public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt) { // create sample data Random rand = new Random(3); double[] xs = DataGen.Consecutive(201); double[] ys = DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, xs.Length); // add filled polygons plt.AddFillAboveAndBelow(xs, ys); // tighten the axis limits so we don't see lines on the edges plt.SetAxisLimits(xMin: 0, xMax: 200); }
public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt) { var rand = new Random(0); double[] ys = DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 200); double[] xs = DataGen.Consecutive(200); var sig = plt.AddSignalXY(xs, ys); sig.MarkerShape = MarkerShape.filledTriangleUp; sig.MarkerSize = 10; plt.SetAxisLimits(100, 120, 10, 15); }
public void Render(Plot plt) { plt.Colorset(Palette.Nord); plt.Title($"{plt.Colorset().Name} Colorset"); Random rand = new Random(0); plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 1000), lineWidth: 2); plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 1000), lineWidth: 2); plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 1000), lineWidth: 2); plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 1000), lineWidth: 2); plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 1000), lineWidth: 2); plt.AxisAuto(horizontalMargin: 0); }
public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt) { double[] values = DataGen.RandomWalk(100); var sig = plt.AddSignal(values); sig.YAxisIndex = 1; plt.YAxis.Ticks(false); plt.YAxis.Grid(false); plt.YAxis2.Ticks(true); plt.YAxis2.Grid(true); plt.YAxis2.Label("Value"); plt.XAxis.Label("Sample Number"); }
public void Test_LargePlot_DateTimeAxis() { Random rand = new Random(0); double[] data = DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 100_000); DateTime firstDay = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1); var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(4000, 400); plt.PlotSignal(data, sampleRate: 60 * 24, xOffset: firstDay.ToOADate()); plt.Ticks(dateTimeX: true); TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
public void Test_AxisLine_FarAwayExpandXY() { Random rand = new Random(0); var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(); var data = DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 100); plt.PlotSignal(data, xOffset: 100, yOffset: 100, label: "scatter"); plt.PlotVLine(-100, label: "vertical"); plt.PlotHLine(-100, label: "horizontal"); plt.Legend(); TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
public void Render(Plot plt) { plt.DiagnosticMode = true; // plot some valid data Random rand = new Random(0); double[] ys = DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 1000); double[] xs = DataGen.Consecutive(ys.Length); plt.PlotSignalXY(xs, ys); // modify X values so they are not all ascending xs[245] = xs[244] - 9; }
public void Render(Plot plt) { Random rand = new Random(0); int pointCount = (int)1e6; int lineCount = 5; for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) { plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, pointCount)); } plt.Title("Signal Plot Quickstart (5 million points)"); plt.YLabel("Vertical Units"); plt.XLabel("Horizontal Units"); }
public void Test_TickAlignment_SnapEdgePixel() { Random rand = new Random(0); double[] xs = DataGen.Range(0, 10, .1, true); double[] ys = DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, xs.Length, .5); var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(320, 240); plt.AddScatter(xs, ys, markerSize: 0); plt.AddScatter(ys, xs, markerSize: 0); plt.AxisAuto(0, 0); TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt) { double[] data = DataGen.RandomWalk(1000); var sig = plt.AddSignal(data); sig.FillType = FillType.FillAboveAndBelow; sig.FillColor1 = Color.Green; sig.GradientFillColor1 = Color.Green; sig.FillColor2 = Color.Red; sig.GradientFillColor2 = Color.Red; sig.BaselineY = 5; plt.AxisAutoX(0); }
private ScottPlot.Plot GetDemoPlot() { Random rand = new Random(0); var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(); plt.AddScatter(DataGen.Random(rand, 100, 20), DataGen.Random(rand, 100, 5, 3), label: "scatter1"); plt.AddSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 100), label: "signal1"); plt.AddScatter(DataGen.Random(rand, 100), ScottPlot.DataGen.Random(rand, 100), label: "scatter2"); plt.AddSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 100), label: "signal2"); plt.AddVerticalLine(43, width: 4, label: "vline"); plt.AddHorizontalLine(1.23, width: 4, label: "hline"); plt.AddText("ScottPlot", 50, 0.25); plt.Legend(); return(plt); }
public void Render(Plot plt) { plt.Style(Style.Gray1); plt.Colorset(Colorset.OneHalfDark); plt.Title($"{plt.Colorset().Name} Colorset"); Random rand = new Random(0); plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 1000), lineWidth: 2); plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 1000), lineWidth: 2); plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 1000), lineWidth: 2); plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 1000), lineWidth: 2); plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 1000), lineWidth: 2); plt.AxisAuto(horizontalMargin: 0); }
