public DataAttribute storeDomainConstraint(DomainConstraintModel constraintModel) { DataContainerManager dcManager = null; try { dcManager = new DataContainerManager(); DataAttribute dataAttribute = dcManager.DataAttributeRepo.Get(constraintModel.AttributeId); List <DomainItem> items = new List <DomainItem>(); if (constraintModel.Terms != null && constraintModel.Terms.Trim() != "") { items = createDomainItems(constraintModel.Terms.Trim()); } if (items.Any()) { if (constraintModel.Id == 0) { DomainConstraint constraint = new DomainConstraint(ConstraintProviderSource.Internal, "", AppConfiguration.Culture.Name, constraintModel.Description, constraintModel.Negated, null, null, null, items); dcManager.AddConstraint(constraint, dataAttribute); } else { DomainConstraint temp = new DomainConstraint(); for (int i = 0; i < dataAttribute.Constraints.Count; i++) { if (dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i).Id == constraintModel.Id) { temp = (DomainConstraint)dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i); temp.Materialize(); temp.Description = constraintModel.Description; temp.Negated = constraintModel.Negated; temp.Items = items; dcManager.AddConstraint(temp, dataAttribute); break; } } } } return(dataAttribute); } finally { dcManager.Dispose(); } }
public void CreateDomainConstraint(ResourceStructureAttribute attr, List <DomainItem> domainItems) { using (DataContainerManager dcManager = new DataContainerManager()) { DomainConstraint c3 = new DomainConstraint(ConstraintProviderSource.Internal, "", "en-US", "a simple domain validation constraint", false, null, null, null, domainItems); dcManager.AddConstraint(c3, attr); } }
public DataAttribute storeRangeConstraint(RangeConstraintModel constraintModel) { DataContainerManager dcManager = null; try { dcManager = new DataContainerManager(); DataAttribute dataAttribute = dcManager.DataAttributeRepo.Get(constraintModel.AttributeId); if (constraintModel.Max != 0 || constraintModel.Min != 0) { if (constraintModel.Id == 0) { RangeConstraint constraint = new RangeConstraint(ConstraintProviderSource.Internal, "", AppConfiguration.Culture.Name, constraintModel.Description, constraintModel.Negated, null, null, null, constraintModel.Min, constraintModel.MinInclude, constraintModel.Max, constraintModel.MaxInclude); dcManager.AddConstraint(constraint, dataAttribute); } else { for (int i = 0; i < dataAttribute.Constraints.Count; i++) { if (dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i).Id == constraintModel.Id) { ((RangeConstraint)dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i)).Description = constraintModel.Description; ((RangeConstraint)dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i)).Negated = constraintModel.Negated; ((RangeConstraint)dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i)).Lowerbound = constraintModel.Min; ((RangeConstraint)dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i)).LowerboundIncluded = constraintModel.MinInclude; ((RangeConstraint)dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i)).Upperbound = constraintModel.Max; ((RangeConstraint)dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i)).UpperboundIncluded = constraintModel.MaxInclude; break; } } } } return(dataAttribute); } finally { dcManager.Dispose(); } }
public DataAttribute storePatternConstraint(PatternConstraintModel constraintModel) { DataContainerManager dcManager = null; try { dcManager = new DataContainerManager(); DataAttribute dataAttribute = dcManager.DataAttributeRepo.Get(constraintModel.AttributeId); if (constraintModel.MatchingPhrase != null && constraintModel.MatchingPhrase != "") { if (constraintModel.Id == 0) { PatternConstraint constraint = new PatternConstraint(ConstraintProviderSource.Internal, "", AppConfiguration.Culture.Name, constraintModel.Description, constraintModel.Negated, null, null, null, constraintModel.MatchingPhrase, false); dcManager.AddConstraint(constraint, dataAttribute); } else { for (int i = 0; i < dataAttribute.Constraints.Count; i++) { if (dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i).Id == constraintModel.Id) { ((PatternConstraint)dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i)).Description = constraintModel.Description; ((PatternConstraint)dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i)).Negated = constraintModel.Negated; ((PatternConstraint)dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i)).MatchingPhrase = constraintModel.MatchingPhrase; break; } } } } return(dataAttribute); } finally { dcManager.Dispose(); } }
