/// <summary> /// Gets the weekly data backup files. /// </summary> /// <param name="timer">The timer.</param> /// <param name="o">The o.</param> private void GetWeeklyDataBackupFiles(Timer timer, object o) { // Get last week's pg_dump files and send them (via WCF/MSMQ message payload) // up to HMS cloud server var backupData = DataAggregator.GetDataBackup(); if (null == backupData || 0 >= backupData.Count) { return; } try { DataExporter.SendDataBackup(backupData); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Warn( $"An unexpected error occurred while calling DataReporter.SendDataBackup. Check WCF HMS configuration: [{ex.Message}]"); var innerEx = ex.InnerException; while (null != innerEx) { Logger.Warn($"[{innerEx.Message}]"); innerEx = innerEx.InnerException; } Logger.Warn($"Stack Trace: [{Environment.StackTrace}]"); } }