        public void InitializeParticlePropertiesRespawn(DefaultSprite3DBillboardParticle cParticle)
            // TODO: Initialize all of the Particle's properties here.
            // If you plan on simply using the default InitializeParticleUsingInitialProperties
            // Particle Initialization Function (see the LoadParticleSystem() function above),
            // then you may delete this function all together.
            // Set the Particle's Lifetime (how long it should exist for)
            cParticle.Lifetime = 1.0f;

            // Set the Particle's initial Position to be wherever the Emitter is
            cParticle.Position = Vector3.Zero;
            cParticle.Position = Vector3.Transform(cParticle.Position, Emitter.OrientationData.Orientation);

            // Set the Particle's Velocity
            cParticle.Velocity = DPSFHelper.PointOnSphere(RandomNumber.Between(0, MathHelper.TwoPi), RandomNumber.Between(0, MathHelper.TwoPi), radius);

            // Adjust the Particle's Velocity direction according to the Emitter's Orientation
            cParticle.Velocity  = Vector3.Transform(cParticle.Velocity, Emitter.OrientationData.Orientation);
            cParticle.Position += Emitter.PositionData.Position;

            // Give the Particle a random Size
            // Since we have Size Lerp enabled we must also set the Start and End Size
            cParticle.Width      = cParticle.StartWidth = cParticle.EndWidth = cParticle.EndHeight =
                cParticle.Height = cParticle.StartHeight = size;

            // Give the Particle a random Color
            // Since we have Color Lerp enabled we must also set the Start and End Color
            cParticle.Color    = cParticle.StartColor = Color.White;
            cParticle.EndColor = Color.Blue;
        public override void InitializeParticleProperties(DefaultSpriteParticle cParticle)
            cParticle.Lifetime = DPSFHelper.RandomNumberBetween(.5f, 1);

            cParticle.Position = Emitter.PositionData.Position;

            float randomVelocity = DPSFHelper.RandomNumberBetween(-200, 200);

            currentRotation += (float)Math.PI / 20;
            Vector2 rotatedRandomVector = TankGame.rotateVector(new Vector2(randomVelocity, randomVelocity), currentRotation);

            cParticle.Velocity = new Vector3(rotatedRandomVector.X, rotatedRandomVector.Y, 0);

            cParticle.Width  = DPSFHelper.RandomNumberBetween(2, 6);
            cParticle.Height = DPSFHelper.RandomNumberBetween(2, 12);

            cParticle.Rotation = currentRotation;

            //Vector3 sVelocityMin = new Vector3(-100, 25, -100);
            //Vector3 sVelocityMax = new Vector3(100, 50, 100);
            //cParticle.Velocity = DPSFHelper.RandomVectorBetweenTwoVectors(sVelocityMin, sVelocityMax);

            //cParticle.Velocity = Vector3.Transform(cParticle.Velocity, Emitter.OrientationData.Orientation);

            cParticle.StartColor = startColor;
            cParticle.EndColor   = endColor;
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to Initialize a new Particle's properties
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cParticle">The Particle to be Initialized</param>
        public void InitializeParticleProperties(SpriteParticleSystemTemplateParticle cParticle)
            // TODO: Initialize all of the Particle's properties here.
            // In addition to initializing the Particle properties you added, you
            // must also initialize the Lifetime property that is inherited from DPSFParticle

            // Set the Particle's Lifetime (how long it should exist for)
            cParticle.Lifetime = 2.0f;

            // Set the Particle's initial Position to be wherever the Emitter is
            cParticle.Position = Emitter.PositionData.Position;

            // Set the Particle's Velocity
            Vector3 sVelocityMin = new Vector3(-200, -200, 0);
            Vector3 sVelocityMax = new Vector3(200, -400, 0);

            cParticle.Velocity = DPSFHelper.RandomVectorBetweenTwoVectors(sVelocityMin, sVelocityMax);

            // Adjust the Particle's Velocity direction according to the Emitter's Orientation
            cParticle.Velocity = Vector3.Transform(cParticle.Velocity, Emitter.OrientationData.Orientation);

            // Set the Particle's Width and Height
            cParticle.Width  = RandomNumber.Next((int)mfSizeMin, (int)mfSizeMax);
            cParticle.Height = RandomNumber.Next((int)mfSizeMin, (int)mfSizeMax);
        /// <summary>
        /// Example of how to create a Particle Initialization Function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cParticle">The Particle to be Initialized</param>
        public void InitializeParticleProperties(DefaultQuadParticle cParticle)
            // TODO: Initialize all of the Particle's properties here.
            // If you plan on simply using the default InitializeParticleUsingInitialProperties
            // Particle Initialization Function (see the LoadParticleSystem() function above),
            // then you may delete this function all together.

