public void FixBatchInventory() { IDBContext db = new DapperDBContext("masterDB"); // 查询 异常批次数据 var sql = @"select,p.`Code`,p.BarCode,s.StoreId,s.Quantity,t.Quantity as bqty,c.Quantity as hqty from storeinventory s left JOIN (select b.StoreId,b.ProductId,sum(b.Quantity) as Quantity from storeinventorybatch b group by b.StoreId,b.ProductId) t on s.StoreId = t.StoreId and s.ProductId = t.ProductId left join (select h.StoreId,h.ProductId,sum( h.ChangeQuantity) as Quantity from storeinventoryhistory h GROUP BY h.StoreId,h.ProductId ) c on s.StoreId = c.StoreId and s.ProductId = c.ProductId left join product p on = s.ProductId where s.Quantity<>c.Quantity or c.Quantity<>t.Quantity or s.Quantity<>t.Quantity "; var waitFixProducts = db.Table.FindAll <FixProduct>(sql, null); foreach (var item in waitFixProducts) { if (item.Quantity <= 0) { //更新当前所有商品批次库存为0 if (item.Bqty > 0) { string sqlUpdate = "update storeinventorybatch set Quantity = 0 where StoreId=@StoreId and ProductId=@ProductId and Quantity>0"; db.Command.AddExecute(sqlUpdate, new { StoreId = item.StoreId, ProductId = item.Id }); } } else { // 把批次库存数修复成与总库存一致 var inventoryBatchs = db.Table.FindAll <StoreInventoryBatch>("select * from storeinventorybatch where storeId=@StoreId and productId = @ProductIds and Quantity>0", new { StoreId = item.StoreId, ProductIds = item.Id }).OrderBy(n => n.BatchNo).ToList(); if (item.Quantity < item.Bqty) { var updateList = MinusInventory(inventoryBatchs, item.Bqty - item.Quantity); if (updateList.Count > 0) { db.Update(updateList.ToArray()); } } else { } } } // db.SaveChange(); Assert.AreEqual(1, 1); }
public void TestTimespan_MySql() { var strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ebsdb"].ConnectionString; DapperDBContext db = new DapperDBContext("ebsdb"); var model = db.Table <temp_test>().FirstOrDefault(n => n.Id == 1); var version1 = model.RowVersion; model.Quantity += 100; db.Update(model); db.SaveChange(); var model2 = db.Table <temp_test>().FirstOrDefault(n => n.Id == 1); Assert.AreNotEqual(version1, model2.RowVersion); }