public ActionResult Index() { //check login if (!IsLogged()) { return(BackToLogin()); } DanhmucServices service = new DanhmucServices(); PhongBanModels parampb = new PhongBanModels(); List <PhongBanModels> lstResult_phongban = service.SelectRowsBCTC(parampb); StringBuilder sbphongban = new StringBuilder(); string pb = ""; string thudientu = Session["thudientu"].ToString().Trim(); if (Session["loginid"].ToString().Trim().ToLower() == "admin" || Session["grouptk"].ToString().Trim() == "1") { //var lstpban = lstResult_phongban.Where(p => p.maphongban == maphongban).ToList(); //if (lstpban.Count() > 0) // pb = "<option value=" + lstpban[0].maphongban + ">" + lstpban[0].tenphongban + "</option>"; //pb = pb + "<option value=0>Chọn phòng ban</option>"; foreach (var item in lstResult_phongban) { pb = pb + "<option value=" + item.maphongban + "> " + item.tenphongban + " </option>"; } } else { foreach (var item in lstResult_phongban.Where(p => == thudientu || p.sodienthoai == thudientu || p.ghichu == thudientu || p.ghichu1 == thudientu || p.ghichu2 == thudientu || p.cv_thietbi == thudientu || p.gs_thietbi == thudientu || p.cv_hsse == thudientu || p.gs_hsse == thudientu || p.cv_qaqc == thudientu || p.gs_qaqc == thudientu || p.cv_mep == thudientu || p.gs_mep == thudientu)) { pb = pb + "<option value=" + item.maphongban + "> " + item.tenphongban + " </option>"; } } ViewBag.sbphongban = pb.ToString(); //foreach (var item in lstResult_phongban.Where(p=>p.phongban_congtruong=="0")) //{ // sbphongban.Append(string.Format("<option value='{0}'>{1}</option>", item.maphongban, item.tenphongban)); //} // ViewBag.sbphongban = sbphongban.ToString(); return(View()); }
public JsonResult SelectRows_WeedMeeting(WeedMeetingModels model, int curentPage) { WeedMeetingModels param = new WeedMeetingModels(); DaotaoServices service = new DaotaoServices(); DanhmucServices service_danhmuc = new DanhmucServices(); //param.nguoitao = int.Parse(Session["userid"].ToString()); param.maphongban = model.maphongban; param.loaibaocao = model.loaibaocao; //if (Session["loginid"].ToString().Trim().ToLower() == "admin" || Session["grouptk"].ToString().Trim() == "1") //{ param.nguoitao = 0; //} string thudientu = Session["thudientu"].ToString().Trim(); List <PhongBanModels> y = null; var lstcaptrentt = y; PhongBanModels parampb = new PhongBanModels(); List <PhongBanModels> lstResult_phongban = service_danhmuc.SelectRowsBCTC(parampb); lstcaptrentt = lstResult_phongban.Where(p => p.maphongban == model.maphongban).ToList(); //StringBuilder sbloaibaocao = new StringBuilder(); //sbloaibaocao.Append(string.Format("<option value={0}>{1}</option>", "1", "Báo cáo tuần CHT/TPB")); if (lstcaptrentt[0].email == thudientu || lstcaptrentt[0].ghichu == thudientu || lstcaptrentt[0].sodienthoai == thudientu || lstcaptrentt[0].ghichu1 == thudientu || lstcaptrentt[0].ghichu2 == thudientu || Session["loginid"].ToString().Trim().ToLower() == "admin" || Session["grouptk"].ToString().Trim() == "1") { param.loaibaocao = param.loaibaocao; } else if (model.loaibaocao == 2 && (lstcaptrentt[0].cv_thietbi == thudientu || lstcaptrentt[0].gs_thietbi == thudientu)) { param.loaibaocao = 2; } else if (model.loaibaocao == 3 && (lstcaptrentt[0].cv_hsse == thudientu || lstcaptrentt[0].gs_hsse == thudientu)) { param.loaibaocao = 3; } else if (model.loaibaocao == 4 && (lstcaptrentt[0].cv_qaqc == thudientu || lstcaptrentt[0].gs_qaqc == thudientu)) { param.loaibaocao = 4; } else if (model.loaibaocao == 5 && (lstcaptrentt[0].cv_mep == thudientu || lstcaptrentt[0].gs_mep == thudientu)) { param.loaibaocao = 5; } else { param.loaibaocao = 6; } int tongsodong = service.CountRows_WeedMeeting2(param); int sotrang = 1; if (tongsodong > 20) { if (tongsodong % 20 > 0) { sotrang = (tongsodong / 20) + 1; } else { sotrang = (tongsodong / 20); } } int trangbd = 1; int trangkt = 20; if (curentPage != 1 && curentPage <= sotrang) { trangbd = (trangkt * (curentPage - 1)) + 1; trangkt = trangkt * curentPage; } List <WeedMeetingModels> lstResult = new List <WeedMeetingModels>(); if (curentPage <= sotrang) { lstResult = service.SelectRows_WeedMeetingBCTC(param, trangbd, trangkt); } else if (curentPage != 1 && curentPage > sotrang) { curentPage = curentPage - 1; } StringBuilder sbResult = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbRows = new StringBuilder(); int tongdong = 0; if (lstResult.Count > 0) { string strSTT = ""; int i = trangbd; foreach (var item in lstResult) { strSTT = i.ToString(); if (item.loaicuochop == "1") { item.tenloaicuochop = "Họp tuần phòng"; } else if (item.loaicuochop == "2") { item.tenloaicuochop = "Họp tuần BGĐ"; } else if (item.loaicuochop == "3") { item.tenloaicuochop = "Họp khác"; } else { item.tenloaicuochop = ""; } if (item.phonghop == "1") { item.tenphonghop = "Tầng 3 - Phòng họp 1"; } else if (item.phonghop == "2") { item.tenphonghop = "Tầng 3 - Phòng họp 2"; } else if (item.phonghop == "3") { item.tenphonghop = "Tầng 3 - Phòng họp lớn"; } else