private void FireRegistrationAttempted(DataChannel channel, int currentTry) { if (this.RegistrationAttempted != null) { this.RegistrationAttempted(this, new CustomerRegistrationAttemptedEventArgs(channel, currentTry, this.numberOfRetries)); } }
private static void WriteBytesToFile(FileFrag frag, DataChannel channel) { // SendFileInfo <string> data = new SendFileInfo <string> { Data = frag.fileGuid, SendFileType = SendFileType.ReciveFileFragSuccess }; channel.SendChannelData(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data)); var fileInfo = caches_recive_files.FirstOrDefault(o => o.fileGuid == frag.fileGuid); fileInfo.currentFragIndex = frag.currentFragIndex; onFragChanged?.Invoke(fileInfo, fileInfo); // var filepath = localDirectory + frag.fileGuid; try { using (var filestream = File.OpenWrite(filepath)) { filestream.Seek(frag.currentFragIndex * Params.flagSize, SeekOrigin.Begin); filestream.Write(frag.bytes, 0, frag.bytesLength); filestream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); } } catch (Exception) { } }
private void FireRegistrationCompleted(DataChannel channel, bool succeeded) { if (this.RegistrationCompleted != null) { this.RegistrationCompleted(this, new CustomerRegistrationCompletedEventArgs(channel, succeeded)); } }
public void OnDataChannel(DataChannel dc) { outerInstance.RunOnUiThread(() => { throw new Exception("AppRTC doesn't use data channels, but got: " + dc.Label() + " anyway!"); }); }
public static void SetHandle(DataChannel dataChannel, IntPtr handle) { Debug.Assert(handle != IntPtr.Zero); // Either first-time assign or no-op (assign same value again) Debug.Assert((dataChannel._interopHandle == IntPtr.Zero) || (dataChannel._interopHandle == handle)); dataChannel._interopHandle = handle; }
/// <summary> /// Получить минимальную длину пути (для звезды и mesh) или всего пути для шины. /// </summary> /// <param name="pathes">Пути, по которым КУ соединены с УСПД.</param> /// <param name="dataChannel">КПД, которым соединены устройства.</param> /// <returns>Значение расстояния.</returns> protected double GetMinDistance(IEnumerable <TopologyPath> pathes, DataChannel dataChannel) { try { if (pathes == null) { return(UNACCEPTABLE); } switch (dataChannel.Topology) { // Для звезды и меша проверяем, что длина максимального пути не больше требуемого case DataChannelTopology.Mesh: case DataChannelTopology.Star: return(pathes.Max(q => q.GetDistance())); // Для шины проверяем, что суммарная длина не больше требуемой case DataChannelTopology.Bus: return(pathes.Sum(q => q.GetDistance())); default: return(UNACCEPTABLE); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("GetDistance failed! {0}", ex.Message); return(UNACCEPTABLE); } }
/// <summary> /// Декодировать текущую секцию из генотипа. /// </summary> /// <param name="chromosome">Декодируемая хромосома.</param> /// <param name="sectionIndex">Индекс секции в декодируемой хромосоме.</param> public void Decode(TopologyChromosome chromosome, int sectionIndex) { try { var sectionGenes = chromosome.GetGenes() // Получаем значения генов только данной секции .Select((gene, index) => new { Value = (int)gene.Value, Index = index }) .Where(q => GetSectionIndex(q.Index) == sectionIndex) .Select(q => q.Value) .ToArray(); if (sectionGenes.Length < GeneValueGenerationFuncs.Length) { throw new Exception("Incorrect section size!"); } // 0-й ген - тип КУ, 1-й ген - узел КУ, 2-й ген - тип УСПД, 3-й ген - узел УСПД, 4-й ген - КПД MCDPart.Decode(chromosome.CurrentProject, sectionGenes[0], sectionGenes[1]); DADPart.Decode(chromosome.CurrentProject, sectionGenes[2], sectionGenes[3]); Channel = chromosome.CurrentProject.Equipments.DCs[sectionGenes[4]]; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("TopologySection Decode failed! {0}", ex.Message); } }
