private bool ProcessNextLine(IDOTNode node, out IDOTNode newnode, out bool backup)
            var islast  = false;
            var ismatch = false;

            // Check to see if we have an end match
            if (this.CheckForMatch(this.EndExpressions, node, out newnode))
                node.ProcessingType = DOTProcessingType.Remove;
                islast = true;
            // If we don't have an end match but don't have any Line exressions we're still in the block
            else if ((this.LineExpressions.Count == 0 && this.EndExpressions.Count > 0))
                ismatch = true;
                newnode = new DOTNode()
                    BlockType = this.LineType, NodeType = DOTNodeType.Text, Text = node.Text
            // if we have line expressions we check for a match.
                ismatch = this.CheckForMatch(this.LineExpressions, node, out newnode);
            backup = (!islast) && (!ismatch);
            return(islast ? islast : !ismatch);
        private bool CheckForMatch(List <string> expressions, IDOTNode node, out IDOTNode newnode)
            var ismatch = false;

            newnode = null;
            foreach (var expression in expressions)
                var reg = new Regex(expression);
                if (reg.IsMatch(node.Text))
                    ismatch = true;
                    MatchCollection matches = reg.Matches(node.Text);
                    var             match   = matches[0];
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups[TextGroup].Value))
                        newnode = new DOTNode()
                            BlockType = this.LineType, NodeType = DOTNodeType.Text, Text = match.Groups[TextGroup].Value
        private bool ProcessNextLine(IDOTNode node, out IDOTNode newnode)
            var islast = true;

            newnode = null;
            foreach (var expression in this.Expressions)
                if (Regex.IsMatch(node.Text, expression))
                    islast = false;
                    MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(node.Text, expression);
                    var             match   = matches[0];
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups[TextGroup].Value))
                        newnode = new DOTNode()
                            BlockType = _linetype, NodeType = DOTNodeType.Text, Text = match.Groups[TextGroup].Value
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Markdown to HTML Coverter");

            string workingdir = $"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}\\MD";
            // string workingdir = @"C:\Users\Shaun.Obsidian\source\repos\MD-To-HTML-Converter\MD";

            //// Get the directory
            //var value = string.Empty;
            //Console.Write(string.Concat("Directory to process? (default=", workingdir, ")"));
            //value = Console.ReadLine();
            //workingdir = string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? workingdir : value;

            //// Get the directory
            //value = string.Empty;
            //Console.Write(string.Concat("Show Debug Information? (default=", "Y", ")"));
            //value = Console.ReadLine();
            //var debug = value.ToUpper() == "Y";
            var debug = true;

            // Loop through each MD files in the directory
            foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(workingdir, "*.md"))
                Dot = new DocumentObjectTree()
                    FileName = file
                Dot.RootNode = new DOTNode()
                    NodeType = DOTNodeType.RootNode

                Console.WriteLine($"Reading File: {file}");
                var lines = File.ReadAllLines(file);
                foreach (var line in lines)
                    var dot = new DOTNode()
                        NodeType = DOTNodeType.Raw, Text = line
                Console.WriteLine("Building Document Object Tree");
                if (debug)


                if (debug)

                Console.WriteLine("Running Converters");
                foreach (var converter in Converters)
                    var outputfilename = file.Replace("md", "html");
                    var html           = HTMLConverter.RunConvert(Dot, true);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Writing Output File: {outputfilename}");
                    File.WriteAllText(outputfilename, html);
                    if (debug)