private static void KillActiveAnimations(DPOverlayBase dpBase) { if (currentAnimations.Count <= 0) { return; } //Kill any existing animations DPAnimationState existingState = currentAnimations.Find(x => x.dpBase == dpBase); if (existingState != null) { currentAnimations.Remove(existingState); existingState.dpBase.KillTransitions(); //Set the overlay to whatever final pos it had existingState.dpBase.transform.localPosition = existingState.finalPos; existingState.dpBase.SyncTransform(); existingState.dpBase.overlay.SetWidthInMeters(existingState.finalWidth); if ( { existingState.dpBase.overlay.SetVisible(; } } }
public void EndCurrentDrag() { if (!isDragging) { return; } //Debug.Log("ending drag"); if (draggingDP == null) { Debug.LogError("Dragging DP null"); return; } draggingDP.onOverlayDragged?.Invoke(false); //If it was using a snap point in the past, clear it: draggingDP.ClearAllSnapData(); //If we ended the drag on a new snap point if (isUsingSnapPoint) { draggingDP.TransitionOverlayPosition(activeSnapPoint.transform.localPosition, activeSnapPoint.transform.localEulerAngles, transitionSnapPointSpeed, Ease.InOutCubic, false); //Remove any previous thing if (activeSnapPoint.dpApp != null) { TheBarManager.I.MinimizeApp(activeSnapPoint.dpApp.appKey); } else if (activeSnapPoint.dpBase != null) { DPUIManager.Animate(activeSnapPoint.dpBase, DPAnimation.FadeOut); activeSnapPoint.ClearAllSnapData(); } if (draggingDP.hasDPAppParent && draggingDP.dpAppParent.dpMain == draggingDP) { activeSnapPoint.SetSnappedApp(draggingDP.dpAppParent); } else { activeSnapPoint.SetSnappedDP(draggingDP); } } TheBarManager.I.ToggleSnapPointsVisible(false); isDragging = false; dummyDragChild.parent = null; draggingDP = null; activeSnapPoint = null; draggingDPIsAutoCurving = false; }
public static void RemoveAnchoredDP(DPOverlayBase dpBase) { dpBase.isAnchoredToTheBar = false; //dpBase.SetOverlayTrackedDevice(DPOverlayTrackedDevice.None); I.theBarDP.RemoveChildOverlay(dpBase); //dpBase.transform.SetParent(SteamVRManager.I.noAnchorTrans); //dpBase.SyncTransform(true); }
public void AddDependentDP(DPOverlayBase dpBase) { if (dependingDPs.Contains(dpBase)) { return; } dependingDPs.Add(dpBase); }
public void RemoveDependentDP(DPOverlayBase dpBase) { if (!dependingDPs.Contains(dpBase)) { return; } dependingDPs.Remove(dpBase); }
private void HandleDPLookAway(DPOverlayBase dpBase) { if (lookedAtDPs.Contains(dpBase)) { dpBase.isBeingLookedAt = false; lookedAtDPs.Remove(dpBase); } }
public static void AddAnchoredDP(DPOverlayBase dpBase) { dpBase.isAnchoredToTheBar = true; //dpBase.SetOverlayTrackedDevice(DPOverlayTrackedDevice.None); dpBase.followParentOpacity = false; I.theBarDP.AddChildOverlay(dpBase, true); //dpBase.transform.SetParent(I.theBarDP.transform, true); //dpBase.SyncTransform(true); }
// --- Cursor management --- private void ShowCursorsAtInteractionPoints(DPOverlayBase dpBase, List <Vector3> interactionPoints) { foreach (Vector3 point in interactionPoints) { //Un-offset to be centered again //Vector2 fixedPoint = new Vector2(point.x - dpBase.overlay.width / 2f, point.y - dpBase.overlayHeight / 2f); //Debug.Log(fixedPoint.x); if (_cursorsDPPool.Count <= _cursorPoolIndex) { _cursorsDPPool.Add(Instantiate(cursorPF, SteamVRManager.I.noAnchorTrans).GetComponent <DPCursor>()); _cursorsDPPool[_cursorPoolIndex].cursorDP.PreInitialize(); _cursorsDPPool[_cursorPoolIndex].cursorDP.overlay.SetSortOrder(100); _cursorsDPPool[_cursorPoolIndex].cursorDP.RequestRendering(); //Debug.Log("added cursor"); } DPCameraOverlay cursorDP = _cursorsDPPool[_cursorPoolIndex].cursorDP; DPCursor cursor = _cursorsDPPool[_cursorPoolIndex]; //Get the distance to the overlay float distance = Vector3.Distance(SteamVRManager.I.hmdTrans.position, point); distance /= 100f; cursorDP.overlay.SetWidthInMeters(0.001f + distance); //Set position, if new overlay, jump instantly if (cursor.targetDP != dpBase) { cursorDP.transform.position = point; cursor.targetDP = dpBase; } else { cursorDP.