetime + ".txt"; //System.IO.File.CreateText (path); System.IO.StreamWriter writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(path, true); writer.WriteLine("Version: " + version.text); writer.WriteLine("-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-"); writer.WriteLine(""); writer.WriteLine("Errors:"); writer.WriteLine("-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-"); foreach (string log in errorBacklog) { writer.WriteLine(log); } writer.WriteLine(""); writer.WriteLine(""); writer.WriteLine(""); writer.WriteLine("Messages:"); writer.WriteLine("-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-"); foreach (string log in errorBacklog) { writer.WriteLine(log); } writer.Close(); DataLogger.LogMessage("Succesfully exported: " + path); }
//This is used when locally selecting a posion card. Network poisoning happens differently+ public void ChoosePoisonCard(int myPlayerinteger, IndividualCard myCard, string message) { DataLogger.LogMessage("Player: " + myPlayerinteger.ToString() + " picked Poison card!" + myCard.cBase.myPoisonType + " - " + message); switch (myCard.cBase.myPoisonType) { case CardBase.PoisonTypes.DeadlyPoison: DeadlyRoutineHolder myHolder = new DeadlyRoutineHolder(myCard); Coroutine myRout = StartCoroutine(DeadlyPoisonCard(myPlayerinteger, myCard, myHolder)); myHolder.routine = myRout; ActivatedDeadlyPoisons.Enqueue(myHolder); findTheCureUIEffect.SetActive(true); break; case CardBase.PoisonTypes.PoisonCure: if (CureDeadlyPoison()) { myCard.SelectCard(myPlayerinteger); myCard.Invoke("MatchCard", 1f); } else { myCard.SelectCard(myPlayerinteger); myCard.Invoke("UnSelectCard", 1f); } break; } }
public void CancelMatchSearch() { PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.RealTime.LeaveRoom(); DataLogger.LogMessage("Game Search Canceled"); //Login (); VC_MultiplayerMenuController.s.UpdateMenu(); }
public void OnPeersDisconnected(string[] participantIds) { foreach (string participant in participantIds) { DataLogger.LogMessage(participant + " Disconnected"); } PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.RealTime.LeaveRoom(); }
/*public void SetMultiplayer () { * ChangeGameMode (multiplayerMode); * }*/ public void ChangeGameMode(GameSettings mode) { a = null; a = mode.Copy(); activeGameMode =; activeGameModeID =; DataLogger.LogMessage("Active Game Settings: " +; }
protected void PoisonSelectedCards() { //the card itself will send its poison status across the network foreach (IndividualCard card in mem_Cards) { DataLogger.LogMessage("Poison cards pup not implemented yet!"); //card.PoisonCard (); } }
public void Add(ItemBase toAdd, int amount) { DataLogger.LogMessage("Item added: " +; InventoryItem myInvItem; if (toAdd is Equipment) { InventoryEquipment myEq = myEquipments.Find(x => ==; myInvItem = new InventoryEquipment((Equipment)toAdd, amount); if (myEq != null) { myEq.chargesLeft += amount; } else { myEquipments.Add((InventoryEquipment)myInvItem); } if (activeEquipment == null) { EquipItem((InventoryEquipment)myInvItem); } } else if (toAdd is Ingredient) { InventoryIngredient myIng = myIngredients.Find(x => ==; myInvItem = new InventoryIngredient((Ingredient)toAdd, amount); if (myIng != null) { myIng.chargesLeft += amount; } else { myIngredients.Add((InventoryIngredient)myInvItem); } } else { InventoryPotion myPot = myPotions.Find(x => ==; myInvItem = new InventoryPotion((Potion)toAdd, amount); if (myPot != null) { myPot.chargesLeft += amount; } else { myPotions.Add((InventoryPotion)myInvItem); } } if (ItemGainedScreen.s != null) { ItemGainedScreen.s.ShowGainedItem(myInvItem); } SaveMaster.s.Save(); }
IEnumerator DelayedEndGame(int i, float delay) { DataLogger.LogMessage("Delayed ending: " + delay.ToString()); isGamePlaying = false; LocalPlayerController.isActive = false; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay)); EndGame(i); }
public void OnRealTimeMessageReceived(bool isReliable, string senderId, byte[] data) { DataLogger.LogMessage("Data received " + ((char)data[0]).ToString()); try { DataHandler.s.ReceiveData(data); //DataLogger.LogMessage("Data processing begun " + ((char)data [0]).ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { //DataLogger.LogMessage ("Data processing failed " + myCommand.ToString (), true); DataLogger.LogError("Data process failed " + ((char)data[0]).ToString(), e); } }
public void ActivateFire() { LocalPlayerController.s.canSelect = true; DataLogger.LogMessage("Activating fire"); lastActiveFire = true; PowerUpManager.s.EnablePowerUp(, 4, 4, 1, PowerUpManager.s.dragonColors[2]); cardSelect.SetActive(true); powerSelect.SetActive(false); isDoneFire = true; }
