public void ValidateSchemaCompareOptionsDefaultAgainstDacFx() { DeploymentOptions deployOptions = new DeploymentOptions(); DacDeployOptions dacOptions = new DacDeployOptions(); System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] deploymentOptionsProperties = deployOptions.GetType().GetProperties(); System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] ddProperties = dacOptions.GetType().GetProperties(); // Note that DatabaseSpecification and sql cmd variables list is not present in Sqltools service - its not settable and is not used by ADS options. // TODO : update this test if the above options are added later Assert.True(deploymentOptionsProperties.Length == ddProperties.Length - 2, $"Number of properties is not same Deployment options : {deploymentOptionsProperties.Length} DacFx options : {ddProperties.Length}"); foreach (var deployOptionsProp in deploymentOptionsProperties) { var dacProp = dacOptions.GetType().GetProperty(deployOptionsProp.Name); Assert.True(dacProp != null, $"DacDeploy property not present for {deployOptionsProp.Name}"); var deployOptionsValue = deployOptionsProp.GetValue(deployOptions); var dacValue = dacProp.GetValue(dacOptions); if (deployOptionsProp.Name != "ExcludeObjectTypes") // do not compare for ExcludeObjectTypes because it will be different { Assert.True((deployOptionsValue == null && dacValue == null) || deployOptionsValue.Equals(dacValue), $"DacFx DacDeploy property not equal to Tools Service DeploymentOptions for { deployOptionsProp.Name}, SchemaCompareOptions value: {deployOptionsValue} and DacDeployOptions value: {dacValue} "); } } }
public DeploymentOptions() { DacDeployOptions options = new DacDeployOptions(); // Adding these defaults to ensure behavior similarity with other tools. Dacfx and SSMS import/export wizards use these defaults. // Tracking the full fix : options.AllowDropBlockingAssemblies = true; options.AllowIncompatiblePlatform = true; options.DropObjectsNotInSource = true; options.DropPermissionsNotInSource = true; options.DropRoleMembersNotInSource = true; options.IgnoreKeywordCasing = false; options.IgnoreSemicolonBetweenStatements = false; options.IgnoreWhitespace = false; System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] deploymentOptionsProperties = this.GetType().GetProperties(); foreach (var deployOptionsProp in deploymentOptionsProperties) { var prop = options.GetType().GetProperty(deployOptionsProp.Name); // Note that we set excluded object types here since dacfx has this value as null; if (prop != null && deployOptionsProp.Name != "ExcludeObjectTypes") { deployOptionsProp.SetValue(this, prop.GetValue(options)); } } }
public DeploymentOptions(DacDeployOptions options) { System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] deploymentOptionsProperties = this.GetType().GetProperties(); foreach (var deployOptionsProp in deploymentOptionsProperties) { var prop = options.GetType().GetProperty(deployOptionsProp.Name); if (prop != null) { deployOptionsProp.SetValue(this, prop.GetValue(options)); } } }
public void ValidateSchemaCompareOptionsDefaultAgainstDacFx() { DeploymentOptions deployOptions = new DeploymentOptions(); DacDeployOptions dacOptions = new DacDeployOptions(); // Changes to match new defaults dacOptions.AllowDropBlockingAssemblies = true; dacOptions.AllowIncompatiblePlatform = true; dacOptions.DropObjectsNotInSource = true; dacOptions.DropPermissionsNotInSource = true; dacOptions.DropRoleMembersNotInSource = true; dacOptions.IgnoreKeywordCasing = false; dacOptions.IgnoreSemicolonBetweenStatements = false; dacOptions.IgnoreWhitespace = false; System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] deploymentOptionsProperties = deployOptions.GetType().GetProperties(); System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] ddProperties = dacOptions.GetType().GetProperties(); // Note that DatabaseSpecification and sql cmd variables list is not present in Sqltools service - its not settable and is not used by ADS options. // TODO : update this test if the above options are added later Assert.True(deploymentOptionsProperties.Length == ddProperties.Length - 2, $"Number of properties is not same Deployment options : {deploymentOptionsProperties.Length} DacFx options : {ddProperties.Length}"); foreach (var deployOptionsProp in deploymentOptionsProperties) { var dacProp = dacOptions.GetType().GetProperty(deployOptionsProp.Name); Assert.True(dacProp != null, $"DacDeploy property not present for {deployOptionsProp.Name}"); var deployOptionsValue = deployOptionsProp.GetValue(deployOptions); var dacValue = dacProp.GetValue(dacOptions); if (deployOptionsProp.Name != "ExcludeObjectTypes") // do not compare for ExcludeObjectTypes because it will be different { Assert.True((deployOptionsValue == null && dacValue == null) || deployOptionsValue.Equals(dacValue), $"DacFx DacDeploy property not equal to Tools Service DeploymentOptions for { deployOptionsProp.Name}, SchemaCompareOptions value: {deployOptionsValue} and DacDeployOptions value: {dacValue} "); } } }