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(cursorDP.transform.position, point, Time.deltaTime * 30f); } cursorDP.transform.LookAt(2 * cursorDP.transform.position - SteamVRManager.I.hmdTrans.position); //cursor.transform.LookAt(SteamVRManager.I.hmdTrans); cursorDP.SetOverlayTransform(cursorDP.transform.position, cursorDP.transform.eulerAngles, false); if (!cursorDP.overlay.isVisible) { cursorDP.overlay.SetVisible(true); } _cursorPoolIndex++; } }
public void CloseDP(DPOverlayBase dpBase) { dpBase.ClearAllSnapData(); if (DPToolbar.I.activeDP == dpBase) { DPToolbar.I.ResetToolbar(); } Destroy(dpBase.gameObject); }
public void Show(DPOverlayBase dpBase, Vector3 pos, string name, Texture2D icon) { //if (currentDP == dpBase) return; //Unsub from events: if (currentDP != null) { currentDP.onOverlayDragged -= dragAction; } currentDP = dpBase; //Sub to events dragAction = currentDP.onOverlayDragged += delegate(bool b) { if (!b) { InitUI(currentDP); } }; InitUI(dpBase); textCurrent.SetText(name); iconCurrent.texture = icon; /*transCalcHMDDir.position = SteamVRManager.I.hmdTrans.position; * transCalcHMDDir.LookAt(dpBase.transform);*/ //windowSettingsDP.OrphanOverlay(); windowSettingsTopDP.SetOverlayTransform(new Vector3(0f, 0.36f, 0f), new Vector3(0f, 0f, 15f), true, true, true); windowSettingsDP.KillTransitions(); windowSettingsDP.transform.position = pos; windowSettingsDP.transform.LookAt(2 * windowSettingsDP.transform.position - SteamVRManager.I.hmdTrans.position); windowSettingsDP.SyncTransform(); windowSettingsCurrentDP.SetOverlayTransform(new Vector3(0f, 0.36f, 0),; //dpBase.AddChildOverlay(windowSettingsDP); DPUIManager.Animate(windowSettingsDP, DPAnimations.FadeIn); isActive = true; }
private void HandleDPLookAt(DPOverlayBase dpBase) { dpBase.lookedAtCheck = true; if (lookedAtDPs.Contains(dpBase)) { return; } dpBase.isBeingLookedAt = true; lookedAtDPs.Add(dpBase); }
/// <summary> /// If we're previewing what an app would look like here, cancel it, and restore the previous one. /// </summary> public void CancelPreviewAndRestore(bool fadeBackIn = true) { if (!isPreviewing) { return; } //Fade the actual overlay back in if (isOccupied && fadeBackIn) { dpBase.TransitionOverlayOpacity(dpBase.overlay.targetOpacity, transitionSnapPointSpeed, Ease.InOutCubic, false); } tempPreviewDP = null; }
/// <summary> /// Handles if a manually spawned DPApp should actually be visible or not /// </summary> /// <param name="state"></param> /// <param name="dpBase"></param> public static void SyncNewDPAppVisibility(DPAppSerialized state, DPOverlayBase dpBase, bool forceVisible = false) { //Show if (forceVisible || !state.isMinimized && (TheBarManager.isOpened || (!TheBarManager.isOpened && state.isPinned))) { TheBarManager.I.ToggleDPApp(dpBase.dpAppParent, true, true); dpBase.dpAppParent.OnTheBarToggled(true); dpBase.dpAppParent.OnOpen(); } //Hide else { TheBarManager.I.ToggleDPApp(dpBase.dpAppParent, false, true); dpBase.dpAppParent.OnTheBarToggled(false); //dpBase.dpAppParent.OnMinimize(); } }
public void ClearAllSnapData() { //if (!isOccupied) return; if (dpApp != null) { dpApp.snapPoint = null; dpApp = null; } if (dpBase != null) { dpBase.snapPoint = null; dpBase = null; } tempPreviewDP = null; }
