 public void SetSequence(EnemyDeathEngine enemyDeathEngine,
                         ScoreEngine scoreEngine,
                         DamageSoundEngine damageSoundEngine,
                         EnemyAnimationEngine enemyAnimationEngine,
                         EnemySpawnerEngine enemySpawnerEngine)
         new Steps              //sequence of steps, this is a dictionary!
             new Step
         @from = enemyDeathEngine,
         to    = new To
             //TIP: use GO To Type Declaration to go directly to the Class code of the
             //engine instance
             scoreEngine, damageSoundEngine
             new Step
         //second step
         @from = enemyAnimationEngine,
         //after the death animation is actually finished
         to = new To
             enemySpawnerEngine                        //call the spawner engine
 public void SetSequence(PlayerDeathEngine playerDeathEngine,
                         PlayerMovementEngine playerMovementEngine,
                         PlayerAnimationEngine playerAnimationEngine,
                         EnemyAnimationEngine enemyAnimationEngine,
                         DamageSoundEngine damageSoundEngine,
                         HUDEngine hudEngine)
         new Steps              //sequence of steps, this is a dictionary!
             new Step
         from = playerDeathEngine,                       //when the player dies
         to   = new To <PlayerDeathCondition>
                //all these engines in the list will be called in order (which in this
                //case was not important at all, so stretched!!)
                 PlayerDeathCondition.Death, playerMovementEngine,
                 enemyAnimationEngine, damageSoundEngine, hudEngine
/// <summary>
/// Before to start a review of Svelto.ECS terminologies:
/// - Entity:
///     it must be a real and concrete entity that you can explain
///     in terms of game design. The name of each entity should reflect
///     a specific concept from the game design domain
/// - IComponents:
///     Components must be seen as data holders. There are implementing
///     exceptions, but logically it must be still see as a group
///     of readable or writeable data.
///     In Svelto.ECS components are always interfaces declaring
///     Setters and Getters of ValueTypes. DispatchOnSet
///     and DispatchOnChange must not be seen as events, but
///     as pushing of data instead of data polling, similar
///     to the concept of DataBinding.
/// - Implementors:
///     Being components interfaces, they must be implemented through
///     Implementors. The relation Implementors to Components
///     is not 1:1 so that you can, if logic, group several
///     components in one implementor. This allows to easily
///     share data between components. Implementors also act
///     as bridge between the platform and Svelto.ECS.
///     Since Components can hold only value types, Implementors
///     are the objects that can interact directly with the platform
///     objects, I.E.: RigidBody, Transform and so on.
///     Note: IComponents must hold only valuetypes for
///     code design purposes and not optmization purposes.
///     The reason is that all the logic must lie in the engines
///     so Components cannot hold references to instances that can
///     expose functions with logic.
/// - Engines:
///     Where all the logic lies. Engines operates on EntityViews
/// - EntityViews:
///     EntityViews maps EntityComponents. The Engines can't
///     access directly to each entity (as a single set of components), but
///     through a component sets defined by EntityView.
///     They act as a component filters and expose only the entity components
///     that the Engine is interested in.
///     EntityViews are actually defined by the need of the Engine so they
///     come together with the engine and in the same namespace of the engine.
/// - EntityStructs:
///     In order to write Data Oriented Cache Friendly code, Svelto.ECS
///     also support EntityStructs. Please check other examples to
///     understand how to use them. However know that this kind of
///     optimizations is very limited to special circumstances
///     so the flexibility of EntityViews is most of the times what you need.
/// - EntityDescriptors:
///     Gives a way to formalize your Entity in svelto.ECS, it also
///     groups the EntityViews that must be generated once the
///     Entity is built
/// </summary>
        void SetupEnginesAndEntities()
            //The Engines Root is the core of Svelto.ECS. You must NEVER inject the EngineRoot
            //as it is, therefore the composition root must hold a reference or it will be
            //the UnitySumbmissionEntityViewScheduler is the scheduler that is used by the EnginesRoot to know
            //when to inject the EntityViews. You shouldn't use a custom one unless you know what you
            //are doing or you are not working with Unity.
            _enginesRoot = new EnginesRoot(new UnitySumbmissionEntityViewScheduler());
            //Engines root can never be held by anything else than the context itself to avoid leaks
            //That's why the EntityFactory and EntityFunctions are generated.
            //The EntityFactory can be injected inside factories (or engine acting as factories)
            //to build new entities dynamically
            _entityFactory = _enginesRoot.GenerateEntityFactory();
            //The entity functions is a set of utility operations on Entities, including
            //removing an entity. I couldn't find a better name so far.
            var entityFunctions = _enginesRoot.GenerateEntityFunctions();
            //GameObjectFactory allows to create GameObjects without using the Static
            //method GameObject.Instantiate. While it seems a complication
            //it's important to keep the engines testable and not
            //coupled with hard dependencies references (read my articles to understand
            //how dependency injection works and why solving dependencies
            //with static classes and singletons is a terrible mistake)
            GameObjectFactory factory = new GameObjectFactory();
            //the ISequencer is one of the 3 official ways available in Svelto.ECS
            //to communicate. They are mainly used for two specific cases:
            //1) specify a strict execution order between engines (engine logic
            //is executed horizontally instead than vertically, I will talk about this
            //in my articles). 2) filter a data token passed as parameter through
            //engines. The ISequencer is also not the common way to communicate
            //between engines
            Sequencer playerDamageSequence = new Sequencer();
            Sequencer enemyDamageSequence  = new Sequencer();