public void EnablePowerUp(PUpTypes type, int id, int power, float amount, Color effectColor) { DataLogger.LogMessage("Activating pup: type:^" + type.ToString() + " - id: " + id.ToString() + " - power: " + power.ToString() + " - amount: " + amount.ToString()); if (canActivatePowerUp == false) { return; } if (type == { if (id < equipmentPUps.Length) { if (equipmentPUps[id] != null) { equipmentPUps[id].Enable(power, amount, effectColor); activePUp = equipmentPUps[id]; } else { DataLogger.LogError("Equipment pup with id " + id.ToString() + " is null!"); } } else { DataLogger.LogError("Equipment pup with id " + id.ToString() + " not enough Equipment pups! length:" + equipmentPUps.Length.ToString()); } } else if (type == PUpTypes.potion) { if (id < potionPUps.Length) { if (potionPUps[id] != null) { CharacterStuffController.s.lastActivatedButton = false; potionPUps[id].Enable(power, amount, effectColor); activePUp = potionPUps[id]; } else { DataLogger.LogError("Potion pup with id " + id.ToString() + " is null!"); } } else { DataLogger.LogError("Potion pup with id " + id.ToString() + " not enough potion pups! length:" + potionPUps.Length.ToString()); } } else { DataLogger.LogError("Other pup types arent implemented/does not exist: " + type.ToString()); } }
private void Start() { DataLogger.LogMessage("Elemental Arena Script Activating..."); ScoreBoardManager.s.AddScoreHook += ScoreIsAdded; CharacterStuffController.s.buttonStateHijack += ButtonStateHiJack; CharacterStuffController.s.isHijacked = true; CharacterStuffController.s.powerUpDisabledCallback += PowerUpDisabledCallback; SetUpButtons(); DataLogger.LogMessage("Elemental Arena Script Activated Succesfully"); }
/*public void LoadTutorial (){ * GoogleAPI.gameMode = 0; * LoadLevel (2); * }*/ void LoadLevel(int id) { if (!levelLoadLock) { try { loadingScreen.SetActive(true); DataLogger.LogMessage("Loading level " + id.ToString()); //print ("Loading level " + id.ToString ()); SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(id); levelLoadLock = true; } catch { DataLogger.LogMessage("Level " + id.ToString() + " doesn't exist"); } } }
public void RandomizeAllCards() { foreach (IndividualCard card in allCards) { card.RandomizeCardType(); } //definite drops var randCards = GetRandomizedSelectabeCardList(); int n = 0; if (CardTypeRandomizer.s.forceSpawnCardsCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < CardTypeRandomizer.s.forceSpawnCardsCount; i++) { int count = 2; if (i < GS.a.cardSet.forceSpawnCounts.Length) { if (GS.a.cardSet.forceSpawnCounts[i] != 0) { count = GS.a.cardSet.forceSpawnCounts[i]; } } for (int m = 0; m < count; m++) { randCards[n].SetCardType(CardTypeRandomizer.s.forceSpawnStartIndex + i); DataLogger.LogMessage("The Card " + randCards[n].x.ToString() + "," + randCards[n].y.ToString() + " is custom set as a pair: " + (CardTypeRandomizer.s.forceSpawnStartIndex + i).ToString()); n++; } } } if (CardTypeRandomizer.s.forceSpawnItemCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < CardTypeRandomizer.s.forceSpawnItemCount; i++) { int count = 2; for (int m = 0; m < count; m++) { randCards[n].SetCardType(CardTypeRandomizer.s.itemStartIndex + CardTypeRandomizer.s.itemCount - i - 1); DataLogger.LogMessage("The Card " + randCards[n].x.ToString() + "," + randCards[n].y.ToString() + " is custom set as a pair: " + (CardTypeRandomizer.s.itemStartIndex + CardTypeRandomizer.s.itemCount - i - 1).ToString()); n++; } } } }
public void SendMessage(byte[] data) { if (isOnline) { try { PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.RealTime.SendMessageToAll(true, data); DataLogger.LogMessage("Data send " + ((char)data[0]).ToString()); } catch (System.Exception e) { DataLogger.LogError("Data failed to send " + ((char)data[0]).ToString(), e); } } else { //DataLogger.LogMessage ("We are offline",true); } }
public void SendMessage(int playerID, byte[] data) { if (isOnline) { try { PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.RealTime.SendMessage(true, GetParticipants()[playerID].ParticipantId, data); DataLogger.LogMessage("Data send to player: " + playerID.ToString() + " - " + ((char)data[0]).ToString()); } catch (System.Exception e) { DataLogger.LogError("Data failed to send " + ((char)data[0]).ToString(), e); } } else { //DataLogger.LogMessage ("We are offline",true); } }
void UpdateSBoard(int id, bool isDelayed) { //if (id == SmartScoreboard.s.myPlayer) //SmartScoreboard.s.UpdateScore (allScores[SmartScoreboard.s.myPlayer, 0], isDelayed); GameObject sBoard = scoreBoards[id]; if (sBoard != null) { try { sBoard.gameObject.GetComponent <ScorePanel> ().UpdateScore(allScores[id, 0], isDelayed); } catch (System.Exception e) { DataLogger.LogMessage(e.Message + " - " + e.StackTrace); } } }