private void ClearActiveSnapPoint(DPOverlayBase dpBase) { if (!isUsingSnapPoint) { return; } activeSnapPoint.CancelPreviewAndRestore(); dpBase.KillTransitions(); dpBase.TransitionOverlayWidth(dpBase.overlay.targetWidth, transitionSnapPointSpeed, false); dpBase.TransitionOverlayOpacity(dpBase.overlay.targetOpacity, transitionSnapPointSpeed, Ease.InOutCubic, false); //dpBase.TransitionOverlayCurvature(dpBase.overlay.targetCurvature, transitionSnapPointSpeed, false); activeSnapPoint.iconDP.TransitionOverlayWidth(activeSnapPoint.iconDP.overlay.targetWidth, transitionSnapPointSpeed, false); activeSnapPoint = null; }
private void FetchComponents() { if (dpMain == null) { dpMain = transform.Find("Main")?.Find("Overlay")?.GetComponent <DPOverlayBase>(); if (dpMain == null) { dpMain = transform.Find("Overlay").GetComponent <DPOverlayBase>(); } } dpMain.dpAppParent = this; /*if (useTopBar && !dpTopBar) { * dpTopBar = transform.Find("TopBar")?.Find("Overlay")?.GetComponent<DPOverlayBase>(); * } * if (dpTopBar != null) { * dpTopBar.dpAppParent = this; * dpTopBar.showToolbar = false; * * dpMain.AddChildOverlay(dpTopBar); * * }*/ //Loop over the others and see if we need to add any more. Transform others = transform.Find("Others"); if (others != null) { foreach (Transform t in others) { DPOverlayBase test = t.Find("Overlay")?.GetComponent <DPOverlayBase>(); if (test != null) { otherDPs.Add(test); test.dpAppParent = this; } } } }
private void ResetPrevious() { if (activeDP == null) { return; } if (activeDP.overlay.trackedDevice == DPOverlayTrackedDevice.None && !activeDPHasBeenDragged) { Vector3 newPos = activeDP.transform.position + activeDP.transform.up * -0.1f; activeDP.TransitionOverlayPosition(newPos, activeDP.transform.eulerAngles, 0.5f); } //activeDP.onOverlayDragged -= OnActiveDragged; activeDP = null; activeDPHasBeenDragged = false; }
public void ShowKeyboard(DPOverlayBase dpBase, bool child = true) { //if (activeDP == dpBase) return; if (dpBase == keyboardDP) { return; } activeDP = dpBase; //keyboardDP.OrphanOverlay(); Vector3 goodPos; Vector3 goodRot; /*if (child) { * activeDP.AddChildOverlay(keyboardDP); * * keyboardDP.overlay.SetWidthInMeters(0.8f); * * goodPos = new Vector3(0f, activeDP.overlayHeight / -1.9f, -0.21f); * * goodRot = new Vector3(30f, 0f, 0f); * } * else {*/ goodPos = activeDP.transform.position + activeDP.transform.forward * -0.11f; goodPos += activeDP.transform.up * (activeDP.overlayHeight / 2f); goodRot = SteamVRManager.I.hmdTrans.eulerAngles; goodRot.z = 0f; //} keyboardDP.SetOverlayTransform(goodPos, goodRot); TheBarManager.I.ToggleDPApp(dpBase.dpAppParent, true, true); }
/// <summary> /// Used to preview what a DP would look like if snapped in this spot /// </summary> public void PreviewSnappedDP(DPOverlayBase newDPBase, bool fadeOutCurrent = true) { if (isOccupied && dpBase == newDPBase) { return; } tempPreviewDP = newDPBase; if (isOccupied && fadeOutCurrent) { dpBase.TransitionOverlayOpacity(0.1f, transitionSnapPointSpeed, Ease.InOutCubic, false); } /*Vector3 inFrontPos = transform.position + transform.forward * -0.015f; * * tempPreviewDP.KillTransitions(); * * if (animate) { * if (isOccupied) dpBase.TransitionOverlayOpacity(0.1f, transitionSnapPointSpeed, Ease.InOutCubic, false); * * tempPreviewDP.TransitionOverlayWidth(overlayWidth, transitionSnapPointSpeed, false); * tempPreviewDP.TransitionOverlayCurvature(overlayCurvature, transitionSnapPointSpeed, false); * tempPreviewDP.TransitionOverlayOpacity(overlayOpacity, transitionSnapPointSpeed, Ease.InOutCubic, false); * * tempPreviewDP.TransitionOverlayPosition(inFrontPos, transform.eulerAngles, transitionSnapPointSpeed, Ease.InOutCubic, false); * } * else { * * if (isOccupied) dpBase.overlay.SetOpacity(0.1f, false); * * tempPreviewDP.overlay.SetWidthInMeters(overlayWidth, false); * tempPreviewDP.overlay.SetCurvature(overlayCurvature, false); * tempPreviewDP.overlay.SetOpacity(overlayOpacity, false); * * tempPreviewDP.SetOverlayTransform(inFrontPos, transform.eulerAngles, true, false); * }*/ }
/// <summary> /// Handles any new overlays that need to be processed, adds them to the master overlay list, and calls pre-initialize if specified by the overlay. /// </summary> private void HandleNeedToProcess() { if (!SteamVRManager.isConnected) { return; } if (DPOverlayBase.needToProcess.Count <= 0) { if (!isInitialized) { isInitialized = true; onInitialized?.Invoke(); } return; } for (int i = 0; i < DPOverlayBase.needToProcess.Count; i++) { DPOverlayBase dpBase = DPOverlayBase.needToProcess[i]; if (dpBase == null) { continue; } //Add to the main list of all overlays overlays.Add(dpBase); //Pre-initialize if requested if (dpBase.autoPreInitialize) { dpBase.PreInitialize(); } //Remove it so we don't process it again DPOverlayBase.needToProcess.Remove(dpBase); } }
private void Start() { I = this; DPSettings.LoadConfigJson(); //StartCoroutine(DPSettings.AutoSave()); DPSettings.OnLoad(HandleMinimizeAtStartup); // TemplateWindowItem.selectedEvent += delegate(UwcWindow window) { NewDPWindowOverlay(window); }; WindowSelectListElement.onPressed += delegate(WindowSelectListElement element) { DPDesktopOverlay desktopDP; if (!element.isDesktop) { desktopDP = NewDPWindowOverlay(element.window); } else { desktopDP = NewDPMonitorOverlay(element.monitor); } TheBarManager.I.LaunchAppToMainSnap(desktopDP.dpAppParent.appKey); }; //SteamVRManager.I.onSteamVRConnected.AddListener(LoadDefaultLayout); //StartCoroutine(HandleOverlayRendering()); StartCoroutine(DPOverlayBase.HandleRendering()); TouchInjector.InitializeTouchInjection(); }
private void Start() { TheBarManager.I.onBarOpened += b => { if (!b) { Button_Close(); } }; DPOverlayBase.onClickedOn += dpBase => { activeDP = dpBase; }; KButton.onButtonPress += HandleKeyPress; //KConstantButton.onButtonPress += HandleKeyPress; LoadLayout(_qwertyKeys); InitSym(); }
public void StartDragDP(DPOverlayBase dpToDrag) { if (dpToDrag == null) { return; } if (!interactionEnabled) { return; } if (isDragging) { EndCurrentDrag(); } dummyDragChild.SetParent(primaryLaser.pointer); dummyDragChild.position = dpToDrag.transform.position; dummyDragChild.eulerAngles = dpToDrag.transform.eulerAngles; draggingDP = dpToDrag; dpToDrag.onOverlayDragged?.Invoke(true); if (draggingDP.canUseSnapPoints) { TheBarManager.I.ToggleSnapPointsVisible(true); } if (!DPSettings.config.autoCurveDragging) { draggingDP.overlay.SetCurvature(0f); } isDragging = true; }
public void Target(DPOverlayBase dpBase) { if (!dpBase.showToolbar) { return; } if (dpBase == activeDP) { return; } //Unsub from events if (activeDP != null) { } activeDP = dpBase; //Sub to events toolbarDP.alwaysInteract = activeDP.alwaysInteract; toolbarDP.alwaysInteractBlockInput = activeDP.alwaysInteractBlockInput; pinIcon.SetActive(activeDP.showToolbarPin); settingsIcon.SetActive(activeDP.showToolbarSettings); toolbarDP.OrphanOverlay(); activeDP.AddChildOverlay(toolbarDP); toolbarDP.RequestRendering(true); }