            //wrap non testable unity static classes, so that
            //can be mocked if needed.
            IRayCaster rayCaster = new RayCaster();
            ITime      time      = new Time();

            //Player related engines. ALL the dependecies must be solved at this point
            //through constructor injection.
            var playerHealthEngine    = new HealthEngine(playerDamageSequence);
            var playerShootingEngine  = new PlayerGunShootingEngine(enemyDamageSequence, rayCaster, time);
            var playerMovementEngine  = new PlayerMovementEngine(rayCaster, time);
            var playerAnimationEngine = new PlayerAnimationEngine();
            var playerDeathEngine     = new PlayerDeathEngine(entityFunctions);

            //Enemy related engines
            var enemyAnimationEngine = new EnemyAnimationEngine(time);
            //HealthEngine is a different object for the enemy because it uses a different sequence
            var enemyHealthEngine   = new HealthEngine(enemyDamageSequence);
            var enemyAttackEngine   = new EnemyAttackEngine(playerDamageSequence, time);
            var enemyMovementEngine = new EnemyMovementEngine();
            var enemySpawnerEngine  = new EnemySpawnerEngine(factory, _entityFactory);
            var enemyDeathEngine    = new EnemyDeathEngine(entityFunctions);

            //hud and sound engines
            var hudEngine         = new HUDEngine(time);
            var damageSoundEngine = new DamageSoundEngine();
            var scoreEngine       = new ScoreEngine();

            //The ISequencer implementaton is very simple, but allows to perform
            //complex concatenation including loops and conditional branching.
                new Steps              //sequence of steps, this is a dictionary!
                {                      //first step
                    enemyAttackEngine, //this step can be triggered only by this engine through the Next function
                    new To             //this step can lead only to one branch
                        //this is the only engine that will be called when enemyAttackEngine triggers Next()
                        new IStep[] { playerHealthEngine }
                {                       //second step
                    playerHealthEngine, //this step can be triggered only by this engine through the Next function
                    new To              //once the playerHealthEngine calls step, all these engines will be called at once
                                        //depending by the condition a different set of engines will be triggered. The
                                        //order of the engines triggered is guaranteed.
                        //these engines will be called when the Next function is called with the DamageCondition.damage set
                        { DamageCondition.Damage, new IStep[] { hudEngine, damageSoundEngine } },
                        //these engines will be called when the Next function is called with the DamageCondition.dead set
                        { DamageCondition.Dead, new IStep[] {
                              hudEngine, damageSoundEngine,
                              playerMovementEngine, playerAnimationEngine,
                              enemyAnimationEngine, playerDeathEngine
                          } }

                new Steps
                    new To
                        //in every case go to enemyHealthEngine
                        new IStep[] { enemyHealthEngine }
                    new To
                        { DamageCondition.Damage, new IStep[] { enemyAnimationEngine, damageSoundEngine } },
                        { DamageCondition.Dead, new IStep[] { scoreEngine, enemyMovementEngine,
                                                              enemyAnimationEngine, enemySpawnerEngine,
                                                              damageSoundEngine, enemyDeathEngine } },

