        /// <summary>
        /// Ensures that the selected columns in the source <see cref="DataColumnCollection"/> do also exist in the destination <see cref="DataColumnCollection"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceTable">The source table.</param>
        /// <param name="selectedSourceDataColumns">The selected source data columns. If this parameter is null, all source columns are selected.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationTable">The destination table.</param>
        public static void EnsureColumnsExistInDestinationCollection(this DataColumnCollection sourceTable, IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedSourceDataColumns, DataColumnCollection destinationTable)
            if (null == selectedSourceDataColumns || 0 == selectedSourceDataColumns.Count)
                selectedSourceDataColumns = Altaxo.Collections.ContiguousIntegerRange.FromStartAndCount(0, sourceTable.ColumnCount);

            foreach (var colIdx in selectedSourceDataColumns)
                var srcCol = sourceTable[colIdx];

        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates statistics of selected columns. Creates a new table where the statistical data will be written to.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="srctable">Source table.</param>
        /// <param name="selectedColumns">Selected data columns in the source table. If the argument is null, all columns will be used.</param>
        /// <param name="selectedRows">Selected rows in the source table. If the argument is null, all rows will be used.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationTable">The table where the statistical results are written to.</param>
        public static void DoStatisticsOnColumns(
            this DataColumnCollection srctable,
            IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedColumns,
            IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedRows,
            DataColumnCollection destinationTable
            bool bUseSelectedColumns = (null != selectedColumns && 0 != selectedColumns.Count);
            int  numcols             = bUseSelectedColumns ? selectedColumns.Count : srctable.ColumnCount;

            bool bUseSelectedRows = (null != selectedRows && 0 != selectedRows.Count);

            if (numcols == 0)
                return; // nothing selected
            // add a text column and some double columns
            // note: statistics is only possible for numeric columns since
            // otherwise in one column doubles and i.e. dates are mixed, which is not possible

            // 1st column is the name of the column of which the statistics is made
            var colCol = new Data.TextColumn();

            // 2nd column is the mean
            var colMean = new Data.DoubleColumn();

            // 3rd column is the standard deviation
            var colSd = new Data.DoubleColumn();

            // 4th column is the standard e (N)
            var colSe = new Data.DoubleColumn();

            // 5th column is the sum
            var colSum = new Data.DoubleColumn();

            var colSumSqr = new Data.DoubleColumn();

            // 6th column is the number of items for statistics
            var colN = new Data.DoubleColumn();

            var colFracOneSigma   = new Data.DoubleColumn();
            var colFracTwoSigma   = new Data.DoubleColumn();
            var colFracThreeSigma = new Data.DoubleColumn();

            var colMinimum = new DoubleColumn(); // Minimum of the values
            var colMaximum = new DoubleColumn(); // Maximum of the values

            int currRow = 0;

            for (int si = 0; si < numcols; si++)
                Altaxo.Data.DataColumn col = bUseSelectedColumns ? srctable[selectedColumns[si]] : srctable[si];
                if (!(col is Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn))

                int rows = bUseSelectedRows ? selectedRows.Count : srctable.RowCount;
                if (rows == 0)

                // now do the statistics
                var    ncol    = (Data.INumericColumn)col;
                double sum     = 0;
                double sumsqr  = 0;
                int    NN      = 0;
                double minimum = double.PositiveInfinity;
                double maximum = double.NegativeInfinity;

                for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                    double val = bUseSelectedRows ? ncol[selectedRows[i]] : ncol[i];
                    if (double.IsNaN(val))

                    sum    += val;
                    sumsqr += (val * val);
                    minimum = Math.Min(minimum, val);
                    maximum = Math.Max(maximum, val);
                // now fill a new row in the worksheet

                double mean    = sum / NN;
                double ymy0sqr = sumsqr - sum * sum / NN;
                if (ymy0sqr < 0)
                    ymy0sqr = 0; // if this is lesser zero, it is a rounding error, so set it to zero
                double sd = NN > 1 ? Math.Sqrt(ymy0sqr / (NN - 1)) : 0;
                double se = sd / Math.Sqrt(NN);

