public static ProductsModel GetRandomPro() { ProductsModel pro = new ProductsModel(); try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { var items = (from temp in dc.Products select temp); int count = items.Count(); // 1st round-trip int index = new Random().Next(count); Product i = items.Skip(index).FirstOrDefault(); ProductsModel p = new ProductsModel(i.Id, i.Header, i.Name, i.Descrition, i.Price, i.Link_Image_Small, i.Link_Image, i.Creater, i.CreateDate, i.Modifier, i.ModifyDate); pro = p; } return pro; } catch (Exception) { return pro; } }
public static int Insert(UserLogsModel model) { try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { User_Log newItem = new User_Log(); newItem.ID = model.ID; newItem.Functions = model.Functions; newItem.ItemID = model.ItemID; newItem.UserID = model.UserID; newItem.UserName = model.UserName; newItem.Creater = model.Creater; newItem.CreateDate = model.CreateDate; dc.User_Logs.InsertOnSubmit(newItem); dc.SubmitChanges(); } return 1; } catch (Exception) { return 0; } }
public static int Insert(ProductsModel model) { try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { Product newItem = new Product(); newItem.Id = model.ID; newItem.Header = model.Header; newItem.Descrition = model.Descrition; newItem.Name = model.Name; newItem.Link_Image = model.Link_Image; newItem.Link_Image_Small = model.Link_Image_Small; newItem.Price = model.Price; newItem.Creater = model.Creater; newItem.CreateDate = model.CreateDate; newItem.Modifier = model.Modifier; newItem.ModifyDate = model.ModifyDate; dc.Products.InsertOnSubmit(newItem); dc.SubmitChanges(); } return 1; } catch (Exception) { return 0; } }
public static int Insert(NewsModel model) { try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { New newItem = new New(); newItem.Id = model.ID; newItem.Title = model.Title; newItem.Header = model.Header; newItem.Contents = model.Contents; newItem.Author = model.Author; newItem.Link_Image = model.Link_Image; newItem.Link_Image_Small = model.Link_Image_Small; newItem.Type_News = model.Type_News; newItem.Poster = model.Poster; newItem.PosterID = model.PosterID; newItem.Creater = model.Creater; newItem.CreateDate = model.CreateDate; newItem.Modifier = model.Modifier; newItem.ModifyDate = model.ModifyDate; dc.News.InsertOnSubmit(newItem); dc.SubmitChanges(); } return 1; } catch (Exception) { return 0; } }
public static int Insert(EmployeeModel model) { try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { Employee emp = new Employee(); emp.Id = model.ID; emp.EmployeeName = model.EmployeeName; emp.Username = model.Username; emp.Password = model.Password; emp.Creater = model.Creater; emp.CreateDate = model.CreateDate; emp.Modifier = model.Modifier; emp.ModifyDate = model.ModifyDate; dc.Employees.InsertOnSubmit(emp); dc.SubmitChanges(); } return 1; } catch (Exception) { return 0; } }
/// <summary> /// Insert new Item for Solutions. /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static int Insert(SolutionsModel model) { try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { Solution newItem = new Solution(); newItem.ID = model.ID; newItem.Name = model.Name; newItem.Header = model.Header; newItem.Contents = model.Contents; newItem.Link_Image = model.Link_Image; newItem.Link_Image_Small = model.Link_Image_Small; newItem.Type_Solution = model.Type_Solution; newItem.Creater = model.Creater; newItem.CreateDate = model.CreateDate; newItem.Modifier = model.Modifier; newItem.ModifyDate = model.ModifyDate; dc.Solutions.InsertOnSubmit(newItem); dc.SubmitChanges(); } return 1; } catch (Exception) { return 0; } }
public static EmployeeModel SelectOne(EmployeeModel model) { try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { Employee item = dc.Employees.Where(a => a.Id == model.ID).SingleOrDefault(); return new EmployeeModel(item.Id, item.EmployeeName, item.RoleId.ToString(), item.Username, item.Password, item.Creater, item.CreateDate, item.Modifier, item.ModifyDate); } } catch (Exception) { return new EmployeeModel(); } }
/// <summary> /// Get max view of Services. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static int getMaxView() { try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { var maxValue = dc.Services.Max(s => s.ServiceView); return (int)maxValue; } } catch (Exception) { return 0; } }