if (item.phonghop == "4") { item.tenphonghop = "Tầng 3A - Phòng họp nhỏ"; } else if (item.phonghop == "5") { item.tenphonghop = "Tầng 3A - Phòng họp lớn"; } else if (item.phonghop == "6") { item.tenphonghop = "Khác"; } else { item.tenphonghop = ""; } sbRows.Append(PrepareDataJson_WeedMeeting(item, strSTT)); i++; } tongdong = i - 1; if (sbRows.Length > 0) { sbRows.Remove(sbRows.Length - 1, 1); } } if (tongsodong == 0) { sotrang = 0; } sbResult.Append("{"); sbResult.Append("\"isHeader\":\"" + "111" + "\","); sbResult.Append("\"tongdong\":\"" + "" + tongsodong + "" + "\","); sbResult.Append("\"Pages\":\"" + "" + sotrang + "" + "\","); sbResult.Append("\"SubRow\":\"" + "false" + "\","); sbResult.Append("\"data\":[" + sbRows.ToString() + "]"); sbResult.Append("}"); return(Json(sbResult.ToString(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public void MailLich(string NoiDung, string path, string filename, string maphongban, int phongban_congtruong) { string sMailGui = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MailSend"]; string sPass = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MailPass"]; string sHost = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MailHost"]; string sPort = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MailPort"]; string sTieuDe = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ScheduleSubject"]; string sMailTo = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["schedulerman"]; // gui mail var fromAddress = new MailAddress(sMailGui); string fromPassword = sPass; string subject = sTieuDe; string body = NoiDung; DanhmucServices service = new DanhmucServices(); PhongBanModels parampb = new PhongBanModels(); List <PhongBanModels> lstResult_phongban; List <PhongBanModels> y = null; var lstcaptrentt = y; if (phongban_congtruong == 0) { lstResult_phongban = service.SelectRows(parampb); lstcaptrentt = lstResult_phongban.Where(p => p.maphongban == maphongban).ToList(); if (lstcaptrentt[0].email.ToString().Trim() == null) { sMailTo = "*****@*****.**"; } else { sMailTo = lstcaptrentt[0].email; } } else if (phongban_congtruong == 1) { lstResult_phongban = service.SelectRows2(parampb); lstcaptrentt = lstResult_phongban.Where(p => p.maphongban == maphongban).ToList(); if (lstcaptrentt[0].email.ToString().Trim() == null) { sMailTo = "*****@*****.**"; } else { sMailTo = lstcaptrentt[0].email; } } else if (phongban_congtruong == 2) { lstResult_phongban = service.SelectRowsGDDA(parampb); lstcaptrentt = lstResult_phongban.Where(p => p.maphongban == maphongban).ToList(); if (lstcaptrentt[0].email.ToString().Trim() == null) { sMailTo = "*****@*****.**"; } else { sMailTo = lstcaptrentt[0].email; } } else if (phongban_congtruong == 3) { lstResult_phongban = service.SelectRowsBCTC(parampb); lstcaptrentt = lstResult_phongban.Where(p => p.maphongban == maphongban).ToList(); if (lstcaptrentt[0].email.ToString().Trim() == null) { sMailTo = "*****@*****.**"; } else { sMailTo = lstcaptrentt[0].email; } } var toAddress = new MailAddress(sMailTo); var smtp = new SmtpClient { Host = sHost, Port = int.Parse(sPort), EnableSsl = false, DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network, UseDefaultCredentials = false, Credentials = new NetworkCredential(fromAddress.Address, fromPassword) }; //var smtp = new SmtpClient(); subject = "NEWTECONS PROJECT REPORT: " + lstcaptrentt[0].tenphongban; body = "<p>Kính gửi anh chị,</p><p>Đính kèm là báo cáo tuần gửi từ hệ thống của: " + lstcaptrentt[0].tenphongban + "</p>" + "<p>Trân trọng,</p>"; using (var message = new MailMessage(fromAddress, toAddress) { IsBodyHtml = true, Subject = subject, Body = body }) { try { Attachment data = new Attachment(path, MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet); message.Attachments.Add(data); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lstcaptrentt[0].sodienthoai)) { message.CC.Add(lstcaptrentt[0].sodienthoai); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lstcaptrentt[0].ghichu)) { message.CC.Add(lstcaptrentt[0].ghichu); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lstcaptrentt[0].ghichu1)) { message.CC.Add(lstcaptrentt[0].ghichu1); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lstcaptrentt[0].ghichu2)) { message.CC.Add(lstcaptrentt[0].ghichu2); } smtp.Send(message); smtp.Dispose(); } catch (SmtpFailedRecipientsException ex) { for (int i = 0; i < ex.InnerExceptions.Length; i++) { SmtpStatusCode status = ex.InnerExceptions[i].StatusCode; if (status == SmtpStatusCode.MailboxBusy || status == SmtpStatusCode.MailboxUnavailable) { // Console.WriteLine("Delivery failed - retrying in 5 seconds."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); smtp.Send(message); } else { // Console.WriteLine("Failed to deliver message to {0}", ex.InnerExceptions[i].FailedRecipient); throw ex; } } } catch (Exception ex) { // Console.WriteLine("Exception caught in RetryIfBusy(): {0}",ex.ToString()); throw ex; } finally { smtp.Dispose(); } } }