public void GenerateSeedData() { #region ENTITIES List <EntityStruct> entities = new List <EntityStruct>(); entities.Add(new EntityStruct("SingleResource", typeof(SingleResource), typeof(BExIS.Rbm.Services.Resource.SingleResourceStore))); entities.Add(new EntityStruct("ResourceStructure", typeof(ResourceStructure), typeof(BExIS.Rbm.Services.ResourceStructure.ResourceStructureStore))); entities.Add(new EntityStruct("ResourceStructureAttribute", typeof(ResourceStructureAttribute), typeof(BExIS.Rbm.Services.ResourceStructure.ResourceStructureAttributeStore))); entities.Add(new EntityStruct("Activity", typeof(Activity), typeof(BExIS.Rbm.Services.Booking.ActivityStore))); entities.Add(new EntityStruct("BookingEvent", typeof(BookingEvent), typeof(BExIS.Rbm.Services.Booking.BookingEventStore))); entities.Add(new EntityStruct("Notification", typeof(Notification), typeof(BExIS.Rbm.Services.Booking.NotificationStore))); entities.Add(new EntityStruct("Schedule", typeof(Schedule), typeof(BExIS.Rbm.Services.Booking.ScheduleStore))); Dictionary <string, Type> rbmEntities = new Dictionary <string, Type>(); rbmEntities.Add("SingleResource", typeof(SingleResource)); rbmEntities.Add("ResourceStructure", typeof(ResourceStructure)); rbmEntities.Add("ResourceStructureAttribute", typeof(ResourceStructureAttribute)); rbmEntities.Add("Activity", typeof(Activity)); rbmEntities.Add("BookingEvent", typeof(BookingEvent)); rbmEntities.Add("Notification", typeof(Notification)); rbmEntities.Add("Schedule", typeof(Schedule)); using (var entityManager = new EntityManager()) { foreach (var et in entities) { Entity entity = entityManager.Entities.Where(e => e.Name.ToUpperInvariant() == et.Name.ToUpperInvariant()).FirstOrDefault(); if (entity == null) { entity = new Entity(); entity.Name = et.Name; entity.EntityType = et.Type; entity.EntityStoreType = et.StoreType; //entity.UseMetadata = true; entity.Securable = true; entityManager.Create(entity); } } } try { ResourceStructureAttribute rsa = new ResourceStructureAttribute(); using (var rsaManager = new ResourceStructureAttributeManager()) rsa = rsaManager.CreateResourceStructureAttribute("Exploratory", "Biodiversity Exploratories funded by DFG Priority Programme 1374. They serve as open research platform for all biodiversity and ecosystem research groups of Germany."); var dcManager = new DataContainerManager(); string[] keys = { "Hainich-Dün", "Schorfheide-Chorin", "Schwäbische Alb" }; List <DomainItem> domainItems = CreateDomainItems(keys); DomainConstraint dc = new DomainConstraint(ConstraintProviderSource.Internal, "", "en-US", "a simple domain validation constraint", false, null, null, null, domainItems); dcManager.AddConstraint(dc, rsa); ResourceStructureAttribute rsa2 = new ResourceStructureAttribute(); using (var rsaManager2 = new ResourceStructureAttributeManager()) rsa2 = rsaManager2.CreateResourceStructureAttribute("Type", "Type of resource."); var dcManager2 = new DataContainerManager(); string[] keys2 = { "Area", "Equipment", "Sleeping place" }; List <DomainItem> domainItems2 = CreateDomainItems(keys2); DomainConstraint dc2 = new DomainConstraint(ConstraintProviderSource.Internal, "", "en-US", "a simple domain validation constraint", false, null, null, null, domainItems2); dcManager2.AddConstraint(dc2, rsa2); ResourceStructureAttribute rsa3 = new ResourceStructureAttribute(); using (var rsaManager3 = new ResourceStructureAttributeManager()) rsa3 = rsaManager3.CreateResourceStructureAttribute("Information File", "Important information as file"); ResourceStructureManager rsManager = new ResourceStructureManager();; ResourceStructure rs = rsManager.Create("Explo resources", "Resources related to exploratories.", null, null); using (var rsaManager = new ResourceStructureAttributeManager()) rsaManager.CreateResourceAttributeUsage(rsa, rs, true, false); using (var rsaManager = new ResourceStructureAttributeManager()) rsaManager.CreateResourceAttributeUsage(rsa2, rs, true, false); using (var rsaManager = new ResourceStructureAttributeManager()) rsaManager.CreateResourceAttributeUsage(rsa3, rs, true, true); ActivityManager aManager = new ActivityManager(); aManager.CreateActivity("Adding of material (litter, dead wood, chemicals ....)", "", false); aManager.CreateActivity("Adding of organisms (seeds and others)", "", false); aManager.CreateActivity("Conference", "", false); aManager.CreateActivity("Contact stakeholder", "", false); aManager.CreateActivity("Dismantling of experiments", "", false); aManager.CreateActivity("Installation of equipment remaining for some time", "", false); aManager.CreateActivity("Measuring and marking of subplots/experiments/study organisms", "", false); aManager.CreateActivity("Observation/capture of organisms without removal", "", false); aManager.CreateActivity("Plot maintenance", "", false); aManager.CreateActivity("Removal