            // Set the Particle's Lifetime (how long it should exist for)
            cParticle.Lifetime = 2.0f;

            // Set the Particle's initial Position to be wherever the Emitter is
            cParticle.Position = Emitter.PositionData.Position;

            // Set the Particle's Velocity
            Vector3 sVelocityMin = new Vector3(-50, 50, -50);
            Vector3 sVelocityMax = new Vector3(50, 100, 50);

            cParticle.Velocity = DPSFHelper.RandomVectorBetweenTwoVectors(sVelocityMin, sVelocityMax);

            // Adjust the Particle's Velocity direction according to the Emitter's Orientation
            cParticle.Velocity = Vector3.Transform(cParticle.Velocity, Emitter.OrientationData.Orientation);

            // Give the Particle a random Size
            // Since we have Size Lerp enabled we must also set the Start and End Size
            cParticle.Width      = cParticle.StartWidth = cParticle.EndWidth =
                cParticle.Height = cParticle.StartHeight = cParticle.EndHeight = RandomNumber.Next(10, 50);

            // Give the Particle a random Color
            // Since we have Color Lerp enabled we must also set the Start and End Color
            cParticle.Color = cParticle.StartColor = cParticle.EndColor = DPSFHelper.RandomColor();
        public void InitializeParticleExplosion(DefaultSprite3DBillboardTextureCoordinatesParticle particle)
            particle.Lifetime      = RandomNumber.Between(0.3f, 0.7f);
            particle.Color         = particle.StartColor = ExplosionColor;
            particle.EndColor      = Color.Black;
            particle.Position      = Emitter.PositionData.Position + new Vector3(RandomNumber.Next(-25, 25), RandomNumber.Next(-25, 25), RandomNumber.Next(-25, 25));
            particle.Velocity      = DPSFHelper.RandomNormalizedVector() * RandomNumber.Next(1, 50);
            particle.ExternalForce = new Vector3(0, 80, 0);  // We want the smoke to rise
            particle.Size          = particle.StartSize = 1; // Have the particles start small and grow
            particle.EndSize       = ExplosionParticleSize;

            // Give the particle a random initial orientation and random rotation velocity (only need to Roll the particle since it will always face the camera)
            particle.Rotation           = RandomNumber.Between(0, MathHelper.TwoPi);
            particle.RotationalVelocity = RandomNumber.Between(-MathHelper.PiOver2, MathHelper.PiOver2);

            // Randomly pick which texture coordinates to use for this particle
            Rectangle textureCoordinates;

            switch (RandomNumber.Next(0, 4))
            case 0: textureCoordinates = _flameSmoke1TextureCoordinates; break;

            case 1: textureCoordinates = _flameSmoke2TextureCoordinates; break;

            case 2: textureCoordinates = _flameSmoke3TextureCoordinates; break;

            case 3: textureCoordinates = _flameSmoke4TextureCoordinates; break;

        public override void AutoInitialize(GraphicsDevice cGraphicsDevice, ContentManager cContentManager, SpriteBatch cSpriteBatch)
            InitializeSpriteParticleSystem(cGraphicsDevice, cContentManager, (int)DPSFHelper.RandomNumberBetween(10, 400), (int)DPSFHelper.RandomNumberBetween(10, 400), "Textures/Pixel", cSpriteBatch);

            Name = "Confetti";

 public Spark(TankGame cGame, Vector2 position, int maxParticles, float lifeTime)
     : base(cGame)
     offsetX           = DPSFHelper.RandomNumberBetween(-20, 20);
     offsetY           = DPSFHelper.RandomNumberBetween(-20, 20);
     this.position     = new Vector3(position.X + offsetX, position.Y + offsetY, 0);
     this.maxParticles = maxParticles;
     this.lifeTime     = lifeTime;
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to setup the Render Properties (i.e. BlendState, DepthStencilState, RasterizerState, and SamplerState)
        /// which will be applied to the Graphics Device before drawing the Particle System's Particles.
        /// <para>This function is called when initializing the particle system.</para>
        /// </summary>
        protected override void InitializeRenderProperties()
            // TODO: Set any render properties required before drawing

