/* commented methods which send JSON data
         * // returns all customers
         * public ActionResult getCustomers() // JSON Collection
         * {
         *  // fill the customers collections
         *  Dal.Dal dal = new Dal.Dal();
         *  List<Customer> customersColl = dal.Customers.ToList<Customer>();
         *  // Delay for Synchronous execution (10sec)
         *  //Thread.Sleep(3000);
         *  return Json(customersColl, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
         * }
         * // returns the Customer for entered Customor Name
         * [ActionName("getCustomerByName")]
         * public ActionResult getCustomers(Customer objCustomer) // JSON Collection
         * {
         *  // fill the customers collections
         *  Dal.Dal dal = new Dal.Dal();
         *  List<Customer> customersColl = (from c in dal.Customers
         *                                  where c.CustomerName == objCustomer.CustomerName
         *                                  select c).ToList<Customer>();
         *  // Delay for Synchronous execution (10sec)
         * // Thread.Sleep(3000);
         *  return Json(customersColl, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
         * }
         * // return the Customer for entered Customor Name
         * // returns View - SearchCustomer
         * public ActionResult SearchCustomer()
         * {
         *  // View Model object
         *  CustomerViewModel obj = new CustomerViewModel();
         *  // fill the customers collections
         *  Dal.Dal dal = new Dal.Dal();
         *  // to fill all customers
         *  // List<Customer> customersColl = dal.Customers.ToList<Customer>();
         *  string str = Request.Form["txtCustomerName"].ToString();
         *  // to filter customers with conditions
         *  List<Customer> customersColl
         *      = (from x in dal.Customers
         *         where x.CustomerName == str
         *         select x).ToList<Customer>();
         *  obj.customers = customersColl;
         *  return View("SearchCustomer", obj);
         * }

        public ActionResult Submit(Customer obj) // validation runs
            //// no need - as JSON object is being passed from front end
            //// manual binding of object with form elements
            //Customer obj = new Customer();
            //obj.CustomerName = Request.Form["customer.CustomerName"];
            //obj.CustomerCode = Request.Form["customer.CustomerCode"];
            //// no need - end

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // insert the Customer object to database
                // EF DAL
                Dal.Dal Dal = new Dal.Dal();
                Dal.Customers.Add(obj); // in memory
                Dal.SaveChanges();      // physical commit

                //return View("Customer", obj);

            // fill the customers collections
            Dal.Dal         dal           = new Dal.Dal();
            List <Customer> customersColl = dal.Customers.ToList <Customer>();

            //return View("EnterCustomer",vm);    // removed as JSON will be sent
            return(Json(customersColl, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        // Insert
        public /*List<Customer>*/ Object Post(Customer objCustomer)  // Object - to avoid typecasting error (Error to Customers)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // insert the Customer object to database
                // EF DAL
                Dal.Dal Dal = new Dal.Dal();
                Dal.Customers.Add(objCustomer); // in memory
                Dal.SaveChanges();              // physical commit
            else  // get all the errors in ModelState and put it in Error collection
                var Err = new Error();
                Err.Errors = new List <string>(); // to avoid null reference in Err.Errors.Add
                foreach (var modelState in ModelState)
                    foreach (var error in modelState.Value.Errors)
                objClientData.isValid = false;
                objClientData.data    = Err;

            // fill the customers collections
            Dal.Dal         dal           = new Dal.Dal();
            List <Customer> customersColl = dal.Customers.ToList <Customer>();

            //return customersColl; // WebAPI will decide the content type on its own (HTML, JSON, JPEG...)
            objClientData.isValid = true;
            objClientData.data    = customersColl;
            return(objClientData);  // WebAPI will decide the content type on its own (HTML, JSON, JPEG...)
        public List <Book> Post(Book obj)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                Dal.Dal Dal = new Dal.Dal();

            Dal.Dal     dal       = new Dal.Dal();
            List <Book> booksList = dal.Books.ToList <Book>();

        public List <Book> Delete(Book obj)
            // Select the record
            Dal.Dal Dal        = new Dal.Dal();
            Book    custdelete = (from temp in Dal.Books
                                  where temp.bookGenre == obj.bookGenre
                                  select temp).ToList <Book>()[0];

            // Remove
            List <Book> booksList = Dal.Books.ToList <Book>();

        // Delete
        public List <Customer> Delete(Customer objCustomer)
            // Select the record using LINQ
            Dal.Dal  objDal     = new Dal.Dal();
            Customer custDelete = (from c in objDal.Customers
                                   where c.CustomerCode == objCustomer.CustomerCode
                                   select c).ToList <Customer>()[0];


            List <Customer> customerColl = objDal.Customers.ToList <Customer>();