of org. material without killing", "", false); aManager.CreateActivity("Removal of organisms", "", false); aManager.CreateActivity("Removal of soil samples", "", false); aManager.CreateActivity("Visit without activity", "", false); ResourceManager rManager = new ResourceManager();; List <newResourceStructure> rs_new = new List <newResourceStructure>(); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - all EPs (SCH)", color = "#ec5959", description = "Visit of all forest EPs in Schorfheide-Chorin", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - all MIPs (SCH)", color = "#ec5959", description = "Visit of all forest MIPs in Schorfheide-Chorin", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - all VIPs (SCH)", color = "#ec5959", description = "Visit of all forest VIPs in Schorfheide-Chorin", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - district Altenhof", color = "#ec5959", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - district Arnimswalde", color = "#ec5959", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - district Chorin", color = "#ec5959", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - district Eichheide", color = "#ec5959", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - district Glambeck", color = "#ec5959", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - district Liepe", color = "#ec5959", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - district Maienpfuhl", color = "#ec5959", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - district Melzow", color = "#ec5959", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - district Poratz", color = "#ec5959", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - district Ringenwalde", color = "#ec5959", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - district Senftenthal", color = "#ec5959", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - district Theerofen", color = "#ec5959", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - district Voigtswiese", color = "#ec5959", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - Forstgut Altkuenkendorf", color = "#ec5959", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - Fuerstliche Forstverwaltung Oettingen-Spielberg", color = "#ec5959", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - Stiftung Schorfheide-Chorin", color = "#ec5959", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - FOX (SCH)", color = "#ec5959", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - RP/UP (SCH)", color = "#ff0000", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - ABP Landwirtschaft Neugrimnitz GmbH", color = "#ff0000", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - AEVG Stegelitz-Flieth", color = "#ff0000", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - Agrargemeinschaft Greiffenberg GmbH", color = "#ff0000", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - all EPs (SCH)", color = "#ff0000", description = "Visit of all grassland EPs in Schorfheide-Chorin", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - all MIPs (SCH)", color = "#ff0000", description = "Visit of all grassland MIPs in Schorfheide-Chorin", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - all VIPs (SCH)", color = "#ff0000", description = "Visit of all grassland VIPs in Schorfheide-Chorin", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - Gut Biesenbrow", color = "#ff0000", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - Ingolf Limber", color = "#ff0000", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - Lehrschaeferei Friedrichsfelde", color = "#ff0000", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - LW-Betrieb Haferkamp", color = "#ff0000", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - Naturrind GmbH Boeckenberg", color = "#ff0000", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - Reiner Wegner", color = "#ff0000", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - Weidewirtschaft Liepe", color = "#ff0000", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "no plot visit (SCH)", color = "#e28f8f", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Sleeping place (SCH)", color = "#9c3939", description = "Sleeping places in Schorfheide-Chorin", duration = 1, quantity = 8, withActivity = false, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Sleeping place", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Drying cabinet (SCH)", color = "#940b0b", description = "Drying cabinet in Schorfheide-Chorin", duration = 1, quantity = 5, withActivity = false, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Equipment", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Fridge (SCH)", color = "#940b0b", description = "Fridge in Schorfheide-Chorin", duration = 1, quantity = 2, withActivity = false, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Equipment", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Freezer (SCH)", color = "#940b0b", description = "Freezer in Schorfheide-Chorin", duration = 1, quantity = 2, withActivity = false, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Equipment", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Metal detector (Magna Trak 100) (SCH)", color = "#940b0b", description = "Metal detector (Magna Trak 100) in Schorfheide-Chorin", duration = 1, quantity = 1, withActivity = false, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Equipment", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Binocular (SCH)", color = "#940b0b", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 1, withActivity = false, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Equipment", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Chest freezer (SCH)", color = "#940b0b", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 1, withActivity = false, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Equipment", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Helmet (SCH)", color = "#940b0b", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 8, withActivity = false, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Equipment", explo = "Schorfheide-Chorin" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - all EPs (HAI)", color = "#8cca0d", description = "Visit of all forest EPs in Hainich-Dün", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - all GPs (HAI)", color = "#8cca0d", description = "Visit of all forestGPs in Hainich-Dün", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - all MIPs (HAI)", color = "#8cca0d", description = "Visit of all forest MIPs in Hainich-Dün", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - all VIPs (HAI)", color = "#8cca0d", description = "Visit of all forest VIPs in Hainich-Dün", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - FOX (HAI)", color = "8cca0d", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - district Anrode", color = "#8cca0d", description = "Forest - district Anrode", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - city of Mühlhausen", color = "#8cca0d", description = "Forest - city of Mühlhausen", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - district Behringen", color = "#8cca0d", description = "Forest - district Behringen", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - district Geney", color = "#8cca0d", description = "Forest - district Geney", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - district Keula", color = "#8cca0d", description = "Forest - district Keula", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - district Langula", color = "#8cca0d", description = "Forest - district Langula", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - district Sollstedt", color = "#8cca0d", description = "Forest - district Sollstedt", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - district Zehnsberg", color = "#8cca0d", description = "Forest - district Zehnsberg", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - national park", color = "#8cca0d", description = "Forest - national park", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - national park Weberstedterholz (core zone)", color = "#8cca0d", description = "Forest - national park Weberstedterholz (core zone)", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - district Westerwald", color = "#8cca0d", description = "Forest - district Westerwald", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - all GPs (HAI)", color = "#9acd32", description = "Visit of all grassland GPs in Hainich-Dün", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - all EPs (HAI)", color = "#9acd32", description = "Visit of all grassland EPs in Hainich-Dün", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - all MIPs (HAI)", color = "#9acd32", description = "Visit of all grassland MIPs in Hainich-Dün", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - all VIPs (HAI)", color = "#9acd32", description = "Visit of all grassland VIPs in Hainich-Dün", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - RP/UP (HAI)", color = "9acd32", description = "Visit of all new landuse experiment plots in HAI (HEG1,2,3,6,14,15)", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - AG Diedorf", color = "#9acd32", description = "Grassland - AG Diedorf", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - AG Großenlupnitz", color = "#9acd32", description = "Grassland - AG Großenlupnitz", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - AG