/// <summary> /// Sets a new DPBase that is anchored on this snap point /// </summary> /// <param name="newDPBase"></param> public void SetSnappedDP(DPOverlayBase newDPBase) { dpBase = newDPBase; dpBase.snapPoint = this; /* * if (setValues && animate) { * dpBase.KillTransitions(); * * dpBase.TransitionOverlayWidth(overlayWidth, transitionSnapPointSpeed, false); * dpBase.TransitionOverlayCurvature(overlayCurvature, transitionSnapPointSpeed, false); * dpBase.TransitionOverlayOpacity(overlayOpacity, transitionSnapPointSpeed, Ease.InOutCubic, false); * * dpBase.TransitionOverlayPosition(transform.position, transform.eulerAngles, transitionSnapPointSpeed, Ease.InOutCubic, false); * * } * else if (setValues && !animate) { * dpBase.KillTransitions(); * * dpBase.overlay.SetWidthInMeters(overlayWidth, false); * dpBase.overlay.SetCurvature(overlayCurvature, false); * dpBase.overlay.SetOpacity(overlayOpacity, false); * * dpBase.SetOverlayTransform(transform.position, transform.eulerAngles, true, false); * } */ //Clear the state of any overlay that used to be snapped here and is now being replaced tempPreviewDP = null; //Activate the icon: //iconDP.TransitionOverlayWidth(0.07f, transitionSnapPointSpeed, false); }
private IEnumerator HandleRays() { while (true) { //Set all the currently "looked at" overlays checker to be false for (int i = 0; i < lookedAtDPs.Count; i++) { lookedAtDPs[i].lookedAtCheck = false; } while (!SteamVRManager.isConnected) { yield return(null); } /* * DPRenderWindowOverlay tempPrimary = null; * * //For the center point. For finding the primary overlay * for (int i = OverlayManager.I.overlays.Count; i --> 0; ) { * DPOverlayBase dpBase = OverlayManager.I.overlays[i]; * * if (!dpBase.overlay.shouldRender) continue; * * //We're looking for a Desktop Window overlay, so we skip any overlays that aren't like that. * if ((dpBase is DPRenderWindowOverlay) == false) continue; * * * //If it's being scrolled, it has to be the primary so mouse input is sent properly. * if (dpBase.isBeingScrolled) { * //Debug.Log("found scroller"); * tempPrimary = dpBase as DPRenderWindowOverlay; * break; * } * * //If not being scrolled, test for collisions: * * //If it collides, we're looking at the DP. * if (TestComputeIntersection(dpBase.overlay.handle, centerTransform)) { * HandleDPLookAt(dpBase); * * tempPrimary = dpBase as DPRenderWindowOverlay; * * //Break since we found one: * break; * } * * }*/ /*//If we found a primary, and it's not equal to the last one, trigger the events: * if (tempPrimary != null && tempPrimary != primaryWindowDP) { * * //Disable primary on the previous overlay. * if (primaryWindowDP != null) primaryWindowDP.isPrimary = false; * * primaryWindowDP = tempPrimary; * primaryWindowDP.isPrimary = true; * * }*/ //yield return null; foreach (Transform point in raycastPoints) { for (int i = OverlayManager.I.overlays.Count; i-- > 0;) { DPOverlayBase dpBase = OverlayManager.I.overlays[i]; //Skip this if we've already confirmed that it's being looked at: if (dpBase.lookedAtCheck == true) { continue; } if (!dpBase.overlay.isVisible) { continue; } //If it collides, we're looking at the DP. if (TestComputeIntersection(dpBase.overlay.handle, point)) { HandleDPLookAt(dpBase); } } yield return(null); } //Sets any overlays that have the check still false, but are supposedly being looked at back to the og state for (int i = lookedAtDPs.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (lookedAtDPs[i].isBeingLookedAt && lookedAtDPs[i].lookedAtCheck == false) { HandleDPLookAway(lookedAtDPs[i]); } } //lookedAtDPs.Clear(); yield return(null); } }