            // We use the Alpha Test Effect by default for 3D Sprites
            this.Effect = new AlphaTestEffect(this.GraphicsDevice);
            RenderProperties.RasterizerState = DPSFHelper.CloneRasterizerState(RasterizerState.CullNone);
        public void InitializeParticleExplosion(DefaultSprite3DBillboardTextureCoordinatesParticle particle)
            particle.Lifetime      = RandomNumber.Between(0.5f, 1.0f);
            particle.Color         = ExplosionColor;
            particle.Position      = Emitter.PositionData.Position + new Vector3(RandomNumber.Next(-25, 25), RandomNumber.Next(-25, 25), RandomNumber.Next(-25, 25));
            particle.Velocity      = DPSFHelper.RandomNormalizedVector() * RandomNumber.Next(30, 50);
            particle.ExternalForce = new Vector3(0, 20, 0);
            particle.Size          = ExplosionParticleSize;

        public override void InitializeParticleProperties(DefaultSpriteParticle cParticle)
            cParticle.Lifetime = DPSFHelper.RandomNumberBetween(1, 2);

            cParticle.Position = Emitter.PositionData.Position;

            cParticle.StartSize = 40;
            cParticle.EndSize   = 10;

            cParticle.StartColor = Color.Yellow;
            cParticle.EndColor   = Color.DarkRed;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the properties of a particle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="particle">Reference to the particle to be initialized.</param>
        public void InitializeParticleProperties(DefaultTexturedQuadParticle particle)
            // Set the Particle's Lifetime (how long it should exist for) and initial Position
            particle.Lifetime = 5;
            particle.Position = Emitter.PositionData.Position;

            // Give the Particle a random velocity direction to start with
            particle.Velocity = DPSFHelper.RandomNormalizedVector() * 0.5f;

            particle.Size  = 0.2f;
            particle.Color = Color.Red;
        public void InitializeParticleExplosion(DefaultTextureQuadTextureCoordinatesParticle particle)
            particle.Lifetime = RandomNumber.Between(0.5f, 1.0f);
            particle.Color    = ExplosionColor;
            particle.Position = Emitter.PositionData.Position;
            particle.Velocity = DPSFHelper.RandomNormalizedVector() * RandomNumber.Next(175, 225);
            particle.Right    = -particle.Velocity;
            particle.Width    = ExplosionParticleSize;
            particle.Height   = ExplosionParticleSize * _textureAspectRatio;

            // Set the spark particle's texture coordinates
            particle.SetTextureCoordinates(_sparkTextureCoordinates, Texture.Width, Texture.Height);
        // Particle Update Functions

        // TODO: Place your Particle Update functions here, using the
        // same function prototype as below (i.e. public void FunctionName(DPSFParticle, float))

        /// <summary>
        /// Example of how to create a Particle Event Function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cParticle">The Particle to update</param>
        /// <param name="fElapsedTimeInSeconds">How long it has been since the last update</param>
        protected void UpdateParticlePositionBySphereLerp(DefaultSpriteParticle cParticle, float fElapsedTimeInSeconds)
            cParticle.Position = DPSFHelper.PointOnSphere(RandomNumber.Between(0, MathHelper.TwoPi), RandomNumber.Between(0, MathHelper.TwoPi), cParticle.NormalizedElapsedTime * radius);
            cParticle.Position = Vector3.Transform(cParticle.Position, Emitter.OrientationData.Orientation);