Kirchheiligen", color = "#9acd32", description = "Grassland - AG Kirchheiligen", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - AG Bollstedt", color = "#9acd32", description = "Grassland - AG Bollstedt", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - AG Lengefeld", color = "#9acd32", description = "Grassland - AG Lengefeld", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - AG Mülverstedt", color = "#9acd32", description = "Grassland - AG Mülverstedt", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - AG Wartburgblick", color = "#9acd32", description = "Grassland - AG Wartburgblick", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - AG Wenigenlupnitz", color = "#9acd32", description = "Grassland - AG Wenigenlupnitz", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - AG-Struth-Eigenrieden", color = "#9acd32", description = "Grassland - AG-Struth-Eigenrieden", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - BEAG/TOA", color = "#9acd32", description = "Grassland - BEAG/TOA", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - Bundesforst Dörnaerplatz", color = "#9acd32", description = "Grassland - Bundesforst Dörnaerplatz", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - Gut Sambach", color = "#9acd32", description = "Grassland - Gut Sambach", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - Thüringen Wagyu Becker&Becker", color = "#9acd32", description = "Grassland - Thüringen Wagyu Becker&Becker", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - Heller", color = "#9acd32", description = "Grassland - Heller", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - Schaeferei Effenberger", color = "#9acd32", description = "Grassland - Schaeferei Effenberger", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - Nationalpark", color = "#9acd32", description = "Grassland - Nationalpark", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - Nordagrar (Naturrind Unstruttal)", color = "#9acd32", description = "Grassland - Nordagrar (Naturrind Unstruttal)", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - Schaeferei Goepfert", color = "#9acd32", description = "Grassland - Schaeferei Goepfert", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - Börner", color = "#9acd32", description = "Grassland - Börner", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - Strewe-Winterberg", color = "#9acd32", description = "Grassland - Strewe-Winterberg", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - TUPAG (Hainich Weiderind)", color = "#9acd32", description = "Grassland - TUPAG (Hainich Weiderind)", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "no plot visit", color = "#a9fb00", description = "No plot visit in Hainich-Dün", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Sleeping place (HAI)", color = "#78ab0f", description = "Sleeping place in Hainich-Dün", duration = 1, quantity = 8, withActivity = false, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Sleeping place", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Drying cabinet (HAI)", color = "#6a8a27", description = "Drying cabinete in Hainich-Dün", duration = 1, quantity = 4, withActivity = false, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Equipment", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Fridge (HAI)", color = "#6a8a27", description = "Fridge in Hainich-Dün", duration = 1, quantity = 2, withActivity = false, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Equipment", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Freezer (HAI)", color = "#6a8a27", description = "Freezer in Hainich-Dün", duration = 1, quantity = 3, withActivity = false, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Equipment", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Metal detector (Magna Trak 100) (HAI)", color = "#6a8a27", description = "Metal detector (Magna Trak 100) in Hainich-Dün", duration = 1, quantity = 1, withActivity = false, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Equipment", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Metal detector (Garrett ACE 150) (HAI)", color = "#6a8a27", description = "Metal detector (Garrett ACE 150) in Hainich-Dün", duration = 1, quantity = 1, withActivity = false, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Equipment", explo = "Hainich-Dün" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - all EPs (ALB)", color = "#3a75e0", description = "Visit of all forest EPs in Schwäbische Alb", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schwäbische Alb" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - VIP AEW1-8 (ALB)", color = "#3a75e0", description = "Visit of all