                // calculate fractions
                double oneSigmaLo = mean - 1 * sd, oneSigmaHi = mean + 1 * sd;
                double twoSigmaLo = mean - 2 * sd, twoSigmaHi = mean + 2 * sd;
                double threeSigmaLo = mean - 3 * sd, threeSigmaHi = mean + 3 * sd;
                int    cntOneSigma = 0, cntTwoSigma = 0, cntThreeSigma = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                    double val = bUseSelectedRows ? ncol[selectedRows[i]] : ncol[i];
                    if (double.IsNaN(val))

                    if (Altaxo.Calc.RMath.IsInIntervalCC(val, oneSigmaLo, oneSigmaHi))
                    if (Altaxo.Calc.RMath.IsInIntervalCC(val, twoSigmaLo, twoSigmaHi))
                    if (Altaxo.Calc.RMath.IsInIntervalCC(val, threeSigmaLo, threeSigmaHi))

                if (0 == NN)
                    minimum = maximum = double.NaN;

                colCol[currRow]            = col.Name;
                colMean[currRow]           = mean; // mean
                colSd[currRow]             = sd;
                colSe[currRow]             = se;
                colSum[currRow]            = sum;
                colSumSqr[currRow]         = sumsqr;
                colN[currRow]              = NN;
                colFracOneSigma[currRow]   = cntOneSigma / (double)NN;
                colFracTwoSigma[currRow]   = cntTwoSigma / (double)NN;
                colFracThreeSigma[currRow] = cntThreeSigma / (double)NN;
                colMinimum[currRow]        = minimum;
                colMaximum[currRow]        = maximum;
                currRow++; // for the next column
            } // for all selected columns

            if (currRow != 0)
                destinationTable.EnsureExistence(DefaultColumnNameColumnName, typeof(TextColumn), ColumnKind.X, 0).Append(colCol);
                AppendStatisticalData(destinationTable, colMean, colSd, colSe, colSum, colSumSqr, colN, colFracOneSigma, colFracTwoSigma, colFracThreeSigma, colMinimum, colMaximum);
 private static void AppendStatisticalData(DataColumnCollection destinationTable, Data.DoubleColumn colMean, Data.DoubleColumn colSd, Data.DoubleColumn colSe, Data.DoubleColumn colSum, Data.DoubleColumn colSumSqr, Data.DoubleColumn colN, Data.DoubleColumn fracOneSigma, Data.DoubleColumn fracTwoSigma, Data.DoubleColumn fracThreeSigma, DoubleColumn minimum, DoubleColumn maximum)
     destinationTable.EnsureExistence(DefaultMeanColumnName, typeof(DoubleColumn), ColumnKind.V, 0).Append(colMean);
     destinationTable.EnsureExistence(DefaultStandardErrorColumnName, typeof(DoubleColumn), ColumnKind.Err, 0).Append(colSe);
     destinationTable.EnsureExistence(DefaultStandardDeviationColumnName, typeof(DoubleColumn), ColumnKind.V, 0).Append(colSd);
     destinationTable.EnsureExistence(DefaultSumColumnName, typeof(DoubleColumn), ColumnKind.V, 0).Append(colSum);
     destinationTable.EnsureExistence(DefaultSumSqrColumnName, typeof(DoubleColumn), ColumnKind.V, 0).Append(colSumSqr);
     destinationTable.EnsureExistence(DefaultNumberOfItemsColumnName, typeof(DoubleColumn), ColumnKind.V, 0).Append(colN);
     destinationTable.EnsureExistence(DefaultFractionInOneSigmaColumnName, typeof(DoubleColumn), ColumnKind.V, 0).Append(fracOneSigma);
     destinationTable.EnsureExistence(DefaultFractionInTwoSigmaColumnName, typeof(DoubleColumn), ColumnKind.V, 0).Append(fracTwoSigma);
     destinationTable.EnsureExistence(DefaultFractionInThreeSigmaColumnName, typeof(DoubleColumn), ColumnKind.V, 0).Append(fracThreeSigma);
     destinationTable.EnsureExistence(DefaultMinimumColumnName, typeof(DoubleColumn), ColumnKind.V, 0).Append(minimum);
     destinationTable.EnsureExistence(DefaultMaximumColumnName, typeof(DoubleColumn), ColumnKind.V, 0).Append(maximum);
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates statistics of selected columns. Creates a new table where the statistical data will be written to.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="srctable">Source table.</param>
        /// <param name="selectedColumns">Selected data columns in the source table.</param>
        /// <param name="selectedRows">Selected rows in the source table.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationTable">The table where the statistical results are written to.</param>
        public static void DoStatisticsOnRows(
            this DataColumnCollection srctable,
            IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedColumns,
            IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedRows,
            DataColumnCollection destinationTable
            bool bUseSelectedColumns = (null != selectedColumns && 0 != selectedColumns.Count);
            int  numcols             = bUseSelectedColumns ? selectedColumns.Count : srctable.ColumnCount;