public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt) { double[] data = DataGen.RandomWalk(1000); plt.Style(Style.Gray1); var sig = plt.AddSignal(data); sig.MarkerSize = 0; sig.Color = Color.Black; sig.FillAboveAndBelow(Color.Green, Color.Transparent, Color.Transparent, Color.Red, 1); sig.BaselineY = 5; plt.Margins(x: 0); }
public void Test_LargePlot_DateTimeAxis() { Random rand = new Random(0); double[] data = DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 100_000); DateTime firstDay = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1); var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(4000, 400); var sig = plt.AddSignal(data, sampleRate: 60 * 24); sig.OffsetX = firstDay.ToOADate(); plt.XAxis.DateTimeFormat(true); TestTools.SaveFig(plt); }
public PlotInScrollViewer() { InitializeComponent(); // initialize plots with random data Random Rand = new Random(0); wpfPlot1.Plot.AddSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(Rand, 50)); wpfPlot2.Plot.AddSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(Rand, 50)); wpfPlot3.Plot.AddSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(Rand, 50)); // perform an initial render for each control wpfPlot1.Refresh(); wpfPlot2.Refresh(); wpfPlot3.Refresh(); }
public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt) { // create a small number of X/Y data points and display them Random rand = new(1234); double[] xs = DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 20); double[] ys = DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 20); // interpolate the data to create a smooth curve (double[] smoothXs, double[] smoothYs) = ScottPlot.Statistics.Interpolation.Cubic.InterpolateXY(xs, ys, 200); // plot the original vs interpolated lines plt.AddScatter(xs, ys, Color.Green, markerSize: 10, lineWidth: 1, label: "Original"); plt.AddScatter(smoothXs, smoothYs, Color.Magenta, label: "Interpolated"); plt.Legend(); }
public MouseTracker() { this.InitializeComponent(); #if DEBUG this.AttachDevTools(); #endif avaPlot1 = this.Find <AvaPlot>("avaPlot1"); avaPlot1.plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(null, 100)); vLine = avaPlot1.plt.PlotVLine(0, color: System.Drawing.Color.Red, lineStyle: LineStyle.Dash); hLine = avaPlot1.plt.PlotHLine(0, color: System.Drawing.Color.Red, lineStyle: LineStyle.Dash); avaPlot1.Render(); avaPlot1.PointerMoved += OnMouseMove; }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { vline = formsPlot1.plt.PlotVLine(1); hline = formsPlot1.plt.PlotHLine(1); formsPlot1.plt.PlotHSpan(10, 20, draggable: true); formsPlot1.plt.PlotVSpan(5, 10, draggable: true); Random rand = new Random(0); double[] xs = DataGen.Consecutive(100); double[] ys = DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 100); sph = formsPlot1.plt.PlotScatterHighlight(xs, ys); formsPlot1.Render(); }
public void Render(Plot plt) { Random rand = new Random(0); double[] data = DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 100_000); var sig = plt.PlotSignal(data); sig.minRenderIndex = 4000; sig.maxRenderIndex = 5000; sig.fillType = FillType.FillAbove; sig.fillColor1 = Color.Blue; sig.gradientFillColor1 = Color.Transparent; plt.Title($"Partial Display of a {data.Length} values using gradient fill above"); plt.YLabel("Value"); plt.XLabel("Array Index"); plt.AxisAutoX(margin: 0); }
public void Render(Plot plt) { Random rand = new Random(0); double[] ys = DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 100); double[] xs = new double[ys.Length]; DateTime dtStart = new DateTime(1985, 9, 24); for (int i = 0; i < ys.Length; i++) { DateTime dtNow = dtStart.AddSeconds(i); xs[i] = dtNow.ToOADate(); } plt.PlotScatter(xs, ys); plt.Ticks(dateTimeX: true); plt.Title("DateTime Axis Labels"); }
public PlotInScrollViewer() { InitializeComponent(); WpfPlot[] wpfPlots = { wpfPlot1, wpfPlot2, wpfPlot3 }; foreach (WpfPlot wpfPlot in wpfPlots) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { wpfPlot.Plot.AddSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 100)); } wpfPlot.Configuration.ScrollWheelZoom = false; wpfPlot.Render(); } }
private void BtnLaunchRandomWalk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int pointCount = (int)nudWalkPoints.Value; double[] randomWalkData = DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, pointCount); var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(); plt.AddSignal(randomWalkData); plt.Title($"{pointCount} Random Walk Points"); var plotViewer = new ScottPlot.Eto.PlotViewForm(plt, 500, 300, "Random Walk Data"); plotViewer.PlotView.Configuration.Quality = Control.QualityMode.High; // customize as desired plotViewer.Owner = this; // so it closes if this window closes plotViewer.Show(); // or ShowDialog() for a blocking window }