public static int Delete(Employee model) { try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { Employee deleteItem = dc.Employees.Where(a => a.Id == model.Id).SingleOrDefault(); dc.Employees.DeleteOnSubmit(deleteItem); dc.SubmitChanges(); } return 1; } catch (Exception) { return 0; } }
public static int Delete(NewsModel model) { try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { New delItem = dc.News.Where(a => a.Id == model.ID).SingleOrDefault(); dc.News.DeleteOnSubmit(delItem); dc.SubmitChanges(); } return 1; } catch (Exception) { return 0; } }
/// <summary> /// Get News base on CatID /// </summary> /// <param name="CatID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static List<NewsModel> SelectAll(string CatID) { List<NewsModel> lst = new List<NewsModel>(); try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { var items = from temp in dc.News where temp.CatID == CatID select temp; foreach (var i in items) { NewsModel n = new NewsModel(i.Id, i.Header, i.Contents, i.Author, i.Type_News, i.Link_Image_Small, i.Link_Image, i.Poster, i.PosterID, i.Creater, i.CreateDate, i.Modifier, i.ModifyDate, i.Title); lst.Add(n); } } return lst; } catch (Exception) { return lst; } }
public static int Update(Employee model) { try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { Employee changeItem = dc.Employees.Where(a => a.Id == model.Id).SingleOrDefault(); changeItem.EmployeeName = model.EmployeeName; changeItem.Modifier = model.Modifier; changeItem.ModifyDate = model.ModifyDate; dc.SubmitChanges(); } return 1; } catch (Exception) { return 0; } }
public static int Update(NewsModel model) { try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { New changeItem = dc.News.Where(a => a.Id == model.ID).SingleOrDefault(); changeItem.Header = model.Header; changeItem.Title = model.Title; changeItem.Contents = model.Contents; changeItem.Author = model.Author; changeItem.Type_News = model.Type_News; changeItem.Link_Image = model.Link_Image; changeItem.Link_Image_Small = model.Link_Image_Small; changeItem.ModifyDate = model.ModifyDate; changeItem.Modifier = model.Modifier; changeItem.PosterID = model.PosterID; changeItem.Poster = model.Poster; dc.SubmitChanges(); } return 1; } catch (Exception) { return 0; } }
/// <summary> /// Select top Like service. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static ServicesModel SelectTopLikeService() { try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { ServicesModel s = null; var items = (from sv in dc.Services select sv); int count = items.Count(); // 1st round-trip int index = new Random().Next(count); var result = items.Skip(index).Take(1); foreach (var i in result) { s = new ServicesModel(i.Id, i.Header, i.Name, i.Descrition, i.Price, i.Link_Image_Small, i.Link_Image, i.Type_Services, i.Creater, i.CreateDate, i.Modifier, i.ModifyDate); } return s; } } catch (Exception) { return new ServicesModel(); } }
public static NewsModel SelectOne(NewsModel model) { try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { New i = dc.News.Where(a => a.Id == model.ID).SingleOrDefault(); return new NewsModel(i.Id, i.Header, i.Contents, i.Author, i.Type_News, i.Link_Image_Small, i.Link_Image, i.Poster, i.PosterID, i.Creater, i.CreateDate, i.Modifier, i.ModifyDate, i.Title); } } catch (Exception) { return new NewsModel(); } }
public static int Update(ProductsModel model) { try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { Product changeItem = dc.Products.Where(a => a.Id == model.ID).SingleOrDefault(); changeItem.Header = model.Header; changeItem.Name = model.Name; changeItem.Price = model.Price; changeItem.Descrition = model.Descrition; changeItem.Link_Image = model.Link_Image; changeItem.Link_Image_Small = model.Link_Image_Small; changeItem.ModifyDate = model.ModifyDate; changeItem.Modifier = model.Modifier; dc.SubmitChanges(); } return 1; } catch (Exception) { return 0; } }