public async Task OutOfBand() { // Disable auto-renegotiation suspendOffer1_ = true; suspendOffer2_ = true; // Add out-of-band data channels const int DataChannelId = 42; DataChannel data1 = await pc1_.AddDataChannelAsync(DataChannelId, "my_channel", ordered : true, reliable : true); DataChannel data2 = await pc2_.AddDataChannelAsync(DataChannelId, "my_channel", ordered : true, reliable : true); // Check consistency Assert.AreEqual(data1.ID, data2.ID); Assert.AreEqual(data1.Label, data2.Label); // Prepare for state change var evOpen1 = new ManualResetEventSlim(initialState: false); data1.StateChanged += () => { if (data1.State == DataChannel.ChannelState.Open) { evOpen1.Set(); } }; var evOpen2 = new ManualResetEventSlim(initialState: false); data2.StateChanged += () => { if (data2.State == DataChannel.ChannelState.Open) { evOpen2.Set(); } }; // Connect StartOfferWith(pc1_); WaitForSdpExchangeCompleted(); // Wait until the data channels are ready Assert.True(evOpen1.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60.0))); Assert.True(evOpen2.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60.0))); // Send data { var c2 = new ManualResetEventSlim(false); string sentText = "Some sample text"; byte[] msg = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sentText); data2.MessageReceived += (byte[] _msg) => { var receivedText = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(_msg); Assert.AreEqual(sentText, receivedText); c2.Set(); }; data1.SendMessage(msg); Assert.True(c2.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60.0))); } }
private static void ReciveFileError(FileFragInfo info, DataChannel channel) { var oldfilepath = localDirectory + info.fileGuid; File.Delete(oldfilepath); removeRecieFileCache(info); onFileCountChanged?.Invoke(channel, cuteFileCount(channel)); }
private void OnDataChannelAdded(DataChannel channel) { Logger.Log($"Added data channel '{channel.Label}' (#{channel.ID})."); ThreadHelper.RunOnMainThread(() => { var chat = new ChatChannelModel(channel); ChatChannels.Add(chat); }); }
public ChatChannelModel(DataChannel dataChannel) { DataChannel = dataChannel; dataChannel.MessageReceived += (byte[] message) => { string text = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message); AppendText($"[remote] {text}\n"); }; }
public static void RegisterFileChannel(DataChannel channel) { if (caches.ContainsKey(channel) == false) { caches.Add(channel, new List <FileFragHelper_Read>()); channel.onChannelMessage += Channel_onChannelMessage; channel.onChannelStateChanged += Channel_onChannelStateChanged; } }
public void LoadLobbiesByChannel(Puppet.Core.Model.DataChannel channel) { view.ShowLoading(); selectedChannel = channel; lobbies = new List <DataLobby>(); IsFiltered = false; view.DrawLobbies(lobbies); APILobby.SetSelectChannel(channel, OnCallbackAllLobbyInSelectedChannel); }
public void LoadFromChannel(DataChannel channel) { throw new NotImplementedException(); //Port = channel.Port; //Data.LoadState(channel.Data); //PortBuffer.LoadState(channel.PortBuffer); //DisplayBuffer.LoadState(channel.DisplayBuffer); }
public void OnDataChannelAdded(DataChannel channel) { Debug.Log("OnDataChannelAdded"); _mainThreadWorkQueue.Enqueue(() => { _dataChannel = channel; _dataChannel.MessageReceived += OnWebRTCMessageReceived; Debug.Log("OnDataChannelAdded Main Thread"); }); }
private static void addFileReader(DataChannel channel, FileFragHelper_Read reader) { var find = findFileReaderByGuid(reader.CurrentFileInfo.fileGuid); if (find == null) { caches.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Key == channel).Value.Add(reader); } onFileCountChanged?.Invoke(channel, cuteFileCount(channel)); }
private void HandleSelectedChannelChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataChannel dc = w_cbChannel.SelectedItem as DataChannel; if (dc == null) { return; } w_propertyGrid.SelectedObject = dc.Analyzer; }
