public static Record CreateRecord(Data.Record record) => new Record { Day = record.Day, MobileCountryCode = record.Country.MobileCode.ToString(), PricePerSMS = Math.Round(record.Country.PricePerSMS, 2), Count = record.Count, TotalPrice = Math.Round(record.Country.PricePerSMS * record.Count, 2) };
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string rms_record_id = Request.QueryString["rms_record_id"]; string rms_audit_id = Request.QueryString["rms_audit_id"]; //If rms_record_id was passed, then set the RecordID variable and make sure the WSCID and OfficeID are changed to match the RecordIDs office and WSC if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rms_record_id)) { RecordID = Convert.ToInt32(rms_record_id); currRecord = db.Records.Where(p => p.rms_record_id == RecordID).FirstOrDefault(); if (currRecord.RecordAltOffice == null) { OfficeID = (int)currRecord.Site.office_id; } else { OfficeID = (int)currRecord.RecordAltOffice.alt_office_id; } WSCID = (int)db.Offices.Where(p => p.office_id == OfficeID).FirstOrDefault().wsc_id; } else { RecordID = 0; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rms_audit_id)) { AuditID = Convert.ToInt32(rms_audit_id); currAudit = db.Audits.Where(p => p.rms_audit_id == AuditID).FirstOrDefault(); WSCID = (int)currAudit.wsc_id; OfficeID = db.Offices.FirstOrDefault(p => p.wsc_id == WSCID).office_id; } else { AuditID = 0; } UserControlSetup(); if (!Page.IsPostBack) { //If the user belongs to this site's WSC (or has an exception to work in the WSC), or is a SuperUser, then allow them to edit the page if (user.WSCID.Contains(WSCID) || user.IsSuperUser) { pnlHasAccess.Visible = true; pnlNoAccess.Visible = false; InitialView(); } else { pnlHasAccess.Visible = false; pnlNoAccess.Visible = true; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string office_id = Request.QueryString["office_id"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(office_id)) { OfficeID = Convert.ToInt32(office_id); WSCID = Convert.ToInt32(db.Offices.FirstOrDefault(p => p.office_id == OfficeID).wsc_id); } else { //If the office id and wsc id session variables are empty, set these values to the user's assigned office if (OfficeID == 0 && WSCID == 0) { OfficeID = user.OfficeID; WSCID = (int)db.Offices.FirstOrDefault(p => p.office_id == OfficeID).wsc_id; } else if (OfficeID == 0 && WSCID > 0) { OfficeID = db.Offices.FirstOrDefault(p => p.wsc_id == WSCID).office_id; } else if (OfficeID > 0 && WSCID == 0) { WSCID = (int)db.Offices.FirstOrDefault(p => p.office_id == OfficeID).wsc_id; } } string wsc_nm = db.WSCs.FirstOrDefault(p => p.wsc_id == WSCID).wsc_nm; ph1.Title = "Retrieve Record Period Details"; if (RecordID == 0 || Request.QueryString["type"] == "wsc") { ph1.SubTitle = "For the " + wsc_nm + " WSC"; ph1.RecordType = " "; } else { currRecord = db.Records.FirstOrDefault(p => p.rms_record_id == RecordID); ph1.SubTitle = currRecord.Site.site_no + " " + db.vSITEFILEs.FirstOrDefault(s => s.site_id == currRecord.Site.nwisweb_site_id).station_nm; ph1.RecordType = currRecord.RecordType.type_ds + " Record for"; } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { InitialDataBind(); } }
protected void rgSANAL_NeedDataSource(object sender, GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs e) { if (rddlRecords.SelectedIndex > 0) { record = db.Records.FirstOrDefault(p => p.rms_record_id == Convert.ToInt32(rddlRecords.SelectedValue)); rgSANAL.DataSource = record.RecordAnalysisPeriods.Where(p => p.status_va == "Approved").Select(p => new { period_id = p.period_id, rms_record_id = p.rms_record_id, period_beg_dt = p.period_beg_dt, period_end_dt = p.period_end_dt, status_va = p.status_va, site_no = p.Record.Site.site_no, station_nm = p.Record.Site.station_full_nm, type_ds = p.Record.RecordType.type_ds, status_set_by_role_va = p.status_set_by_role_va }).OrderBy(p => p.period_beg_dt).ToList(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string rms_record_id = Request.QueryString["rms_record_id"]; string rms_audit_id = Request.QueryString["rms_audit_id"]; string office_id = Request.QueryString["office_id"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(office_id)) { OfficeID = Convert.ToInt32(office_id); WSCID = Convert.ToInt32(db.Offices.FirstOrDefault(p => p.office_id == OfficeID).wsc_id); } else { //If rms_record_id was passed, then set the RecordID variable and make sure the WSCID and OfficeID are changed to match the RecordIDs office and WSC if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rms_record_id)) { RecordID = Convert.ToInt32(rms_record_id); currRecord = db.Records.Where(p => p.rms_record_id == RecordID).FirstOrDefault(); if (currRecord.RecordAltOffice == null) { OfficeID = (int)currRecord.Site.office_id; } else { OfficeID = (int)currRecord.RecordAltOffice.alt_office_id; } WSCID = (int)db.Offices.Where(p => p.office_id == OfficeID).FirstOrDefault().wsc_id; } else { RecordID = 0; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rms_audit_id)) { AuditID = Convert.ToInt32(rms_audit_id); currAudit = db.Audits.Where(p => p.rms_audit_id == AuditID).FirstOrDefault(); WSCID = (int)currAudit.wsc_id; OfficeID = db.Offices.FirstOrDefault(p => p.wsc_id == WSCID).office_id; } else { AuditID = 0; } } if (OfficeID == 0 || WSCID == 0) { OfficeID = user.OfficeID; WSCID = (int)db.Offices.FirstOrDefault(p => p.office_id == OfficeID).wsc_id; } else if (OfficeID == 0 && WSCID > 0) { OfficeID = db.Offices.FirstOrDefault(p => p.wsc_id == WSCID).office_id; } else if (OfficeID > 0 && WSCID == 0) { WSCID = (int)db.Offices.FirstOrDefault(p => p.office_id == OfficeID).wsc_id; } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { UserControlSetup(); } }
protected void EditRecord(object sender, EventArgs e) { string error = GetErrorText(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { //If updating a current record if (record != null) { //Update the time-series ID if (hfEditIDs.Value == "true") { db.RecordDDs.DeleteAllOnSubmit(record.RecordDDs); db.SubmitChanges(); foreach (ButtonListItem item in rcblIDs.Items) { if (item.Selected) { //Using the selected IDs gu_id value, find the full details for the ID in the TS_ID_CACHE, and create a new entry in the Record DD table var ts_id = db.vTS_ID_CACHEs.FirstOrDefault(p => p.gu_id == item.Value); Data.RecordDD id; id = new Data.RecordDD() { rms_record_id = record.rms_record_id, iv_ts_id = ts_id.iv_ts_id, dd_nu = ts_id.adaps_dd_nu, gu_id = ts_id.gu_id }; db.RecordDDs.InsertOnSubmit(id); db.SubmitChanges(); } } } //Update the record-type record.record_type_id = Convert.ToInt32(rddlRecordTypes.SelectedValue); //Update the category number record.category_no = Convert.ToInt32(rddlCatNumber.SelectedValue); record.cat_reason = rtbCatReason.Text; //Update the operator, analyzer and approver record.operator_uid = rddlOperator.SelectedValue; record.analyzer_uid = rddlAnalyzer.SelectedValue; record.approver_uid = rddlApprover.SelectedValue; record.auditor_uid = rddlAuditor.SelectedValue; //Update the responsible office if (record.RecordAltOffice != null) { //First delete the alt office that might be there db.RecordAltOffices.DeleteOnSubmit(record.RecordAltOffice); db.SubmitChanges(); } //If an alt office was selected other than the site assigned office, add it to the alt office table if (rddlResponsibleOffice.SelectedValue != record.Site.office_id.ToString()) { db.RecordAltOffices.InsertOnSubmit(new Data.RecordAltOffice() { rms_record_id = record.rms_record_id, site_id = record.site_id, alt_office_id = Convert.ToInt32(rddlResponsibleOffice.SelectedValue) }); db.SubmitChanges(); } //Update the threatened gage var tg_newest = record.EndangeredGages.OrderByDescending(p => p.entered_dt).FirstOrDefault(); if ((bool)rcbThreatenedGage.Checked) { if (tg_newest != null) { //If there was a change to any of the threatened gage field values, then need to create a new record for it in the database table if (tg_newest.remarks != tbRemarks.Text || tg_newest.years_of_record != rntbYearsOfRecord.Value || tg_newest.status != rcbStatus.SelectedValue.ToString() || tg_newest.sunset_dt != rdpSunsetDt.SelectedDate) { var tg_new = new Data.EndangeredGage(); tg_new.rms_record_id = record.rms_record_id; tg_new.remarks = tbRemarks.Text; tg_new.years_of_record = Convert.ToInt32(rntbYearsOfRecord.Value); tg_new.status = rcbStatus.SelectedValue.ToString(); tg_new.sunset_dt = rdpSunsetDt.SelectedDate; tg_new.entered_by = user.ID; tg_new.entered_dt = DateTime.Now; db.EndangeredGages.InsertOnSubmit(tg_new); } //Otherwise, do nothing } else //Adding to the threatened gage table for the first time { var tg_new = new Data.EndangeredGage(); tg_new.rms_record_id = record.rms_record_id; tg_new.remarks = tbRemarks.Text; tg_new.years_of_record = Convert.ToInt32(rntbYearsOfRecord.Value); tg_new.status = rcbStatus.SelectedValue.ToString(); tg_new.sunset_dt = rdpSunsetDt.SelectedDate; tg_new.entered_by = user.ID; tg_new.entered_dt = DateTime.Now; db.EndangeredGages.InsertOnSubmit(tg_new); } } else //The checkbox was not checked { //But, there is history of threatened gage data for this record, what happens now?? - NEED SONYA