            //Mandatory step to make engines work
            //Player engines
            _enginesRoot.AddEngine(new PlayerInputEngine());
            _enginesRoot.AddEngine(new PlayerGunShootingFXsEngine());
            //enemy engines
            //other engines
            _enginesRoot.AddEngine(new CameraFollowTargetEngine(time));
        /// <summary>
/// Before to start a review of Svelto.ECS terminologies:
/// - Entity:
///     it must be a real and concrete entity that you can explain
///     in terms of game design. The name of each entity should reflect
///     a specific concept from the game design domain
/// - Engines (Systems):
///     Where all the logic lies. Engines operates on EntityViews or EntityStructs
/// - EntityViews and EntitiyViewStructs:
///     EntityViews maps Entity Components. The Engines can't
///     access directly to each entity (as a single set of components), but
///     through component sets defined by the EntityView.
///     They act as component filters and expose only the entity components
///     that the Engine is interested in.
///     EntityViews are actually defined with the Engine so they
///     come together with the engine and in the same namespace of the engine.
///     EntityViewStructs should always be used, while EntityViews as
///     class use should be considered an exception.
/// - Component Interfaces:
///     Components must be seen as data holders. There may be implementation
///     exceptions, but the interface must declare a group
///     of readable and/or writeable data.
///     In Svelto.ECS components are always interfaces declaring
///     Setters and Getters of Value Types. DispatchOnSet
///     and DispatchOnChange must not be seen as events, but
///     as pushing of data instead of data polling, similar
///     to the concept of DataBinding.
/// - Implementors:
///     Being components interfaces, they must be implemented through
///     Implementors. The relation Implementors to Components
///     is not 1:1 so that you can group several
///     components into fewer implementors. This allows to easily
///     share data between components. Implementors also act
///     as bridge between the platform and Svelto.ECS.
///     Since Components can hold only value types, Implementors
///     are the objects that can interact directly with the platform
///     objects, I.E.: RigidBody, Transform and so on.
///     Note: IComponents must hold only valuetypes for
///     code design purposes and not optmization purposes.
///     The reason is that all the logic must lie in the engines
///     so Components cannot hold references to instances that can
///     expose functions with logic.
/// - EntityStructs:
///     In order to write Data Oriented Cache Friendly and allocation 0 code, Svelto.ECS
///     also supports EntityStructs.
/// - EntityDescriptors:
///     Gives a way to formalize your Entity in svelto.ECS, it also
///     defoines the EntityViews, EntityStructs and EntityViewStructs that must be generated once the
///     Entity is built
/// </summary>
        void SetupEngines()
            //The Engines Root is the core of Svelto.ECS. You must NEVER inject the EngineRoot
            //as it is, therefore the composition root must hold a reference or it will be
            //the UnitySumbmissionEntityViewScheduler is the scheduler that is used by the EnginesRoot to know
            //when to inject the EntityViews. You shouldn't use a custom one unless you know what you
            //are doing or you are not working with Unity.
            _enginesRoot = new EnginesRoot(new UnityEntitySubmissionScheduler());
            //Engines root can never be held by anything else than the context itself to avoid leaks
            //That's why the EntityFactory and EntityFunctions are generated.
            //The EntityFactory can be injected inside factories (or engine acting as factories)
            //to build new entities dynamically
            _entityFactory = _enginesRoot.GenerateEntityFactory();
            //The entity functions is a set of utility operations on Entities, including
            //removing an entity. I couldn't find a better name so far.
            var entityFunctions = _enginesRoot.GenerateEntityFunctions();

            //the ISequencer is one of the 2 official ways available in Svelto.ECS
            //to communicate. They are mainly used for two specific cases:
            //1) specify a strict execution order between engines (engine logic
            //is executed horizontally instead than vertically, I will talk about this
            //in my articles). 2) filter a data token passed as parameter through
            //engines. The ISequencer is also not the common way to communicate
            //between engines
            PlayerDeathSequencer playerDeathSequence = new PlayerDeathSequencer();
            EnemyDeathSequencer  enemyDeathSequence  = new EnemyDeathSequencer();

            //wrap non testable unity static classes, so that
            //can be mocked if needed.
            IRayCaster rayCaster = new RayCaster();
            ITime      time      = new Time();

            //Player related engines. ALL the dependencies must be solved at this point
            //through constructor injection.
            var playerShootingEngine  = new PlayerGunShootingEngine(rayCaster, time);
            var playerMovementEngine  = new PlayerMovementEngine(rayCaster, time);
            var playerAnimationEngine = new PlayerAnimationEngine();
            var playerDeathEngine     = new PlayerDeathEngine(playerDeathSequence, entityFunctions);

            //Enemy related engines
            var enemyAnimationEngine = new EnemyAnimationEngine(time, enemyDeathSequence, entityFunctions);
            var enemyAttackEngine    = new EnemyAttackEngine(time);
            var enemyMovementEngine  = new EnemyMovementEngine();