            // Adjust the Particle's Velocity direction according to the Emitter's Orientation
            //cParticle.Velocity = Vector3.Transform(cParticle.Velocity, Emitter.OrientationData.Orientation);
            cParticle.Position += Emitter.PositionData.Position;
            // Place code to update the Particle here
            // Example: cParticle.Position += cParticle.Velocity * fElapsedTimeInSeconds;
        // Particle Update Functions
        protected void UpdateParticleFireSmokeColor(DefaultSprite3DBillboardTextureCoordinatesParticle particle, float elapsedTimeInSeconds)
            // Have particle be the specified color for the first part of its lifetime
            float firstPartOfLifetime = 0.2f;

            if (particle.NormalizedElapsedTime < firstPartOfLifetime)
                particle.Color = particle.StartColor;
            // Then start fading it to black to look like smoke
                float lerpAmount = (particle.NormalizedElapsedTime - firstPartOfLifetime) * (1.0f / (1.0f - firstPartOfLifetime));
                particle.Color = DPSFHelper.LerpColor(particle.StartColor, particle.EndColor, lerpAmount);
        public override void LoadParticleSystem()
            ParticleInitializationFunction = InitializeParticleUsingInitialProperties;

            InitialProperties.LifetimeMin           = 1;
            InitialProperties.LifetimeMax           = 20;
            InitialProperties.PositionMin           = Vector3.Zero;
            InitialProperties.PositionMax           = Vector3.Zero;
            InitialProperties.VelocityMin           = new Vector3(-20, 20, 0);
            InitialProperties.VelocityMax           = new Vector3(20, 100, 0);
            InitialProperties.RotationMin           = 0.0f;
            InitialProperties.RotationMax           = 0.0f;
            InitialProperties.RotationalVelocityMin = -MathHelper.Pi;
            InitialProperties.RotationalVelocityMax = MathHelper.Pi;
            InitialProperties.StartWidthMin         = 5;
            InitialProperties.StartWidthMax         = 20;
            InitialProperties.StartHeightMin        = 5;
            InitialProperties.StartHeightMax        = 20;
            InitialProperties.EndWidthMin           = 0;
            InitialProperties.EndWidthMax           = 10;
            InitialProperties.EndHeightMin          = 0;
            InitialProperties.EndHeightMax          = 10;
            InitialProperties.StartColorMin         = Color.Black;
            InitialProperties.StartColorMax         = Color.White;
            InitialProperties.EndColorMin           = Color.Black;
            InitialProperties.EndColorMax           = Color.White;



            ParticleEvents.AddEveryTimeEvent(UpdateParticleTransparencyToFadeOutUsingLerp, 100);

            ParticleSystemEvents.LifetimeData.EndOfLifeOption = CParticleSystemEvents.EParticleSystemEndOfLifeOptions.Destroy;
            ParticleSystemEvents.LifetimeData.Lifetime        = 20;
            ParticleSystemEvents.AddTimedEvent(0.0f, UpdateParticleSystemEmitParticlesAutomaticallyOn);
            ParticleSystemEvents.AddTimedEvent(.6f, UpdateParticleSystemEmitParticlesAutomaticallyOff);

            Emitter.ParticlesPerSecond    = DPSFHelper.RandomNumberBetween(100, 2000);
            Emitter.PositionData.Position = position;
        // Other Particle System Functions

        // TODO: Place any other functions here

        private void addIndiParticle(bool frontRing)
            BeatIndicatorParticleSystemParticle cParticle = new BeatIndicatorParticleSystemParticle();

            cParticle.Lifetime = 0;
            //cParticle.ElapsedTime = elapsedAmount;
            Quaternion cBackup = Emitter.OrientationData.Orientation;

            Emitter.OrientationData.Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
            Emitter.OrientationData.Orientation = cBackup;

            //cParticle.Position = DPSFHelper.PointOnSphere(MathHelper.PiOver2, RandomNumber.Between(0, MathHelper.TwoPi), startingRadius);
            if (frontRing)
                cParticle.Position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0.5f);
                cParticle.Position = new Vector3(0, 0, -0.5f);
            cParticle.Position += Emitter.PositionData.Position;

            // Set the Particle's initial Position to be wherever the Emitter is
            //cParticle.Position = Emitter.PositionData.Position;

            // Set the Particle's Velocity
            Vector3 sVelocityMin = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            Vector3 sVelocityMax = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            cParticle.Velocity = DPSFHelper.RandomVectorBetweenTwoVectors(sVelocityMin, sVelocityMax);

            // Adjust the Particle's Velocity direction according to the Emitter's Orientation
            cParticle.Velocity = Vector3.Transform(cParticle.Velocity, Emitter.OrientationData.Orientation);