//this is only done at the end of the game public void ReduceEquipmentChargeLeft() { if (!GS.a.customCharacterLevel) { DataLogger.LogMessage("Reducing equipment charge"); if (activeEquipment != null) { activeEquipment.chargesLeft--; DataLogger.LogMessage("Equipment " + + " charge reduced from " + (activeEquipment.chargesLeft + 1).ToString() + " to " + (activeEquipment.chargesLeft).ToString()); ItemDurabilityLossScreen.s.ShowDurabilityLoss(activeEquipment); activeEquipment.chargesLeft++; Remove(activeEquipment); } } }
public void SendCardType(int targetPlayer, int x, int y, int type) { try { //DataLogger.LogMessage("Sending card type initiate"); List <byte> toSend = new List <byte> (); toSend.AddRange(System.BitConverter.GetBytes((short)x)); toSend.AddRange(System.BitConverter.GetBytes((short)y)); toSend.AddRange(System.BitConverter.GetBytes((short)type)); //DataLogger.LogMessage("Sending card type list made"); SendData(targetPlayer, a_cardtype, toSend.ToArray()); } catch (Exception e) { DataLogger.LogMessage(e.Message + " - " + e.StackTrace); } }
void GetPlayerIdentity() { try { if (GoogleAPI.s == null) { GoogleAPI.s = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GoogleAPI> (); } if (!GoogleAPI.s.gameInProgress) { return; } try { myPlayerInteger = (int)GoogleAPI.s.participants.IndexOf(GoogleAPI.s.GetSelf()); } catch { myPlayerInteger = 0; } try { DataLogger.LogMessage(myPlayerInteger.ToString()); } catch { } switch (myPlayerInteger) { case 0: myPlayerIdentifier = p_blue; break; case 1: myPlayerIdentifier = p_red; break; case 2: myPlayerIdentifier = p_green; break; case 3: myPlayerIdentifier = p_yellow; break; } } catch (Exception e) { DataLogger.LogError(, e); } }
public void OnRoomConnected(bool success) { DataLogger.LogMessage("OnRoomConnected"); if (success) { gameInProgress = true; searchingForGame = false; VC_MultiplayerMenuController.SetSearchingPanelState(true); DataLogger.LogMessage("Room Connection Successful"); participants = GetParticipants(); SceneMaster.s.LoadPlayingLevel(gameMode); } else { DataLogger.LogMessage("Room Connection Failure"); PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.RealTime.LeaveRoom(); } }
public void ReceiveScore(char player, int scoreType, int totalScore, bool isDelayed) { try { DataLogger.LogMessage("score received"); int playerInt = DataHandler.s.toInt(player); allScores[playerInt, scoreType] = totalScore; /*if (scoreType == 0) { * myScores[playerInt, 0] = totalScore; * }*/ UpdateSBoard(playerInt, isDelayed); //GameObjectiveMaster.s.CheckReach (); } catch (System.Exception e) { DataLogger.LogMessage(e.Message + " - " + e.StackTrace); } }
public GameSettings NextLevelInChain() { DataLogger.LogMessage("Trying to find next level in chain"); if (activeGameModeID != { int theIndex = -1; int n = 0; foreach (GameSettingsArray arr in levelChains) { for (int i = 0; i < arr.LevelChain.Length; i++) { if (arr.LevelChain[i] != null) { print(arr.LevelChain[i].name + "-" + arr.LevelChain[i].id.ToString() + "---" + activeGameMode + "-" + activeGameModeID.ToString()); } if (arr.LevelChain[i].id == activeGameModeID) { theIndex = i; } } if (theIndex != -1) { if (theIndex + 1 < arr.LevelChain.Length) { if (arr.LevelChain[theIndex + 1] != null) { DataLogger.LogMessage("Next Level in chain found! " + n.ToString() + " - " + theIndex.ToString()); return(arr.LevelChain[theIndex + 1]); } } //we found our level but the next level is not set DataLogger.LogMessage("Next Level in chain NOT FOUND " + activeGameMode); return(null); } n++; } } //we didnt find our level DataLogger.LogMessage("Next Level in chain NOT FOUND " + activeGameMode); return(null); }
public void OnLeftRoom() { DataLogger.LogMessage("Left Room"); showingWaitingRoom = false; canPlay = true; if (SceneMaster.GetSceneID() != SceneMaster.menuId) { if (GameObjectiveMaster.s != null) { GameObjectiveMaster.s.DisconnectedFromGame(); } else { SceneMaster.s.LoadMenu(); } } else { VC_MultiplayerMenuController.SetSearchingPanelState(false); } searchingForGame = false; // display error message and go back to the menu screen gameInProgress = false; if (PlayGamesPlatform.Instance != null) { if (PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.localUser.authenticated) { canPlay = true; } //Login (); //MultiplayerMenuController.s.UpdateMenu (); } // (do NOT call PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.RealTime.LeaveRoom() here -- // you have already left the room!) }