VIP AEW1-8 in Schwäbische Alb", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schwäbische Alb" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - VIP AEW9 (Alb)", color = "#3a75e0", description = "Visit of all VIP AEW9 in Schwäbische Alb", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schwäbische Alb" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Forest - FOX (ALB)", color = "#3a75e0", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schwäbische Alb" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - all EPs excluding former military training area", color = "#6495ed", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schwäbische Alb" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - all EPs including former military training area", color = "#6495ed", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schwäbische Alb" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - all VIPs (ALB)", color = "#6495ed", description = "Visit of all grassland VIPs in Schwäbische Alb", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schwäbische Alb" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Grassland - RP/UP (ALB)", color = "#6495ed", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schwäbische Alb" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "no plot visit (ALB)", color = "#0057f5", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schwäbische Alb" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "total Exploratory outside EP", color = "#0057f6", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 0, withActivity = true, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Area", explo = "Schwäbische Alb" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Sleeping place (ALB)", color = "#27509a", description = "Sleeping places in Schwäbische Alb", duration = 1, quantity = 8, withActivity = false, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Sleeping place", explo = "Schwäbische Alb" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Drying cabinet (ALB)", color = "#7e95bf", description = "Drying cabinet in Schwäbische Alb", duration = 1, quantity = 5, withActivity = false, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Equipment", explo = "Schwäbische Alb" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Binocular (ALB)", color = "#7e95bf", description = "", duration = 1, quantity = 1, withActivity = false, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Equipment", explo = "Schwäbische Alb" }); rs_new.Add(new newResourceStructure() { name = "Metal detector (Magna Trak 100) (ALB)", color = "#7e95bf", description = "Metal detector (Magna Trak 100) in Schwäbische Alb", duration = 1, quantity = 1, withActivity = false, resourceStructure = rs, type = "Equipment", explo = "Schwäbische Alb" }); //get/create admin group for entity rights using (var groupManager = new GroupManager()) using (var permissionManager = new EntityPermissionManager()) using (var entityManager = new EntityManager()) using (var valueManager = new ResourceStructureAttributeManager()) { var adminGroup = groupManager.Groups.Where(r => r.Name == "administrator").FirstOrDefault(); if (adminGroup == null) { // create new group adminGroup = new Group { Name = "administrator", Description = "administrator", DisplayName = "administrator", IsSystemGroup = false, IsValid = true }; groupManager.CreateAsync(adminGroup).Wait(); } //create right type int rights = (int)RightType.Read + (int)RightType.Write + (int)RightType.Delete + (int)RightType.Grant; foreach (newResourceStructure rs_item in rs_new) { var duration = new TimeDuration(); duration.Value = rs_item.duration; var resource = rManager.CreateResource(, rs_item.description, rs_item.quantity, rs_item.color, rs_item.withActivity, rs_item.resourceStructure, duration); //add entity rights permissionManager.Create(adminGroup, entityManager.FindByName("SingleResource"), resource.Id, rights ); ResourceAttributeUsage usage = valueManager.GetResourceAttributeUsageById(1); valueManager.CreateResourceAttributeValue(rs_item.explo, rManager.GetResourceById(resource.Id), usage); ResourceAttributeUsage usage2 = valueManager.GetResourceAttributeUsageById(2); valueManager.CreateResourceAttributeValue(rs_item.type, rManager.GetResourceById(resource.Id), usage2); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("{0} Exception caught.", e); } #endregion #region SECURITY OperationManager operationManager = new OperationManager(); FeatureManager featureManager = new FeatureManager(); try { List <Feature> features = featureManager.FeatureRepository.Get().ToList(); Feature ResourceBooking = features.