            // Give the Particle a random Size
            cParticle.Width  = startingRadius;
            cParticle.Height = startingRadius;

            // Give the Particle a random Color
            cParticle.Color = Color;// DPSFHelper.RandomColor();
        public void InitializeParticleSnow(DefaultTexturedQuadParticle cParticle)
            // Position the Snow within 500 units of the emitter
            Vector3 sPosition = Emitter.PositionData.Position;

            sPosition.Y  = 200;
            sPosition.X += RandomNumber.Next(-500, 500);
            sPosition.Z += RandomNumber.Next(-500, 500);

            cParticle.Lifetime = 0.0f;

            cParticle.Position    = sPosition;
            cParticle.Size        = RandomNumber.Next(2, 5);
            cParticle.Color       = DPSFHelper.LerpColor(new Color(255, 255, 255, 50), new Color(255, 255, 255, 255), RandomNumber.NextFloat());
            cParticle.Orientation = Orientation3D.Rotate(Matrix.CreateRotationZ(RandomNumber.Between(0, MathHelper.TwoPi)), cParticle.Orientation);

            cParticle.Velocity             = new Vector3(RandomNumber.Next(-10, 3), RandomNumber.Next(-15, -5), RandomNumber.Next(-10, 10));
            cParticle.Acceleration         = Vector3.Zero;
            cParticle.RotationalVelocity.Z = RandomNumber.Between(-MathHelper.PiOver2, MathHelper.PiOver2);
        public override void InitializeParticleProperties(DefaultSpriteParticle cParticle)
            cParticle.Lifetime = DPSFHelper.RandomNumberBetween(.1f, lifeTime / 2);

            cParticle.Position = Emitter.PositionData.Position;

            currentRotation += (float)Math.PI / 10;
            Vector2 rotatedRandomVector = TankGame.rotateVector(originalVector, currentRotation);

            cParticle.Velocity = new Vector3(rotatedRandomVector.X * 60, rotatedRandomVector.Y * 60, 0);

            cParticle.Size = DPSFHelper.RandomNumberBetween(1, 4);

            cParticle.Rotation = currentRotation;

            cParticle.StartColor = Color.Yellow;
            cParticle.EndColor   = Color.Red;

            cParticle.Friction = DPSFHelper.RandomNumberBetween(50, 200);
        public void InitializeParticleRotators(DPSFParticle Particle)
            SpriteParticle cParticle = (SpriteParticle)Particle;

            cParticle.Lifetime = 0;
            cParticle.Color    = DPSFHelper.RandomColor();
            cParticle.Width    = cParticle.Height = 30;

            int iWidthBetweenParticles  = miScreenWidth / miColumns;
            int iHeightBetweenParticles = miScreenHeight / miRows;
            int iRow    = NumberOfActiveParticles / miColumns;
            int iColumn = NumberOfActiveParticles % miColumns;

            float fX = (iWidthBetweenParticles / 4) + (iColumn * iWidthBetweenParticles) - (cParticle.Width / 2);
            float fY = (iHeightBetweenParticles / 4) + (iRow * iHeightBetweenParticles) - (cParticle.Height / 2);

            cParticle.Position = new Vector3(fX, fY, 0);

            cParticle.sPivotPoint        = new Vector2(fX + (iWidthBetweenParticles / 4), fY + (iHeightBetweenParticles / 4));
            cParticle.RotationalVelocity = RandomNumber.Between(-MathHelper.TwoPi, MathHelper.TwoPi);
        public override void LoadParticleSystem()
            ParticleInitializationFunction = InitializeParticleProperties;



            ParticleEvents.AddEveryTimeEvent(UpdateParticleTransparencyToFadeOutUsingLerp, 100);

            ParticleSystemEvents.LifetimeData.EndOfLifeOption = CParticleSystemEvents.EParticleSystemEndOfLifeOptions.Destroy;
            ParticleSystemEvents.LifetimeData.Lifetime        = DPSFHelper.RandomNumberBetween(0.5f, 2.0f);
            ParticleSystemEvents.AddTimedEvent(0.0f, UpdateParticleSystemEmitParticlesAutomaticallyOn);
            ParticleSystemEvents.AddTimedEvent(.2f, UpdateParticleSystemEmitParticlesAutomaticallyOff);