public void Render(Plot plt) { // simulate 10 seconds of audio data int pointsPerSecond = 44100; Random rand = new Random(0); double[] ys = DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, pointsPerSecond * 10); // For DateTime compatibility, sample rate must be points/day. // Also, avoid negative dates by offsetting the plot by today's date. double secondsPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60; double pointsPerDay = secondsPerDay * pointsPerSecond; double today = DateTime.Today.ToOADate(); plt.PlotSignal(ys, sampleRate: pointsPerDay, xOffset: today); plt.Ticks(dateTimeX: true, dateTimeFormatStringX: "HH:mm:ss.fff"); }
public MouseTracker() { this.InitializeComponent(); #if DEBUG this.AttachDevTools(); #endif avaPlot1 = this.Find <AvaPlot>("avaPlot1"); avaPlot1.Plot.AddSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(null, 100)); Crosshair = avaPlot1.Plot.AddCrosshair(0, 0); avaPlot1.Render(); avaPlot1.PointerMoved += OnMouseMove; avaPlot1.PointerLeave += OnMouseLeave; avaPlot1.PointerEnter += OnMouseEnter; }
public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt) { // create data sample data DateTime[] myDates = new DateTime[100]; for (int i = 0; i < myDates.Length; i++) { myDates[i] = new DateTime(1985, 9, 24).AddDays(7 * i); } // Convert DateTime[] to double[] before plotting double[] xs = myDates.Select(x => x.ToOADate()).ToArray(); double[] ys = DataGen.RandomWalk(myDates.Length); plt.AddScatter(xs, ys); // Then tell the axis to display tick labels using a time format plt.XAxis.DateTimeFormat(true); }
public void Test_Remove_RemovesSinglePlot() { var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(); Random rand = new Random(0); var barX = plt.AddPoint(111, 222, label: "X"); var sigA = plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 100), label: "A"); var sigB = plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 100), label: "B"); var sigC = plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 100), label: "C"); var sigD = plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 100), label: "D"); var sigE = plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 100), label: "E"); var barY = plt.AddPoint(111, 222, label: "Y"); Assert.AreEqual("X,A,B,C,D,E,Y", GetLegendLabels(plt)); plt.Remove(sigC); Assert.AreEqual("X,A,B,D,E,Y", GetLegendLabels(plt)); }
private void btnLaunchRandomWalk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int pointCount = (int)nudWalkPoints.Value; double[] randomWalkData = DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, pointCount); var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(); plt.PlotSignal(randomWalkData); plt.Title($"{pointCount} Random Walk Points"); var plotViewer = new ScottPlot.FormsPlotViewer(plt, 500, 300, "Random Walk Data"); plotViewer.Owner = this; // so it closes if this window closes plotViewer.formsPlot1.Configure(lowQualityWhileDragging: false); // customize as desired plotViewer.Show(); // or ShowDialog() for a blocking window }
public void Test_Remove_RemovesSinglePlot() { var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(); Random rand = new Random(0); var barX = plt.PlotPoint(111, 222, label: "X"); var sigA = plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 100), label: "A"); var sigB = plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 100), label: "B"); var sigC = plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 100), label: "C"); var sigD = plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 100), label: "D"); var sigE = plt.PlotSignal(DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, 100), label: "E"); var barY = plt.PlotPoint(111, 222, label: "Y"); Assert.AreEqual("X,A,B,C,D,E,Y", string.Join(",", plt.GetPlottables().Select(x => x.GetLegendItems()[0].label))); plt.Remove(sigC); Assert.AreEqual("X,A,B,D,E,Y", string.Join(",", plt.GetPlottables().Select(x => x.GetLegendItems()[0].label))); }
public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt) { int pointCount = 20; Random rand = new Random(0); double[] xs = DataGen.Consecutive(pointCount); double[] ys = DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, pointCount); double[] xErr = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount, .2); double[] yErr = DataGen.RandomNormal(rand, pointCount); var sp = plt.AddScatter(xs, ys); sp.XError = xErr; sp.YError = yErr; sp.ErrorCapSize = 3; sp.ErrorLineWidth = 1; sp.LineStyle = LineStyle.Dot; }
public void ExecuteRecipe(Plot plt) { // generate 10 days of data int pointCount = 10; double[] values = DataGen.RandomWalk(null, pointCount); double[] days = new double[pointCount]; DateTime day1 = new DateTime(1985, 09, 24); for (int i = 0; i < days.Length; i++) { days[i] = day1.AddDays(1).AddDays(i).ToOADate(); } // plot the data with custom tick format ( plt.AddScatter(days, values); plt.XAxis.TickLabelFormat("M\\/dd", dateTimeFormat: true); }