void ConfigHF() { string[] splitter = { "?" }; HF_Host.Value = "/DesktopModules/Clientes/API/ModuleTask/"; HF_RawHost.Value = Request.RawUrl.Split(splitter, StringSplitOptions.None)[0]; Data2.Connection.D_StaticWebService SWS = new Data2.Connection.D_StaticWebService(); K.Value = SWS.GetPrivateKeyByIdUser(UserId); }
void configmodule() { Data2.Connection.D_StaticWebService STWS = new Data2.Connection.D_StaticWebService(); string K = STWS.GetPrivateKeyByIdUser(UserId); key.Value = K; string baseUrl = Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Authority + Request.ApplicationPath.TrimEnd('/') + "/"; baseurl.Value = baseUrl; url.Value = Request.RawUrl.Split('?')[0]; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Data2.Connection.D_StaticWebService STWS = new Data2.Connection.D_StaticWebService(); string K = STWS.GetPrivateKeyByIdUser(Conversion.ObtenerLocal(UserId)); key.Value = K; EventsHandlers(); LlenarUnidades(); LlenarProveedores(); LlenarMateriasPrimas(); ConstruirIndice(); ConstruirListadoArticulos(); LlenarArchivosCMB(); InterpretarMensajes(); InterpretarResultados(); if (!IsPostBack) { InterpretarModo(); } //MANEJO DE ARCHIVO /* DirectoryInfo DI = new DirectoryInfo(DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals.PortalSettings.Current.HomeDirectoryMapPath); * FileInfo[] FI = DI.GetFiles(); * if (FI.Length > 0) * { * for (int a = 0; a < FI.Length; a++) * { * HtmlGenericControl HTMLGC = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); * HTMLGC.InnerText = FI[a].FullName; * HTMLGC.Visible = true; * fileList.Controls.Add(HTMLGC); * * * } * } * * HtmlGenericControl HTMLGC2 = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); * HTMLGC2.InnerText = DI.FullName; * HTMLGC2.Visible = true; * fileList.Controls.Add(HTMLGC2);*/ try { } catch (Exception exc) //Module failed to load { Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc); } }
void LoadControls() { Data2.Connection.D_StaticWebService SWS = new Data2.Connection.D_StaticWebService(); string IDU = SWS.GetPrivateKeyByIdUser(UserId); hf_key.Value = IDU; if (Session[RemitoString] != null) { FormRemito.Visible = true; NewRemito.Visible = false; btnCancelarFactura.Visible = true; } else { FormRemito.Visible = false; NewRemito.Visible = true; btnCancelarFactura.Visible = false; } }
void LoadControls() { Data2.Connection.D_StaticWebService SWS = new Data2.Connection.D_StaticWebService(); string IDU = SWS.GetPrivateKeyByIdUser(Conversion.ObtenerLocal(UserId)); hf_key.Value = UserId.ToString(); url.Value = Request.Url.Host; if (Session[RemitoString] != null) { FormRemito.Visible = true; NewRemito.Visible = false; btnCancelarFactura.Visible = true; } else { FormRemito.Visible = false; NewRemito.Visible = true; btnCancelarFactura.Visible = false; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string hostname = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + ResolveUrl("~/"); hostn.Value = hostname; Data2.Connection.D_StaticWebService SWS = new Data2.Connection.D_StaticWebService(); KEY.Value = SWS.GetPrivateKeyByIdUser(UserId); PC = Data2.Class.Struct_PrintConfiguration.GetPrintConfiguration(UserId); if (!IsPostBack) { if (Request["EdcVen"] != null && Request["NV"] != null && Request["PR"] != null) { EdcVen(); } if (Request["DelVen"] != null) { BorrarVendedor(Request["DelVen"]); } if (Request["EdtVen"] != null) { int idVen = int.Parse(Request["EdtVen"]); List <Data2.Class.Struct_Vendedores> LV = Data2.Class.Struct_Vendedores.GetAllVendedores(UserId); if (LV != null) { foreach (Data2.Class.Struct_Vendedores V in LV) { if (V.Id == idVen) { txt_EdcNombre.Attributes.Add("placeholder", V.NombreVendedor); txt_EdcPorcentaje.Attributes.Add("placeholder", V.Porcentaje.ToString("#.##")); idEdition.Value = idVen.ToString(); } } } } else { idEdition.Value = "0"; } LlenarCamposPrinter(); LlenarCamposUserConfig(); } LlenarIMGLogo(); LlenarCamposVendedores(); } catch (Exception exc) //Module failed to load { Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc); } }