public void PassTheCorrectPostIdToThePostLocator()
            string path = $"/{_dasBlogPostsFile}";
            Guid   id   = Guid.NewGuid();

            var query = (null as IQueryCollection).CreateMockQueryCollection();

            query.AddQueryParameter("id", id.ToString());

            var request  = (null as HttpRequest).CreateMockRequest(path, query.Object);
            var response = (null as HttpResponse).CreateMockResponse();

            var context     = (null as HttpContext).CreateMockContext(request, response);
            var postLocator = new Mock <IPostLocator>();

            var serviceCollection = (null as IServiceCollection).Create();

            serviceCollection.ReplaceDependency <IPostLocator>(postLocator.Object);

            var target = new DasBlogCompatibility((HttpContext c) => { throw new InvalidOperationException("The next delegate should not be called in this test"); },

            var t = target.Invoke(context.Object);

            // No need to wait for the task since it was never invoked --

            postLocator.Verify(l => l.GetUrlByPostId(id), Times.Once);
        public void ReturnA404ResponseIfTheIdIsNotAValidGuid()
            HttpContext actual = null;

            string path  = $"/{_dasBlogPostsFile}";
            var    query = (null as IQueryCollection).CreateMockQueryCollection();

            query.AddQueryParameter("id", "1234");

            var request  = (null as HttpRequest).CreateMockRequest(path, query.Object);
            var response = (null as HttpResponse).CreateMockResponse();

            var context         = (null as HttpContext).CreateMockContext(request, response);
            var serviceProvider = (null as IServiceProvider).Create();

            var target = new DasBlogCompatibility((HttpContext c) =>
                actual = c;
            }, serviceProvider);

            var t = target.Invoke(context.Object);


            Assert.Equal(404, context.Object.Response.StatusCode);
        public void RedirectToThePostUrlBasedOnThePostId()
            string path    = $"/{_dasBlogPostsFile}";
            Guid   id      = Guid.NewGuid();
            string postUrl = $"{string.Empty.GetRandom()}.html";

            var query = (null as IQueryCollection).CreateMockQueryCollection();

            query.AddQueryParameter("id", id.ToString());

            var request  = (null as HttpRequest).CreateMockRequest(path, query.Object);
            var response = (null as HttpResponse).CreateMockResponse();

            var context = (null as HttpContext).CreateMockContext(request, response);

            var postLocator = new Mock <IPostLocator>();

            postLocator.Setup(l => l.GetUrlByPostId(It.IsAny <Guid>()))

            var serviceCollection = (null as IServiceCollection).Create();

            serviceCollection.ReplaceDependency <IPostLocator>(postLocator.Object);

            var target = new DasBlogCompatibility((HttpContext c) => { throw new InvalidOperationException("The next delegate should not be called in this test"); },

            var t = target.Invoke(context.Object);

            // No need to wait for the task since it was never invoked --

            response.Verify(r => r.Redirect(postUrl, It.IsAny <bool>()), Times.Once);
        public void ReturnA404ResponseIfThePostIdIsNotFound()
            string path = $"/{_dasBlogPostsFile}";
            Guid   id   = Guid.NewGuid();

            var query = (null as IQueryCollection).CreateMockQueryCollection();

            query.AddQueryParameter("id", id.ToString());

            var request  = (null as HttpRequest).CreateMockRequest(path, query.Object);
            var response = (null as HttpResponse).CreateMockResponse();

            var headers = Mock.Of <IHeaderDictionary>();

            response.SetupGet(r => r.Headers).Returns(headers);

            var context     = (null as HttpContext).CreateMockContext(request, response);
            var postLocator = new Mock <IPostLocator>();

            postLocator.Setup(l => l.GetUrlByPostId(It.IsAny <Guid>()))
            .Throws(new PostNotFoundException(id));

            var serviceCollection = (null as IServiceCollection).Create();

            serviceCollection.ReplaceDependency <IPostLocator>(postLocator.Object);

            var target = new DasBlogCompatibility((HttpContext c) => { throw new InvalidOperationException("The next delegate should not be called in this test"); },

            var t = target.Invoke(context.Object);

            // No need to wait for the task since it was never invoked

            Assert.Equal(404, context.Object.Response.StatusCode);
        public void PassTheHttpContextToTheInvokeCallOnTheNextDelegate()
            HttpContext actual  = null;
            string      path    = $"/{string.Empty.GetRandom()}.html";
            var         context = (null as HttpContext).CreateMockContext(path);

            var target = new DasBlogCompatibility((HttpContext c) =>
                actual = c;

            var t = target.Invoke(context.Object);


            Assert.Equal(context.Object, actual);
        public void RedirectIfCallIsToDasBlogSyndicationFile()
            string path = $"/{_dasBlogSyndicationFile}";

            var request  = (null as HttpRequest).CreateMockRequest(path, null);
            var response = (null as HttpResponse).CreateMockResponse();
            var context  = (null as HttpContext).CreateMockContext(request, response);

            var target = new DasBlogCompatibility((HttpContext c) =>

            var t = target.Invoke(context.Object);


            response.Verify(r => r.Redirect(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <bool>()), Times.Once);
        public void CallInvokeOnTheNextDelegateIfNotACallToThePostFile()
            bool   executed        = false;
            string path            = $"/{string.Empty.GetRandom()}.html";
            var    context         = (null as HttpContext).CreateMockContext(path);
            var    serviceProvider = (null as IServiceProvider).Create();

            var target = new DasBlogCompatibility((HttpContext c) =>
                executed = true;
            }, serviceProvider);

            var t = target.Invoke(context.Object);


        public void IssuesAPermanantRedirectIfCallIsToDasBlogSyndicationFile()
            string folderName   = string.Empty.GetRandom();
            string expectedPath = $"/{folderName}/{_currentSyndicationFile}";
            string path         = $"/{folderName}/{_dasBlogSyndicationFile}";

            var request  = (null as HttpRequest).CreateMockRequest(path, null);
            var response = (null as HttpResponse).CreateMockResponse();
            var context  = (null as HttpContext).CreateMockContext(request, response);

            var target = new DasBlogCompatibility((HttpContext c) =>

            var t = target.Invoke(context.Object);


            response.Verify(r => r.Redirect(It.IsAny <string>(), true), Times.Once);
        public void CallInvokeOnTheNextDelegateIfNotACallToTheSyndicationFile()
            bool executed = false;

            string path = $"/{string.Empty.GetRandom()}.html";


            var context = (null as HttpContext).CreateMockContext(path);

            var target = new DasBlogCompatibility((HttpContext c) =>
                executed = true;

            var t = target.Invoke(context.Object);