            //GameObjectFactory allows to create GameObjects without using the Static
            //method GameObject.Instantiate. While it seems a complication
            //it's important to keep the engines testable and not
            //coupled with hard dependencies references (read my articles to understand
            //how dependency injection works and why solving dependencies
            //with static classes and singletons is a terrible mistake)
            GameObjectFactory factory = new GameObjectFactory();
            //Factory is one of the few patterns that work very well with ECS. Its use is highly encouraged
            IEnemyFactory enemyFactory       = new EnemyFactory(factory, _entityFactory);
            var           enemySpawnerEngine = new EnemySpawnerEngine(enemyFactory, entityFunctions);
            var           enemyDeathEngine   = new EnemyDeathEngine(entityFunctions, enemyDeathSequence);

            //hud and sound engines
            var hudEngine         = new HUDEngine(time);
            var damageSoundEngine = new DamageSoundEngine();
            var scoreEngine       = new ScoreEngine();

            //The ISequencer implementation is very simple, but allows to perform
            //complex concatenation including loops and conditional branching.
            //These two sequencers are a real stretch and are shown only for explanatory purposes.
            //Please do not see sequencers as a way to dispatch or broadcast events, they are meant only and exclusively
            //to guarantee the order of execution of the involved engines.
            //For this reason the use of sequencers is and must be actually rare, as perfectly encapsulated engines
            //do not need to be executed in specific order.
            //a Sequencer can:
            //- ensure the order of execution through one step only (one step executes in order several engines)
            //- ensure the order of execution through several steps. Each engine inside each step has the responsibility
            //to trigger the next step through the use of the Next() function
            //- create paths with branches and loop using the Condition parameter.
                new Steps //sequence of steps, this is a dictionary!
                    /*from: */ playerDeathEngine,    //when the player dies
                    /*to:   */ new To <PlayerDeathCondition>
                    //all these engines in the list will be called in order (which in this
                    //case was not important at all, so stretched!!)
                        { PlayerDeathCondition.Death, playerMovementEngine, playerAnimationEngine, enemyAnimationEngine, damageSoundEngine, hudEngine }

                new Steps
                {     //first step
                    new To <EnemyDeathCondition>
                        //TIP: use GO To Type Declaration to go directly to the Class code of the
                        //engine instance
                        { EnemyDeathCondition.Death, scoreEngine, enemyAnimationEngine }
                {                         //second step
                    enemyAnimationEngine, //after the death animation is actually finished
                    new To <EnemyDeathCondition>
                        { EnemyDeathCondition.Death, enemySpawnerEngine }    //call the spawner engine

            //All the logic of the game must lie inside engines
            //Player engines
            _enginesRoot.AddEngine(new PlayerInputEngine());
            _enginesRoot.AddEngine(new PlayerGunShootingFXsEngine());

            //enemy engines
            //other engines
            _enginesRoot.AddEngine(new ApplyingDamageToTargetsEngine());
            _enginesRoot.AddEngine(new CameraFollowTargetEngine(time));
            _enginesRoot.AddEngine(new CharactersDeathEngine());
        void SetupEnginesAndComponents()
            _entityFactory = _enginesRoot = new EnginesRoot(new UnitySumbmissionNodeScheduler());

            GameObjectFactory factory = new GameObjectFactory();

            var enemyKilledObservable      = new EnemyKilledObservable();
            var scoreOnEnemyKilledObserver = new ScoreOnEnemyKilledObserver(enemyKilledObservable);

            Sequencer playerDamageSequence  = new Sequencer();
            Sequencer enemyDamageSequence   = new Sequencer();
            Sequencer playerHealSequence    = new Sequencer();
            Sequencer ammoRechargeSequence  = new Sequencer();
            Sequencer ammoDepletionSequence = new Sequencer();
            Sequencer specialAtkFXSequence  = new Sequencer();