private void OnDataChannelRemoved(DataChannel channel) { Logger.Log($"Removed data channel '{channel.Label}' (#{channel.ID})."); // FIXME - Delegating to another thread means possible race condition if user initiates // some action on the data channel before the delegated remove executes. ThreadHelper.RunOnMainThread(() => { var chat = ChatChannels.Where(c => c.DataChannel == channel).First(); ChatChannels.Remove(chat); }); }
private void InitializeDataStream() { if (Options.DataChannelLabel == null || (RemoteConnectionInfo != null && !RemoteConnectionInfo.HasData)) { return; } DataChannel = new DataChannel(Options.DataChannelLabel); DataStream = new DataStream(DataChannel); DoInitializeDataStream(); }
public static void readFragError(DataChannel channel, FileFragHelper_Read filereader) { removeFileReaderByGuid(channel, filereader.CurrentFileInfo.fileGuid); SendFileInfo <FileFragInfo> data = new SendFileInfo <FileFragInfo> { Data = filereader.CurrentFileInfo, SendFileType = SendFileType.SendFileError }; channel.SendChannelData(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data)); }
private void InitializeDataStream() { if (Options.DataChannelLabel == null) { return; } DataChannel = new DataChannel(Options.DataChannelLabel); DataStream = new DataStream(DataChannel); DoInitializeDataStream(); }
public void OnDataChannelAdded(DataChannel channel) { _dataChannel = channel; _dataChannel.StateChanged += (() => { // if (_dataChannel.State == DataChannel.ChannelState.Open) // { SendKinectInitialData(); // } }); Debug.Log("OnDataChannelAdded"); }
private static int cuteFileCount(DataChannel channel) { var sendingCount = 0; if (caches.ContainsKey(channel) == true) { sendingCount = caches.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Key == channel).Value.Count; } var recivingCount = caches_recive_files.Count; return(sendingCount + recivingCount); }
private void RegisterDataChannelCreatedCallback() { _webRtcDataChannelCreatedCallback = (handle, dataChannelHandle, _) => { Log.Debug(WebRTCLog.Tag, "Invoked"); DataChannel?.Invoke(this, new WebRTCDataChannelEventArgs(dataChannelHandle)); }; NativeDataChannel.SetCreatedByPeerCb(Handle, _webRtcDataChannelCreatedCallback). ThrowIfFailed("Failed to set data channel created callback."); }
/// <summary> /// Main UI thread callback on WebRTC native plugin initialized. /// </summary> private void OnPluginPostInit() { PluginInitialized = true; LogMessage("WebRTC native plugin initialized."); // It is CRUCIAL to add any data channel BEFORE the SDP offer is sent, if data channels are // to be used at all. Otherwise the SCTP will not be negotiated, and then all channels will // stay forever in the kConnecting state. // _peerConnection.AddDataChannelAsync(ChatChannelID, "chat", true, true).ContinueWith((prevTask) => { if (prevTask.Exception != null) { throw prevTask.Exception; } var newDataChannel = prevTask.Result; RunOnMainThread(() => { _chatDataChannel = newDataChannel; _chatDataChannel.MessageReceived += ChatMessageReceived; chatInputBox.IsEnabled = true; chatSendButton.IsEnabled = true; }); }); createOfferButton.IsEnabled = true; // Do not allow starting the local video before the MediaElement told us it was // safe to do so (see OnMediaOpened). Otherwise Play() will silently fail. startLocalVideo.IsEnabled = false; localVideoPlayer.CurrentStateChanged += OnMediaStateChanged; localVideoPlayer.MediaOpened += OnMediaOpened; localVideoPlayer.MediaFailed += OnMediaFailed; localVideoPlayer.MediaEnded += OnMediaEnded; localVideoPlayer.RealTimePlayback = true; localVideoPlayer.AutoPlay = false; localVideoSource = CreateVideoStreamSource(640, 480); //< TODO width,height localVideoPlayer.Source = MediaSource.CreateFromMediaStreamSource(localVideoSource); remoteVideoPlayer.CurrentStateChanged += OnMediaStateChanged; remoteVideoPlayer.MediaOpened += OnMediaOpened; remoteVideoPlayer.MediaFailed += OnMediaFailed; remoteVideoPlayer.MediaEnded += OnMediaEnded; remoteVideoSource = CreateVideoStreamSource(640, 480); //< TODO width,height remoteVideoPlayer.Source = MediaSource.CreateFromMediaStreamSource(remoteVideoSource); // Bind the XAML UI control (localVideo) to the MediaFoundation rendering pipeline (localVideoPlayer) // so that the former can render in the UI the video frames produced in the background by the later. localVideo.SetMediaPlayer(localVideoPlayer); remoteVideo.SetMediaPlayer(remoteVideoPlayer); }
/// <summary> /// creates a dataChannel on the nativePeer and subscribes to its messages. /// </summary> /// <param name="nativePeer"></param> private void DoAutoStartActions(WebRTC.PeerConnection nativePeer) { //(ushort id), string label, bool ordered, bool reliable nativePeer.AddDataChannelAsync((ushort)ChannelID, ChannelID.ToString(), ordered, reliable).ContinueWith((prevTask) => { if (prevTask.Exception != null) { throw prevTask.Exception; } dataChannel = prevTask.Result; dataChannel.MessageReceived += PosMessageReceived; }); }
/// <summary> /// Получить стоимость реализации данного пути. /// </summary> /// <param name="project">Свойства проекта.</param> /// <returns>Стоимость реализации проведения данного пути.</returns> public double GetCost(Project project) { try { // Если путь на одной вершине, то считаем стоимость только её return(Path?.Sum(edge => GetDistance() * DataChannel.GetCost(project, edge)) ?? DataChannel.GetCost(project, Source)); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("TopologyPath GetCost failed! {0}", ex.Message); return(TopologyFitness.UNACCEPTABLE); } }
protected override void PeerConnection_onNewDataChannel(object sender, DataChannel e) { base.PeerConnection_onNewDataChannel(sender, e); if (e.label == nameof(ChannelName.fileChannel)) { FileChannelMessageDeal.RegisterFileChannel(e); } else { e.onChannelMessage += E_onChannelMessage; e.onChannelStateChanged += E_onChannelStateChanged; } }
private void OnDataChannelAdded(DataChannel channel) { switch (channel.Label) { case "tcpDataChannel": channel.MessageReceived += OnTcpDataChannelMessageReceived; break; case "udpDataChannel": channel.MessageReceived += OnUdpDataChannelMessageReceived; break; } }
private async Task StartDataStream() { if (DataStream != null) { DataSource = CreateDataSource(); DataSource.OnMessage += (sender, message) => { DataChannel.SendDataString(message); }; await DataSource.Start(); DoStartDataStream(); } }
public static LobbyTab Create(DataChannel data,UITable parent,int index){ GameObject gobj = null; if (index != 0) gobj = GameObject.Instantiate (Resources.Load ("Prefabs/Lobby/LobbyTabCenter")) as GameObject; else { gobj = GameObject.Instantiate (Resources.Load ("Prefabs/Lobby/LobbyTabLeft")) as GameObject; } = data.zoneId + "-" +; gobj.transform.parent = parent.transform; gobj.transform.localPosition =; gobj.transform.localScale =; LobbyTab item = gobj.GetComponent<LobbyTab> (); item.SetData (data,index); return item; }
public void LoadLobbiesByChannel(Puppet.Core.Model.DataChannel channel) { view.ShowLoading(); selectedChannel = channel; lobbies = new List<DataLobby>(); IsFiltered = false; view.DrawLobbies(lobbies); APILobby.SetSelectChannel(channel, OnCallbackAllLobbyInSelectedChannel); }
public void LoadLobbiesByChannel(Puppet.Core.Model.DataChannel channel) { selectedChannel = channel; if (lobbies != null) lobbies = null; IsFiltered = false; APILobby.SetSelectChannel(channel, OnGetAllLobbyInChannel); }
void SetData (DataChannel data,int index) { = data; title.text = data.displayName; }