        /// <summary>
        /// Process the Properties on a Type of a Section property.
        /// </summary>
        private static void ProcessSectionProperties(DataEntrySection dataEntrySection, Type sectionType, string parentSubSectionName, string parentPath, string implementation)
            foreach (var property in sectionType.GetProperties())
                // Inspect the Property
                var    propertyType = property.PropertyType;
                var    fieldAttr    = GetFieldAttribute(property);
                var    propertyTypeDataContractAttr = GetDataContractAttribute(propertyType);
                var    subsectionAttr = GetSubSectionAttribute(property);
                var    isCodeValue    = propertyType == typeof(CodeValue);
                string subSection     = null;

                // If a SubSection is specified and we aren't already processing a SubSection.
                if (subsectionAttr != null && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parentSubSectionName))
                    subSection = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subsectionAttr.Name)
                        ? property.Name.ToEnglish()
                        : subsectionAttr.Name;

                // If the property is attributed as a Field
                if (fieldAttr != null)
                    ProcessSectionField(dataEntrySection, property, fieldAttr, parentSubSectionName ?? subSection, parentPath, implementation);

                // If the property type is a DataContract Process its properties.  // Hack: Skip Code Values that have not been propperly attributed
                if (propertyTypeDataContractAttr != null && !isCodeValue)
                    // Process the Properties of the DataContract type
                    ProcessSectionProperties(dataEntrySection, propertyType, parentSubSectionName ?? subSection, BuildPath(parentPath, property.Name), implementation);
        public void CreateExtendedField()
            var agencyId = Guid.NewGuid();

            dataEntrySectionObj = new DataEntrySection();
            var result = dataEntrySectionObj.CreateConcreteField("data", "", ControlType.Dropdown);
 /// <summary>
 /// Inject DataEntrySection Metadata into a Section DTO.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dto"></param>
 /// <param name="meta"></param>
 private void InjectMetadata(DTO.Section dto, DataEntrySection meta)
     dto.IsCollection = meta.IsCollection;
     dto.Name         = meta.Name;
     dto.Path         = meta.Path;
     dto.SectionType  = meta.SectionType;
        private void UpdateMetadata(DataEntrySection sourceSection, DataEntrySection destinationSection)
            destinationSection.Description  = sourceSection.Description;
            destinationSection.IsCollection = sourceSection.IsCollection;
            destinationSection.Label        = sourceSection.Label;
            destinationSection.Name         = sourceSection.Name;
            destinationSection.OrderBy      = sourceSection.OrderBy;
            destinationSection.Path         = sourceSection.Path; // This is how we matched sections so they should already be the same.
            destinationSection.PropertyName = sourceSection.PropertyName;
            destinationSection.SectionType  = sourceSection.SectionType;
            destinationSection.TypeName     = sourceSection.TypeName;

            // Fields to Update
            var fieldsToUpdate = sourceSection.Fields.Where(x => destinationSection.Fields.Any(y => y.Path == x.Path)).ToList();

            fieldsToUpdate.ForEach(sourceField =>
                var destinationField = destinationSection.Fields.First(x => x.Path == sourceField.Path);
                UpdateMetadata(sourceField, destinationField);

            // Field to Add
            var fieldsToAdd = sourceSection.Fields.Where(x => destinationSection.Fields.All(y => y.Path != x.Path)).ToList();

        /// <summary>
        /// Load the information in the DataEntrySection into a Template Section.
        /// </summary>
        private static void LoadFromMeta(Section section, DataEntrySection dataEntrySection)
            section.Description = dataEntrySection.Description;
            section.Label       = dataEntrySection.Label;
            section.MaxCount    = 0; // Currently Only Limited in the Designer.
            section.OrderBy     = dataEntrySection.OrderBy;