OR BRIAN HELP! if (tg_newest != null) { } } //Checkbox record.not_used_fg = rcbRecordInactive.Checked; if ((bool)record.not_used_fg) //If setting the record to inactive, make sure to delete any TS IDs tied to the record { var tsIDs = record.RecordDDs.ToList(); db.RecordDDs.DeleteAllOnSubmit(tsIDs); } db.SubmitChanges(); } else //Create a new record { Data.Record new_record = new Data.Record(); new_record.site_id = site.site_id; new_record.operator_uid = rddlOperator.SelectedValue; new_record.analyzer_uid = rddlAnalyzer.SelectedValue; new_record.approver_uid = rddlApprover.SelectedValue; new_record.auditor_uid = rddlAuditor.SelectedValue; new_record.not_used_fg = rcbRecordInactive.Checked; new_record.record_type_id = Convert.ToInt32(rddlRecordTypes.SelectedValue); new_record.category_no = Convert.ToInt32(rddlCatNumber.SelectedValue); new_record.cat_reason = rtbCatReason.Text; db.Records.InsertOnSubmit(new_record); db.SubmitChanges(); //Add the time-series ID if (hfEditIDs.Value == "true") { foreach (ButtonListItem item in rcblIDs.Items) { if (item.Selected) { //Using the selected IDs gu_id value, find the full details for the ID in the TS_ID_CACHE, and create a new entry in the Record DD table var ts_id = db.vTS_ID_CACHEs.FirstOrDefault(p => p.gu_id == item.Value); Data.RecordDD id; id = new Data.RecordDD() { rms_record_id = new_record.rms_record_id, iv_ts_id = ts_id.iv_ts_id, dd_nu = ts_id.adaps_dd_nu, gu_id = ts_id.gu_id }; db.RecordDDs.InsertOnSubmit(id); db.SubmitChanges(); } } } //If an alt office was selected other than the site assigned office, add it to the alt office table if (rddlResponsibleOffice.SelectedValue != site.office_id.ToString()) { db.RecordAltOffices.InsertOnSubmit(new Data.RecordAltOffice() { rms_record_id = new_record.rms_record_id, site_id = site.site_id, alt_office_id = Convert.ToInt32(rddlResponsibleOffice.SelectedValue) }); db.SubmitChanges(); } //Insert the threatened gage if ((bool)rcbThreatenedGage.Checked) { var tg_new = new Data.EndangeredGage(); tg_new.rms_record_id = new_record.rms_record_id; tg_new.remarks = tbRemarks.Text; tg_new.years_of_record = Convert.ToInt32(rntbYearsOfRecord.Value); tg_new.status = rcbStatus.SelectedValue.ToString(); tg_new.sunset_dt = rdpSunsetDt.SelectedDate; tg_new.entered_by = user.ID; tg_new.entered_dt = DateTime.Now; db.EndangeredGages.InsertOnSubmit(tg_new); } } ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "close", "CloseModal();", true); } else { ltlError.Visible = true; ltlError.Text = error; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string type = Request.QueryString["type"]; int rms_record_id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["rms_record_id"]); int site_id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["site_id"]); if (rms_record_id > 0) { record = db.Records.FirstOrDefault(p => p.rms_record_id == rms_record_id); } if (site_id > 0) { site = db.Sites.FirstOrDefault(p => p.site_id == site_id); } else { site = db.Sites.FirstOrDefault(p => p.site_id == record.site_id); } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { if (type == "newrecord") { ltlTitle.Text = "Add New Record"; ltlRecordType.Visible = false; ltlSite.Text = site.site_no.Trim() + " " + db.vSITEFILEs.FirstOrDefault(s => s.site_id == site.nwisweb_site_id).station_nm; pnlNewRecord.Visible = true; pnlRecordNotUsed.Visible = false; pnlEditRecord.Visible = false; pnlThreatenedGage.Visible = false; PopulateNewRecordPanel(); } else if (type == "record") { ltlTitle.Text = "Modify Record"; var dds = db.SP_RMS_Get_Record_DDs(record.rms_record_id); if (dds.Count() > 1) { ltlRecordType.Text = "Multi-Parameter, " + record.RecordType.type_ds + " Record for"; } else { try { ltlRecordType.Text = db.SP_RMS_Get_Record_DDs(record.rms_record_id).FirstOrDefault().parm_nm + ", " + record.RecordType.type_ds + " Record for"; } catch (Exception ex) { ltlRecordType.Text = record.RecordType.type_ds + " Record for"; } } ltlSite.Text = record.Site.site_no.Trim() + " " + db.vSITEFILEs.FirstOrDefault(s => s.site_id == record.Site.nwisweb_site_id).station_nm; pnlNewRecord.Visible = false; if ((bool)record.not_used_fg) { pnlRecordNotUsed.Visible = true; pnlEditRecord.Visible = false; } else { pnlRecordNotUsed.Visible = false; pnlEditRecord.Visible = true; } PopulateEditRecordPanel("editcurrentrecord"); } } }
public void Values_Not_Null() { var target = new Data.Record(); Assert.False(target.Values.IsDefault); }
public void Inherits_From_ObservableObject() { var target = new Data.Record(); Assert.True(target is ObservableObject); }