            var enemyAnimationEngine     = new EnemyAnimationEngine();
            var playerHealthEngine       = new HealthEngine(playerDamageSequence, playerHealSequence);
            var enemyHealthEngine        = new HealthEngine(enemyDamageSequence);
            var hudEngine                = new HUDEngine();
            var damageSoundEngine        = new DamageSoundEngine();
            var playerShootingEngine     = new PlayerGunShootingEngine(enemyKilledObservable, enemyDamageSequence, ammoDepletionSequence);
            var playerMovementEngine     = new PlayerMovementEngine();
            var playerAnimationEngine    = new PlayerAnimationEngine();
            var enemyAttackEngine        = new EnemyAttackEngine(playerDamageSequence);
            var enemyMovementEngine      = new EnemyMovementEngine();
            var enemySpawnerEngine       = new EnemySpawnerEngine(factory, _entityFactory);
            var healingPickupEngine      = new HealthPickupEngine(playerHealSequence);
            var ammoPickupEngine         = new AmmoPickupEngine(ammoRechargeSequence);
            var pickupSpawnerEngine      = new PickupSpawnerEngine(factory, _entityFactory);
            var ammoGUIEngine            = new AmmoGUIEngine();
            var specialAttackEngine      = new SpecialAttackEngine(specialAtkFXSequence);
            var specialAttackGUIEngine   = new SpecialAttackGUIEngine();
            var specialAttackSoundEngine = new PlayerSpecialAtkSoundEngine();
            var ammoPickupSoundEngine    = new AmmoPickupSoundEngine();
            var healthPickupSoundEngine  = new HealthPickupSoundEngine();
            var rotatingPickupsEngine    = new RotatingIdlePickupsEngine();

                new Steps()                                                  //sequence of steps
                {                                                            //first step
                    enemyAttackEngine,                                       //this step can be triggered only by this engine through the Next function
                    new Dictionary <System.Enum, IStep[]>()                  //this step can lead only to one branch
                        { Condition.always, new [] { playerHealthEngine } }, //these engines will be called when the Next function is called with the Condition.always set
                {                                                                                                                                                  //second step
                    playerHealthEngine,                                                                                                                            //this step can be triggered only by this engine through the Next function
                    new Dictionary <System.Enum, IStep[]>()                                                                                                        //this step can branch in two paths
                        { DamageCondition.damage, new IStep[] { hudEngine, damageSoundEngine } },                                                                  //these engines will be called when the Next function is called with the DamageCondition.damage set
                        { DamageCondition.dead, new IStep[] { hudEngine, damageSoundEngine, playerMovementEngine, playerAnimationEngine, enemyAnimationEngine } }, //these engines will be called when the Next function is called with the DamageCondition.dead set

                new Steps()
                    new Dictionary <System.Enum, IStep[]>()
                        { Condition.always, new [] { enemyHealthEngine } },
                    new Dictionary <System.Enum, IStep[]>()
                        { DamageCondition.damage, new IStep[] { enemyAnimationEngine } },
                        { DamageCondition.dead, new IStep[] { enemyMovementEngine, enemyAnimationEngine, playerShootingEngine, enemySpawnerEngine } },

            //healing sequence
                new Steps()
                    new Dictionary <System.Enum, IStep[]>()
                        { DamageCondition.heal, new IStep[] { playerHealthEngine } },

                {      //second step
                    new Dictionary <System.Enum, IStep[]>()
                        { DamageCondition.heal, new IStep[] { hudEngine, healthPickupSoundEngine } },

            ////Sequence for ammo recharge
                new Steps()
                    new Dictionary <System.Enum, IStep[]>()
                        { Condition.always, new IStep[] { ammoGUIEngine, ammoPickupSoundEngine } },

            ////Sequence for ammo usage
                new Steps()
                    new Dictionary <System.Enum, IStep[]>()
                        { Condition.always, new IStep[] { ammoGUIEngine } },

            //Sequence for special attack FX
                new Steps()
                    new Dictionary <System.Enum, IStep[]>()
                        { SpecialAttackCondition.perform, new IStep[] { specialAttackSoundEngine } },
                        { SpecialAttackCondition.fail, new IStep[] { specialAttackSoundEngine } },

            AddEngine(new PlayerGunShootingFXsEngine());


