        public BillingCycle FetchOrCreateCurrentBillingCycle()
            BillingCycle cycle = GetBillingCycle(0);

            if (cycle != null)
                //check that cycle is still current
                if (cycle.StartDate.Month != this.GetCurrentTime().Month)
                    cycle = null; //this will invoke cache refresh and creation of new billing cycle

            if (cycle == null) //create a new cycle
                DalBillingCycle dal = new DalBillingCycle(this, this.storageAccount);
                cycle = dal.GetLatestBillingCycle();

                if (cycle == null) //create a new cycle, since persisted storage does not contain any cycle
                    DateTime currentDate = this.GetCurrentTime();
                    DateTime startDate   = new DateTime(currentDate.Year, currentDate.Month, 1);
                    DateTime endDate     = new DateTime(currentDate.Year, currentDate.Month, 28); //using 28 since it exists in every month, leap year etc

                    cycle = new BillingCycle {
                        Id = Guid.NewGuid(), StartDate = startDate, EndDate = endDate
                    string cacheKey = string.Format("{0}#{1}", cycle.StartDate.Year.ToString(), cycle.StartDate.Month.ToString());
                    billingCycleCache.AddObject(cacheKey, cycle); //add to cache

        /// <summary>
        /// Fetch a given cycle
        /// where cycleNumber = 0, implies current billing cycle
        ///                    -1, previous cycle
        ///                    -2, previous to previous and so on
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cycleNumber"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public BillingCycle GetBillingCycle(int cycleNumber, bool forceCacheRefresh)
            if (cycleNumber > 0 || cycleNumber < -11)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cycles from current to last 1 year are supported");

            int currentMonth = this.GetCurrentTime().Month;

            //since cycle number is counted -ve backwards, so need to add to current month
            int requestedCycleMonth = currentMonth + cycleNumber;
            int requestedYear       = this.GetCurrentTime().Year;

            if (requestedCycleMonth < 1)
                //wrap around of 1 year
                requestedCycleMonth += 12;

            string       cacheKey = string.Format("{0}#{1}", requestedYear, requestedCycleMonth);
            BillingCycle cycle    = billingCycleCache.GetObject(cacheKey) as BillingCycle;

            if (cycle == null || forceCacheRefresh)
                //fetch from table storage
                DalBillingCycle dal = new DalBillingCycle(this, this.storageAccount);
                cycle = dal.GetBillingCycle(requestedYear, requestedCycleMonth);

            if (cycle != null) //add to cache
                billingCycleCache.AddObject(cacheKey, cycle);

            else if (forceCacheRefresh)
                //dummy up the cache entry simulating discarding the entry
                billingCycleCache.AddObject(cacheKey, "dummy");

        public bool UpdateBillingCycleStatus(int year, int month, int status)
            DalBillingCycle dal = new DalBillingCycle(this, this.storageAccount);

            return(dal.UpdateBillingCycleStatus(year, month, status));