        //Make sure that all answers pertain to the intended quiz and are all for the same question.
        public IEnumerable <Answer> ValidateAnswers(Data.Entities.Quizzes.Quiz quiz, IEnumerable <Answer> allAnswers, IEnumerable <long> answerIds)
            var setAnswerIds = new HashSet <long>(answerIds);
            var answers      = allAnswers.Where(a => setAnswerIds.Contains(a.Id)).ToList();

            long questionId = -1;

            foreach (var answer in answers)
                if (questionId == -1)
                    questionId = answer.QuestionId;
                    if (answer.Question.QuizId != quiz.Id)
                        throw new QuizAnswersNotForQuizException(answer.Id, quiz.Id, answer.Question.QuizId);
                else if (questionId != answer.QuestionId)
                    throw new QuizAnswersNotSameQuestionException(answer.Id, questionId, answer.QuestionId);

        //Determines the next question to provide for the person based on the questions which they have not yet answered.
        public Question NextQuestion(Data.Entities.Quizzes.Quiz quiz, Person person, IEnumerable <Question> allQuestions, IEnumerable <PersonAnswer> allPersonAnswers)
            var questions = allQuestions.Where(q => q.QuizId == quiz.Id);
            var questionIdsOfPersonAnswers = new HashSet <long>(allPersonAnswers.Select(a => a.Answer.QuestionId));

            //We only are concerned with unanswered questions.
            var availableQuestions = questions.Where(q => !questionIdsOfPersonAnswers.Contains(q.Id));

            if (quiz.RandomizeQuestions)
                availableQuestions = availableQuestions.Shuffle(_randomizer);

            var question = availableQuestions.FirstOrDefault();

            if (question != null && question.RandomizeAnswers)
                question.Answers = question.Answers.Shuffle(_randomizer).ToList();