            AddEngine(new ScoreEngine(scoreOnEnemyKilledObserver));
        /// <summary>
        ///     Before to start, let's review some of the Svelto.ECS terms:
        ///     - Entity:
        ///     it must be a real and concrete entity that you can explain in terms of game design. The name of each
        ///     entity should reflect a specific concept from the game design domain
        ///     - Engines (Systems):
        ///     Where all the logic lies. Engines operates on EntityViewStructs and EntityStructs
        ///     - EntityStructs:
        ///     EntityStructs is the preferred way to store entity data. They are just plain structs of pure data (no
        ///     objects)
        ///     - EntityViewStructs:
        ///     EntityViewStructs are used to wrap Objects that come from OOP libraries. You will never use it unless
        ///     you are forced to mix your ECS code with OOP code because of external libraries or platforms.
        ///     The Objects are known to svelto through Component Interfaces.
        ///     - Component Interfaces:
        ///     Components must be seen as data holders. In Svelto.ECS components are always interfaces declaring
        ///     Setters and Getters of Value Types coming from the Objects they wrap
        ///     - Implementors:
        ///     The components interfaces must be implemented through Implementors and the implementors are the
        ///     Objects you need to wrap.
        ///     - EntityDescriptors:
        ///     Gives a way to formalise your Entity, it also defines the EntityStructs and EntityViewStructs that must
        ///     be generated once the Entity is built
        /// </summary>
        void SetupEngines()
            //The Engines Root is the core of Svelto.ECS. You shouldn't inject the EngineRoot,
            //therefore the composition root must hold a reference or it will be GCed.
            //the UnitySumbmissionEntityViewScheduler is the scheduler that is used by the EnginesRoot to know
            //when to submit the entities. Custom ones can be created for special cases.
            _unityEntitySubmissionScheduler = new UnityEntitySubmissionScheduler();
            _enginesRoot = new EnginesRoot(_unityEntitySubmissionScheduler);
            //The EntityFactory can be injected inside factories (or engine acting as factories) to build new entities
            _entityFactory = _enginesRoot.GenerateEntityFactory();
            //The entity functions is a set of utility operations on Entities, including removing an entity. I couldn't
            //find a better name so far.
            var entityFunctions = _enginesRoot.GenerateEntityFunctions();

            //Sequencers are the official way to guarantee order between engines, but may not be the best way for
            //your product.
            var playerDeathSequence = new PlayerDeathSequencer();
            var enemyDeathSequence  = new EnemyDeathSequencer();

            //wrap non testable unity static classes, so that can be mocked if needed.
            IRayCaster rayCaster = new RayCaster();
            ITime      time      = new Time();

            //Player related engines. ALL the dependencies must be solved at this point through constructor injection.
            var playerShootingEngine  = new PlayerGunShootingEngine(rayCaster, time);
            var playerMovementEngine  = new PlayerMovementEngine(rayCaster, time);
            var playerAnimationEngine = new PlayerAnimationEngine();
            var playerDeathEngine     = new PlayerDeathEngine(playerDeathSequence, entityFunctions);

            //Enemy related engines
            var enemyAnimationEngine = new EnemyAnimationEngine(time, enemyDeathSequence, entityFunctions);
            var enemyAttackEngine    = new EnemyAttackEngine(time);
            var enemyMovementEngine  = new EnemyMovementEngine();

            //GameObjectFactory allows to create GameObjects without using the Static method GameObject.Instantiate.
            //While it seems a complication it's important to keep the engines testable and not coupled with hard
            var gameObjectFactory = new GameObjectFactory();
            //Factory is one of the few patterns that work very well with ECS. Its use is highly encouraged
            var enemyFactory       = new EnemyFactory(gameObjectFactory, _entityFactory);
            var enemySpawnerEngine = new EnemySpawnerEngine(enemyFactory, entityFunctions);
            var enemyDeathEngine   = new EnemyDeathEngine(entityFunctions, enemyDeathSequence);

            //hud and sound engines
            var hudEngine         = new HUDEngine(time);
            var damageSoundEngine = new DamageSoundEngine();
            var scoreEngine       = new ScoreEngine();

            //The ISequencer implementation is very simple, but allows to perform
            //complex concatenation including loops and conditional branching.
            //These two sequencers are a real stretch and are shown only for explanatory purposes.
            //Please do not see sequencers as a way to dispatch or broadcast events, they are meant only and exclusively
            //to guarantee the order of execution of the involved engines.
            //For this reason the use of sequencers is and must be actually rare, as perfectly encapsulated engines
            //do not need to be executed in specific order.
            //a Sequencer can:
            //- ensure the order of execution through one step only (one step executes in order several engines)
            //- ensure the order of execution through several steps. Each engine inside each step has the responsibility
            //to trigger the next step through the use of the Next() function
            //- create paths with branches and loop using the Condition parameter.
            playerDeathSequence.SetSequence(playerDeathEngine, playerMovementEngine, playerAnimationEngine,
                                            enemyAnimationEngine, damageSoundEngine, hudEngine);

            enemyDeathSequence.SetSequence(enemyDeathEngine, scoreEngine, damageSoundEngine, enemyAnimationEngine,