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name.Equals("Resource Booking")); if (ResourceBooking == null) { ResourceBooking = featureManager.Create("Resource Booking", "Resource Booking"); } Feature NotificationBlackboard = features.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name.Equals("Notification Blackboard")); if (NotificationBlackboard == null) { NotificationBlackboard = featureManager.Create("Notification Blackboard", "Notification Blackboard", ResourceBooking); } Feature ResourceAdmin = features.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name.Equals("Resource Administration")); if (ResourceAdmin == null) { ResourceAdmin = featureManager.Create("Resource Administration", "Resource Administration"); } Feature ResourceManagement = features.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name.Equals("Resource Management")); if (ResourceManagement == null) { ResourceManagement = featureManager.Create("Resource Management", "Resource Management", ResourceAdmin); } Feature ResourceStructureManagement = features.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name.Equals("Resource Structure Management")); if (ResourceStructureManagement == null) { ResourceStructureManagement = featureManager.Create("Resource Structure Management", "Resource Structure Management", ResourceAdmin); } Feature ResourceStructureAttributeManagement = features.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name.Equals("Resource Structure Attribute Management")); if (ResourceStructureAttributeManagement == null) { ResourceStructureAttributeManagement = featureManager.Create("Resource Structure Attribute Management", "Resource Structure Attribute Management", ResourceAdmin); } Feature NotificationManagement = features.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name.Equals("Notification Management")); if (NotificationManagement == null) { NotificationManagement = featureManager.Create("Notification Management", "Notification Management", ResourceAdmin); } Feature ActivityManagement = features.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name.Equals("Activity Management")); if (ActivityManagement == null) { ActivityManagement = featureManager.Create("Activity Management", "Activity Management", ResourceAdmin); } operationManager.Create("RBM", "Schedule", "*", ResourceBooking); operationManager.Create("RBM", "Calendar", "*", ResourceBooking); operationManager.Create("RBM", " NotificationBlackboard", "*", NotificationBlackboard); operationManager.Create("RBM", "Resource", "*", ResourceManagement); operationManager.Create("RBM", "ResourceStructure", "*", ResourceStructureManagement); operationManager.Create("RBM", "ResourceStructure", "*", ResourceStructureAttributeManagement); operationManager.Create("RBM", "Notification", "*", NotificationManagement); operationManager.Create("RBM", "Activity", "*", ActivityManagement); #region Help Workflow if (!operationManager.Exists("RBM", "help", "*")) { operationManager.Create("RBM", "Help", "*"); } #endregion Help Workflow } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { operationManager.Dispose(); featureManager.Dispose(); } #endregion }
public ActionResult SaveResourceStructureAttribute(EditResourceStructureAttributeModel model, string[] keys) { using (var rsaManager = new ResourceStructureAttributeManager()) { //check name if (model.AttributeName != null) { ResourceStructureAttribute tempRS = rsaManager.GetResourceStructureAttributesByName(StringHelper.CutSpaces(model.AttributeName)); if (tempRS != null && tempRS.Id != model.Id) { ModelState.AddModelError("NameExist", "Name already exist."); } } //check domain items if (keys != null) { List <DomainItemModel> tempList = new List <DomainItemModel>(); foreach (string k in keys) { DomainItemModel d = new DomainItemModel(); d.Key = k; d.Value = k; tempList.Add(d); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(k)) { ModelState.AddModelError("DomainItem", "One domain item has no value."); } } model.DomainItems = tempList; } if (ModelState.IsValid) { ResourceStructureAttribute rsa = new ResourceStructureAttribute(); using (var rsManager = new ResourceStructureManager()) { if (model.Id == 0) { rsa = rsaManager.CreateResourceStructureAttribute(model.AttributeName, model.AttributeDescription); } else { rsa = rsaManager.GetResourceStructureAttributesById(model.Id); rsa.Name = model.AttributeName; rsa.Description = model.AttributeDescription; rsaManager.UpdateResourceStructureAttribute(rsa); } if (rsa != null && model.Id == 0) { //Start -> add security ---------------------------------------- using (EntityPermissionManager pManager = new EntityPermissionManager()) using (var entityTypeManager = new EntityManager()) using (UserManager userManager = new UserManager()) { var userTask = userManager.FindByNameAsync(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name); userTask.Wait(); var user = userTask.Result; Entity entityType = entityTypeManager.FindByName("ResourceStructureAttribute"); pManager.Create(user, entityType, rsa.Id, 31); } //End -> add security ------------------------------------------ } if (keys != null) { List <DomainItem> domainItems = CreateDomainItems(keys); using (var dcManager = new DataContainerManager()) { if (model.Id == 0 || rsa.Constraints.Count() == 0) { DomainConstraint dc = new DomainConstraint(ConstraintProviderSource.Internal, "", "en-US", "a simple domain validation constraint", false, null, null, null, domainItems); dcManager.AddConstraint(dc, rsa); } else { DomainConstraint temp = (DomainConstraint)rsa.Constraints.ElementAt(0); temp.Materialize(); temp.Items = domainItems; dcManager.AddConstraint(temp, rsa); } } } //Creation with usage if (model.rsID != 0) { ResourceStructure resourceStructure = rsManager.GetResourceStructureById(model.rsID); rsaManager.CreateResourceAttributeUsage(rsa, resourceStructure, true, false); //resourceStructure.ResourceStructureAttributes.Add(rsa); //rsManager.Update(resourceStructure); //return View("_editResourceStructure", new ResourceStructureModel(resourceStructure)); return(Json(new { success = true })); } else { return(Json(new { success = true })); } } } else { return(PartialView("_createResourceStructureAttribute", model)); } } }
private DataAttribute storeConstraint(ConstraintModel constraintModel, DataAttribute dataAttribute) { DataContainerManager dcManager = null; try { dcManager = new DataContainerManager(); if (constraintModel is RangeConstraintModel) { RangeConstraintModel rcm = (RangeConstraintModel)constraintModel; if (rcm.Id == 0) { RangeConstraint constraint = new RangeConstraint(ConstraintProviderSource.Internal, "", AppConfiguration.Culture.Name, rcm.Description, rcm.Negated, null, null, null, rcm.Min, rcm.MinInclude, rcm.Max, rcm.MaxInclude); dcManager.AddConstraint(constraint, dataAttribute); } else { for (int i = 0; i < dataAttribute.Constraints.Count; i++) { if (dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i).Id == rcm.Id) { ((RangeConstraint)dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i)).Description = rcm.Description; ((RangeConstraint)dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i)).Negated = rcm.Negated; ((RangeConstraint)dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i)).Lowerbound = rcm.Min; ((RangeConstraint)dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i)).LowerboundIncluded = rcm.MinInclude; ((RangeConstraint)dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i)).Upperbound = rcm.Max; ((RangeConstraint)dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i)).UpperboundIncluded = rcm.MaxInclude; break; } } } } if (constraintModel is PatternConstraintModel) { PatternConstraintModel pcm = (PatternConstraintModel)constraintModel; if (pcm.Id == 0) { PatternConstraint constraint = new PatternConstraint(ConstraintProviderSource.Internal, "", AppConfiguration.Culture.Name, pcm.Description, pcm.Negated, null, null, null, pcm.MatchingPhrase, true); dcManager.AddConstraint(constraint, dataAttribute); } else { for (int i = 0; i < dataAttribute.Constraints.Count; i++) { if (dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i).Id == pcm.Id) { ((PatternConstraint)dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i)).Description = pcm.Description; ((PatternConstraint)dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i)).Negated = pcm.Negated; ((PatternConstraint)dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i)).MatchingPhrase = pcm.MatchingPhrase; break; } } } } if (constraintModel is DomainConstraintModel) { DomainConstraintModel dcm = (DomainConstraintModel)constraintModel; List <DomainItem> items = createDomainItems(dcm.Terms); dcm.Terms = cutSpaces(dcm.Terms); if (items.Count > 0) { if (dcm.Id == 0) { DomainConstraint constraint = new DomainConstraint(ConstraintProviderSource.Internal, "", AppConfiguration.Culture.Name, dcm.Description, dcm.Negated, null, null, null, items); dcManager.AddConstraint(constraint, dataAttribute); } else { DomainConstraint temp = new DomainConstraint(); for (int i = 0; i < dataAttribute.Constraints.Count; i++) { if (dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i).Id == dcm.Id) { temp = (DomainConstraint)dataAttribute.Constraints.ElementAt(i); temp.Materialize(); temp.Description = dcm.Description; temp.Negated = dcm.Negated; temp.Items = items; dcManager.AddConstraint(temp, dataAttribute); break; } } } } } return(dataAttribute); } finally { dcManager.Dispose(); } }