            Emitter.ParticlesPerSecond    = DPSFHelper.RandomNumberBetween(100, 2000);
            Emitter.PositionData.Position = position;
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to Initialize a new Particle's properties
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cParticle">The Particle to be Initialized</param>
        public void InitializeParticleProperties(BeatIndicatorParticleSystemParticle cParticle)
            // TODO: Initialize all of the Particle's properties here.
            // In addition to initializing the Particle properties you added, you
            // must also initialize the Lifetime property that is inherited from DPSFParticle
            cParticle.Lifetime = duration;
            //cParticle.ElapsedTime = elapsedAmount;
            Quaternion cBackup = Emitter.OrientationData.Orientation;

            Emitter.OrientationData.Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
            Emitter.OrientationData.Orientation = cBackup;

            //cParticle.Position = DPSFHelper.PointOnSphere(MathHelper.PiOver2, RandomNumber.Between(0, MathHelper.TwoPi), startingRadius);
            cParticle.Position = Vector3.Transform(cParticle.Position, Emitter.OrientationData.Orientation);
            //cParticle.Position += Emitter.PositionData.Position;

            // Set the Particle's initial Position to be wherever the Emitter is
            //cParticle.Position = Emitter.PositionData.Position;

            // Set the Particle's Velocity
            Vector3 sVelocityMin = new Vector3(-1, -1, -1);
            Vector3 sVelocityMax = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);

            cParticle.Velocity = DPSFHelper.RandomVectorBetweenTwoVectors(sVelocityMin, sVelocityMax);

            // Adjust the Particle's Velocity direction according to the Emitter's Orientation
            cParticle.Velocity = Vector3.Transform(cParticle.Velocity, Emitter.OrientationData.Orientation);

            // Give the Particle a random Size
            cParticle.Width  = startingRadius;
            cParticle.Height = startingRadius;

            // Give the Particle a random Color
            cParticle.Color = Color;// DPSFHelper.RandomColor();
        public Fireworks(TankGame cGame, Vector2 position)
            : base(cGame)
            this.position = new Vector3(position.X, position.Y, 0);

            switch ((int)DPSFHelper.RandomNumberBetween(0, 3))
            case 0:
                startColor = Color.Yellow;
                endColor   = Color.DarkRed;

            case 1:
                startColor = Color.LightCyan;
                endColor   = Color.Green;

            case 2:
                startColor = Color.LightBlue;
                endColor   = Color.DarkBlue;
        public void InitializeParticleExplosion(DefaultTextureQuadTextureCoordinatesParticle particle)
            particle.Lifetime = RandomNumber.Between(0.3f, 0.5f);
            particle.Color    = ExplosionColor;
            particle.Position = Emitter.PositionData.Position;
            particle.Velocity = DPSFHelper.RandomNormalizedVector() * RandomNumber.Next(100, 150);
            particle.Right    = -particle.Velocity;

            // Specify the particle's width-to-height ratio as 8:1 so it looks better
            particle.Width = 8; particle.Height = 1;

            // Calculate and set what the particle's EndWidth and EndHeight should be (2 times the start size)
            particle.ScaleToWidth(ExplosionParticleSize * 2);
            particle.EndWidth  = particle.Width;
            particle.EndHeight = particle.Height;

            // Calculate and set what the particle's StartWidth and StartHeight should be
            particle.StartWidth  = particle.Width;
            particle.StartHeight = particle.Height;

            // Randomly pick which texture coordinates to use for this particle
            Rectangle textureCoordinates;

            switch (RandomNumber.Next(0, 3))
            case 0: textureCoordinates = _smokeTrail1TextureCoordinates; break;

            case 1: textureCoordinates = _smokeTrail2TextureCoordinates; break;

            case 2: textureCoordinates = _smokeTrail3TextureCoordinates; break;

            particle.SetTextureCoordinates(textureCoordinates, Texture.Width, Texture.Height);
        public void InitializeParticleAttraction(DPSFParticle Particle)
            SpriteParticle cParticle = (SpriteParticle)Particle;

            cParticle.Lifetime      = 0;
            cParticle.Width         = cParticle.Height = 50;
            cParticle.Position      = new Vector3(RandomNumber.Next(-miScreenWidth / 2, miScreenWidth / 2), RandomNumber.Next(-miScreenHeight / 2, miScreenHeight / 2), 0);
            cParticle.Color         = DPSFHelper.RandomColor();
            cParticle.ExternalForce = new Vector3(0, mfGravity, 0);
            cParticle.Friction      = mfGravity;