            foreach (var fieldGroup in dataEntrySection.Fields.GroupBy(x => x.SubSectionName))
                var subSection = fieldGroup.Key == null ? null : section.CreateSubSection(fieldGroup.Key);
                foreach (var dataEntryField in fieldGroup.OrderBy(x => x.OrderBy))
                    var field = section.CreateField(dataEntryField.Id, dataEntryField.Label, subSection);
                    //field.AgencyValidation = Agency Validation is not part of the Metadata
                    field.ColumnSpan            = dataEntryField.ColumnSpan;
                    field.DefaultValue          = dataEntryField.DefaultValue;
                    field.Description           = dataEntryField.Description;
                    field.Label                 = dataEntryField.Label;
                    field.MasterIndexSearchable = dataEntryField.MasterIndexSearchable; // This Shouldn't be in the Template
                    field.OrderBy               = dataEntryField.OrderBy;
                    field.ReportDisplayType     = FieldReportDisplayType.Unset;
                    field.SetCurrentDate        = dataEntryField.SetCurrentDate; // This Shouldn't be in the Meta?
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the Layout Information for a Section.
        /// </summary>
        private SectionLayout GetSectionLayout(Section section, DataEntrySection dataEntrySection)
            // Create the Section Layout
            var sectionLayout =
                new SectionLayout()
                // The Name is what is Used to correlate sections across systems.
                // This is because the metadata has different IDs across all systems.
                DataEntrySectionName = dataEntrySection.Name,
                Description          = section.Description,
                Fields      = new List <FieldLayout>(),
                Label       = section.Label,
                OrderBy     = section.OrderBy,
                SubSections = new List <SubSectionLayout>()

            // Process SubSections
            foreach (var subSection in section.SubSections)
                sectionLayout.SubSections.Add(GetSubSectionLayout(subSection, dataEntrySection));

            // Process Fields
            foreach (var field in section.Fields)
                // Lookup the SubSection Name
                var subSectionName = field.SubSectionId == Guid.Empty ? null : section.GetSubSection(field.SubSectionId).Label;
                // Lookup the Metadata
                var dataEntryField = dataEntrySection.GetField(field.DataEntryFieldId);
                // Get the Field Layout.
                sectionLayout.Fields.Add(GetFieldLayout(field, dataEntryField, subSectionName));

 /// <summary>
 /// Get the Layout information for a SubSection.
 /// </summary>
 private SubSectionLayout GetSubSectionLayout(SubSection subSection, DataEntrySection dataEntrySection)
     return(new SubSectionLayout
         Label = subSection.Label,
         OrderBy = subSection.OrderBy
        public void GetField()
            var agencyId = Guid.NewGuid();

            dataEntrySectionObj = new DataEntrySection();
            var result = dataEntrySectionObj.GetField("data", FieldType.Unset);

        public void CreateExtendedField_1()
            var agencyId = Guid.NewGuid();

            dataEntrySectionObj = new DataEntrySection();
            var result = dataEntrySectionObj.CreateExtendedField("data", "data", ControlType.Dropdown);

 private static void BuildFields(Section section, DataEntrySection dataEntrySection)
     foreach (var dataEntryField in dataEntrySection.Fields.OrderBy(x => x.OrderBy))
         var field = section.CreateField(dataEntryField.Name, dataEntryField.Path, dataEntryField.FieldType, dataEntryField.ControlType);
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataEntryField.Label))
             field.Label = dataEntryField.Label;
         field.OrderBy    = dataEntryField.OrderBy;
         field.Category   = dataEntryField.Category;
         field.ColumnSpan = dataEntryField.ColumnSpan;
 public void ClassLevelSetUp()
     _metadataUnitOfWork            = new Mock <IMetadataUnitOfWork>();
     _dataEntryMetadataQueryService = new DataEntryMetadataQueryService(_metadataUnitOfWork.Object, Mock.Of <ILog>(), Mock.Of <IServiceAuthorizationPolicy>(), Mock.Of <IServiceIdentityProvider>());
     _dataEntrySection = new DataEntrySection
         Description  = "Description",
         IsCollection = true,
         Label        = "Label",
         Name         = "Name",
         Path         = "path",
         TypeName     = "Type Name",
         PropertyName = "Property Name",
         SectionType  = SectionType.Drug,
         OrderBy      = 1
        private static void ProcessDataContractSections(DataEntryContract contract, Type type, string implementation)
            foreach (var property in type.GetProperties())
                // Get the type of the Section
                var sectionType = PropertyTypeIsCollectionOfSections(property) ? GenericParameterType(property.PropertyType) : property.PropertyType;

                // Get the Section Attribute from the Property Type
                var sectionAttribute = GetSectionAttribute(sectionType);