            if (numcols == 0)
                return; // nothing selected
            bool bUseSelectedRows = (null != selectedRows && 0 != selectedRows.Count);
            int  numrows          = bUseSelectedRows ? selectedRows.Count : srctable.RowCount;

            if (numrows == 0)

            var cRows = new DoubleColumn();

            // 1st column is the mean, and holds the sum during the calculation
            var colMean = new Data.DoubleColumn();

            // 2rd column is the standard deviation, and holds the square sum during calculation
            var colSD = new Data.DoubleColumn();

            // 3th column is the standard e (N)
            var colSE = new Data.DoubleColumn();

            // 4th column is the sum
            var colSum = new Data.DoubleColumn();

            // 5th column is the number of items for statistics
            var colNN = new Data.DoubleColumn();

            var colSumSqr         = new Data.DoubleColumn();
            var colFracOneSigma   = new Data.DoubleColumn();
            var colFracTwoSigma   = new Data.DoubleColumn();
            var colFracThreeSigma = new Data.DoubleColumn();
            var colMinimum        = new DoubleColumn();
            var colMaximum        = new DoubleColumn();

            // first fill the cols c1, c2, c5 with zeros because we want to sum up
            for (int i = 0; i < numrows; i++)
                colSum[i]     = 0;
                colSumSqr[i]  = 0;
                colNN[i]      = 0;
                colMinimum[i] = double.PositiveInfinity;
                colMaximum[i] = double.NegativeInfinity;

            for (int si = 0; si < numcols; si++)
                Altaxo.Data.DataColumn col = bUseSelectedColumns ? srctable[selectedColumns[si]] : srctable[si];
                if (!(col is Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn))

                // now do the statistics
                var ncol = (Data.INumericColumn)col;
                for (int i = 0; i < numrows; i++)
                    int row = bUseSelectedRows ? selectedRows[i] : i;
                    cRows[i] = row;

                    double val = ncol[row];
                    if (double.IsNaN(val))

                    colSum[i]    += val;
                    colSumSqr[i] += val * val;
                    colNN[i]     += 1;
                    colMinimum[i] = Math.Min(colMinimum[i], val);
                    colMaximum[i] = Math.Max(colMaximum[i], val);
            } // for all selected columns

            // now calculate the statistics
            for (int i = 0; i < numrows; i++)
                // now fill a new row in the worksheet
                double NN     = colNN[i];
                double sum    = colSum[i];
                double sumsqr = colSumSqr[i];
                if (NN > 0)
                    double mean    = sum / NN;
                    double ymy0sqr = sumsqr - sum * sum / NN;
                    if (ymy0sqr < 0)
                        ymy0sqr = 0; // if this is lesser zero, it is a rounding error, so set it to zero
                    double sd = NN > 1 ? Math.Sqrt(ymy0sqr / (NN - 1)) : 0;
                    double se = sd / Math.Sqrt(NN);

                    colMean[i] = mean; // mean
                    colSD[i]   = sd;
                    colSE[i]   = se;
                    colMinimum[i] = double.NaN;
                    colMaximum[i] = double.NaN;
            } // for all rows