            //All the logic of the game must lie inside engines
            //Player engines
            _enginesRoot.AddEngine(new PlayerInputEngine());
            _enginesRoot.AddEngine(new PlayerGunShootingFXsEngine());
            _enginesRoot.AddEngine(new PlayerSpawnerEngine(gameObjectFactory, _entityFactory));

            //enemy engines
            //other engines
            _enginesRoot.AddEngine(new ApplyingDamageToTargetsEngine());
            _enginesRoot.AddEngine(new CameraFollowTargetEngine(time));
            _enginesRoot.AddEngine(new CharactersDeathEngine());
        /// <summary>
        ///     Before to start, let's review some of the Svelto.ECS terms:
        ///     - Entity:
        ///     it must be a real and concrete entity that you can explain in terms of game design. The name of each
        ///     entity should reflect a specific concept from the game design domain
        ///     - Engines (Systems):
        ///     Where all the logic lies. Engines operates on Entity Components
        ///     - IEntityComponent:
        ///     It's an Entity Component which can be used with Pure ECS
        ///     - IEntityViewComponent:
        ///     structs implementing this are used to wrap Objects that come from OOP libraries. You will never use it unless
        ///     you are forced to mix your ECS code with OOP code because of external libraries or platforms. These special
        ///     "Hybrid" component can hold only interfaces
        ///     - Implementors:
        ///     The EntityViewComponent exposed interfaces must be implemented by Implementors that are actually the
        ///     Objects you need to wrap.
        ///     - EntityDescriptors:
        ///     Gives a way to formalise your Entity, it also defines the components that must
        ///     be generated once the Entity is built
        /// </summary>
        void CompositionRoot(UnityContext contextHolder)
            //the UnitySumbmissionEntityViewScheduler is the scheduler that is used by the EnginesRoot to know
            //when to submit the entities. Custom ones can be created for special cases.
            var unityEntitySubmissionScheduler = new UnityEntitiesSubmissionScheduler("survival");

            //The Engines Root is the core of Svelto.ECS. You shouldn't inject the EngineRoot,
            //therefore the composition root class must hold a reference or it will be garbage collected.
            _enginesRoot = new EnginesRoot(unityEntitySubmissionScheduler);
            //The EntityFactory can be injected inside factories (or engine acting as factories) to build new entities
            var entityFactory = _enginesRoot.GenerateEntityFactory();
            //The entity functions is a set of utility operations on Entities, including removing an entity. I couldn't
            //find a better name so far.
            var entityFunctions             = _enginesRoot.GenerateEntityFunctions();
            var entityStreamConsumerFactory = _enginesRoot.GenerateConsumerFactory();

            //wrap non testable unity static classes, so that can be mocked if needed (or implementation can change in general, without changing the interface).
            IRayCaster rayCaster = new RayCaster();
            ITime      time      = new Time();
            //GameObjectFactory allows to create GameObjects without using the Static method GameObject.Instantiate.
            //While it seems a complication it's important to keep the engines testable and not coupled with hard
            var gameObjectFactory = new GameObjectFactory();

            //Player related engines. ALL the dependencies must be solved at this point through constructor injection.
            var playerShootingEngine       = new PlayerGunShootingEngine(rayCaster, time);
            var playerMovementEngine       = new PlayerMovementEngine(rayCaster);
            var playerAnimationEngine      = new PlayerAnimationEngine();
            var playerDeathEngine          = new PlayerDeathEngine(entityFunctions, entityStreamConsumerFactory);
            var playerInputEngine          = new PlayerInputEngine();
            var playerGunShootingFXsEngine = new PlayerGunShootingFXsEngine(entityStreamConsumerFactory);
            //Spawner engines are factories engines that can build entities
            var playerSpawnerEngine      = new PlayerSpawnerEngine(gameObjectFactory, entityFactory);
            var restartGameOnPlayerDeath = new RestartGameOnPlayerDeathEngine();

            //Player engines

            //Factory is one of the few OOP patterns that work very well with ECS. Its use is highly encouraged
            var enemyFactory = new EnemyFactory(gameObjectFactory, entityFactory);
            //Enemy related engines
            var enemyAnimationEngine = new EnemyChangeAnimationOnPlayerDeath();
            var enemyDamageFX        = new EnemySpawnEffectOnDamage(entityStreamConsumerFactory);
            var enemyAttackEngine    = new EnemyAttackEngine(time);
            var enemyMovementEngine  = new EnemyMovementEngine();
            //Spawner engines are factories engines that can build entities
            var enemySpawnerEngine = new EnemySpawnerEngine(enemyFactory, entityFunctions);
            var enemyDeathEngine   = new EnemyDeathEngine(entityFunctions, entityStreamConsumerFactory, time
                                                          , new WaitForSubmissionEnumerator(