                // Only Process Section Types
                if (sectionAttribute == null)

                // Get the Section Attribute
                var sectionAttr = GetSectionAttribute(sectionType);
                // If the property is not a section continue
                if (sectionAttr == null)

                // Create a DataEntrySection
                var dataEntrySection = new DataEntrySection()
                    OrderBy      = contract.Sections.Count,
                    Name         = property.Name,
                    Path         = property.Name.ToPascalCase(),
                    Label        = GetLabel(property) ?? property.Name.ToEnglish(),
                    Description  = GetDescription(sectionType),
                    IsCollection = IsCollection(property.PropertyType),
                    PropertyName = property.Name,
                    SectionType  = sectionAttr.SectionType,
                    TypeName     = sectionType.FullName

                // Add the section to the contract

                // Process the properties on the Section's Type.
                ProcessSectionProperties(dataEntrySection, sectionType, null, null, implementation);
        public void CreateCustomField()
            var metadataUnitOfWork = new Mock <IMetadataUnitOfWork>();
            var dataEntryMetadataCommandService = new DataEntryMetadataCommandService(metadataUnitOfWork.Object, Mock.Of <ILog>(), Mock.Of <IServiceAuthorizationPolicy>(), Mock.Of <IServiceIdentityProvider>());

            var dataEntrySection = new DataEntrySection();

            metadataUnitOfWork.Setup(mock => mock.Find <DataEntrySection>(It.IsAny <Guid>(), TrackingMode.Automatic, ThrowIf.Anything)).Returns(dataEntrySection);

            var customDataEntryFieldDetails = new DTO.CustomDataEntryFieldDetails();

            customDataEntryFieldDetails.Name        = "Custom Field";
            customDataEntryFieldDetails.ControlType = ControlType.Text;

            var customFieldId = dataEntryMetadataCommandService.CreateCustomField(It.IsAny <Guid>(), It.IsAny <Guid>(), customDataEntryFieldDetails);

        private static void ProcessSectionFields(DataEntrySection sectionContract, SectionAttribute sectionAttribute, Type sectionType)
            // Get the Section Properties
            foreach (var property in sectionType.GetProperties())
                var fieldAttribute      = GetFieldAttribute(property);
                var fieldGroupAttribute = GetFieldGroupAttribute(property.PropertyType);
                if (fieldAttribute != null && fieldGroupAttribute == null) // Regular Field
                    ProcessField(sectionContract, property, fieldAttribute);

                if (fieldGroupAttribute != null)
                    ProcessFieldGroup(sectionContract, property, fieldGroupAttribute, property.Name.ToPascalCase());
        private static void ProcessSectionProperty(DataEntryContract contract, PropertyInfo property, Type sectionType, SectionAttribute sectionAttribute)
            // Create the Section Metadata
            var sectionContract = new DataEntrySection()
                OrderBy       = contract.Sections.Count,
                Name          = property.Name,
                Path          = property.Name.ToPascalCase(),
                Label         = GetLabel(property) ?? MakeEnglish(property.Name),
                Description   = GetDescription(sectionType),
                AllowMultiple = IsCollection(property.PropertyType),
                PropertyName  = property.Name,
                SectionType   = sectionAttribute.SectionType,
                TypeName      = sectionType.FullName

            // Process the Field Metadata
            ProcessSectionFields(sectionContract, sectionAttribute, sectionType);
 private static void ProcessField(DataEntrySection sectionContract, PropertyInfo property, FieldAttribute fieldAttribute, string parentPath = null)
     sectionContract.Fields.Add(new DataEntryField()
         OrderBy     = sectionContract.Fields.Count,
         Category    = GetCategory(property),
         ColumnSpan  = fieldAttribute.ColumnSpan,
         ControlType = fieldAttribute.ControlType != ControlType.Unset
                                        ? fieldAttribute.ControlType
                                        : GetDefaultControlType(property.PropertyType),
         DefaultMask  = GetMask(property),
         DefaultValue = GetDefaultValue(property),
         FieldType    = FieldType.Concrete,
         Description  = GetDescription(property),
         MaxLength    = GetMaxLength(property),
         Name         = property.Name,
         Label        = GetLabel(property) ?? property.Name,
         Path         = BuildPath(parentPath, property.Name)
        private static void ProcessFieldGroup(DataEntrySection sectionContract, PropertyInfo property, FieldGroupAttribute fieldGroupAttribute, string parentPath = null)
            var propertyType = property.PropertyType;