            // calculate fractions

            for (int i = 0; i < numrows; i++)
                int row = bUseSelectedRows ? selectedRows[i] : i;

                double mean = colMean[i];
                double sd   = colSD[i];

                // calculate fractions
                double oneSigmaLo = mean - 1 * sd, oneSigmaHi = mean + 1 * sd;
                double twoSigmaLo = mean - 2 * sd, twoSigmaHi = mean + 2 * sd;
                double threeSigmaLo = mean - 3 * sd, threeSigmaHi = mean + 3 * sd;
                int    cntOneSigma = 0, cntTwoSigma = 0, cntThreeSigma = 0;

                for (int si = 0; si < numcols; si++)
                    Altaxo.Data.DataColumn col = bUseSelectedColumns ? srctable[selectedColumns[si]] : srctable[si];
                    if (!(col is Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn))

                    // now do the statistics
                    var    ncol = (Data.INumericColumn)col;
                    double val  = ncol[row];
                    if (double.IsNaN(val))

                    if (Altaxo.Calc.RMath.IsInIntervalCC(val, oneSigmaLo, oneSigmaHi))
                    if (Altaxo.Calc.RMath.IsInIntervalCC(val, twoSigmaLo, twoSigmaHi))
                    if (Altaxo.Calc.RMath.IsInIntervalCC(val, threeSigmaLo, threeSigmaHi))

                colFracOneSigma[i]   = cntOneSigma / colNN[i];
                colFracTwoSigma[i]   = cntTwoSigma / colNN[i];
                colFracThreeSigma[i] = cntThreeSigma / colNN[i];

            destinationTable.EnsureExistence(DefaultRowNumberColumnName, typeof(DoubleColumn), ColumnKind.X, 0).Append(cRows);
            AppendStatisticalData(destinationTable, colMean, colSD, colSE, colSum, colSumSqr, colNN, colFracOneSigma, colFracTwoSigma, colFracThreeSigma, colMinimum, colMaximum);
        public static DataColumnCollection GetPropertyColumns(this Origin.Worksheet wks)
            if (null == wks)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("wks");

            var result = new DataColumnCollection();

            // I found no way to ask, if a label column is used or not
            // therefore, we have to try all cells inside the longname, the units and the comments label column

            var labelCols = new Dictionary <string, Altaxo.Data.TextColumn>();

            DataColumn destLongNameCol = null, destUnitCol = null, destCommentCol = null;
            var        paraCol = new DataColumn[20];

            var srcDataCols = wks.Cols;

            for (int i = 0; i < srcDataCols; ++i)
                var srcCol = wks.Columns[i];

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(srcCol.LongName))
                    if (null == destLongNameCol)
                        destLongNameCol = result.EnsureExistence("LongName", typeof(TextColumn), ColumnKind.V, 0);
                    destLongNameCol[i] = srcCol.LongName;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(srcCol.Units))
                    if (null == destUnitCol)
                        destUnitCol = result.EnsureExistence("Unit", typeof(TextColumn), ColumnKind.V, 0);
                    destUnitCol[i] = srcCol.Units;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(srcCol.Comments))
                    if (null == destCommentCol)
                        destCommentCol = result.EnsureExistence("Comments", typeof(TextColumn), ColumnKind.V, 0);
                    destCommentCol[i] = srcCol.Comments;

                for (int nPara = 0; nPara <= 11; ++nPara)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(srcCol.Parameter[nPara]))
                        if (null == paraCol[nPara])
                            paraCol[nPara] = result.EnsureExistence("Parameter" + nPara.ToString(), typeof(TextColumn), ColumnKind.V, 0);
                        paraCol[nPara][i] = srcCol.Parameter[nPara];