private bool CalculateIntersection(DPOverlayBase dpBase, out IntersectionResults results) { results = new IntersectionResults(); return(SteamVR_Utils.ComputeIntersection(dpBase.overlay.handle, pointer.position, pointer.forward, SteamVRManager.trackingSpace, ref results)); }
public override bool HandleInteractionDetection(out List <Vector3> cursorPositions) { cursorPositions = new List <Vector3>(); //DPOverlayBase closestOverlay; List <DPLaserCollisionData> collisions = new List <DPLaserCollisionData>(); //bool foundOverlay = false; //Foreach of the overlays for (int i = 0; i < OverlayManager.I.overlays.Count; i++) { DPOverlayBase dpToTest = OverlayManager.I.overlays[i]; //Don't process invisible or non-interactable overlays if (!dpToTest.overlay.shouldRender || !dpToTest.isInteractable) { continue; } //Ignore look/distance hiding overlays: if (dpToTest.lookHidingActive || dpToTest.distanceHidingActive) { continue; } if (!isActivated && !dpToTest.alwaysInteract && !dpToTest.allowMultipuleInteractors) { continue; } //If the laser isn't activated, global interaction isn't activated, and the overlay doesn't want interaction when the bar is closed, just skip it. //If the overlay supports multi-interact, it's possible we might want to enable this laser, so we don't skip this quite yet. // ^^ if (!isActivated && !OverlayInteractionManager.interactionEnabled && !dpToTest.usePointInteraction && !dpToTest.allowMultipuleInteractors) continue; //If the overlay anchor is the same as the interactor, skip if (dpToTest.overlay.trackedDevice != DPOverlayTrackedDevice.None && dpToTest.overlay.trackedDevice == trackedDevice) { continue; } //If the laser intersects with the overlay if (CalculateIntersection(dpToTest, out IntersectionResults hitResults)) { //Add it to the list of possible intersections collisions.Add(new DPLaserCollisionData() { results = hitResults, dpBase = dpToTest }); } } //Actually handle interaction stuff once we find the closest collided overlay if (collisions.Count >= 1) { //Find the closest collision data out of all the collisions DPLaserCollisionData closest = collisions[0]; for (int j = 1; j < collisions.Count; j++) { if (collisions[j].results.distance < closest.results.distance) { closest = collisions[j]; } } //We've found the closest one, and can now interact. mostRecentIntersection = closest.results; //If interaction is not globally enabled, but the overlay has a flag for pointing interaction, we enable this laser. if (!isActivated && !OverlayInteractionManager.interactionEnabled) { if (closest.dpBase.alwaysInteract) { //OverlayInteractionManager.I.TempEnableInteraction(inputSource); //tempMultiInteractActive = true; Activate(true); if (closest.dpBase.alwaysInteractBlockInput) { OverlayInteractionManager.BlockInput(true); } //OverlayInteractionManager.I. } //Else, if interaction is not globally enabled, we return. else { return(false); } } //If we were using multi-touch on the old overlay, Disable the laser again: if (targetDP != closest.dpBase && targetDP != null && OverlayInteractionManager.interactionEnabled && OverlayInteractionManager.I.primaryLaser != this) { multiInteractActive = false; Disable(); } //Activate the laser if it's not on and this overlay uses multi-interact: if (OverlayInteractionManager.interactionEnabled && !isActivated && closest.dpBase.allowMultipuleInteractors) { multiInteractActive = true; Activate(true); } else if (!isActivated) { return(false); } //HIT A NEW OVERLAY //If we hit another overlay, disable interaction on the old overlay. if (targetDP != closest.dpBase && targetDP != null) { targetDP.isBeingInteracted = false; activatedTempEatClick = true; //If interaction isn't globally enabled, we need to turn off this laser when we leave this overlay. if (!OverlayInteractionManager.interactionEnabled && !TheBarManager.isOpened) { Disable(); if (OverlayInteractionManager.inputBlocked) { OverlayInteractionManager.BlockInput(false); } } } targetDP = closest.dpBase; targetDP.isBeingInteracted = true; isInteracting = true; //Show the window bottom: if (OverlayInteractionManager.I.primaryLaser == this) { DPToolbar.I.Target(targetDP); } targetDP.HandleColliderInteracted(this, new List <Vector2>() { closest.results.UVs }); cursorPositions.Add(closest.results.point); //return since we found an overlay for interaction return(true); } //Else, we found no overlays to interact with, so reset the state: //If we were temporarially interacting with a multi-touch overlay, disable this laser again. if (OverlayInteractionManager.interactionEnabled && OverlayInteractionManager.I.primaryLaser != this) { multiInteractActive = false; Disable(); } if (targetDP != null) { targetDP.isBeingInteracted = false; //If interaction isn't globally enabled, we need to turn off this laser when we leave this overlay. if (!OverlayInteractionManager.interactionEnabled && !TheBarManager.isOpened) { Disable(); if (OverlayInteractionManager.inputBlocked) { OverlayInteractionManager.BlockInput(false); } } } targetDP = null; isInteracting = false; return(false); }
private IEnumerator AnchorOverlayDelayed(DPOverlayBase dpBase) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2.5f)); dpBase.SetOverlayTrackedDevice(dpBase.overlay.trackedDevice, 0, false); }
public static void ApplyState(DPOverlayBase dpBase, DPAppSerialized state) { dpBase.overlay.SetWidthInMeters(state.width); dpBase.overlay.SetCurvature(state.curvature); dpBase.useSmoothAnchoring = state.useSmoothAnchoring; dpBase.smoothAnchoringStrength = state.smoothAnchoringStrength; dpBase.useSnapAnchoring = state.useSnapAnchoring; dpBase.snapAnchoringDistance = state.snapAnchoringDistance; dpBase.SetOverlayTransform(state.pos, state.rot); if (state.isAnchoredToTheBar) { TheBarManager.AddAnchoredDP(dpBase); //Apply the position in case the bar hasn't been opened //if (!TheBarManager.hasBeenOpened) dpBase.SetOverlayTransform(state., state.theBarWorldRot, true, true, false); dpBase.SetOverlayTransform(state.pos, state.rot); } else if (state.useSmoothAnchoring) { dpBase.SetOverlayTrackedDevice(state.smoothAnchoringTrackedDevice); } else if (state.useSnapAnchoring) { dpBase.SetOverlayTrackedDevice(state.snapAnchoringTrackedDevice); } else { dpBase.SetOverlayTrackedDevice(state.trackedDevice); } dpBase.isPinned = state.isPinned; dpBase.fpsToCaptureAt = state.captureFPS; dpBase.forceHighCaptureFramerate = state.forceCaptureRate; dpBase.SetOverlayOpacity(state.opacity); dpBase.useLookHiding = state.useLookHiding; dpBase.lookHidingStrength = state.lookHidingStrength; dpBase.lookHidingOpacity = state.lookHidingHideOpacity; dpBase.useDistanceHiding = state.useDistanceHiding; dpBase.distanceHidingDistance = state.distanceHidingDistance; dpBase.distanceHidingOpacity = state.distanceHidingOpacity; dpBase.useWindowCropping = state.useWindowCropping; dpBase.cropAmount = state.cropAmount; dpBase.overlay.SetSBS(state.useSBS, state.sbsCrossedMode); dpBase.useTouchInput = state.useTouchInput; dpBase.alwaysInteract = state.alwaysInteract; dpBase.alwaysInteractBlockInput = state.alwaysInteractBlockInput; dpBase.isInteractable = state.disableInteraction; dpBase.isDraggable = state.disableDragging; dpBase.dpAppParent.isMinimized = state.isMinimized; }