public FileResult GetProtocolFile(string auctionDate, string auctionNumber) { var protocolFile = DataBaseClient.ReadDocument((int)DataBaseClient.ReadAuctions().FirstOrDefault(a => a.siteid == 5 && a.number == auctionNumber).fileslistid, (int)DocumentTypeEnum.Protocol); if (protocolFile != null) { var filePath = @"Y:\Auctions\KazETS\" + auctionDate + "\\" + auctionNumber.Replace("/", "_") + "\\"; string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(filePath, + "." + protocolFile.extension); if (files.Length > 0) { filePath = files[0]; if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath)) { LogService.LogInfo("Report file for auction date " + auctionDate + " with № " + auctionNumber + " successfuly downloaded"); return(File(filePath, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, "Протокол по аукциону №" + auctionNumber.Replace("/", "_") + "." + protocolFile.extension)); } else { LogService.LogInfo("Report file loading error"); return(null); } } } return(null); }
private void UpdateAuctionsList(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, int site, int statusId, int traderId, string searchText = null) { AppJournal.Write("Auctions List", "Update get auctions and check new orders from base", true); try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchText)) { AuctionsList = DataBaseClient.ReadAuctions(fromDate.AddDays(-1), toDate, site, statusId, traderId); } else { AuctionsList = DataBaseClient.ReadAuctions(fromDate.AddDays(-1), toDate, site, statusId, traderId, searchText); } } catch (Exception ex) { AppJournal.Write("Auctions List", "Get auctions list from base error: " + ex.ToString(), true); } try { NewOrders = DataBaseClient.GetOrders(site, 1); } catch (Exception ex) { AppJournal.Write("Orders List", "Get new orders list from error: " + ex.ToString(), true); } if (NewOrders.Count > 0) { NewOrdersVis = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; } else { NewOrdersVis = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; } }
public ActionResult AuctionsList() { try { /*ordersList = DataBaseClient.GetKarazhiraAuctions(1); * ordersList.AddRange(DataBaseClient.GetKarazhiraAuctions(4));*/ // Some new realisation var auctionsList = DataBaseClient.ReadAuctions(); if (auctionsList != null) { ordersList = new List <Order>(); foreach (var item in auctionsList.Where(a => a.siteid == 5 && a.statusid == 4 && a.customerid == 2)) { Order order = new Order(); order.Auction = new Auction() { Id =, Date =, Number = item.number, Status = }; order.Date = item.regulation.opendate; var lot = DataBaseClient.ReadLots(; order.Auction.Lots = new ObservableCollection <Lot>(); order.Auction.Lots.Add(new Lot() { Name = lot != null ? lot[0].description : "", Sum = lot != null ? lot[0].sum : 0 }); ordersList.Add(order); } } // LogService.LogInfo("AuctionList page opened"); } catch (Exception ex) { LogService.LogInfo("AuctionList page opened with error: " + ex); return(null); } return(View(ordersList)); }
public ActionResult EndedAuctionsList() { try { /*ordersList = DataBaseClient.GetKarazhiraAuctions(2); * ordersList.AddRange(DataBaseClient.GetKarazhiraAuctions(3));*/ // Some new realisation var auctionsList = DataBaseClient.ReadAuctions(); if (auctionsList != null) { ordersList = new List <Order>(); foreach (var item in auctionsList.Where(a => a.siteid == 5 && a.statusid == 2 && a.customerid == 2)) { Order order = new Order(); order.Auction = new Auction() { Id =, Date =, Number = item.number, Status = }; order.Date = item.regulation.opendate; var lot = DataBaseClient.ReadLots(; order.Auction.Lots = new ObservableCollection <Lot>(); order.Auction.Lots.Add(new Lot() { Name = (lot != null && lot.Count > 0) ? lot[0].description : "", Sum = (lot != null && lot.Count > 0) ? lot[0].sum : 0 }); var procuratory = DataBaseClient.ReadProcuratories(; order.Auction.Procuratories = new ObservableCollection <Procuratory>(); decimal minimalPrice = 0; string supplierName = ""; try { minimalPrice = (procuratory != null && procuratory.Count > 0) ? procuratory.FirstOrDefault(p => p.supplierid != 3).minimalprice : 0; supplierName = (procuratory != null && procuratory.Count > 0) ? procuratory.FirstOrDefault(p => p.supplierid != 3) : "Нет данных"; } catch (Exception) { minimalPrice = 0; supplierName = ""; } order.Auction.Procuratories.Add(new Procuratory() { MinimalPrice = minimalPrice, SupplierName = supplierName.Replace("Товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью", "ТОО").Replace("Индивидуальный предприниматель", "ИП") }); ordersList.Add(order); } } // LogService.LogInfo("EndedAuctionList page opened"); } catch (Exception ex) { LogService.LogInfo("EndedAuctionList page opened with error: " + ex); return(null); } return(View(ordersList)); }
public void UpdateAuctionsList() { AuctionsList = DataBaseClient.ReadAuctions(); CheckForEllapsedAuctions(); }