private DacDeployOptions CreateSchemaCompareOptions(DeploymentOptions deploymentOptions) { System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] deploymentOptionsProperties = deploymentOptions.GetType().GetProperties(); DacDeployOptions dacOptions = new DacDeployOptions(); foreach (var deployOptionsProp in deploymentOptionsProperties) { var prop = dacOptions.GetType().GetProperty(deployOptionsProp.Name); if (prop != null) { prop.SetValue(dacOptions, deployOptionsProp.GetValue(deploymentOptions)); } } return(dacOptions); }
public DeploymentOptions() { DacDeployOptions options = new DacDeployOptions(); System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] deploymentOptionsProperties = this.GetType().GetProperties(); foreach (var deployOptionsProp in deploymentOptionsProperties) { var prop = options.GetType().GetProperty(deployOptionsProp.Name); // Note that we set excluded object types here since dacfx has this value as null; if (prop != null && deployOptionsProp.Name != "ExcludeObjectTypes") { deployOptionsProp.SetValue(this, prop.GetValue(options)); } } }
public void Deploy(string publishSettingsFile) { if (!File.Exists(publishSettingsFile)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format("Provided publish settings '{0}' could not be found!", publishSettingsFile)); } var latest = historyProvider.GetLatest(); var publishData = new Project(publishSettingsFile); var connectionString = publishData.GetPropertyValue("TargetConnectionString"); var targetDatabaseName = publishData.GetPropertyValue("TargetDatabaseName"); var currentVersion = versionProvider.GetVersion(connectionString, targetDatabaseName); Log("Deployment mode for {0} with version {1}.", targetDatabaseName, currentVersion); if (latest.Version == currentVersion) { Log("Target is latest version: {0}. Skipping deployment.", latest.Version); return; } var dacService = new DacServices(connectionString); dacService.Message += (s, e) => { Log("DAC Message: {0}", e.Message); }; dacService.ProgressChanged += (s, e) => { Log("{0}: {1}", e.Status, e.Message); }; var options = new DacDeployOptions(); //Load the publish settings foreach (var item in publishData.Properties) { var prop = options.GetType().GetProperty(item.Name); if (prop != null) { var val = Convert.ChangeType(item.UnevaluatedValue, prop.PropertyType); prop.SetValue(options, val); } } if (currentVersion == null) { //Deploy latest Log("Deploy latest version: {0}.", latest.Version); dacService.Deploy(latest, targetDatabaseName, true, options); return; } Log("Upgrading {0} -> {1}.", currentVersion, latest.Version); try { var count = 0; foreach (var package in historyProvider.GetHistory(currentVersion).OrderBy(x => x.Version)) { Log(); Log("Applying upgrade #{0}: {1} -> {2}.", ++count, currentVersion, package.Version); Log(); if (count > 0) { options.BackupDatabaseBeforeChanges = false; } dacService.Deploy(package, targetDatabaseName, true, options); currentVersion = package.Version; } } catch { var file = new FileInfo(publishSettingsFile); var name = file.Name.Substring(0, file.Name.LastIndexOf(file.Extension)); File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(publishData.DirectoryPath, string.Format("{0}v{1}_error.log", name, currentVersion)), logBuilder.ToString()); throw; } }
private static void UpgradeDatabase(ConsoleAppConfig app) { var snapshotDir = Path.Combine(app.Project.DirectoryPath, "Snapshots"); if (!Directory.Exists(snapshotDir)) { throw new IOException("No Snapshots folder found."); } var snapshots = Directory.GetFiles(snapshotDir).Where(x => x.EndsWith(".dacpac")).ToArray(); Array.Sort(snapshots); //TODO: Make no assumptions to naming conventions var latest = snapshots.Last(); var dac = DacPackage.Load(latest); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Latest DAC version is {0}.", dac.Version)); //Target var connectionString = app.PublishSettings.GetPropertyValue("TargetConnectionString"); var targetDatabaseName = app.PublishSettings.GetPropertyValue("TargetDatabaseName"); Console.WriteLine("Connecting to target database to look up current version..."); Version existing = null; using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { var cmd = new SqlCommand(string.Format("select top(1) type_version from msdb.dbo.sysdac_instances_internal where instance_name = '{0}'", targetDatabaseName), connection); connection.Open(); var result = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (result.Read()) { existing = new Version(result["type_version"].ToString()); } } if (existing == null || dac.Version > existing) { if (existing == null) { Console.WriteLine("No database found. Deploying..."); } else { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Database found. Running version is {0}. Starting upgrade...", existing)); } var svc = new DacServices(connectionString); svc.Message += dacServices_Message; svc.ProgressChanged += dacServices_ProgressChanged; var options = new DacDeployOptions(); //Load the publish settings foreach (var item in app.PublishSettings.Properties) { var prop = options.GetType().GetProperty(item.Name); if (prop != null) { var val = Convert.ChangeType(item.UnevaluatedValue, prop.PropertyType); prop.SetValue(options, val); } } svc.Deploy(dac, targetDatabaseName, existing != null, options); } else { Console.WriteLine("Version is up to date. Skipping deployment."); } }