            // If this is the Attractor Particle (i.e. the first Particle added)
            if (NumberOfActiveParticles == 0)
                // Make the Attractor Particle larger than the rest
                cParticle.Width = cParticle.Height = 150;

                // Place the Attractor in the middle of the screen
                cParticle.Position = new Vector3(miScreenWidth / 2, miScreenHeight / 2, 0);

                // Make the Attractor White
                cParticle.Color = Color.White;
        public void InitializeParticleExplosion(DefaultSprite3DBillboardTextureCoordinatesParticle particle)
            particle.Lifetime           = RandomNumber.Between(1.2f, 1.7f);
            particle.Color              = particle.StartColor = ExplosionColor;
            particle.EndColor           = Color.DarkGray;
            particle.Position           = Emitter.PositionData.Position;
            particle.ExternalForce      = new Vector3(0, -80, 0);
            particle.RotationalVelocity = RandomNumber.Between(-MathHelper.PiOver2, MathHelper.PiOver2);
            particle.Velocity           = DPSFHelper.RandomNormalizedVector(); // Calculate the direction the particle will travel in

            // We want the debris to travel upwards more often than downward, so if it's travelling downward switch it to travel upward 50% of the time
            if (particle.Velocity.Y < 0 && RandomNumber.Next(0, 2) == 0)
                particle.Velocity.Y *= -1;

            // Fire some particles towards the camera (but not directly at it) for a more dramatic effect
            if (RandomNumber.Between(0, 5) == 0)
                // Calculate a point somewhere around the camera
                int     distance = 10;
                Vector3 somewhereAroundTheCamera = new Vector3(CameraPosition.X + RandomNumber.Next(-distance, distance),
                                                               CameraPosition.Y + RandomNumber.Next(-distance, distance),
                                                               CameraPosition.Z + RandomNumber.Next(-distance, distance));

                // Direct the Particle towards the spot around the camera
                particle.Velocity = somewhereAroundTheCamera - particle.Position;

            // Set the Particle's Speed
            particle.Velocity *= RandomNumber.Next(100, 150);

            // Randomly pick which texture coordinates to use for this particle
            Rectangle textureCoordinates;

            switch (RandomNumber.Next(0, 9))
            case 0: textureCoordinates = _debris1TextureCoordinates; break;

            case 1: textureCoordinates = _debris2TextureCoordinates; break;

            case 2: textureCoordinates = _debris3TextureCoordinates; break;

            case 3: textureCoordinates = _debris4TextureCoordinates; break;

            case 4: textureCoordinates = _debris5TextureCoordinates; break;

            case 5: textureCoordinates = _debris6TextureCoordinates; break;

            case 6: textureCoordinates = _debris7TextureCoordinates; break;

            case 7: textureCoordinates = _debris8TextureCoordinates; break;

            case 8: textureCoordinates = _debris9TextureCoordinates; break;


            // Set the Width to Height ratio so the image isn't skewed when we scale it
            particle.Width  = textureCoordinates.Width;
            particle.Height = textureCoordinates.Height;

            // Set the particle to the specified size, give or take 25%
            particle.ScaleToWidth(ExplosionParticleSize * RandomNumber.Between(0.75f, 1.25f));
 /// <summary>
 /// Change the color of the explosion to a random color.
 /// </summary>
 public void ChangeExplosionColor()
     ExplosionColor = DPSFHelper.RandomColor();
 // Particle Update Functions
 protected void UpdateParticleFlashSize(DefaultSprite3DBillboardTextureCoordinatesParticle particle, float elapsedTimeInSeconds)
     // Have the particle reach its full size when it reaches half its lifetime, and then shrink back to nothing
     particle.Size = MathHelper.Lerp(particle.StartSize, particle.EndSize, DPSFHelper.InterpolationAmountForEqualLerpInAndLerpOut(particle.NormalizedElapsedTime));