 static async Task DefaultDestroyDahan(DahanGroupBinding dahan, int count, HealthToken token)
     if (count <= 0)
     await dahan.Destroy(count, token);
    /// <returns># of dahan killed/destroyed</returns>
    public async Task DamageDefenders(int damageInflictedFromAttackers)
        // Defend point have already been applied!

        // Start with Damage from attackers
        @event.defenderDamageFromAttackers = damageInflictedFromAttackers;
        if (damageInflictedFromAttackers == 0 || !cfg.ShouldDamageDahan)

        // Add Badlands damage
        @event.defenderDamageFromBadlands = BadLandsCount;
        int damageToApply = damageInflictedFromAttackers + BadLandsCount;         // to defenders

        var defenders = @event.startingDefenders.Clone();

        // Damage helping Invaders
        // When damaging defenders, it is ok to damage the explorers first.
        // https://querki.net/u/darker/spirit-island-faq/#!Voice+of+Command
        var participatingExplorers = defenders.Keys
                                     .OfType <HealthToken>()
                                     .Where(k => k.Class.Category == TokenCategory.Invader)
                                     .OrderByDescending(x => x.RemainingHealth)
                                     .ThenBy(x => x.StrifeCount) // non strifed first

        if (participatingExplorers.Length > 0)
            foreach (var token in participatingExplorers)
                int tokensToDestroy = Math.Min(@event.startingDefenders[token], damageToApply / token.RemainingHealth);
                // destroy real tokens
                await grp.Destroy(tokensToDestroy, token);

                // update our defenders count
                defenders[token] -= tokensToDestroy;
                damageToApply    -= tokensToDestroy * token.RemainingHealth;

        // !! if we had cities / towns helping with defend, we would want to apply partial damage to them here.

        // Dahan
        if (cfg.ShouldDamageDahan)
            var participatingDahan = defenders.Keys
                                     .Cast <HealthToken>()
                                     .Where(k => k.Class.Category == TokenCategory.Dahan)
                                     .OrderBy(t => t.RemainingHealth) // kill damaged dahan first

            var dahan = new DahanGroupBinding(Tokens, RemoveReason.DestroyedInBattle)
                Frozen = Tokens.Dahan.Frozen

            foreach (var token in participatingDahan)
                // 1st - Destroy weekest dahan first
                int tokensToDestroy = Math.Min(@event.startingDefenders[token], damageToApply / token.RemainingHealth);               // rounds down
                if (tokensToDestroy > 0)
                    await cfg.DestroyDahan(dahan, tokensToDestroy, token);

                    @event.dahanDestroyed += tokensToDestroy;
                    defenders[token]      -= tokensToDestroy;
                    damageToApply         -= tokensToDestroy * token.RemainingHealth;
                // damage real tokens

                // 2nd - if we no longer have enougth to destroy this token, apply damage all the damage that remains
                if (0 < defenders[token] && 0 < damageToApply)
                    await dahan.ApplyDamageToToken(damageToApply, token);

                    // update our defenders count
                    damageToApply = 0;