            foreach (var groupProperty in propertyType.GetProperties())
                var childFieldGroupAttribute = GetFieldGroupAttribute(groupProperty.PropertyType);
                if (childFieldGroupAttribute == null)
                    // Property is a Field
                    var fieldAttribute = GetFieldAttribute(groupProperty);
                    if (fieldAttribute != null) // But Make Sure
                        ProcessField(sectionContract, groupProperty, fieldAttribute, parentPath);
                    // Property is a Field Group
                    ProcessFieldGroup(sectionContract, groupProperty, childFieldGroupAttribute, BuildPath(parentPath, groupProperty.Name));
        /// <summary>
        /// Process a Field Property of a DataEntrySection
        /// </summary>
        private static void ProcessSectionField(DataEntrySection dataEntrySection, PropertyInfo property, FieldAttribute fieldAttr, string subSectionName, string parentPath, string implementation)
            var name        = property.Name;
            var controlType = fieldAttr.ControlType != ControlType.Unset
                ? fieldAttr.ControlType
                : GetDefaultControlType(property.PropertyType);
            var path = BuildPath(parentPath, name);

            // Create a New Concrete Field
            var field = dataEntrySection.CreateConcreteField(property.Name, path, controlType);

            // Set new Field Properties
            field.SubSectionName        = subSectionName;
            field.OrderBy               = dataEntrySection.Fields.Count;
            field.Cascades              = GetCascades(property);
            field.Category              = GetCategory(property, implementation);
            field.ColumnSpan            = fieldAttr.ColumnSpan;
            field.DefaultMask           = GetMask(property);
            field.DefaultValue          = GetDefaultValue(property);
            field.Description           = GetDescription(property);
            field.MaxLength             = GetMaxLength(property);
            field.Label                 = GetLabel(property) ?? property.Name;
            field.MasterIndexSearchable = GetMasterIndexSearchable(property);
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply Layout Information to an Existing Section.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sectionLayout">The Section Layout Information.</param>
        /// <param name="section">The Section to apply the layout to.</param>
        /// <param name="sectionMetadata">Local Metadata for the Section.</param>
        private void ApplySectionLayout(SectionLayout sectionLayout, Section section, DataEntrySection sectionMetadata)
            // Load the Section Information
            section.Description = sectionLayout.Description;
            section.OrderBy     = sectionLayout.OrderBy;

            // Process SubSections
            foreach (var subSectionLayout in sectionLayout.SubSections)
                // Make sure the SubSections Exist
                if (section.GetSubSection(subSectionLayout.Label) == null)

            // Process Fields
            foreach (var fieldLayout in sectionLayout.Fields)
                // Find the appropriate SubSection if any.
                var subSection = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fieldLayout.SubSectionName) ? null : section.GetSubSection(fieldLayout.SubSectionName);

                // Lookup the Field Metadata
                var fieldMeta = sectionMetadata.GetFieldByPath(fieldLayout.Path);

                if (fieldMeta == null)
                    _log.Error("WARNING: No Metadata can be found in Section {0} for field with path {1}!", section.Label, fieldLayout.Path);

                // Find or Create the Field
                var field = section.GetFieldByMetaId(fieldMeta.Id) ??
                            section.CreateField(fieldMeta.Id, fieldLayout.Label, subSection);

                // Load the Layout Information into the Field.
                field.AgencyValidation      = fieldLayout.AgencyValidation;
                field.ColumnSpan            = fieldLayout.ColumnSpan;
                field.DefaultValue          = fieldLayout.DefaultValue;
                field.Description           = fieldLayout.Description;
                field.Label                 = fieldLayout.Label;
                field.MasterIndexSearchable = fieldMeta.MasterIndexSearchable; // Pulled From Meta (This should be injected at runtime instead).
                field.OrderBy               = fieldLayout.OrderBy;
                // field.ReportDisplayType =  This is not yet supported in the Layout.
                field.SetCurrentDate = fieldMeta.SetCurrentDate; // This is pulled from the Meta, This should have been part of DefaultValue.