/// <summary> /// Select top view service. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static ServicesModel SelectTopViewService() { try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { ServicesModel s = null; var items = dc.Services.Where(a => a.ServiceView == getMaxView()).Take(1); foreach (var i in items) { s = new ServicesModel(i.Id, i.Header, i.Name, i.Descrition, i.Price, i.Link_Image_Small, i.Link_Image, i.Type_Services, i.Creater, i.CreateDate, i.Modifier, i.ModifyDate); } return s; } } catch (Exception) { return new ServicesModel(); } }
public static ProductsModel SelectOne(ProductsModel model) { try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { Product i = dc.Products.Where(a => a.Id == model.ID).SingleOrDefault(); return new ProductsModel(i.Id, i.Header, i.Name, i.Descrition, i.Price, i.Link_Image_Small, i.Link_Image, i.Creater, i.CreateDate, i.Modifier, i.ModifyDate); } } catch (Exception) { return new ProductsModel(); } }
/// <summary> /// Select top product to view in default page. /// </summary> /// <param name="top"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static List<ProductsModel> SelectTopProduct(int top) { List<ProductsModel> lst = new List<ProductsModel>(); try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { var items = (from temp in dc.Products select temp).Take(top); foreach (var i in items) { ProductsModel n = new ProductsModel(i.Id, i.Header, i.Name, i.Descrition, i.Price, i.Link_Image_Small, i.Link_Image, i.Creater, i.CreateDate, i.Modifier, i.ModifyDate); lst.Add(n); } } return lst; } catch (Exception) { return lst; } }
/// <summary> /// Update ServiceView when user click to Service item. /// </summary> /// <param name="Id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static int UpdateView(string Id) { try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { Service changeItem = dc.Services.Where(s => s.Id == Id).SingleOrDefault(); changeItem.ServiceView = changeItem.ServiceView + 1; dc.SubmitChanges(); } return 1; } catch (Exception) { return 0; } }
/// <summary> /// Get all Solution Item. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static List<SolutionsModel> SelectAll() { List<SolutionsModel> lst = new List<SolutionsModel>(); try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { var items = from temp in dc.Solutions select temp; foreach (var i in items) { SolutionsModel n = new SolutionsModel(i.ID, i.Name, i.Header, i.Contents, i.Link_Image_Small, i.Link_Image, i.Type_Solution, i.Creater, i.CreateDate, i.Modifier, i.ModifyDate); lst.Add(n); } } return lst; } catch (Exception) { return lst; } }
/// <summary> /// Update new information for Solution Item /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static int Update(SolutionsModel model) { try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { Solution changeItem = dc.Solutions.Where(a => a.ID == model.ID).SingleOrDefault(); changeItem.Header = model.Header; changeItem.Name = model.Name; changeItem.Contents = model.Contents; changeItem.Type_Solution = model.Type_Solution; changeItem.Link_Image = model.Link_Image; changeItem.Link_Image_Small = model.Link_Image_Small; changeItem.ModifyDate = model.ModifyDate; changeItem.Modifier = model.Modifier; dc.SubmitChanges(); } return 1; } catch (Exception) { return 0; } }
public static List<SolutionsModel> SelectTopService(string catID, int top) { List<SolutionsModel> lst = new List<SolutionsModel>(); try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { var items = (from temp in dc.Solutions where temp.Type_Solution == catID.ToCharArray()[0] select temp).Take(top); foreach (var i in items) { SolutionsModel n = new SolutionsModel(i.ID, i.Name, i.Header, i.Contents, i.Link_Image_Small, i.Link_Image, i.Type_Solution, i.Creater, i.CreateDate, i.Modifier, i.ModifyDate); lst.Add(n); } } return lst; } catch (Exception) { return lst; } }
/// <summary> /// get one Solution Item. /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static SolutionsModel SelectOne(SolutionsModel model) { try { using (DataContentDataContext dc = new DataContentDataContext()) { Solution i = dc.Solutions.Where(a => a.ID == model.ID).SingleOrDefault(); return new SolutionsModel(i.ID, i.Name, i.Header, i.Contents, i.Link_Image_Small, i.Link_Image, i.Type_Solution, i.Creater, i.CreateDate, i.Modifier, i.ModifyDate); } } catch (Exception) { return new SolutionsModel(); } }