            //enemy engines

            //abstract engines
            var applyDamageEngine        = new ApplyDamageToDamageableEntitiesEngine(entityStreamConsumerFactory);
            var cameraFollowTargetEngine = new CameraFollowingTargetEngine(time);
            var deathEngine = new DispatchKilledEntitiesEngine();

            //abstract engines (don't need to know the entity type)

            //hud and sound engines
            var hudEngine         = new HUDEngine(entityStreamConsumerFactory);
            var damageSoundEngine = new DamageSoundEngine(entityStreamConsumerFactory);
            var scoreEngine       = new UpdateScoreEngine(entityStreamConsumerFactory);

            //other engines

            var unsortedEngines = new SurvivalUnsortedEnginesGroup(new FasterList <IStepEngine>(
                                                                       new IStepEngine[]

            var unsortedDamageEngines = new DamageUnsortedEngines(new FasterList <IStepEngine>(
                                                                      new IStepEngine[]

            //Svelto ECS doesn't provide a tick system, hence it doesn't provide a solution to solve the order of execution
            //However it provides some option if you want to use them like the SortedEnginesGroup.
            _enginesRoot.AddEngine(new TickEnginesGroup(new FasterList <IStepEngine>(new IStepEngine[]
                , playerShootingEngine
                , enemyDamageFX
                , enemyAttackEngine
                , unsortedDamageEngines
                , playerDeathEngine
                , enemyDeathEngine
                , scoreEngine

            BuildGUIEntitiesFromScene(contextHolder, entityFactory);
        void SetupEnginesAndComponents()
            _entityFactory = _enginesRoot = new EnginesRoot();

            GameObjectFactory factory = new GameObjectFactory();

            var enemyKilledObservable      = new EnemyKilledObservable();
            var scoreOnEnemyKilledObserver = new ScoreOnEnemyKilledObserver(enemyKilledObservable);

            Sequencer playerDamageSequence = new Sequencer();
            Sequencer enemyDamageSequence  = new Sequencer();

            var enemyAnimationEngine  = new EnemyAnimationEngine();
            var playerHealthEngine    = new HealthEngine(playerDamageSequence);
            var enemyHealthEngine     = new HealthEngine(enemyDamageSequence);
            var hudEngine             = new HUDEngine();
            var damageSoundEngine     = new DamageSoundEngine();
            var playerShootingEngine  = new PlayerGunShootingEngine(enemyKilledObservable, enemyDamageSequence);
            var playerMovementEngine  = new PlayerMovementEngine();
            var playerAnimationEngine = new PlayerAnimationEngine();
            var enemyAttackEngine     = new EnemyAttackEngine(playerDamageSequence);
            var enemyMovementEngine   = new EnemyMovementEngine();

                new Steps()                                                  //sequence of steps
                {                                                            //first step
                    enemyAttackEngine,                                       //this step can be triggered only by this engine through the Next function
                    new Dictionary <System.Enum, IStep[]>()                  //this step can lead only to one branch
                        { Condition.always, new [] { playerHealthEngine } }, //these engines will be called when the Next function is called with the Condition.always set
                {                                                                                                                                                  //second step
                    playerHealthEngine,                                                                                                                            //this step can be triggered only by this engine through the Next function
                    new Dictionary <System.Enum, IStep[]>()                                                                                                        //this step can branch in two paths
                        { DamageCondition.damage, new IStep[] { hudEngine, damageSoundEngine } },                                                                  //these engines will be called when the Next function is called with the DamageCondition.damage set
                        { DamageCondition.dead, new IStep[] { hudEngine, damageSoundEngine, playerMovementEngine, playerAnimationEngine, enemyAnimationEngine } }, //these engines will be called when the Next function is called with the DamageCondition.dead set

                new Steps()
                    new Dictionary <System.Enum, IStep[]>()
                        { Condition.always, new [] { enemyHealthEngine } },
                    new Dictionary <System.Enum, IStep[]>()
                        { DamageCondition.damage, new IStep[] { enemyAnimationEngine } },
                        { DamageCondition.dead, new IStep[] { enemyMovementEngine, enemyAnimationEngine, playerShootingEngine } },

            AddEngine(new PlayerGunShootingFXsEngine());

            AddEngine(new EnemySpawnerEngine(factory, _entityFactory));

            AddEngine(new ScoreEngine(scoreOnEnemyKilledObserver));